Christmas Stdsl ,(9tor, I,, crow's Nest, ,;,.i -Journal: WOODBRIDGE T0WH«HP*3 f AM** MEWIPAPU Kditor: lay M4 UII Them i ;ar been a 17. 1987 PRICE THUS CENTS i(llM „( your column Weak , ,,,.k; and often thOttHM NOTICE! II.n; ,, appreciate It If you back once ^n awhlU CAUCUS Doe to the Chrijtnvu holi- a rest, for yeart it day and for the convenience A Question of Sportsmanship MUNICIPALITY ABOLISHES SINKING ,, my secret ambition ef our advertiser* the next b- ,mumnisi. I DABE FAILS IN EFFORT •tte Of the LEADER-JOURN- With charges of "poor taartaBftJUsahl*" beta* swrltd M Wood , tll u•;<• the «uff I am en- AL will be pubUahcd on bridce High School by Frank MOartk* eeaak at Carter*, It be- FUND COMMISSION IN RESOLUTION Ttatnday morning, December hooves at to wonder sow hay tte paMle tai Ike Mbaalt have so I remain, TO SELECT COPS ti. Instead of Friday, the um- to raffer became then happens to •* IM-feelbii between two cordially youra, al publication day. high school counts. It appears tt JN that (he athletic het4» Ukc PASSEDBY UNIT WEDNESDAY NIGHT 11 The Ghost Writer. NEW APPOINTMENTS MAY Chib chairmen muat nave too much mthorHy upon thenMetf«> aU at hart one M Ikeat *»» , Note:.. Am taWus> orfanhiUon publicity to this the tod «f tonne that kmn in th*aaMlto ui nnitMwii Board of F.duraljon Must Organize New Commission For BE MADE MONDAY IF . ..THANKS tor office by Tuesday to Itttnrr Now b the time for the athletic r a—Ill 11 M Utt Wortbridf t School Purposes Before January 5.—Municipal Booda Board of Ednrttlon to step in aad e«a«*t wflh «M afaieilc ASM- fill the column. AGREEMENT IS publication. Cancelled (k> Recommendation Of State Auditor—No pint 1 follows:) mittee of the Carteret itaard tat dp* a«t kM what* O* bfauae „»<• REACHED lies and handle the matter ac««rdbifl|r. We do m«4 feel tk»t eWbef Further Ne*d For Municipal Sinking Fund. llllgs,w«ldUfcetoeee.. snd Ceaaar KX- the Woodbrldcr or Carirret sttmtj It fkm puhUe, wtAea to sever Chriateaaa greet- EIGHT TO BE NAMED AVIATOR raUttons. DUNIGAN MUST MAKE APPOINTMENTS v NEW bat an a oer- Whfn ( o»rh McCarthy makai ataurgM M "poor sa«rtaMaaahl>" ;iltll ,tr*et MIftUUNT he should swrep bit own doorstep ttiAi Tbt miast vMperanaii- WOODBRIDGE.—The pro- likf anfle in the whole ease la the (act that McCarthy called the WOODBRIDGE.—As far aa the Township coriimittee » rr»lner placed In SPEAKS TO HOLY Trl ail laundries—fin- posed appointment* to the press toge ther and relesMd a story fall ** bneadaca. The ssorto is concerned, there will be no more sinking fund and the uniinialied • • • Health Woodbridge police force »re scribes thought they were fetal W raetlVe a orlWtal sUtosoent, Board of Education will have to appoint a sinking fund nob Bailey, with a tied up in a well known knot NAME LAST NITE instead It WM a ftnerml dlscBactam bt which the stitotaeat "of commission of its own before the first of the year, accord- , t,iack pajataaa, anas course, that Is not for pubHcatiaav" aa«pred nalta frequently, it ing to :i resolution passed Wednesday night by the present —because it appears that wu Woodbrldge this and Weedtrtige Out and W»«dhrUg« Hie .uippuur free* e«e Ma- JOSEPH ARWAY ELECTED the administration is having other thing—but Cirterrt, h* «gdsi haw y*n believe, was not at sinkinx fund commission. The resolution was passed on a urice to HEAD OF ST. JAMES1 recommendation of the State auditor who has made a com- ordera • difficulty to decide just who fault F. Grelner CROUP plete audit of the commission's books. ndi-r among the 30 gentlemen, If that la sc, how does M>. klcChrthf aemunt for the fact that Woodbridge waa penallaed M yarb wMk Cart«ret waa penalised WOODBRIDGE.~At an en- ~ —— According to O. J. Morgenson, U|l who received among other WOODBaiDGE. - Richard It yards dnrlnt the recent gaoaeT af #a«dbridc« stwws poor thusiastic meeting held Tuw- day night in the Woodrow the Treasurer, there was a surplus A tew things a decided mauling Whatham, vice president of the sportsmanship, how does McCarthy ateMat tor the fact th»t his of $29,107.86 at far as the Town- Casey Jones School of Aeronaut- team was penalised IS yards hrtapii he coached Us boys from Wilson Hotel in New Bruns- FEWaaai during the tests at Wilburtha (240 COLLECTED ship was concerned. The total as- ics and a famous British meterol- fee bench In tbe Woodbridfe-Cartant faneT We make thfe charge wick, Mayor August F. Qjreiii' set*, were 199.i44.0l of which fttr lk i would like to last week, will receive the ogis,t, wa* the speaker of toe eve- without fear becanse it Is a natter ff naard. U apfears that Coach cr was unanimously elected Why an Eliiabeth OOli belonged to the Township and coveted posts. ning at a meeting of thep> Holy McCarthy wore a pair of yeBow J*a^M so that bis team ooald president of the Middlesex $7ii,+26.15 to the schools. In ac~ anvei always THBOWS Name Society of St James' church County Mayor's Association. SO FAR IN SEAL It is known that a caucus was pick up sltnals from the sMeUne*. If Jaat happened that the rereree undance with the recommenda- )iUxrs at our policemen last night in St James 'auditorium. "cauiht on." Is that tportsmansoty, Mr. MeCartht? He succeeds Mayor John Fitz- tions made by the auditors, |29,000 duves through the town held Wednesday night to attempt patrlck of South River. to decide on the candidates, but Mr. Whatham discussed atmos- The Carteret mentw tn Ma lahjnrttw with the preas charged in bonds due 1061, were cancelled \\ ny a certain lady who pheric conditions in relation to The next nveMing of the or- SALE SAYS HEAD m lieu oi cush, saving 4H% over ', up and down Main from all indication*, the Republi- that he had to take "extreme meaaWta to protect hi* boyt." Pop- ganization will be held Tues- \ can member* of the Township com aviation. He related the importance pycock! There were no tsjarfes rtpafttd In the Carteret game a period o( years, and reducing t EVERY day, and who is of meterology and held his audi- day night, January 11 at the : PRISCO HOPES THAT W00D- :iy independent, waa | mittee Just couldn't decide. on either side Colonla Country Club. | the Township debt by (29,000, When asked last night if theence spellbound when he told how When It all simmers aowa, we fast that it is Jut » personal fe*d BKIDUE WILL REACH Morgenson said. aught i» tbe matri- hailstones are formed. ,v;ive , . Why a c«r- new policemen would be appoint- between Mr. McCarthy ud Mr. MtM. McCarthy said Wednes- $1200 QUOTA ed on Monday night, which la the The speaker then related the day night that "most erwyotie b aware that tfcere to no love be- bi i, coat doesn't keep his The recommendations made by final regular meeting night of thestory of the crackup of the fa- tween va." When questkwed by a aw*m of the pre» dartng the WOODBK1DGE.—N. A. PriKe, . pockets aewed ao mous R-34, The accident occurred FIRE CHIEFS TO he auditor were as follows: dtecusshHt, McCarthy wu aak<4: local Seal Sale chairman, an- a:it see nil undies . year, Mayor August F. Grelner during a test flight, he said, "In connection with our exam- he authorities allow said: "Would yon consider resuming relations with Wood bridge if Mr. nounces that a total of $240 has al through negligence brought about Pliaco was not the coarfif" ready been collected in this com- ination it was noted that all mu- neet sidewalks to be "Well, it looks that way but it'sby over-confidence, The ship ran BE HONORED AT nicipal term bonds have been re- The answer was: "I would be the first to reeeaunend that we munity, it up with Xmas trees hard to iay juit yet There ii tointo a aid* of a cliff and both funded. Thui, the municipal sec- Why after a politician is be another caucus before the end resume relations." Mr. Prisco states that Woodbridge front and rear motors were brok- hopes to reacn its quota of |120Vtion of the Sinking Fund can be it of office no ONE of the week and they will decide In other words, Mr. McCarthy would dictate wtw is to be coach losed and discontinued. It is re- o<i word for him . en. Mr. Whatham stated that the in Woodbridfe. Or etse oor team eaoiMt pU> in his back yard. UNNUAL BANQUET and urges all to generously buy then." ship at the time waa but 20 miles commended that the Sinking Fund la beveryon' e la a friend of Committeeman Fred Spencer Just who Is Mr. McCarthy? and use Christmas seals on gifts u away from its base but the two re- AFFAIR SPONSORED TO- well as cards and letters. Commission draw a check in the ,,n IN power. had nothing to say and referred It is our retommeadaUon, as we said before, that the athletic amount of fl7.M, carrying the Irienda: . JWM£ Pla- maining motors had a combined conmUtte** of both boards get boar and> report back their findings MORROW BY PT. READ- "It is especially Important „that the representative of this paper to speed of 15 miles per hour and same over to the Township and in Ke«* ee* ef Cahta ae Committeeman Ernest Nier who *» the public throurh the press.
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