1212121212 1212121212 A selectionA selectionA selectionA selectionof ofDocMusA selectionDocMus of DocMus of ResearchDocMus Research of DocMusResearch Research Publications Publications Research Publications Publications Publications DocMusDocMusDocMus DResearch ocMusResearch DResearchocMus Research Research DocMusDocMusDocMus DResearch ocMusResearch DResearchocMus Research Research PublicationsPublicationsPublicationsPublicationsPublications PublicationsPublicationsPublicationsPublicationsPublications 2. Tuppurainen,2. Tuppurainen,2. Tuppurainen,2. Tuppurainen,2. Tuppurainen,Erkki Erkki Erkki (toim.), (toim.),Erkki (toim.), CodexErkki (toim.), Codex Codex Westh:(toim.), Westh:Codex Westh: Westhin Codex Westh:Westhin Westhin Westh: koodeksin Westhin koodeksin koodeksinWesthin koodeksin koodeksin kirkkolaulutkirkkolaulutkirkkolaulutkirkkolaulut (2012) kirkkolaulut(2012) (2012) (2012) (2012) THE GUITAR IN FINLAND THE BEFORE TWENTIETH CENTURY THE GUITAR IN FINLAND THE BEFORE TWENTIETH CENTURY THE GUITAR IN FINLAND THE BEFORE TWENTIETH CENTURY THE GUITAR IN FINLAND THE BEFORE TWENTIETH CENTURY THE GUITAR IN FINLAND THE BEFORE TWENTIETH CENTURY 4. 4.Anne Anne4. AnneSivuoja,4. Sivuoja, Anne Sivuoja,4. Anne OweSivuoja, Owe Ander, Sivuoja,Owe Ander, Owe Ander, Ulla-Britta Ander, OweUlla-Britta Ulla-Britta Ander, Ulla-Britta Broman-Kananen Broman-KananenUlla-Britta Broman-Kananen Broman-Kananen Broman-Kananen & Jens& Jens& HesselagerJens& Hesselager Jens Hesselager& HesselagerJens (eds.), (eds.),Hesselager (eds.), Opera Opera(eds.), Opera on (eds.), onOperathe the on Move Opera theMove on intheMove intheon Move the theinNordic theNordic Movein theNordic in Nordic the Nordic ‘SO‘SO‘SO‘SO ‘SOTHAT THAT THAT THAT THAT CountriesCountriesCountriesCountries during duringCountries during the duringthe Long theLong during 19ththeLong 19th Long Century the19th Century Long19th Century (2012) Century 19th (2012) (2012)Century (2012) (2012) TheThe Thepresent presentThe presentThe present book book present book is book isa astudyis bookstudy ais study a ofisstudy of thea theofstudy guitar’stheof guitar’s the guitar’sof guitar’sthe history historyguitar’s history history in in Finlandhistory inFinland inFinland Finland inprior priorFinland prior prior prior 5. Marja-Leena5. Marja-Leena5. Marja-Leena5. Marja-Leena5. Juntunen,Marja-Leena Juntunen, Juntunen, Juntunen, Kaiken Kaiken Juntunen, Kaiken lisäksi Kaiken lisäksi lisäksi nainen:Kaiken nainen:lisäksi nainen: Ellenlisäksi nainen: Ellen UrhonEllen nainen: Urhon Ellen Urhon EllenUrhon Urhon IN YOU’ DANCE THAT THE‘SO SOUL WOULD IN YOU’ DANCE THAT THE‘SO SOUL WOULD IN YOU’ DANCE THAT THE‘SO SOUL WOULD IN YOU’ DANCE THAT THE‘SO WOULD SOUL IN YOU’ DANCE THAT THE‘SO SOUL WOULD THETHETHETHETHE SOUL SOUL SOUL SOUL SOUL WOULD WOULD WOULD WOULD WOULD ammatillinenammatillinenammatillinenammatillinen elämäkertaammatillinen elämäkerta elämäkerta elämäkerta (2013) (2013) elämäkerta (2013) (2013) (2013) toto the tothe twentiethtothe twentieth the totwentieth twentieththe century,twentieth century, century, century, a century,asubject subject a subject a subject that a that subject thathas hasthat nothas notthat has beennot been hasnot been researched beennotresearched researched been researched researched before.before.before.before. Each Eachbefore. Each chapter Each chapter chapter Each chapter of of chapterthe theof booktheof book the bookof centres bookthecentres centres book centres around around centres around around a aspecific around specific a specific a specific atheme, specifictheme, theme, theme, theme, 6. 6.Kati Kati6. Hämäläinen, Kati 6.Hämäläinen, Kati Hämäläinen,6. Hämäläinen,Kati Ranskan Hämäläinen, Ranskan Ranskan barokinRanskan barokin Ranskanbarokin gregoriaanisia barokin gregoriaanisia gregoriaanisia barokin gregoriaanisia gregoriaanisiasävelmiä sävelmiä sävelmiä sävelmiä sävelmiä Guillaume-GabrielGuillaume-GabrielGuillaume-GabrielGuillaume-GabrielGuillaume-Gabriel Niversin Niversin Niversin kirjoistaNiversin kirjoista kirjoistaNiversin (2015)kirjoista (2015) kirjoista(2015) (2015) (2015) startingstartingstartingstarting with withstarting with early withearly early withplucked early plucked plucked early plucked instruments instrumentsplucked instruments instruments instruments in in Finland inFinland inFinland Finland inand andFinland andthe the and the andthe the DANCEDANCEDANCEDANCEDANCE IN YOU’ IN YOU’ IN YOU’ IN YOU’ IN YOU’ jukkajukkajukka savijoki jukkasavijoki savijokijukka ’ssavijoki debut’s debut savijoki’s debut concert’s concertdebut concert’s debutat concert atLondon’s London’s atconcert London’s at London’s Wigmore atWigmore London’s Wigmore Wigmore Hall Hall Wigmore Hall Hall Hall beginningsbeginningsbeginningsbeginningsbeginnings of of Finnish Finnishof Finnishof Finnish ofguitar guitarFinnish guitar guitarculture. culture. guitarculture. culture. The Theculture. Thechapters chaptersThe chapters The chapters that chapters that thatfollow followthat follow that follow follow waswas reviewedwas reviewedwas reviewed reviewed wasvery very reviewed favourably very favourably very favourably favourablyvery in in Thefavourably The in Times The Timesin The Times in in in1977.Times The 1977. in TimesSince1977. in Since 1977. Since in 1977.Since Since 7. Matti7. Matti7. MattiHuttunen7. HuttunenMatti Huttunen7. Matti Huttunen & Annikka& Huttunen Annikka & Annikka & AnnikkaKonttori-Gustafsson Konttori-Gustafsson& Annikka Konttori-Gustafsson Konttori-Gustafsson Konttori-Gustafsson (toim.), (toim.), (toim.), (toim.), (toim.), thenthen hethen he hasthen hashe broadened has hethenbroadened has broadened he broadened has his his broadened career hiscareer hiscareer as career asa his solo a as solocareer a guitaristas solo guitarista solo asguitarist a guitarist throughsolo through guitarist through through through “Ijäisen“Ijäisen“Ijäisen nuoruuden”“Ijäisen nuoruuden” nuoruuden”“Ijäisen nuoruuden” musiikkia: musiikkia:nuoruuden” musiikkia: musiikkia: Kirjoituksia Kirjoituksia musiikkia: Kirjoituksia Kirjoituksia 1920-luvun Kirjoituksia1920-luvun 1920-luvun 1920-luvun 1920-luvun introduceintroduceintroduceintroduce theintroduce the country’sthe country’s the country’s country’sthe firstcountry’s first first amateur firstamateur amateurfirst amateur guitarists amateurguitarists guitarists guitarists –guitarists –prominent prominent– prominent– prominent – prominentfigures figures figures figures figures TheTheThe GuitarThe Guitar GuitarThe Guitar in Guitarin Finland inFinland inFinland Finland in Finlandbefore before before before the beforethe theTwentieth Twentieththe Twentieth the Twentieth Twentieth Century Century Century Century Century internationalinternationalinternationalinternational concertsinternational concerts concerts concertsand and recordings. concerts and recordings. and recordings. recordings. and In recordings. Inaddition addition In addition In toaddition tohisIn his addition to his to his to his modernismistamodernismistamodernismistamodernismistamodernismista (2015) (2015) (2015) (2015) (2015) inin music, inmusic, inmusic, music,literaturein literature music, literature literature andliterature and andthe the and finethe fine andthe fine arts finethearts arts amongfine amongarts among arts amongthem them amongthem – them–and and –them anddiscuss – discussand discuss– anddiscuss discuss nativenativenative Finland, nativeFinland, Finland,native Finland,Savijoki Savijoki Finland,Savijoki hasSavijoki has performed Savijokihas performed has performed performed has across across performed across Europe, acrossEurope, Europe, across JapanEurope, Japan Europe,Japan Japan Japan 8. 8.Margit Margit8. Margit8. Rahkonen, Margit Rahkonen,8. Rahkonen, Margit Rahkonen, Annikka AnnikkaRahkonen, Annikka AnnikkaKonttori-Gustafsson Konttori-Gustafsson Annikka Konttori-Gustafsson Konttori-Gustafsson Konttori-Gustafsson & & & & & thethe publicthe publicthe public publicperformancethe performance publicperformance performance performance culture culture culture culture of of theculture theof guitar,theof guitar, the guitar,of guitar, thethe the guitar, salethe sale the saleof of saletheits itsof musicsale itsofmusic itsmusic of music its music andand bothand both and Northboth North bothand North and andNorthboth South and South North and South America. America.South and America. South America. In Inthe America. the In United theUnitedIn theUnited Kingdom,In United Kingdom, the Kingdom, United Kingdom, Kingdom, MarkusMarkusMarkus KuikkaMarkus Kuikka KuikkaMarkus (toim.), Kuikka (toim.), (toim.), Kuikka Kartanoista (toim.), Kartanoista Kartanoista (toim.), Kartanoista kaikkien Kartanoistakaikkien kaikkien soittimeksi:kaikkien soittimeksi: kaikkiensoittimeksi: soittimeksi: soittimeksi: hishis debut hisdebut hisdebut was wasdebut hisfollowed was followed debut was followed byfollowed was by further furtherfollowedby furtherby concerts further concerts by concerts further concertsat atWigmore Wigmoreconcerts at Wigmore at Wigmore Hall, at Hall, Wigmore Hall, Hall, Hall, PianonsoitonPianonsoitonPianonsoitonPianonsoiton historiaaPianonsoiton historiaa historiaa historiaaSuomessa Suomessa historiaa Suomessa Suomessa (2016) (2016) Suomessa (2016) (2016) (2016) andand andthe theand manufacturethe manufacture andthe manufacture manufacturethe manufacture and and anddistribution distribution and distribution anddistribution distribution of of guitar guitarof guitarof guitarstrings. ofstrings. guitarstrings. strings. In In strings.addition, Inaddition, Inaddition, addition, In addition, as aswell
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