1 HISTORICAL STUDY OF PROSTITUTION TRADE IN INDIA : PAST AND PRESENT THE PROJECT SUBMITTED UNDER MINOR RESARCH SCHEME IN HISTORY TO UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION (W. ZONE) BY DR. Smt. S. R. SARODE, M.A. Ph. D. Associate Professor & Head, Department of History, Venutai Chavan College, Karad. Tal. Karad, Dist. Satara (Maharashatra) - 415124. 2015 2 DECLARATION I, the undersigned Dr. Smt. S. R. Sarode, Associate Professor and Head of the Department, Venutai Chavan College, Karad declare that the Minor Research Project entitled “Historical Study of Prostitution Trade in India : Past and Present” sanctioned by University Grant Commission (W. Zone) is carried out by me. The collection of data, references and field observation are undertaken personally. To the best of my knowledge this is the original work and it is not published wholly or partly in any kind. Place : Karad Date : Dr. Smt. S. R. Sarode Principal Investigator 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Minor Research Project entitled “Historical Study of Prostitution Trade in India: Past and Present.” has been completed by me. I would like to acknowledge number of personalities and institutions on this occasion. First of all I should owe my deep sense of gratitude to that ‘Sex Workers’ who shared their emotions with me. I would like to offer my deep gratitude to authorities of University Grants Commission (W. Zone) for sanction and financial support. I am also thankful to Director, BCUD and other authorities of Shivaji University, Kolhapur who forwarded this proposal for financial consideration. I have a deep sense of gratitude with Hon’ble Prakash Pandurang Patil (Bapu), Secretary of Shri. Shivaji Shikshan Sanstha, Karad for his support for this work. I am thankful to Principal Shri. B. N. Kalekar for giving me opportunity for this work. I should owe deep sense of gratitude to Principal Dr. Amar Pande, (N. D. Patil, Night College, Sangli), Smt. Meena Seshu (General- Secretary, SANGRAM (NGO), Sangli), Shri. Shamsuddin Tamboli (Working President, Muslim Satyashodhak Mandal, Pune) for their support. Thanks are due to Professor Dr. Smt. Padmaja Patil, Head, Dept. of History, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Prof. Smt. Mrunalini Shinde, Prof. Dr. N. A. Patil, Prof. Deepak Nagarkar, Prof. Jadhav D. P., Shri. Azharuddin Patel for their support. I am thankful to all the authorities, officers to whom I have contacted for collection. Lastly I should offer my deep emotions with my husband Shri. Ram Sarode, son Rishikesh and my sister Smt. Saee Patil who have given full inspirations to complete this work. Thank to all good wishers. Dr. Smt. S. R. Sarode Associate Professior & Head, Dept. of History Venutai Chavan College, Karad, Dist. Satara. 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. BOOKS 1. 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