474 · CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JANUARY ·5, SENATE. Mr. ELKINS presented the petition of· Isaac D'Isay, hite captain, Twenty-seTenth U. S. Infantry, praying for the enact­ TUESDAY, January 5, 1909: ment of legislation to place on the retired list the names of Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Edward E. Hale. surviving officers mustered out under the provisions of the act The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and ap­ approved July 15, 1870, which was referred to the Committee proved. on Military Affairs. Mr. LONG presented a petition of Local Grange No. 163, ACCOUNTS OF POSTMASTERS. Patrons of Husbandry, of Vinland, Kans., and a petition of The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ sundry citizens of Barton County, Kans., praying for the pas.:­ tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in re­ sage of the so-called "rural parcels-post" and "postal savings SQon!!e to a re olution of May 27, 1908, a letter from the Auditor banks " bills, which were referred to the Committee on Post- for the Post-Office Department, together with a statement show­ Offices and Post-Roads. · · ing the accounts of postmasters who served between July 1, He also presented sundry papers to accompany the bill ( s. 1864, and July 1, 1874, whose accounts have not been readjusted 3158) for the relief of James Tulley, which were referred to the and certified for payment by the Postmaster-General under the Committee on Military Affairs. act of March 3, 1883 (S. Doc. No. 627), which, with the accom· Mr. DICK presented a petition of the Cigar 1\faufacturers' parrying papers, was referred to the Committee on .Appropria­ Association, of Dayton, Ohio, praying for a reduction of the tions and ordered to be printed. duty on Sumatra tobacco, which was referred to the Committee HERBERT J. BROWNE AND W~ G. BALDWIN. on Finance. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ He also presented memorials of sundry citizens of Columbus tion from the Secretary of War, submitting, by direction of the and Portsmouth, in the State of Ohio, remonstrating against President a:Qd in response to a resolution of the 16th ultimo, a the enactment of legislation making the first day of the week report relative to the time when Herbert J. Browne and w. G. a day of rest in the District of Columbia, which were referred Baldwin were employed by the War Department to investigate to the Committee on the District of Columbia. what happened at Brownsville, Tex., on the 13th and 14th of He also presented a petition of the International Associa­ August, 1906, the terms of that employment, etc. (S. Doc. No. tion of American Watch Case Engravers, of Canton, Ohio, pray­ 626), which, with the accompanying paper, was re_ferred to the ing for the enactment of legislation to prohibit the immigration Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. of all Asiatics into the United States and remonstrating against the extension of the right ot naturalization, which was referred ELECTORAL VOTE OF WYOMING. to the Committee on Immigration. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ He also presented petitions of sundry citizens of Mount Ver­ tion from the Secretary of State, transmitting, pursuant to law, non, Waynesville, Barnesville, Geneva, Sabina, Somerset, and ru;t authenticated copy of the certification of the final ascertain­ London, all in the State of Ohio, praying for the pas age of the ment of electors for President and Vice-President appointed in so-called "rural parcels-post" and" postal savings banks" bills, the State of Wyoming, which, with the accompanying paper, was which were referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post­ ordered to be tiled. Roads. ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. Mr. PERKINS presented a petition of the Sacramento Valley A message from the House of Representatives. by Mr. W. J. Development Association, of Sacramento, Cal., praying that an Browning, its Chief Clerk, announced that the Speaker of the appropriation be made to increase the facilities of the 1\fare House had signed the following enrolled bills, and they were Island Navy-Yard in that State, which was referred to the thereupon signed by tile Vice-President: Committee on Naval Affairs. S. 6189. An act granting a right of way to the Southern He also presented a petition of the Chamber of Commerce of Pacific Railroad Company across the Fort Mason Military Res­ Stockton, Cal., praying_ for the. enactment of legislation tfr en­ er'vation in California; and large the powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission rela· H. R. 24832. An act for the relief of citizens of Italy. tive to rate making and giving the right to review changes in PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. rates before they become effective, which was referred to. the Committee on Interstate Commerce. The VICE-PRESIDENT presented memorials of the Citizens' 1\Ir. BURKETT presented an affidavit to accompany the bill Association, of Chicago, Ill.; of the People's Institute, of New ( s. 7362) granting an increase of pension to John C. Aaron, York City, N. Y.; and of the Board of Trade of Baltimore, Md., which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. remonstrating against the adoption of the provision in the cen­ sus bill providing for the appointment of employees in the Cen­ CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR OF VESSELS. sus Office without a competitive examination, which were or­ 1\fr. HA.LE. I present a statement of Washington Lee Capps, dered to lie on the table. Chief Constructor and rear-admiral, United States Navy, and Mr. CULLOM presented a petition of sundry citizens of Wal­ Chief of the Bureau of Construction and Repair, relating to the tham, Ill., praying for the passage of the so--called" postal sav­ construction and repair of vessels. The statement is from the· ings banks· bill," which was referred to the Committee on Post­ hearings of the Committee on Naval Affairs, House of Repre­ Offices and Post-Roads. sentatives, Sixtieth Congress, second session. I move that it Mr. FRYE presented a petition of Local Grange No. 94, be printed as a document and referred to the Committee on Patrons of Husbandry, of Naples, Me., and a petition of sundry Naval Affairs. citizens of the State of Maine, praying for the passage of the The motion was agreed to. so-called " rural parcels-post bill," which were referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. RELIEF TO SUFFERERS l.J.""'i FOREIGN LANDS. Mr. BURROWS presented a petition of Boyne Valley Grange, Mr. HALE. I present a list of acts and re olutions of Con­ No. 1254, Patrons of Husbandry,. of Boyne, Mich., praying for gre s granting relief to the people of foreign nations on account the passage of the so-called "rural parcels-post" and "postal of earthquakes, fire, famine, and so forth. It is the same that­ savings banks" bills, which was referred to the Committee on appears ·in the RECORD this morning. I move that the paper be Post-Offices and Post-Roads. printed as a document and referred to the Committee on Ap­ .Mr. WARNER presented the petition of Louisa Locker, of propriations. Whitewater, Mo., praying that she be granted a pension, which The motion was agreed to. was referred to the Committee on Pensions. REPORTS OF A COMMITTEE. He also presented the petition of John Ward, of Hurdland, Mr. FULTON, from the Committee on Claims, to whom were· Mo., praying that he be granted a pension, which was referred referred the following bills, reported them seyerally without to the Committee on Pensions. amendment and submitted reports thereon: Mr. BOURNE presented a petition of the Commercial Club A bill (H. R. 5461) for the relief of Lawson 1\L Fuller, major, and of the common council of the city of Hood Rivery Oreg., praying that an appropriation be made for the improvement and Ordnance Department, U. S. Army (Report No. 708); and A bill (S. 7918) for the relief of Bernard W. Murray (Report deepening of the channel of the Columbia River in front of the city of Hood Ri•er, in that State, which was referred to the No. 709). Committee on Commerce. BILLS INTRODUCED. l\fr. OWEN. I present the memorial of Vere G:oldthwa.ite, of 1\fr. CULLOJ.\f introduced a. bill ( S. 8117) for the relief ot Boston, :Mass., relati•e to the rights of suffi·age~ I move that Andrew J. Baker, which was read twice by its title ana re­ the memorial be printed as a document and referred to the ferred to the Committee on Claims. Committee on the Judiciary. He also introduced a bill ( S. 8118) granting an increase ot The motion was agreed to. pension to James Y. Gouch, which was read twice by ~ts title 1909. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEN ATE. 475 and, with the accompanying paper, referred to the Committee Mr. McCREARY introduced the following bills, which were on Pensions. severally read twice by their titles and, with the accompanying He also introduced a bill (S. 8119) granting a pension to papers, referred to the Committee on Pensions: Elizabeth Carroll, which was read twice by its title and referred A bill (S. 8145) granting an increase of pension to Gabriel to the Committee on Pensions. Greenleaf; Mr. HOPKINS introduced a bill (S. 8120) for the relief of A bill (S. 8146) granting an increase of pension to Mary A. Martin H. Avey, which was read twice by its title and referred Kerr· to the Committee _on Claims. A bill ( S. 8147) granting an increase of pension to Thomas He also introduced the following bills; which were severally McClure; and read twice by their titles and, with the accompanying papers, A bill ( S.
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