Cumbria Police and Crime Panel Friday, 19 July 2013 at 11.00 am Town Hall, Barrow, LA14 2LD NB – Please note: (a) A pre-meeting for Panel members only will take place at 10.00 am (b) A map showing the location of the venue and nearby car parks is attached. (c) A training event on confirmatory hearings will take place n the afternoon following the meeting. AGENDA PART 1: ITEMS LIKELY TO BE CONSIDERED IN THE PRESENCE OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2 MEMBERSHIP 3 APPOINTMENT OF CO-OPTED MEMBER To consider a report from the Assistant Director – Legal and Democratic Services (Cumbria County Council) (copy to follow). 4 ELECTION OF CHAIR 5 ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIR 6 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 7 MINUTES To agree as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Police and Crime Panel held on 10 April 2013 (copy enclosed). (Pages 7 - 12) 8 EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC To consider whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any item on the agenda. 9 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION To deal with any questions or petitions received in writing at least 7 working days before the date of the Panel meeting. 10 HOME AFFAIRS SELECT COMMITTEE REPORT To consider reports from: (a) the Senior Scrutiny Manager (copy enclosed) (b) the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee (copy enclosed). (Pages 13 - 62) 11 CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE CHAIR AND THE COMMISSIONER To consider a report from the Assistant Director – Legal and Democratic Services (Cumbria County Council) (copy enclosed). (Pages 63 - 74) 12 POLICE AND CRIME PLAN - MONITORING OF OBJECTIVES To consider a report by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (copy enclosed). (Pages 75 - 78) 13 POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER - ANNUAL REPORT 2012/13 To consider a report by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (copy enclosed). (Pages 79 - 86) 14 POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER - RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY To consider a report from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (copy enclosed). (Pages 87 - 106) 15 POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER - ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY To consider a report from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (copy enclosed). (Pages 107 - 122) 16 POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER - FORWARD PLAN To consider a report from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (copy enclosed). (Pages 123 - 130) 17 COMPLIMENTS AND COMPLAINTS To consider a report from the Monitoring Officer (copy enclosed). (Pages 131 - 136) 18 CUMBRIA POLICE AND CRIME PANEL ANNUAL WORK PROGRAMME To consider a report by the Senior Scrutiny Manager (Cumbria County Council) (copy enclosed). (Pages 137 - 140) 19 CONFIRMATION OF POLICE AND CRIME PANEL GRANT FUNDING FOR 2013/14 To consider a report by the Scrutiny Manager - Cumbria County Council (copy enclosed). (Pages 141 - 142) 20 FEEDBACK FROM POLICE AND CRIME PANEL LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION EVENT - 9 JULY To receive feedback from a PCP event on 9 July – programme attached (Pages 143 - 144) 21 SCHEDULE OF DATES FOR FUTURE MEETINGS (Pages 145 - 146) PART II PART 11: ITEMS LIKELY TO BE CONSIDERED IN THE ABSENCE OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC 22 SUSPENSION OF TEMPORARY CHIEF CONSTABLE To discuss with the Police and Crime Commissioner the suspension of the Temporary Chief Constable. INSPECTION OF PAPERS AND GENERAL QUERIES - if you wish to inspect Minutes or Reports relating to any item on this agenda or have any other general queries about the meeting, please contact: Michael Turner, Democratic Services Manager, the Lonsdale Building, The Courts, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA3 8NA. Telephone No: 01228 226373. Town Hall Public Transport A595 - Whitehaven, Duke Street Dalton By Rail, Barrow - in - Buses Workington Barrow - in - Furness 200 yds Dalton Barrow Furness Station 1/1A, 2, 3/3A, 4/4A, 5, 6, 8 M6 A590 Kendal Barrow A Workington Cumbria A590 5 Approximately 5 minutes by 10, 11, X35, 618, X7 (A591 ) 9 300 yds (A595) LA14 2LD Ul verston 5 taxi. Phone National Rail all stop on Cornwallis Street & A5 90 Enquiries on 0845 484950 for Duke Street. 0 Tel: 01229 894900 all rail information. For more information phone Barrow A5 90 0, 0 k m A 5 9 0 9 0 Fax: 01229 894217 01946 63222 5 A590 - Website: www.barrowbc.gov.uk A M6 Jct 36 0 Barr ow A5 90 Workin gto n A596 M6 A686 N Whi thaven Penrith 0 (A595 ) A591 5 9 Dalton A66 A A66 40 A66 0 Workington A595 A66 A5091 N A592 D A5086 Keswick R K 39 R A66 A Brough P Whitehaven Page 1 A591 A685 A592 M6 A6 D R A595 Tebay A685 Y S E N L A P 38 A W R K D R I V *SEE E Hollywood A591 SECTION Park DETAIL Park A685 A683 Leisure The Dock Centre D Windermere Museum R D U T H K S S E E T T Tesco Kendal H N G AT R E I N T O E G R E A592 D K R K T 37 N P A S A5074 O MMA J U B I L E E O L R D A591 B R I D G E A595 A684 M6 SECTION DETAIL: A595 HIBBERT DUKE ST H (A) CAVENDISH ST O L RD K A683 E A590 R 36 A65 BLAKE ST S Ulverston A590 Disabled T Parking CORNWALLIS S T WALKWAY W Forum 28 A A6 S L Town ce ntre Killington N E Lake A683 Y M A R K E T S T Information R D Centre R Y A590 35 HollywHollywoodwoodw S B A687 A BARROW-IN Park A5087 A65 -FURNESS The DDockDoock D Museumeumum R H Morecambe M6 T R *SEE O D U K Tesco T N (A) N 34 CE Shopping H N E Heysham A683 I VI S T Centre D N D T R S ST POOL R N O T NWALLIS T L c TM A 1997 - 2000 Give Way Ltd OR E Lancaster ST K D 7, 7 k m C R Custom Designed Location Maps (UK). FREEPHONE: 0800 019 0027. D MA ST This page is intentionally left blank Page 2 MEMBERSHIP Name Party Photograph Representing Geoff Labour Copeland Borough Garrity Council Steven Labour Carlisle City Council Bowditch Barrow in Furness Barry Labour Borough Council Doughty Page 3 Celia Tibble Labour Allerdale Borough Council Sid Simpson Conservative Eden District Council l Graham Liberal South Lakeland Vincent Democrat District Council Page 4 Cumbria County Brenda Liberal Council Gray Democrat Helen Conservative Cumbria County Fearon Council Conservative Cumbria County Council John Mallinson Page 5 David Independent Wilson Elected by Cumbrian Independent Councillors – to be nominated Allerdale Borough Council Linda Vance Independent Co-opted Member Vacancy Independent Co-opted Member Page 6 Agenda Item 7 CUMBRIA POLICE AND CRIME PANEL Minutes of a Meeting of the Cumbria Police and Crime Panel held on Wednesday, 10 April 2013 at 2.00 pm at Cleator Moor Civic Hall, Market Square, Cleator Moor, Cumbria, CA25 5AR PRESENT : Mrs C Tibble (Allerdale Borough Council) (Chair) Miss L Vance Mr J Cowell, Cumbria Ms E Furneaux County Council Mr B Doughty, Barrow Mr G Garrity, Copeland Borough Council (Vice- Borough Council Chair) Mr S Simpson, Eden Mr RK Bingham, Cumbria District Council County Council Mr GJ Vincent, South Mr S Bowditch, Carlisle Lakeland District Council City Council Mr D Wilson, Allerdale Borough Council Also in Attendance:- Mr D Harrison - Corporate Director - Safer and Stronger Communities Mr M Turner - Democratic Services Manager Ms T Ingham - Senior Scrutiny Manager Mr M Clement - Safer Communities Manager Mrs LM Graham - Scrutiny Officer Mr R Rhodes - Cumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Mr S Edwards - Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Mrs N Broomfield - Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner PART 1 – ITEMS CONSIDERED IN THE PRESENCE OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS 24 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE An apology for absence was received from Mr. Stephenson. 25 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Page 7 There were no declarations of interest. 26 MINUTES RESOLVED , that the minutes of the meeting of the Police and Crime Panel held on 22 January 2013 be confirmed as correct record and signed by the Chair. 27 EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC There were no items for which the press and public should be excluded. 28 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION There had been no requests to use the public participation scheme. 29 POLICE AND CRIME PLAN Members considered a report which presented an update on the Police and Crime Plan for 2013-17, ‘Making Cumbria an Even Safer Place’, which had been launched on 3 April. The report explained the changes made to the Plan following the Panel’s January meeting, including those resulting from the six-week public consultation. The report also provided details of how the Commissioner was delivering on his commitments to date. The Commissioner advised that the Plan had now been finalised but was a living document and would be reviewed on a regular basis. Following public consultation the final plan had expanded. The particular ssues which the public had raised were • Concerns regarding motor vehicles/dangerous driving • Not enough resources for the police • Hate crime (disability and race) • The visibility of police in communities He continued that he had now launched the Office of Public Engagement and the Office of Victim Services. Existing staff were being used for both Offices and there would be no increase in costs as a result of their establishment. Three secondees were being brought in for 6 months who would develop a strategy aimed at directing funding in the right direction. With regard to the Commissioner’s offer to the district councils to help fund CCTV, he added that this had always been aimed at addressing anti social behaviour and was not specifically for CCTV.
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