Government of West Bengal Officeofthechiefmedicalofficerofhealth Shyahffayedea§Glp!Iifealba±D±Amae

Government of West Bengal Officeofthechiefmedicalofficerofhealth Shyahffayedea§Glp!Iifealba±D±Amae

Government of West Bengal OfficeoftheChiefMedicalOfficerofHealth ShyaHffayedEa§gLP!iifeaLBa±d±amaE I)ated:-29/01/2019 Me mo No:-Estt./Gr.' D'/Appt/235 OR DER AsperrecormendationofthewestBengalGroupDRecruitmentBoardandinpursuanceofMemo No.HAD/12M-01-19/A34(S8)Dated03-01-2019issuedbytheDHS,WBthefollowingcandidates(102)as mentionedinthecolumnno:111areheretyappointedtemporarilyasGDA(GeneralDutyAttendanointhe PayBandscaleofRs.4900-16200/-ofPB-IwithGradePayofRs.1700/-underWBS(ROPA)Rules2009 plus usual allowances as admissible under Government Orders issued from time to time and posted at the hospital/institutionmentionedagainsttheirnanesinthecolumnno:VIIasperANNEXURE-I(PageNo.I-7) in the existing vacancies. 0ThecandidatesareherebydirectedtodowhoadtheappointmentletterandthePVRfomatfromthe a:P#eerns¥gr::?i{tekeom=:;::#=:=!:Ei::=;£M%dHre|°drterth::S:i:;:s;::fe:e£¥hctirsethaeurthp°,:ctye`oef postingismentioned,within30daysofissuanceofthisol.der,failingofwhichhisthercandidature will be cancelled without any further correspondence. 2) All the candidates have been declared medically fit and the original copy of the medical fitness certificatesare'keptwiththisofficeandtheconcemedACMOH/SuperintendentlBMOHarehereby directedtoarrangeforcollectionfromtheofficeoftheundersignedforfutureofficerecord. 3) TheI.LL-qup`/lll|L.i`/u.Li appointments are --------- made provisionalr-- shoject to satisfactory•___I Police ___:_.+ verification ^..,^.a I;omorof antecedents Cif.n/ire quvR).IncaseofanyadversePoliceVerific-ationReporireceivedagainstanyone.histherService will be terminated forthwith without any further notice. TheyareliabletobetransferredanywherewithinwestBengalintheinterestofpuolicservice. Theappointmentsaeprovisionalandliabletobeterminatedononemonth'snoticeoronemonth's salaryinlieuofonemonth'snoticefromeitherside.>ala+, \\\ ,\\,\+ \,+ \ ,..- `` .----- _ -___ _ ~ ...... I_I_ __ ___ ``JDo I)mlaE-ar`A 6) All the service condition s of Gr. `D' category of staff will be applicable as per WBS Rules and subsequentorders/amendmentsissuedfromtimetotime. 7)TwocopiesdulyfilledPVRFormistobesubmittedbytherespectivecandidatestotheofficeofthe concerned authority at the time of joining. 8) No T.A. & D.A. is admissible forjoining. 9) All concerned are hereby informed. I--, Chief Medical Officer of Health Purba Bardhaman N + rfuL< Memo No:-Estt./G r.'D'/Appt/235/1(144) Dated:-29/01/2019 CoDv fonArarded for information and necessary action to:- 1-6 The Dy.Chief Medical Officer of Health-I/II/Ill, D.M.C.H.O, Z.L.O, D.T.O, Purba Bardhaman with dhection to release Immediately the GDA staff(lf any) who are under transfer as soon as the new appointee joins and send the status report within 7 drys ofjoining. 7-1o. The Treasury Officer, Burdwan Treasury-II/Katwa/Kalna / Durgapur, Purba Bardhaman/Paschim Bardhaman. 11-13. The ACMOH Sadal./Katwa/Kalna, Purba Bardhaman with direction to send the status report within 7 days to the office of the undersig)led. 14-15. The Superintendent Katwa /Kalna, SD Hospital, Purba Bardhaman with direction send the status report within 7 days ofjoining and release Immediately the GDA staff(if any) who are under transfer as soon as the new appointee joins. 16-38. The Superintendent/B.M.0.H, -Kurmun / Borsul / Mahesbati /Adrahati / Memari / Paharhati / Khandoghosh / Bononabagram / Jamtara / Jamalpur / Bhatar / Singot / Pursha / Atghoria / Badla / Srirampur / Purbasthali / Manteswar /Srikhanda / Noapara / Ramjil)anpur / Ketugram / Mongalkote, RII/BPHC, Purba Bardhaman with direction send the status report within 7 days ofjoining and release immediately the GDA staff (if any) who are under transfer as soon as the new appointee Joins & collect the Original Medical Certificate and other documents (Xerox Copy) from the office of the undersigned. 39. The P.N.0, P.T.S, Jagatberh, Purba Bardhaman. 40. The Accounts Officer, CMOH Office, Purba Bardhaman. 41. The Administrative Officer, CMOH Office, Purba Bardhaman. 42. The Head Clerk, CMOH Office, Purba Bardhaman. 43-144.Sri/Smt. for necessary compliance. L-_ o' I,9 of Health o`. ru^++idrpurba Bardhaman MemoNo:-Estt.'/Gr.'D'/Appt/235/1(3) Dated:-29/01/2019 CoDv forwanded for information 1. The D.H.S, Swasthya Bhawan, 29, GN-Block, See - V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700091. 2. The Addl. Director of Health services, Swa8thya Bhawan , 29, GN-Block, Sec -V, Salt Lake city, Kolkata - 700091. 3. The System Coordinator, I.T. Cell, Dept. of Health & Family Welfare Dept., Swasthya Bhawan, Kol-9 With respect to upload the order in the Departmental web8ite. chiefMedfaleaith Purba Bardhaman H . rtyhoiAjL. PU1 L,J> r,uJ L,rJ L,P I,a ® co + 0\ ul ® W ~ P F= IJ,~N uJPIJ tpN ~ u,a rJ W ~u,~ Wro+ J> ua,a, ® uJPIu cO~ =1 roa, ~u ~£ + 5: 3 =: I!i 9I= f': i=9 BE gI® a9 ia gI : E 8I. a !g aC'FI aI€ #:a JI%i Ia)EE ia a)aI ±BI sei 9g I,a ?g i !j gI ;; arn a,Ill C'lT' a'in a,rT' a)rn aP aIll GbIll a) Ct a, a) Ct rnZ IllZ inZ lT'Za IllZ rnZ Z Z Z Z Z Z rltz) Z Z i 8i C,I= I= Ea Ia a. unII 8'I aa,tJi:i ia =aI0EiJii iI J II€seJ r'Iia I3eL'C1 OC?': Ia,C'I8 3®I1a DJ*C1I 9a,B E: 9a < I.8 IaI a, Ia' ;i i; 3 I !i 9Q| i: J3.0® g E I 9S!!ii8a.9. CE'0IaIg= BIr'I;,-i.g OJCLi;t,::i-:±i`0, <8•'OJ;-;3±JFE'± =I1a,Ia Schj`g= SB;gI.;.g =e.'Ei SAI:i;95!Cta, =;5-;iI!JJi B1a,IS <i87t:I!Fga,v,i'=F a,3IiED:`gig|JIF ±+g!`D ===`,.ggEEI; =`ir`_'O i.: gg i.£ I,B01 I)0 L01) tp `a' C';iep ag Fi=i.iE<gaa, S :5 g-:3`D|JIF iEi-:tJraI0 Ii`g =iutCJ =guna OJ IaIa,-IPtt a 5iU,I, =iunC, =0Ia,I aaIa,1 aIa,®tJ aI%tB tIaa, tIt,# =a,IggF.gICi =ag!i`:tCF g `gig=;iJ}B Iga.Dtpa,iI ItIFtl'a,a.I 93.I`;P IE'FBa IgafyBa `1PgBi I`rltIB-Bi `1i,aa,BiI I`r)ga0B eI`r'IIiB giF.iI g±F!g`nPI 39`£ S Ia,3a,I Ia,3DI aIa,Ie'I GDia,i a,3a,J 8' i i 3'30I I03a,I 03a,J 1J0ia'J 8'3I?!a,ICLa, Fia,!§tJ`8! S i u, u tJ, N N hJ ~ lu N N hJ ru ru P r r L, N P a ro co + a, U| ® W N L, a ® 00 1 0\ == hJ ~ u N uJ uJ N u, u, u, N r® uJ ru u, N cO |L' a Ot a u L, ® J> U| ~ ~ u' to L, I, ~ a, u P r a, uJ co ® L, ~ I I Cr, ~ CO U| u, =i =0I.f=I= 8'Ii!C' aIIa 8'Ii§ 9ai§IC 8Ii 55II ?Itla ¥II® IIi0 =i ?# gi a= a'FI =31e2. C\aI iPI Sa aia, 3trI3 Eia B I! ii FI ;i i !i g ;i 'c, a) C1 a) G| a, C1 C1 C' C\ Ct a) a) C| C' al rnZ rr'Z IllZ IllZ IllZ rllZ rnZ inZ inZ inZ IllZ IllZ rT'Z rnZ i inZ inZ i 8I a)atrJCLa' I03a,Ja I®arI= IinEg:1=C3a, Ia,IIB Zi`a,I Z0i C1acl€i;CLa ag±:ia, Zi`a,9!.i;13 B3aatJ- a,%JJ EiiI 53?.! C'!i IB a,3§EL'I IG'I8I 03a,Ir,* i:3i Eg!i aI€ < =aICLa, ;;J i! =aI1a, i9!0iiaa'B. S§®tEJ38.g SPgEtp`.i!i`3 a,IaCLtCi,`=!gFEJEI)DI.a, Gt8i=a,a,=a,®:g=5I`0tIaD ±+=i;EFF8Pd6a`3 53'`a,E'g:ii:a,aIa,`- iu,I3IOt'EgFF9`gtCF t0?`3Iiia,DaIa,3a,I a@`3tIa0PDaI03DItJLIU,I,~r =d,I®5EEF;30iIa0 so03r'Ii±jE =r'IJiI=U,D30I`LPu,tJ|aru gB'.a±E3!`tytEaa, SZ%I!~1tIg =0iFi-iCL`0gaa, 5Ja,1Iaa,tpa,iID3a,I g:`i£:3;gI-; afL5 Et-;iBg`11Eaa, S BI0I0 IEiI ZaI)0 U)IOt'a tz,IB =0Ia, Ai a}a ®EL'Ia,Ia,gg5: B1a, )a,3 7<I0Jag&I; §0I g0 u, =a =aI! Ia,tIr,Pitp a,a,tI`ntC8'tp Dtp=`r,gEEB U,a`1eI8'B II|JCiB a,tI`ntIiB- r,IIt'EaIJ)a, cOaItI8-B =i`; OaItCaE I;i3`: tp1)I`nIIaa, 3.8Pi =89`Ea :Ti:J`r) S tIB- BaIa,3a,I iIeL'ia,J `nPtJ.0 1I030i aIa,3a,I iI0IDI CL.ID30J 0iI03a,J aIa,3tyI I)Eaa, 0iJa,3a,J BiIa'3a,J a,iIa'30J E'§ =F gI,a, via,ICLI#iC'B D<C1aG`EB=E3aa,`1 t,tyiEGtIiC1B a)=@3B`®a)B BtJr3a,SI,€a)B S ; ir I J>~ a a J>U| a a J>~ ®P 8 uJ® W00 0+ a Wu, = U,W i? uNa, uJB 08 NuJu, W8: ~u,C, Nu,W OJg ~U|ul ~8 NulU1 8:~ C3® a £ Su, =i iIiIa,=± aa3g=i Z€=i ==ICtIi gig5 :iiIaf= Fi5I£ gi.iF ±iI€ ;B i!I,I ?a)Ii iC'i iE !I=1 !! i; a'IT'Z a,rnZ ainZ C1lnZ a)rr'Z a,inZ a)rllZ CtIllZ G1rllZ a,rrlZ a|T'Z a,inZ a)inZ a,inZ a,rnZ Gb11,Z i i aJ?0=±=a C1ai,e'aaII tpiJ±a)Ii a)iIE' a§==.a,,z-'O,iI I,a,Eg3 U,Ii§ U,!!a.g I2Ia,Ii i;:30 IIPIa,€iI13 0a,J5-aI0I.8 a,a,F9i i®J=aJ Eigiaa,o] ag < 0 *Ia,I i!a 3 I10 CL0 I.®® t= JEI®i`1CDIa11E'atpDaIa,3a,J >3a,I`='tpIEL'a.1IEaIL'a,0aIty3a,I 5I®IIP.==i-iI!FI0 Z800i.3CDIB`1tCa.a,IJ)a,iIa'3a,J WIi;38I5J`0E'iBaI030J ?9!IJgiaa,9. 3e'I`JtpIa`1iI8'a,DaIa,3DI Iagaai3gi.CE'IL'aItyIIL'I ±+a*E:-gii=.3tIF 2±a,E!:EF-;I`a' 5ITFE=`0I!=5I`IL'|JIF a,0I`e,i!P8- t5-i::`-'aEEij'a,3 =i.!i:gfI8I E'C'II:iPaa' BE1II5` g£;;.1ga =ai S tCia,a,I,I`r)tCiBiIDia,J A'33aa,eI`r,tI8'BaIa,3a,I i:iIICE'tI`®gFtpDiI0,30J PIB9I®Iaa,tpa,aIEL'3a,J tC=IDa)tI`r)E'itpa,iIa,3a,I a,IaaI`IE'i.BaID3a,i aJ0t^I,`IE'iBaI03a,a 5Ia,0aIP,a8i}030I Ia,ia'1^CJ`1FFBaIa,3a,J =iUtaIIIFEiI030i 5I0U,tJ`1giga,aIa,Ia,I BaIa,OI`rttI8'Bara,IaDI =§I`!FF U,=.=EiF-:g IIEDIagg:`;tEa0 t8=:a :iF`:Ei aE.?iI.0`0 Z3a,?iIa'S a,€?iC'I8I S=; ®u, 01W OtrJ 0\r U,1 |n0\ ulu, a a t8 & g ulu u,~ ulI 8 a -E= J>a OJacO a,8 NuJ® J>IuC, ~a J>HP OJ8 W8 Na! NJ>I uJ®rJ ~g £ £ aa ~u,~ =! inIDiIaIia Pi.ILI05i tB5.i0FI.

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