Eisenhower Church of Christ Allah is ot Jehovah – Conclusion In order to squelch negative perceptions of the religion of the 9/11 terrorists, we have been told that world religions are, at core level, basically the same, and that Allah of Islam is the same as the Yahweh (Jehovah) of the Bible. But we have exposed their lie. Here is a summary of the points we made: 1. Jehovah manifested Himself in His only begotten Son. Allah had no Son, and Islam believes the very idea of deity becoming flesh is blasphemous. 2. Jehovah has an immeasurable, personal love for all men manifested in the sacrifice of His Son, and even commands us to love our enemies. No such love characterizes Allah, and according to the Qur’an, Allah’s followers are to hate their enemies, especially the Jews. 3. Jehovah is a “triune being” – one God composed of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Allah is not, and Islam denounces the biblical doctrine of the Godhead or Trinity. 4. Jehovah is infinite in holiness, and for sinful men to have forgiveness and fellowship with Him it was necessary for Christ to make atonement for sin to appease the wrath of God. In Islam, man needs no Savior. Those whose good works outweigh their bad ones are acceptable to Allah. Jehovah is the one God who revealed Himself by His special covenant name to Israel. Allah is a pagan deity, the moon-god of ancient Mecca worshipped along with the other idols by the ancient Arabians; Mohammad simply adopted the moon-god as the one God. To these we add that Jehovah’s Son claims to be the only way to be saved (John 14:6), and the one through whom God gave His final revelation to man (Heb. 1:1-3; Rev. 22:18-19). This rules out the idea that God spoke through Mohammad. One cannot believe in the true Christ of the Bible and Mohammad. While we ought to be kind and respectful to all men, we simply must denounce that false idea that Christianity and Islam are equally valid. If one is true, the other must be false. Investigate, and see which is true. ~Tyler Young Passing Through As I wander down life’s winding path with chasms on each side; I try to keep my eyes on God and with His Word abide. I try to do the many things I know He wants me to; for this earth I’ve little time ‘cause I’m just a passing through. I know that every step I take requires His guiding hand; for danger lurks at every turn t hat bears the devil’s brand. And by myself, I would be lost to seek without a clue; the path to everlasting life while I am passing through. I must remember everyday to quell my foolish pride; for all my efforts, naught would be, with Him by my side. Just like the pilgrim on life’s road I’ve faith in Jesus, Who will guide me in the wilderness while I am passing through. So with bowed head, I ask my Lord, “Correct me when I stray; and give me strength to overcome temptations every day.” Then when my life is finished and my deeds He does review, I’ll know I did my very best while I was passing through. —Thomas Gallagher West Side Church of Christ Muskogee, OK Concerns Hattie Gilmore has a bad ear infection and requests a place in our prayers. Bernadene Johnston is confined at home with knee and foot problems. John and Cecilia Bethune were involved in a car accident Sunday evening, November 21st. They were hit in the back by another vehicle at a stop sign. They were not injured, but their car was totaled. Betty Mims , aunt of Robbie Butler is still in the Good Shepherd Hospital in Longview, TX and is being treated for a Herpes Virus in her brain. Britt Goodman , grandmother of Lindsey Wells had knee surgery the week of November 21st. Cory Jones, the father of Devin Jones is in the hospital in Lubbock. He had complications from a messed up surgery done on his duodenum. He woke up from his induced coma and is out of ICU, but is still on a ventilator. Charlotte Montgomery, aunt of Devida Montgomery was hospitalized with stroke-like symptoms. She is dealing with other health issues as well. Remember to keep all of our sick, shut-ins, the bereaved, our military personnel and the spiritually weak, in your daily prayers. Prayer List Danny Adams; Jean Anderson; Bill & Fran Arbuckle; John Bethune; Leslie Bundick; Aleah & Elijah Carrasco; Chris Clark; Edgar Davis; Lois Deeds; Mark Erwin; Grayson Layne Dempsey; Jewell Dennard; Casey Guynn; Dorothy Harland; Tim Howard; Yvonne Howard; Mandy Johnson; Bethany Lewallen; Rusty Lingle; Michael Mendoza; Nancy Moore; Estella Morolez; Deanie Nunley; Tony Pineda; Grace Register; Kim Sampson; Orville Wagner; Roberta Warford; Jurlean Warren; Lisa Wells; Delora Wood Shut-Ins Fran Hill; Kathy Marshall; Justine McCollum; Virgie Price; Leon Sledge; Mildred Bell Events New Mexico Christian Children’s Home in Portales will be in Odessa on December 15th to pick up the food that the churches have collected for them. They need canned tomatoes, canned fruit and chocolate chips. They also accept monetary contributions. The change cans for the Foster Children’s Home are due back by Sunday, December 5th. Please leave them on the table in the foyer for Larry Roberts to pick up. The Sherwood Church of Christ will be holding a Gospel Meeting December 5th thru the 8th, 2010 with Philip D. Sanders as the guest speaker. The theme is “Why You Should Be a Christian”. A list of the topics for each evening is posted on our bulletin board. Ladies Night will be Tuesday, December 14th at 6:30 p.m. in the Annex. This will be our gift exchange get together. Please bring a homemade gift or a gift of $10.00 or less. Also remember the 5 cans of food or any other non-perishable food items for our pantry and a finger food for our meal. Hope to see you there. It is so much fun!! FYI Watch In Search of the Lord’s Way with Mack Lyon every Sunday morning at 7:30 a.m. on CBS, channel 7. This week’s topic is entitled “Jesus Arose”. Also, tune in to hear Eddie Parrish, of the Brown Trail Church of Christ, present a lesson highlighted on the “Speaking the Truth in Love” program every Sunday at 8:00 a.m. on ABC. Bible Quiz Question Complete this pair of sisters: Rachel and L———. Office News Food coordinator for November is Betty Gerig, 363-8929 Food Coordinators are needed. Please sign up if you are able to do this work. Thoughts to Remember... An acid that eats worse than a cancer is a sour disposition. A man’s wit is disclosed by his words: his worth is shown by his actions. Practice makes perfect, so be careful what you practice! Obedience is the natural and necessary fruit of faith! Character grows in the soil of experience, with the fertilization of example, the moisture of desire, and the sunshine of satisfaction. Happy is the person who renounces everything that places a strain on his conscience. The worst boss anyone can have is a bad habit. Kind actions begin with kind thoughts. When some people yell for tolerance, what they really want is special privileges. The roadway to success is dotted with many tempting parking places. More important than length of life is how we spend each day. God grades on the CROSS > Not the Curve! Opportunities to Serve ovember 28, 2010 A.M. P.M. Announcements Mike Smith Mike Smith Song Leader Irby Gleaton John Wood Sermon Allen Weakland Allen Weakland Opening Prayer Mike Smith Mike Smith Scripture Bill Tolbert Jeff Wesson Second Prayer Burt Groves Charles Wood Closing Prayer Tom Sorenson Jack Wright Lord's Supper West... John Wood Ezekiel Martinez Josh Wells Craig Wesson Rudy Ochoa Kirk McFarland East… Bill Ryan Cody Wesson Larry May Jimmy Nunley Jr. Munoz Other Responsibilities: Elder: Mike Smith 366-6255 — Deacon: Rudy Ochoa 381-0759 — Pulpit: Richard Siler 362-1392 — Table: Tony Marrs 333-4289 — Song Leaders: Ronnie Lane—552-7440 — Recording Duties: George Warren – 550-0805 — Collections: Richard Siler, Rudy Ochoa, Tony Marrs Sunday AM “Ministry of Gratitude” (Luke 4:38-39) Sunday PM “Overcoming Stagnation” (Revelation 3:14-22) Our Records Bible Class ...77 Morning Worship ...133 Evening Worship ...87 Wednesday ...78 Contribution …$4,356.00 .
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