THE PRESIDENT 'S APPOI.N'l'MEMTS ""'-'"""y' OV'DfBER 1, 1954 9:-05 8111 (Hon. Harol.d Stas _en, Director. F. o.. A.) OFF THE RRCORD 10:00 am ( • Alex Maldnsk;:y) OFF THE RECORD (Col. Schulz brought ¥...r. MaldnskJ in to eet the Pt-eeident) U:OO Wll Hon . Arthur Bums; Chail'man, Council of Economic Advisors Hon . Gabri 1 Hauge (Usual Monday appointment) ll: 30 am Ron . Charles E, Wilson, Secretary of Def'en e Hon. Robert B.. eraon, Under Secretary ot tense Hon . Cart.er Burg _se, Assi tant Secretary of Defense ( 'th1 is u ondq appointment for the S cr&tary 0£ Detense) 12:15 pa The tollowing joined th ll:,30 gro in the Presid t's oftic-e; Hon. John Foster Dulloe, Secret ey of St te Adm. Arthur W.. Radtord, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Stat.r Ad.Di. Robert B. Camey, Chief of Naval Operations Ron. Robert Cutler 1:00 i:m (LUNCH) 2t00 Hon . Rowlan Hughes, Dir'9ctor, - eau of' the dget Hon. el.son Rockefeller, Under Secreta17 of H. E. W. Hon. Sherman Adam.s B:3S pa The ai4ent and ,,,_ Eisenhower 4epa?"ted the Whit liaa'se and. otor-ed to Station WfOP, CBS. \~ ' 9:00 Pl The Preeident partieipated in an Election · e ·o and TV progt'&Dl. to 9:30 pm THE PRESID T'S APPOINTMENTS TUESDAY, NOVDWER 21 1954 8:30 am (Hon. Robert Outler) (Hon. Ja.taes La.y) (Briefe th resident on N. s. C.) 9:00 a Mr~ Ward M. C~y., Preai.dent, the Overland Corporation, Tol«to, Ohl.o ( • Ganadq asked it he might co.me in and ~ell t.he PNeident about his rec;$nt trip to Europe, especially, Turicq, Greette and Italy.) . 9(~0 (Hon. Sinclair Weeks, creta.ey of Oomme:-ce) OFF THE RECORD {Hon. Sherman Ad s) ( Arreng by Gov mor Adams) 10:30 am Nat.ional Security Council Hon. John Fo ter Dull.es, Secretary of St :t;e Hon. Charles JJ: . ilson, Secretary ot Defense H on~ Raro-ld • Stassen, Dil'ector, F.O•• Hon... rt.hur S. mming, Director, O.D.M. Hon. rge • Humphrey, Secretary o.f the TreaSUl? Hon ... Rowland R. Hughes, Director,. Bw:-eau of the Budget Hon. Hugh M. Hilton, II, :ror the Secretary of the Arrq Hon. Thomas S. Gates, Acting retary of the Na"f7 Adm. rthur • Radford, Chairman, Joint Chief's of Statt Gen. \thew B. Rid.gwq, Chief of Staff of the Army Adm. Robert B. Carney, Chiet of Naval. Operations Gea. Tho s D. lhite, for the Chief of Sta.!f of the Air force Gen. Lemuel C. Shepherd• Jr., Commandant, u. s. Marine Corpa Gen. c. P. Cabell, Acting Director o! Central Intelligence Hon . Robert Cutler, Special Assistant to the eeident Col. Andre J . Goodpaster, iltlte Hour;?e Staff Secretal'f H_n. Bry-ce Harlow, Administrative Assistant to tbe P"aident Hon. J es s. Lay, Jr., Executive Secret.a.ry, N.S. C,. Hon . s. Everett Gleason, Deputy Executive Secretary, ».s.c. 12:30 (LDNCH) 4:00 Hon. John Fos't#er Dull s, Secretal"Y' of State Hon . Charles E,. Wilso 1 Secretar.r ot Defense Admiral Art.bur • dtord, Chairman, J . c. s .. Admiral Robert. B. Cuney, Chier of Ila.val Opera'hiona 6;30 pm The President departed the fuite Hou e and motored to the Caf'ritz Building where be visited the Repub.llcan National CoDJmi\tee's headquarters. The President left the Catrit~ and returned to the White House t.o pick up Mrs. Eisenhower. The eident and . s . E'isenhowel" then motorod to the home ot The Secreta.ey o! the Treasur.r and _ s . Rumphrq, when they remained !or dinner. OVEMBER 2, 1954 Page 2 The Preld.dent and s. Eisenhower departed the Humphreys• esidence and motore to th fiower Hotel, where they visited t.he Citizens for Eisenhower Congressional Committee eting in the il11asneburg Room. Th aid t and s. ·senhower th n left the Haytlower and tored to th Sheraton-P rk Hotel, where they visited t he cretary ot tense and s. ilson. 'n>.e President and s. Eisenhower retumed to the te House. THE PRESID]i)fT•s APPOIN TS OOSDA , OVEXBER 3, 195J. 9:00 .. H.E. Jacques gert the Ambassador of Haiti (Hon. John Sinaona) (The Ambassador asked, thru Stat.e Department, if he might ca.ll on the President and thank him personally tor the help sent. to Haiti by United St tea during Hurricane Hazel) Hon . Geral.d A. Drew, American Ambassador to Bolivia ( ewl.y ap oint.ed and asked, thru Protocol, to y respects t the President before departure for st) 10.100 aa 10:30 811 Prees Con.terence 11:15 am Senator Jose P. Laurel, of the Philippines The Charge d•.Artairee ad interill of the Philippine baeay (Hon . John Sinmone) (Senator Laurel is now in United States s head. o! Philippine Mission to negotiate reYision of 1946 u.s.- Philippine Agree­ ment on Trade and Related t.ters. Appointed by Pre9ident Mag~say as Chief Negotiator on Trade and has a letter from hie Prea1dmt to deliver to President aenhOW'er) 11:30 Hon . John Fo.ter Dulles, Secretary of State Hon . Herbert Hoover, Jr. 1 the Under Secretary of State (Hon. Shennan Adams) (Arranged by n. Cutler - one-halt hour appointment) 12:00 General J . Lawton Colline, USA, United States Representative, Milit.aey Committee and Standing Group, ATO (Gen. Collins called yelfterda;y to ask 1.t he might see the President before learl.ng on a trip) 12:30 pill Hon . John Foster Dulle , Secretary of State Hon . Charles E. Uson, Secretary of De.tense Adm. Arthur w. Rad!ord, Cbainlan, J.c.s. Gen. J. Lawton Collins, USA, U. S. resentative 1100 (LUHCH) (Hon. Allen Dullea, Director of Central Intelligence) (Hon. Robert. Cutler) (Hon . Sherman Adams) (Col. A,ndrew Goodpaster) THE PRESID T' S APPOil'IMENTS THURSDAY, OVFllBER 41 1954 8: .30 aa Hon. Art.bur rtield, The Postmaster General 9:00 am H.E. Pote asin., the Ambassador or Thailand General Ph o Siyanon, Director General of Police ot Thailand Wing Commander Siddi Sa.wet Sila, Aide to General Phao ( • Charles Spruk ., ot Division of Protocol) (Under Secretary of state HoOYer requested t hat the President see General Phao, stating the General i s most important in the political stability ot Thailand and that many !eel h 1s the t'utw.-e cornerstone ot Thailand's security.) 9i.30 am National Security Col.D'lcil (Meeting held in TV room of the White House) Hon. Richard Nixon, The Vice President Hon. John Foster Dulles, Secretary of ate Hon. Charles E. ileon, Secretar;y of tense Hon. Harold E. Stassen, Director., F. O. A. Hon. Arthur s. Flemming, Director, O. D. • Hon. George Hwa,phrey., cretary ot t he Trea8\11"7 Hon. rcival Brundage, Deputy Direct or, Bureau ot the Budget Hon. Val P teraon, Adainistrator, F. c. D. A. Hon. Theodore Streibert, Director, u. S. l. A. Mon. Herbert Hoover, Jr., Under Secretary o! state Hon. Robert Anderson, Deputy cretary of Defense Hon. Robert T. Stevens, Secretary- ot the Army Hon . Thomae S. Gatee, Acting Secret&17 or the aVT Hon. Harold E. Talbott, Secretary of t he Air Force Adm. Arthur · • 'P.adford, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of statt G-en. C. L. Bolte, Vice Chief or Statt of the Army A • Robert B. Camey, Chief of Naval Operations Gen. Nathan F. Twining., Chief' ot Staff' of the Air Force Gen. Lemuel C. Shepherd, Jr., Connandant, U. s. ine Corps Hon. Allen W. Dulles, Director of Central Int lligence Hon. Sherman Ad s, Assistant to t h President Hon. Robert Cutler, Special Assistant t o the President Hon. Uton B. arsons., Deputy Assistant t o t he :Preaident Col. Andrew J . Goodpaster, White House Sta.ft Secretary Hon. Bryce Harlow, dmin1strative Assistant to t he Preeident Commander • ard L. ach, Naval Aide to the President Hon. J. Patrick Coyne, NSC Intemal Security Representative Robert. R. Bowie, ate Department Member Brig. Gen,. C. H. Bonesteel, I II, USA , Defense ember H. Chapman Rose, 'l'reasur;y Depart.aent ber Willia Y. Elliott, Om! Member j. Gen. John K. Gerhart, USA.F, JCS viser Robert ory, Jr., CIA Adviser Ralph • E. id1 Bureau of the dget ber Wll1iam F. Tompkins, Justice Department Observer Roy B. Snapp, Observer Ralph E. Spear, FCDA Obsener Elmer aats, OCB THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 41 1954 Page 2 9:30 am ational • urity Council (Continued) Hon. J. gar Hoover, Chairman, IIC Hon . J. Walter Yeagley, Chairm&n, ICIS ar A • Thomae H. Robbins, Jr. , Director of the Start' Lt. • Harold Bull, ltemate, CIA Dr. y s. Cline, lternate ber; CIA George Weber, ecutin cret for Subcommitt e Commander Cooper B. Bright, U Col. Stuart M. Alley, USA Hon. Ja a s. y, Jr., cutive cret8.17 Hon. S. Everett Gle son, Deputy ecut1: Secretary 1:00 {LUNCH) 2:00 Jal Mr. Morehead atterson Mr. Gerard th, Consultant to the Sec:retaJ.'7 ot state {Hon . Sherman dams) (Arranged by Governor Ad ) 2:.30 Hon. James Murphy, Citizens for Eieenhower Congressional Committee Mrs. Barbara Gunderson, Citizens for Eisenho er Congressional Committee 2t45 Mr. · obert G enhe 4:30 H.K. The een ther arrived at the White Houee 8:00 The President and Mrs. isenhower gav a dinner at the White House tor H.M. The een other. A.musicale iven in the st o following the dinner. PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS FRIDlY, NOVEMBER 51 1954 S:OO The follow had Breakfast with the P eident: ator Uli F.
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