John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 10-30-1935 The aC rroll News- Vol. 16, No. 2 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 16, No. 2" (1935). The Carroll News. 49. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/49 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE CARROLL N EWS Edited For and By the Students of .John Carroll University Vol. XVI CLEVELA.:\D, OHIO, OCTOBER 30, 1935 No.2 Unbeaten Cais Parade Day IDebate Tour11~ey I --··-- IF rosh-Sophs Invade Stadium ,.;,_,_,..............,-------=-- Scheduled to L.-==--===- - Revive Fighting The Come-To-Cleveland Com- mittee of the Cleveland Adver- II Friday Night tising Club is sponsoring a pa- Begm· Nov • Campus Spirit - rade Friday afternoon prior to Blue and Gold Squad Hopes to the Carroll-Reserve game. The Decisions of Supreme Cou~·t to Feeling Runs High as Fresh men Hand Reserve Team Their parade will assemble at East 22 Come Under Ax of Memhe:rs of First Defeat of Season and Euclid Ave. at 4 o'clock and Carroll Oratorical Society Abduct Sophs in Merry Chase will move west on Euclid Ave. Through Heights Forests By Chuck Heaton to the Public Square. "Resolved: that Congress should be A great grid machine will invade the The Carroll band will be permitted to override by a two-third's By Ralphonse Kraft, '38 Stadium on Friday Nov. 1, when the present and Donald Birmingham, majority vote decisions of the 9~preme A new spark of class rivalry has Red Cats of Reserve are entertained by president of the Carrol/ Union, Court declaring acts of Congress un­ shone forth recently at John Carroll. our own Blue Streaks. bas urged a/1 members of the constitutional" is the topic of the an­ - Gone are the days of rugged indi­ Coach Bill Edwards of Reserve has Carroll student body to march nual intramural debating tournament vidualism when freshmen did as they developed a powerful, well-rounded elev­ in this parade. which is sponsored by the John Car­ pleased, when their pride and determi­ en. He bas a strong running attack, a In as much as this is the first roll Oratorical Society. This is the Pi nation held them aloof. beautiful aerial game including numer­ collegiate footba/1 parade in Kappa Delta and 1\.[id-\Vest Debate It had been rumored that Carroll's ous laterals and a dogged defensive unit. which the class of '39 has been Conference topic for 1935. frosh this year were going to 'be a Although his line is somewhat light it able to participate freshman The tournament is scheduled to be­ supercilious lot, doing as they pleased makes up for its lack of weight by its captains are expected to have all gin November 11. A !ready the follow­ and wearing their caps only if and when fast charging and general aggr!essive­ their fellow classmates present. ing teams have signified their irttention it suited their tastes. No sophomore ness. Students from botb Western of entering this year's contes1;: Os­ was going to have anything to say Reserve gave her first warning of ·what Reserve University and John borne-Brentgartner; 1\fc':\Iahon- Deck­ about it. was to be expected in her first real con­ Carroll University will drive man; Sullivan-Hurd; Henry•l\Ieade; Our John Carroll sophomores heard test. She journeyed to Ithaca, New their machines, which are to be Leusch-Lynn; Cavley-Voctory; Lange­ this unflattering rumor wafting o'er the York, to meet Gil Dobie' Big Red team decked in the school's colors, in ~filler; Ferric-Corrigan; M •:: Gee­ campus. "Wait until the freshman caps from Cornell. The week before the Red this affair. Reiley; McCarthy-DeFranco; Stecker­ arrive," they predicted, "we'll see which Cats had easily defeated a rather weak Bielawski; Drain-Szudy; \Vhite-Ciifford. class is boss around the school then." Hillsdale team by playing straight foot­ cured especially for the Chapel. Carroll Host to The caps arrived last week, Tuesday. ball. Plan Smoker In Other questions which the Carroll It was not fifteen minutes after the The Red and White completely out­ debaters will debate this year a~e: "Re­ Philosophy Meet frosh received them that the sophs, played the Ithacans, scoring every quar­ Carroll Gym on solved: that the several states should aided by the ubiquitous Wally Roth had ter and winning 33-19. This was the enact legislation providing for a system December 30, 31 about SO of the yearlings garnered on first time that Reserve had defeated Cor­ of complete medical service available the balcony of the ·cafeteria "ripping" nell since they first met in 1895. Ray December 2 to all citizens at public e..xpense"; "Re­ the school song apart note by note. Zeh, Red and White fullback, proved to John Carroll University will play solved: that the Federal Government Ten minutes later another 50 were col­ be the big gun in the Cat's attack, scor­ The John Carroll gym will again see host to four hundred philosopher& should control the production of cot­ lected on the steps of the administra­ ing 21 points himself and wa on the a first class boxing card on December 2. ton"; ''Resolved: that the sevc!ral na­ when the Annual Meeting of the Amer­ tion building singing until it was audi­ starting end of all the completed passes. A smoker, with eight bouts and enter­ tions should make monoplies of the ican Catholic Philosopher Association ble in the second floor of the chem­ On Oct. 12, the Red Cats journeyed manufacture and sale of combat instru­ tainment has been arranged by a group is held in Cleveland, December 30 and istry building. Knots of frosh almost to Buffalo and defeated the Blues 65-{). ments of war." The Bi;;ons had an extremcl\' weak team of men on the Heights who arc intcr- 31. The Rev. Leonard H. Otting, S. ]., all day could •be seen on various parts c>f thP. ~;am!lus !.'ing1ng t@oliously. and were !'till r «<vetmg fr-om the 55:0 t d m seetng th , on Carron tal<e 'M • '· 1 mfessor ol Ph1l0sophy at Carroll, is Soph Vanishes set-back suffered at the hands of Bald­ the leading place among the Jesuit in­ chairman of the committee arranging win-\Vatlace. OVIDg ID ~ er Evidently the frosh didn't take very stitutions of the nation. The proceeds this meeting. Greatest Showing kindly to all this. For the following All sessions will be held in the Cleve­ The greatest game that Clevelanders from the program are to be given to the day Soph Joe Murphy was suddenly Responlse land Hotel. Each morning three for- ha,·e ever witnessed was played on Oct. president, the Very Rev. Benedict J. Gets missing from the school premises. He mal papers will be delivered. The sub­ 19, when Reserve defeated Baldwin-Wal­ Rodman, S.J., and to be used for the had been around only a few minutes Who is writing "The :Moving Finger''? jects of these papers are: "Philosophy lace 27-14. Neither team scored in the before, but he had vanished. university. That is the big question of 1c hour and Chemistry"; "Philosophy and Bi­ fir t quarter. The Cat scored first early On three other occasions have the peo­ Enter Soph Paul Smith on the scene. among the students, and judgir.g from ol'()gy ;" "Philosophy · and Physics;" in the second period. Ray Zeh faded ple of Cleveland and the Heights dis­ Breathlessly he relayed the informa­ the answers received in the Moving Fin­ "Philosophy and Social Sciences;" and back to hi 30 and heaved a long 45 yard trict enjoyed programs of this nature tion, "They've got Joe Murphy. A ger Contest more than one of the mem­ "Philosophy and Psychology." Each pass to Doc Kelter who shook off sev­ sponsored virtually by the same group gang of frosh have kidnapped him." bers of the Carroll .\'e ·ws staff a:re being of these formal papers will be followed eral tacklers and romped across the goal of men. The new Carroll gym, a year Sophs began to filter in from all marked. However, one guess is just as by discus ion. The afternoon sessions line. Ray Zeh kicked the extra point. and a half ago, before work was re­ parts of the building. "Why the little good as another right now, so jlllst con­ will be devoted to round table discus­ Schoen took the kick off and was downed sumed on the college buildings was the -tar 'em, feather 'em-the nerve," The tinue the game of guessing. swns. on hi own 33 yard line. The Yellow­ scene of the last smoker sponsored by sophs were humbled, humiliated. The l\fore than one bas accused Merriil Dr. Peter Groen, S. T. D., Ph. D., Jackets then uncorked their own "flying the Gesu Men's Club. Twelve hundred idea of the affair-kidnapping a soph­ FitzPatrick as being the author ince the of Our Lady of the Lake Seminary, trapeze" act. and fifty witnessed the snappiest boxing outrageous l It was about 45 minutes initial letters of the title "Moving Fin­ Cle\'eland, will deliver the paper on Norm Schoen took the ball from cen­ card eYer presented in Cleveland, e..xcept­ later that Murphy returned to school ger" also happen to be the edit•or's ini­ "Philosophy and Psychology." Rt.
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