June 2005 Adding Value To Your Business CONCURRENT RELEASE REGIONAL NEWSPAPERS REGIONAL NEWSPAPERS This report contains ABC circulation figures for Regional Newspapers Titles not included will be certified as soon as possible, and data can then be sourced from the ABC web-site. Published by: ABC Ltd., Saxon House, 211 High Street, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 1AD Telephone: +44 (0)1442 870800 Facsimile: +44 (0) 1442 200700 E-mail: [email protected] COPYRIGHT © Audit Bureau of Circulations Ltd (by guarantee) 2005 All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced, stored or introduced to a retrieval system, copied or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior permission of the copyright holder. While every effort is taken to ensure that all information published is accurate, the ABC cannot accept responsibility for mistakes or omissions. Regional Newspapers Concurrent Release Report - Jun end 2005 Page Contents xx PAID REGIONAL NEWSPAPERS 4 Daily Newspapers by Country (Mon-Fri) 7 Daily Newspapers by Country (Sat) 10 Daily Newspapers by Country (Mon-Sat) 13 Sunday Newspapers by Country 14 Weekly Newspapers by Primary County 27 Scotland 30 Wales 32 Northern Ireland 34 Republic of Ireland 36 All Editions 39 Group Certificates 41 Daily Titles Ranked by: Actively Purchased Sales by Country 47 Top 100 Weekly Titles Ranked by Actively Purchased Sales FREE REGIONAL NEWSPAPERS 49 Regional Newspapers Free - Listing by County 63 Regional Newspapers Free - Marketing Groups 66 Regional Newspapers Free - Newspapers Ranked by Distribution Size 75 Regional Newspapers Free - Newspaper Groups Ranked by Distribution Size Notes: Actively Purchased includes: Newstrade/Single Copy/Paid Postal Subscriptions/Single Copy Special & Sports Edition Sales Regional Newspapers Concurrent Release Report - Jun end 2005 ABC Regional Newspapers Concurrent Release - Jun 2005.xls Daily Newspapers by Country (Mon-Fri) Period / Noof Effective Publishing Basic CoverPriceat the endof No of PublishingDaysinthe Analysis of Average Net Circulation Per Issue Average Net Circulation Newspaper Title Actively Purchased % Average Average Period Average Year Per Effective Publishing Day Net Net on Net on Newstrade/Single Copy the Period. Sales/Paid Postal Subscriptions Days Circulation Circulation Period Circulation Year Issue Regular Specific Special Sports Multiple %% Multiple Edition Edition Jun end Dec end Jun end At Full At Lower Copy +/- +/- Total Copy Sales Sales 2005 2004 2004 Rate Rate Sales Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Sales Regional Morning - England 14,535 14,500 14,200 14,423 14,290 13,706 Birmingham Post (Mon-Fri) 130 / 126 £0.50 to £0.60 81.0% 14,256 12,936 10.2% 14,360 -0.7% 11,553 11,422 131 2,703 - - - 45,580 45,814 45,627 44,694 44,622 44,415 Bristol - Western Daily Press (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.40 97.3% 45,115 45,002 0.3% 47,051 -4.1% 43,940 42,920 1,020 1,175 - - - 56,788 56,374 56,413 56,268 55,440 54,782 Darlington - The Northern Echo - All Editions (Mon-Fri) Var / Var £0.32 100.0% 55,979 56,213 -0.4% 57,690 -3.0% 55,979 55,037 942 ---- 38,597 38,816 39,046 38,332 38,856 37,689 Ipswich - East Anglian Daily Times (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.47 100.0% 38,538 38,735 -0.5% 40,144 -4.0% 38,538 38,047 491 ---- 52,085 51,195 50,906 50,414 49,494 49,361 Leeds - Yorkshire Post (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.40 100.0% 50,541 51,827 -2.5% 55,454 -8.9% 50,541 50,486 55 ---- 20,049 19,822 19,588 20,170 22,023 19,224 Liverpool Daily Post (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.40 100.0% 20,089 20,241 -0.8% 19,619 2.4% 20,089 20,089 ----- 38,325 37,874 38,133 38,362 38,509 37,989 Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Journal (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.40 96.7% 38,187 38,159 0.1% 39,074 -2.3% 36,943 36,191 752 1,213 31 - - 69,253 68,918 68,602 68,681 68,528 67,800 Norwich - Eastern Daily Press (Mon-Fri) 130 / 126 £0.45 100.0% 68,599 69,029 -0.6% 70,837 -3.2% 68,599 68,546 53 ---- 43,068 42,557 41,957 42,223 42,345 41,970 Plymouth - Western Morning News - All Editions (Mon-Fri) Var / Var £0.40 97.8% 42,325 43,267 -2.2% 43,307 -2.3% 41,401 41,341 60 924 - - - Regional Evening - England 37,704 37,625 37,100 37,195 36,389 35,420 The Argus Sussex (Mon-Fri) 130 / 124 £0.35 100.0% 36,854 38,361 -3.9% 41,383 -10.9% 36,854 35,788 1,066 ---- 20,315 20,166 20,082 19,982 19,850 19,549 Barrow - North West Evening Mail (Mon-Fri) 130 / 123 £0.36 100.0% 19,973 19,752 1.1% 20,210 -1.2% 19,973 19,911 62 ---- 14,226 13,922 14,000 13,705 13,030 13,062 Bath Chronicle (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.35 98.8% 13,686 13,947 -1.9% 14,788 -7.5% 13,531 13,531 - 139 16 - - 97,374 96,613 94,680 95,095 93,182 89,907 Birmingham Evening Mail (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.35 98.4% 94,339 96,143 -1.9% 104,219 -9.5% 92,888 91,781 1,107 1,451 - - - 35,897 36,064 35,126 35,135 34,909 33,427 Bolton Evening News (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.35 100.0% 35,036 35,350 -0.9% 36,162 -3.1% 35,036 34,497 539 ---- 34,275 34,318 34,079 34,514 34,188 33,283 Bournemouth - The Daily Echo (Mon-Fri) 130 / 123 £0.35 100.0% 34,086 33,782 0.9% 34,633 -1.6% 34,086 34,086 ----- 44,318 44,089 44,072 43,655 43,269 42,877 Bradford - Telegraph & Argus (Mon-Fri) 130 / 123 £0.35 100.0% 43,696 45,069 -3.0% 46,584 -6.2% 43,696 43,200 496 ---- 61,784 61,509 61,199 60,857 59,183 58,090 Bristol Evening Post (Mon-Fri) 130 / 123 £0.35 97.7% 60,394 59,444 1.6% 62,159 -2.8% 58,850 56,795 2,055 1,365 - 179 - 16,197 16,267 16,051 15,950 16,323 15,721 Burton Mail (Mon-Fri) 130 / 124 £0.35 100.0% 16,072 16,065 0.0% 16,792 -4.3% 16,072 16,072 ----- 33,520 32,779 32,698 32,654 32,822 32,592 Cambridge Evening News (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.36 97.9% 32,827 32,830 0.0% 34,347 -4.4% 32,160 31,112 1,048 128 539 - - 21,466 18,405 18,368 18,353 18,197 17,313 Carlisle - News and Star East (Mon-Fri) 104 / 100 £0.37 100.0% 18,610 18,143 2.6% 18,072 3.0% 18,610 18,610 ----- 7,762 7,593 7,858 7,770 7,585 7,357 Carlisle - News and Star West (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.37 100.0% 7,649 7,543 1.4% 7,944 -3.7% 7,649 7,640 9 ---- 18,529 18,635 18,665 18,400 18,809 18,210 The Castle Point & Basildon Echo (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.35 100.0% 18,532 18,456 0.4% 19,267 -3.8% 18,532 17,289 1,243 ---- 29,371 29,126 29,259 28,973 29,372 27,971 The Citizen (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.33 98.0% 28,979 28,782 0.7% 29,576 -2.0% 28,415 26,220 2,195 564 - - - 25,700 25,807 25,895 25,294 25,321 24,932 Colchester - Evening Gazette (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.35 100.0% 25,483 26,179 -2.7% 26,981 -5.6% 25,483 23,372 2,111 ---- 57,737 57,840 57,608 57,143 56,932 55,039 Coventry Evening Telegraph & The Pink (Mon-Fri) 130 / 126 £0.35 to £0.40 100.0% 57,000 58,217 -2.1% 61,498 -7.3% 56,352 56,240 112 - - - 648 50,427 49,829 49,587 49,078 48,798 48,164 Derby Evening Telegraph (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.30 98.1% 49,279 49,412 -0.3% 51,364 -4.1% 48,054 47,599 455 893 - 332 - 5,598 5,557 5,538 5,592 5,554 5,385 Doncaster Star (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.32 100.0% 5,532 5,638 -1.9% 7,464 -25.9% 5,532 5,513 19 ---- 26,547 25,334 25,359 25,003 24,577 23,920 Exeter - Express & Echo (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.33 98.0% 25,084 25,627 -2.1% 26,381 -4.9% 24,584 24,508 76 500 - - - 160,208 160,206 159,813 158,379 157,114 153,743 Express & Star (West Midlands) All Editions (Mon-Fri) Var / Var £0.32 99.9% 158,130 157,783 0.2% 164,430 -3.8% 158,082 158,082 - - 48 - - 34,210 34,346 34,829 34,130 33,577 33,155 The Gazette (Mon-Fri) - Blackpool 130 / 125 £0.34 100.0% 34,034 34,890 -2.5% 35,674 -4.6% 34,034 33,664 370 ---- 23,972 23,766 24,344 23,397 23,374 22,711 Gloucestershire Echo (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.33 98.1% 23,582 23,625 -0.2% 23,991 -1.7% 23,156 22,763 393 426 - - - 40,243 39,944 39,277 39,328 39,681 38,114 Grimsby Telegraph (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.32 98.9% 39,364 39,690 -0.8% 40,580 -3.0% 38,517 38,365 152 422 1 424 - 23,901 24,221 24,104 24,563 24,218 23,660 Halifax - Evening Courier (Mon-Fri) 130 / 126 £0.35 100.0% 24,097 23,901 0.8% 25,370 -5.0% 24,097 24,062 35 ---- 21,395 21,331 21,355 21,121 21,263 20,558 Hartlepool Mail (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.34 100.0% 21,153 20,981 0.8% 21,149 0.0% 21,153 20,908 245 ---- 30,122 30,548 30,455 30,359 30,038 29,226 Huddersfield Daily Examiner (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.38 100.0% 30,105 29,953 0.5% 30,992 -2.9% 30,105 30,105 ----- 69,775 69,780 70,158 67,642 66,332 63,935 Hull Daily Mail (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.35 98.2% 67,860 65,607 3.4% 69,183 -1.9% 66,073 65,221 852 1,194 - 593 - 24,435 23,743 22,968 22,102 22,405 23,272 Ipswich - Evening Star (Mon-Fri) 130 / 125 £0.43 98.7% 23,148 24,241 -4.5% 25,481 -9.2% 22,862 22,637 225 - 286 - - Section 01a Page 4 ABC Regional Newspapers Concurrent Release - Jun 2005.xls Daily Newspapers by Country (Mon-Fri) Period / Noof Effective Publishing Basic CoverPriceat the endof No of PublishingDaysinthe Analysis of Average Net Circulation Per Issue Average Net Circulation Newspaper Title Actively Purchased % Average Average Period Average Year Per Effective Publishing Day Net Net on Net on Newstrade/Single Copy the Period.
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