IREGD. GOA - 6 Panaji, 13th April, 1978 (Chaitra 23, 190{)) SERIES II No. 2 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU appointed under even number order dated 15-11-1976, for a GOVERNMENT- OF GOA, DAMAN further period upto 15-4-1978. Shri Modi should handover charge to the Block Development Officer, Daman. AND DIU The services of Shri N. V. Modi, Project Officer stand placed at the disposal -of the Government of Gujarat on Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms expiry of the above mentioned extended deputation period. By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu. Corrigendum - Dr. J. a. Almeida, Development Commissioner. No. 14-8-72-CVO-Div. I. Panaji, 6th April, 1978. Read: __ Government Order No. 14-8-72-Div. I dated 16-3-1978. The .name of IShn D. V. Kaisare' appearing in the afore­ ••• said order may be· read as 'Shri D. V. Coissoro·. local Administration and Welfare Department By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, • Daman and Diu. • Or'CIer V. J. Meneze8, Under Secretary (P~rsonnel). Panaji, 4th April, 1978. N<>. LAWD/BAC/1/78 Government is pleased to _reconstitute the Block Advisory Committees for the eleven Blocks of the Territory of Goa, ••• Daman and Diu, namely Pemem, Bicholim, Satari, Bardez, Tiswadi, Ponda, Salcete, Quepem, Sangue:m, Daman and Diu Home Department (General! as per the list of members shown in the annexure. The Block Advisory Committee will advise the concerned No+jficotion Block Administration on the matters of planning of Schemes. location of Schemes and their execution. No. HD(G)45-2/7}-Prlsons The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the B. A. C. shall be The Government of Goa, Daman and Diu is hereby pleased elected by a secret ballot from amongst the M. L. As and to nominate the following two Social Workers from the Sarpanchas and only the non official members will have--the field of Correctional work and. one Technical expert COD­ right to vote. versant With criminology, as members against Sr. Nos, 15, The B.D.Os of the concerned Blocks will conduct the elec~ 16 and 18, respectively, in the State Advisory Board consti­ tion within 30 days from the date of issue of this Order. tuted.under Notification of even number dated 21-11-1977. The non-official members of the Committee will be entitled 1. Miss Leonor Rangel Ribeiro, ACdil, Porvorim. to TA/DA at the minimum rates admissible to Group lA' 2. Shri Nagindas Hiralal Thakker, Vasco. Officers. The non-official members who are residents at the places where the Committee meets or who resides within 3. Prof. Shri S. R. PhaI, Centre of Post Graduate Ins~ 8 kms. of the place of meeting win draw actual cost of truction and Research, Panaji. conveyance hired subject to a maximum of Rs. 10/w per day. By order and in the, name of the Administrator of Goa, The expenditure on TA/DA will be met from the Budget Daman and Diu. Head of Community Development. The B.D.Os of the concerned Blocks will be the member­ K. B. VerekaT... Under Secretary (Home). -Secretary of the B. A. C. and shall convene the meeting of Panaji, 30th March, 1978. the B.A.C. This supersedes all earlier orders issued in this regard . ... By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu. Planning Department E. N. Rodrigues, Under Secretary (Revenue). Order Panaj, 14th March, 1978. No. 1G-3-76-PLG ANNEXURE Read: Order No. 10-3-76-PLG dated 2-9-76. I. Pernem Block: Read: Order No. 10-3-76-PLG dated 15-11-76. 1) Member of Parliament from North Goa Parliamentary Read: Order No. 10-3-76-PLG dated 28-12-77. Constituency, Shri Amrut Kansar. , 2) M.L.As of the Constituencies coming under Pernem Approval of Government is hereby conveyed for extension Block, namely 0) Shri R. D. Khalap (Mandrem) and of deputation period of Shri N. V. ~odi, Project Officer, (ii) Shri G. D. Mandrenkar (Pernem) •. 4 SERIES II No. Ie 3) All the Sarpanchas of the V. Ps coming under Pernern 2) M.L.As of the C.onstituencies c.oming under Bardez Block. Bl<>ck namely (i) Shri Surendra Sirsat, (Mapusa), (ii) 4,) Mamlatdar, Pernem. Shri Dayanand G. Narvenkar (TIvim), (iii) Shri Raul 5) Zonal Agricultural Officer/Ext. Officer from Agri., H. Fernandes (Calangute) and Chandrakant U. Ch.o~ Deptt. dankar (Siolim). 6} Ext. Officer (Fisheries) from Fisheries Department. 3) All the Sarpanchas of the V. Ps coming under Bardez 7) Veterinary Officer from Animal Husbandry & V. S. Block. Department. 4) Mamlatdar, Bardez. S) Range Forest Officer from Forest Department. 5) Z.onal Agri. Officer/Ext. Officer from Agri. Depart- 9) Asstt. Dist. Education Inspector from Education ment. Department. 6)- Vet. Officer from A. H. & V. S. Department. 10) Health Officer/Medical Officer of the P.H.C./U.H.C. 7) Range Forest Officer from Forest Department. from Health Department/Servic"es. 8) Asst. Dist. Edn. Inspector from Educati.on Department. 11) Extension Officer, Cooperation from the office of 9) H. O./M. O. of the U. H. C. from Health Department. Reg. of Coop. Societies. 10) Ext. Officer (C.ooperati.on) from R. C. S. Office. 12) Extension Officer (Rural Engineering) from P. W. D. 11) Ext. Officer (R. E.) from P. W. D. 13) Representative of All India Women's Conference. ' . 12) Ext. Officer (Fisheries) fr.om Fisheries Department. 14) Representative of Swami Vivekananda Society. Shri 13) 'Rep. of A. I. W. C.onference. Radhakrislma D. Sawant. 14) Rep. of Swami V. SOCiety, Shri Madhav J, Naik. 15) Representative of Gomantak Sevak Samaj, Dr. Praf. 15) Rep. of Gomantak S. Samaj. ' fulla R. 'Hede;" 16) Rep. bf SC/ST. Shri Demu S. Polb. , 16) .Representative' -of' _SC/ST, Shci' Ari8:Ilt Malgaonkar. 17f Rep.' -of' maj. type .of 'Coop. Soc: 'Sbri'Madhukar K. 17) Representative 'of majority ,type :Coop. Society.:; Shri Naik. ; , Milind, A.,_ Des~ai. ., , 18) Rep. .of spI. type of,C.oop. Soc. Shri D. K. Mantrawadi. 18) Representative. of -sp~cU1.1 type Coop~"-_So~iety:, 19) B. D. O. Bardez. 1Q),R D: 0., Pernem. v. Tiswadi Block: II. Bicholim Block:- 1) M. P. fr.om North Goa- ParI. Constituency Shri Amrut 1) Member of Parliament from North. G.oa, Parliamentary Kansar. Constltuertcy,"Shri AmrutKansar: ',,': .." 2) M.L.As .of ~e C.onstituencies c.ol1}ing under Tiswadi 2) M.L.As of the Constituencies c.omIng under ,BichoJirn Bl.ock namely (i) Shri Vinayak'-D; Chodankar (Cum~ Bl.ock, namely (i) Smt. Shashikala Kakodkar (Bicho~ barjua),_ (ii) Dr. Jack de Sequeira_ (St. __ Cr_lJ.z.), (iii) lim) and (ii) Shri Laximikant Surlakar (Pale). Bhri -Madhav Bir, (Panaji) and '(iv) Dr. Shripad 3) All the Sarpanchas .of V. - Ps c.oming under Bicholim Cunk.olienkar (St. Andre). < - Block. 3')' AU the Sarpan,chas of the- V. -Ps, c.oming under 'Tiswadi 4) Mamlatdar, ·Bicholim. Block. 5) Zonal' Agri. Officer/Ext~ Officer from- Agrt Depart~ 4) Mamlatdar, Tiswadi. ment. 5) ;Zonal -Agri-. -Ofifcer/Ext. Officer from'> Agri: .. ,D~part~ 6) Veterinary Officer from A. H. & v. S. Department. ment. • 7) Range F.orest Officer '-from Forest Department. 6) Vet. Officer fr.om A. H. & V" S. Department.· 8) Asstt. Dist. Education Inspector from Edn. Depart~ 7) Range F.orest' Officer fr.om Forest Departmi:nit. ment. ".' . " " 8) Asst. Dist. Edn. Inspect.or. from, Educati.on,: .Depart­ 9') ,He~lth .OffiGer/M., O. of the PHC from Health Depart~ ment. '.;' '"··· .. meIi~. '"'''' _, .... _'.,- 9) H. O.IM. O .. oithe.U. :H.C, from··Health Department. 10) Ext. Officer, Cooperation from R. C. S . .offiqe. 10) Ext. Officer (Coop.) fr.om R. C. S. Office. 11). ~xt._ Officer" {Rur{Ll El1gjne,ering) from _;P_' __ W. D, _, 11) Ext. Officer (R. E.), from P. W. D. 12) Ext." Officer (Fishe,ries) from Fisheries -Department. 12) Ext. Officer (Fisheries) from Fisheries Department. 13) Re'P~ -of 'Ali Itu:lia Women'S ConferEmce.'· - :-., 1'11: Rep. Of Swami 'V._ Society, Shri-, Jaiwantrao S'ardesai. 13) Rep . .of A. I. W. Conference, Smt. Shalini Shirodkar. ~15YRep. qf "Gomantak. ,So Samaj. 14) Rep. of Swami V. ,S.ociety. Shri Naguesh A. Naik. 16) Rep. of SC/ST Shri Yeshwimt Parwar. 15) Rep. of Gomantak S. Samaj. 17) Rep. maj. type"of Co.op., S.ociety Shri Nanda S. Malik. 16) Rep. of SO/ST,_ 'Shri --Balaram Nipanikar. 18) Rep. of SpI. ,type 0, Coop Society Shri Chimdrakant , .. 1,7) ~ep~. <?f, ~aj., typ.e~ of .G.oop . ._S.ocie,ty. S,hr:i Sada Naik . .' . _~rgfL~mkar. _._ " - 18) _Rep. of _spi. type ,of C.ooP. SOCiety.. ' ,9) 'lr D; O. BichOhm.' , 19) B. n; O. Tiswadi. -, Il,:r. -$idarl -B.lock: . VI. Panda Blo.ck: - --',.". 0"' 1): M.,_:P. from North G.oa ParI. C.onstituency Shri Amrut 1) M. P. from South Goa ParI. C.onstit,uency_S:Qri Eduard.o . Kansar.' . > • Faieir.o . 2) M.L.As of the Constituencies coming under Satari 2) M.L,As of" . the ConstituenCies c.oming -under Ponda (i) El.oc,k, namely Shri, Pratapsing Rane (Satari) Bl.oc_k nam~ly" (i) Shri -R.ohidas Naik- (P.onda)" (ii) ',~ ,and (ii) Shri' Laximikant Surlakar- (Pale). Shr{ 'Krishna' -Bandodkar (Marcaim) and (iii)' Shri -. 3}---A-U the.-Sarpa:f\chas of ;the V. Ps coming under Satari Jaiktishna Shirodkar (S-ir.oda). ,Block. 3)' All, the- Sarpanchas of the V. Ps c.oming ·under Ponda 4) Mamlatdar, Satari.
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