SPEAKERS High-level Conference on the Economy of Wellbeing 18–19 SEPTEMBER 2019 FINLANDIA HALL, HELSINKI, FINLAND This conference is funded by the European Union’s Health Programme (2014–2020). Speakers Aino-Kaisa Pekonen Caroline de la Porte David McDaid Aino-Kaisa Pekonen is Finland’s Minister of Caroline de la Porte is Professor in European David McDaid is Associate Professor in Health Social Affairs and Health. She has served as and comparative welfare policy at Copenha- Policy and Health Economics at the Care Policy Member of Parliament since 2011, focusing in gen Business School. She has previously held and Evaluation Centre, Department of Health particular on questions regarding social and positions at Roskilde University (2013–15) and Policy at the London School of Economics and health policy. Pekonen is a trained Practical the University of Southern Denmark (2007–13). Political Science. He has more than 20 years of Nurse for Social and Health Care and she used to She holds a PhD from the European University research experience working on many different work as a housing counsellor and practical nurse Institute, Italy. Her latest work includes a policy aspects of the economics and policy of mental before being elected as Member of Parliament. analysis on the European pillar of social rights, health and public health. This has included work She has served as Vice-Chair of the Left Alliance written for the Swedish Institute for European on promotion of wellbeing across the life course, and chaired the party’s Parliamentary Group. Pe- policy studies: http://www.sieps.se/globalas- early intervention to improve the life chances of konen has also been active in many civil society sets/publikationer/2019/20192epa and a special young people with mental health problems, sui- tasks, for example as Chair of the Board of the issue ‘The future of the social investment state: cide and self-harm prevention, workplace mental HIV Foundation. politics, policies and outcomes’, Journal of health promotion, and assessing inter-sectoral European Public Policy, 2018 (guest editor with actions to promote health and wellbeing. Busemeyer, Garritzman, and Pavolini). He has acted as an advisor/consultant to interna- tional agencies including the WHO, OECD and Eu- ropean Commission, as well as gov-ernments in Europe and beyond. He has published more than 350 articles and other peer reviewed publications, including a volume on the economics of wellbeing co-edited with Professor Sir Cary Cooper. Ana-Sofia Antunes Daniela Gabor Ana Sofia Antunes was born in Lisbon in 1981. Daniela Gabor is Professor of Economics and She is Secretary of State of Inclusion of People MacroFinance at UWE Bristol. She has published with Disabilities, since 26th of November 2015. on central banking in crisis, on (shadow) banking She graduated in Law from the Faculty of Law of reform, on the European FTT and the Capital the University of Lisbon. She was Legal Adviser Markets Union. She is now working on green of the Lisbon Council for Mobility between 2007 finance and has recently been appointed to the and 2013. In 2010, she became responsible for UK Labour Par-ty’s External Review Group for Elena Rovenskaya the Lisbon Pedestrian Accessibility Plan. In 2013, Finance and Environment. she was nominated the Customer Ombudsman She tweets @DanielaGabor. Dr. Elena Rovenskaya is Program Director of the of the Lisbon Municipal Company for Mobility Advanced Systems Analysis (ASA) program at and Parking (EMEL). Between 2013 and 2015, she the International Institute for Applied Systems was President of the National Board of ACAPO, Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria. Currently the Portuguese Association for the Blind and she also serves as acting Deputy Director Gener- Partially sighted. She is municipal deputy for the al/CEO of IIASA and as acting Program Director Socialist Party in the Municipality of Arganil. Ana of their Evolution and Ecology (EEP) program. Sofia Antunes is the first blind person to hold a She has background in applied mathematics and government position in Portugal. computer science. Her scientific interests lie in the fields of optimization, decision sciences and mathematical modeling of complex socio-envi- health information, the cancer programme, the ronmental systems. As the ASA director, Dr. Rov- pollution related disease programme, the drugs enskaya is leading a team of 35+ scientists who prevention programme, the health monitoring employ latest developments in applied mathe- programme, the health promotion programme, matics and modeling to inform decisions dealing the rare diseases programme and the injury with exceedingly complex, highly volatile, and prevention programme. Most recently, he led inherently uncertain natural and human-made the unit responsible for health determinants and systems of the modern age. inequalities. He was a Commission representative on the Board of the EU Lisbon Drugs Agency, and is currently the Commission representative on the Board of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Con-trol. He also had the charge of dealing with tobacco control issues includ- Kerstin Jorna ing product regulation direc-tives, tobacco advertising, and the WHO international treaty Kerstin Jorna is a German national and a civil negotiations for a tobacco convention. He has servant at the European Commission where she previously worked in other European Commis- has held various positions, amongst others as sion departments dealing with the completion Head of Cabinet of several Commissioners and of the internal market, and on international trade different Director posts in the areas of Intellec- negotiations. He is also an official of the Irish civil tual Property, Innovation and Standards, Single service (on leave). Market Policy, Regulation and Implementation. Ildiko Horvath Since December 2016 she is Deputy Director General in the Economic and Financial Affairs Ildiko Horvath, MD, DMSc is the State Secretary Directorate General. Her areas of responsibil- for Health since the 16th of October 2019 in ity include, amongst others, macroeconomic Hungary. Lately she was Medical Director and surveillance of EU Member States, structural Head of Department of XIV. Pulmonology at the reforms, finance matters including the European National Koranyi Institute for Pulmonology, and a Investment Plan and coordination with inter- professor at the Department of Pulmonology and national financial institutions. Mrs. Jorna is the Head of the Department of Public Health of the Commission nominated Board Member at the Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary. Prof. European Investment Bank. Horvath is specialist in pulmonology and holds a BSc in Health Management. She is one of the lead- ing international experts in exhaled biomarkers and has received prestigious national and international awards for her scientific achievements. Katarina Ivanković Knežević Prof. Horvath is an editorial board member of the Journal of Breath Research and the Pulmonary Since September 2018 Katarina Ivanković Pharmacology and Therapeutics together with Knežević has been the Director for Social Affairs the Hungarian Medicina Thoracalis and she in the Directorate-General for Employment, serves as a reviewer on many international scien- Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European tific journals. Dr. Horvath is the President of the Commission. Her main area of activity is the Hungarian Res-piratory Society, Vice president of modernisation of the European social model the Hungarian Association of Medical Societies through the implementation of the European and the Advocacy Council Chair of the European Pillar of Social Rights. This covers a whole range Respiratory Society. of policies in the Member States, among which measures to tackle poverty and inequality, to Krista Kiuru adapt and modernise social protection sys-tems, and to focus on the needs of specific vulnerable Ms. Krista Kiuru is Finland’s Minister of Family groups. She also oversees the effective im- Affairs and Social Services. She has been Mem- ple-mentation of the European Social Fund and ber of Parliament since 2007. She has previously the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived served as Minister of Housing and Communica- in 8 Member States. tions from 2011 to 2013, as Minister of Education from 2013 to 2014 and as Minister of Education Before the European Commission she was a and Communications from 2014 to 2015. State Secretary in the Ministry of Labour and the Ms. Kiuru is the chairperson of the City Council Pen-sion System of the Republic of Croatia, in of Pori. She holds a Master’s degree in Social which she was responsible for the management Sciences. and imple-mentation of the European Social Fund and other EU instruments aiming at the development of human capital. In the past 20 John F. Ryan years her professional interests have been hu- man rights and gender equality, social policy and John F. Ryan is Director of the Commission employment with particular accent to the labour Public Health, country knowledge, crisis market policies. management directorate since September 2016. Previously, in the same department, he was the Head of Unit re-sponsible for health threats, Lena Hallengren Linas Kukuraitis Maria Kaisa Aula Ms. Hallengren was appointed Minister for Linas Kukuraitis (born in 1978) has served as Ms. Maria Kaisa Aula (born 1962) has a long Health and Social Affairs in January 2019. Her the Minister of Social Security and Labour of the career in parliament, government and civil ser- responsibilities include health care, public health, Republic of Lithuania since December 2016. He vice since early 1990´s. She has worked in the disabilities and social services including care for was the Director of Caritas under Archdiocese of fields of economic policy, human rights and child older people. During the previous administration, Vilnius from 2005-2016 and Head of public entity and family policies. She is Licentiate of Political Ms. Hallengren held the position of Minister the Blessed J. Matulaitis Social Center from 2001 Science by education. for Children, the Elderly and Gender Equality.
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