Xavier University Exhibit Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper Proceedings 1972-10-12 Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper Edgecliff olC lege - Cincinnati Follow this and additional works at: http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper Recommended Citation Edgecliff oC llege - Cincinnati, "Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper" (1972). Edgecliff College Newspaper. Book 232. http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper/232 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Proceedings at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE EDGECLIFF Edgecliff Colle~e Vol. 38, No. 3 October 12, 1972 Cincinnati, Ohio Theology department "eates Leaming center fOr students by Annmarie W09C•k browse through the photo album of to educate them for a more firm Sister Ruth's trip to the Holy foundation in their religion." There "He who ia not buay living ia Land, or even eat their lunch on are also four or five students who buay dying" - worda taken from a the rug. have ei:prelllled a desire to be the­ banner in the newly decorated Pam Rohs (left) as Celimene and Patricia Feldman (right) as ology majors. Theology center in AD 402. Open for questions Arsinoe are featured in The Misanthrope opening Oct. 13th in The enthuaiaam of the theology Actlvltln planned the Edgecliff Theatre. And buay living are the instruc­ instructors seems to have been To further the interest in the tors in the Theology department, truly conveyed to the students. In department several activities are Sister Mary Ruth Graf, R.S.M., hia History of Monotheism claaa, being planned for the aemeater. A Mr. Scott Gannon, Rabbi Gerrold Rabbi Levy, of Rockdale Temple, movie entitled "Road Signs on a Levy, ·and Sister Theresa Lowe­ said, ''The reaponae baa been ter­ Merry-Go-Round" ia scheduled to Ching, R.S.M. rific! Students atop to aak ques­ be shown next month for all, fol­ Theatre opens "Create an atmosphere" tions afterwards and aome even lowed by a diacuaaion and party. Being alive baa prompted them came out to visit the temple on Mr. Gannon is alao planning to to form new goals and innovations Jewish holidays." have a profeaaor from Southwest in the department. One of theee in· alao ia Fall season He mentioned that there Miaaouri State University lecture novationa ia the new learning cen­ an emphaaia on the history of Juda­ to the Introduction to Christianity This fall the Edgecliff entertains thoroughly disgusted with society, ter in AD 402 which baa been aet ism in the course because the stu­ claaa on Christianity in the Refor­ you with its opening play, The has no alternative except to go into up in such a way aa ."to creale an dents had ei:preaaed an interest to mation Period. Misanthrope. The play opens the exile and live a hermit's life. weekend of October 13th through atmosphere," in the words of Sister learn more about that. Within the nei:t couple of weeks, The play is directed by Mias the 15th and alao runa the week­ Ruth. The room ia equipped with Mr. Gannon commented that the Introduction to Christianity Barbara Kay, who alao designed end of the 19th through the 21st. tapes, recorders, slides, and books they are ei:periencing larger claaaea claaaea will participate in a first­ the Empire period costumes for A comedy of manners written by and ia colorfully decorated with thia year, while Sister Ruth finds century liturgy, using the original the ladies in this production. banners, flowers and mapa. that in general there is a greater prayers translated from Aramaic Moliere in 1666, The Misanthrope has been updated to 1805. Alceste Joseph Tilford helped by pro­ Students are invited to ait on interest in theology. To appeal to and Greek. Mr. Gannon ei:plained viding a marble-adorned stage unit the rug in the back of the room the atudenta' interests then there that this will be open only to the ia the misanthrope (hater of man­ kind), who insists on being very which Edgecliff students assisted • during claaa or while they are lis­ ia more variety in the courses being claaa, but if interest in it prevails, in building. The stage ia multi­ tening to the tapes or reading. The offered at Edgecliff thia year. another will be conducted for other frank socially in hia opinions. Thia characteristic leads him to quarrel level with a gracefully curving desks, divided into two groups that Introduction to Christianity and students. staircase joining the two floors. face each other, are ao arranged, Self-Realization and Alienation are Several atudenta in the Self­ heatedly with hia good friend, The Misanthrope features David commented S i s t e r Ruth, "that two of the newer couraea. Some of Realization and Alienation claaa Philinte, who accepted uncritically Edwards playing the main charac­ everybody can aee each other . · those to be offered nei:t aemelter have alao requested the formation the frivolous manners of the day. ter, Alceste. Pam Rohs, an Edge­ that there would be a kind of unity include the Problem of Evil, Man's of a discUSBion group outside of Philinte also taunts Alceate in his cliff student, performs in the role in the claaa, and there ia!" Search for God, ~e Church aa a class and Mr. Gannon ia looking love for Celimene, who, as a leader of Celimene. Thia "relaxation in education," Covenant Conupuruty, and Jewish into this. of society, was hypocritical most however, ia not confined to the Culture and Practices. Sister Ruth and Mr. Gannon are of the time. Alceate'a insistence Other supporting characters are class periods but is available to ~ "I find that the students have a open to any other suggestions for upon honesty in all dealings with Patricia Feldman, Terry Murphy, the students at any time. They are· lot of questions," remarked Mr. courses or activities and also ideas people causes him to act unfavor­ and Mike Shooner, from Edgecliff, free to borrow any of the books, Gannon. "We are therefore helping for decorating the learning center. ably toward all hia friends. and Michael Crowe, Benjamin As the play progreaaea, Alceste, Kamin, and Allan Karol. Visitors on campus Edgecliff receives grant Participants simulate UeN. to develop new media lab Soon Edgecliff College will be the center of ·inter­ ita interests and needs. Each school sends three dele­ national attention. On October 20 and 21 United Na­ gates who will attend one of three U.N. committees. Edgecliff College baa received offered in the field, it is an aid to tions delegations from forty countries will descend on The Political Committee is the most important as $4040.00 from the Ohio Board of certification for potential teachers, Regents for the development of a our campus for a meeting of the U.N. General As­ it deals with iSBues of power, military and security and is credited in speech and/ or media lab. That amount is being education. sembly. matters. The Economic Committee decides on the mat.ched with $4000.00 by the col­ There are no prerequisites; it ia Although some may come dressed ir. their national budget and the use of funds. The Social-Ethnic Com­ mittee deals with race relations and cultural issues. lege to be used for the aame pur­ open to all students. Enrollment ia costumes, the delegates are actually area high school pose. The money is being used for limited to 20 students. However, it students. Thirty high schools, from Toledo to Holden­ After each committee session, there will be a meet­ equipment necessary in the estab­ is open studio and all equipment burg, are sending student delegations to Ed1eclifrs ing of all the delegates in the General Assembly. Last year there was a high degree of involvement lishment of a video system in Grace and lab facilities are open for the annual mock U.N. Assembly. Hall which is already wired for use of any student, not just those Since 1960, the History and Political Science de­ at the U.N. The Arab delegation interrupted the General Assembly and asked for a moment of silence closed circuit television. Thus it is in the course. partment hae sponsored the mock U.N. with the goal an ideal location for the housing of Grace Hall 205 will be converted of giving students a firsthand experience in interna­ in which they kneeled on prayer rugs on the floor to praise Allah. this lab. into a media lab over the Christ­ tional politics. Some unrepresented parties, such as the American A new course, "Introduction to mas holidays. This year promises to be interesting in that it is Indians and the Third World Powers, created demon­ Film and Television Techniques," This course will be the second in the first year a delegation will represent the People's strations during the committee meetings. And, as will be offered on Fridays 2: 00 to a series of six projected media 4:30. Although no major is being Republic of China. Moeller High School baa that sometimes happens in actual international politics, courses. honor. The United States and the U.S.S.R. will be there was a kidnapping on the last day. represented by Oak Hilla and Mt. Healthy Schools. Volunteers from Edgecliff are needed both days to Some controversy has arisen in the paat between work as pages and secretaries for the committees. The the delegates from Israel and those from the Arab students in charge of the three committees are Steve Budget forms due Friday countries.
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