iIIaAT8. FATII. red ,tam,.. T. tbr... h ZI ••• At Ihr... h " new 100'. paOCEUED '000 , bl •• Illmp_, L"2 '''roach n valid. 8UGA_, book 'Gar .'amll III ...lid tar rive peund.. 8U0118, b •• t lInell • Partly Cloudy ...... ,. I. J aDd I 10.' IDdoflDIWlI,. OASOLDIE. 15-" n e •• po •• r ••• f.r 'our ,&UOD. an. B · •• 8 · '1 C-t a •• IOWA: Saturday partir clOGb, C·, .aUd r.r "", ,aU..... FVEL OIL, perf... oao , ahr•• ,b five C!oupoa. rood, ...... I... , ,ear'a perlo. THE DAILY IOWAN mUd. f •• t aDd rive ,004. Iowa City's Morning tJewspape, FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY~ APRIL 21, 1945 VOLUMEm NUMBERl" GI'S NAME BRIDGE FOR PRESIDENT TRUMAN Allies Seize Nuernberg; Race Ta .Within Mile of I--tam.burg Reds 7 Miles s~n Francisco C:nference Will Probably- Riots Reported From Berlin LIberalize Dumbarfon Oaks Plan In Berlin WASHINGTON (AP)-Senator just! e so that reasonable men of ton Oaks agreements, through Connally (D.-Tex.) told the sen­ good will shall find in it so much which we can, over t!;le years, Russian Guns ate yesterday that the Dumbarton good, so much emancipation for build up an instrumentality of Hitl., Celebrates 56th Add to Terror Oaks plan lor world organization human hopes, that all lesser great usefulness to the people of Birthday as Reich probably will be liberalized at doubts and disagreements may be the United States." Caused by Bombing San Francisco to provide for more resolved in Its favor." The senate speeches came while Faces Last Stand flexibility in future years. Vandenberi endorsed what he jurists of the United Nations were LONDON, Saturday (AP)-Red UNITED STATES ARMY engineers watch GJ sll'npalnter put tlnlshlnl' touches to a sign Identllylnl' Connally, chairman of the for­ caUed the "sturdy statement" by signing their recommendations for PAR 19, aturday, (.AP)­ army tanks, racing westward for a eign relations committee and his Texas colleague, in which Con­ a world court to be Incorporated Three allied armies raced 88 • lreaclway brld.. e which they built across the Elbe In Germany as "Truman brldl'e" In hOllor or the link-up with American armies, president. United Slates signal cor)18 radiophoto. delegate to San Francisco, was nally said the American delegates in the proposed world organiza­ much as 23 miles outh yester­ have burst 38 milp.s across Berlin's given a rousing ovation after a hold no "slavish devotion" to the tion. dwindling southern escape corri­ day toward Hitler'a redoubt in leave-taking speech in which he precise Dumbarton Oaks formula That voup was unable to avee dor, Moscow revealed last night as Bavaria, captured Nuernberg declared that the American dele­ although they are committed to on the Important Issue of whether the bomb~torn and flaming Ger­ Its principles. and reached within 30 miles of gation is in harmony and the the existing court in the Hague Lake Constance, western bul­ man capital disclosed that Russian United States "has a lofty duty "We shal: not be able to bring should have compulsory jurisdic­ wark of the probable last-stand armor was only even miles from to perform in leading the peoples back an instrument embodyln& tion so that countries can be Mop 'Up its ci ty lim Its. Nazi position deep in the Alps. Cebu of the earth away trom the con­ Yanks perfection," Connally said. "There hauled into court as people are in The Russians were at the "very With the British battering a ----------~~--~~--------------------~---- cepts of rule by the sword." is no instrument extant that does their own lands, or whether their gates" of Berlin and had reached Senator Vandenberg (R.-Mich.), not have somewhere in it things agreement to submit a case will mile from the UhUl'bs of Ham­ its inner defense ring in a yard-by­ also taking leave as another mem­ to which this citizen, that citizen, continue to be required. burg, Germany'a second great­ yard "hell of fire, steel, and blood," 5,000 Enemy Bodies Eleanor Roosevelt ber of the American delegation, or the other citizen, or this coun­ The smaller nations insisted on e t city, and with peace riot 15 Naval (raft Ule enemy said as pe ce riots re­ said he was going "with a sense of try or the other country may ob­ compul sory jurisdiction and the reported raging in Berlin and portedly broke out and the rumble Counted on Field deepest dedication to a supreme ject. question was put over to San Munich, Hitler passed silently Leaves White House of approaching Russian guns added cause." "We cannot, of course, write Francisco with two alternate re­ throueh his 56th and blackest to the terror caused by the round­ He asked the senators not to every line, every phrase, and commendations expressing each birthday. But worse was in store. 6,400,000 Civilians Destro'yed the-clock allied bombing which except a chart for the mlllennium every section of the document point of view. Supreme headquarters declared 20 Army Trucks went on through the night. to come out of Son Francisco, but which will there be subscribed to; A heated debate is expected to n aUy that the union of the west­ Liberated; Control Moscow revealed that a swift, Of Personal Belongings asserted: but there will be amending clauses develop In San Francisco over ern aUies and the Red arml& Soviet breakthrough south of the 33,000 Square Miles Taken to Hyde Park "I have faith that we may per­ In the instrument, probably more the question ot compulsory jurls­ would come In the next lew days. In One Month capital had reached within 18 miles General Ellenhower declared In fect this charter ot peace and liberal than those in the Dumbar- diction. of Dresden, carrying the only re­ MANILA, Saturday (AP)-Gen. c WASHINGTON (AP) - Mrs. --~------------------------------------------- an order of the day that German Douglas MacArthur today an­ maining railroad out of Berlin to GUAM, Saturday (AP)-Fleet Eleanor Roosevelt and her family armies 01 the wellt were "totterlnl' nounced conquest of the central the Nazis' "nalional redoubt." The on the thresbold 01 defeat." headquarters announced today the bade goodbye to the White House Philippines has been completed Russians, sweeping German resis­ 89th Infantry I 3,500 Japs Killed Three great American armies, loss of 15 naval craft between late yesterday after 12 years resi­ tance before them like an aval­ At a Glance- with extermination af all but a dence. the United States Ninth, First and . I rew remnants of the Japanese March 18 and April 18 in the bat­ anche, were 54 m'les from the Third, were coiled and. ready to The former first lady motored By British 14th Army gtlrrison on Cebu. tie of , Okinawa and associated Americans by Berlin's account. Liberates 4,750 strike along the Elbe where by to Union station, where she took With the rail line torn up by re­ German account the Americans He said the Cebu victory, In operations, and said during the the 6 P. m. train for New York. peated American bombing and Today's and Russians were but 54 miles ~hleh 5,000 enemy bodies were same period 100 enemy ships, be­ Accompanying her in two black 500 Americans English Troops with Russian Stormovlks savagely apart. counted on the field Thursday. sides many small craft, were sunk limousines were Lieut. Col. James machine gunning enemy transport Weep With Joy Lunge Within 214 The Germans predicted that cave his forces control of 33,000 and 2,569 enemy aircraft de­ Roosevelt and his wife, Birg. Gen. within and below Berlin, the Ger­ soon the Ninth army would uncork lIIIuare miles of the central and stroyed. Elliott Roooevelt and his wife, mans admitted that the great Red For New Freedom Iowan MiI.s of Rangoon louihern Philippines, liberated Against furious enemy opposi­ Anna Roosevelt Boettle:er, Mrs. a power punch at Berlin from its army offensive was deciding the ... 1r ... bridgehead on the Elbe 52 miles 6,40UOO civilians and reduced tion, Yank amphibious forces, con­ John Roosevelt and Melvina war. A Berlin broadcast said "The WITH THE U. S. ARMY IN AIUes capture Nuernberg; race CALCUTTA (AP)-A BrJtlsh away, con~erting its blows with JaPlDe.e strongholds In the enUre tinuing their all-out push against Thompson, secretary to the late front is v ry near and the rumbl GF.RMAN'l (AP) 1;he 89th. o to mile from Hamburg. 14th army spearhead has killed 0 3,500 Japanese and lunged 70 those of the Russians now at the pblllpplDes' to two-D a v a on strong Japanese lines on southern president's widow. ot guns can b IleaI'd in the center [antry overran several German Mln·danao and Banguio, the sum.­ Okinawa, ground out gains of prisoner of war camps yesterday, mUes south from MeiktJla to within eastern gates of the German capi­ A station wagon filled with lug­ of the city, but out of 4,000,000 Russians reported only seven tal. mer eapltal on I.uzon. Doughboys 1,000 to 1,400 yards yesterday. gage and papel' briefcases followed people, 3,000,000 still are here." liberating 4,750 starved and mis­ miles from Berlin. 21 miles ot Rangoon in the open­ Ire approaching both 01 these. ing 12-day phase ot a campaign Allied bombers loosed destruc­ The assault was started Thurs­ the procession. Mrs. Roosevelt ex" M 0 s cow's communiques an­ tr ated prisoners, IImong them 500 which have been weakened by day, breaking a l3-day deadlock Americans, who wept with the joy to recapture southern Burma, it tion on German defenses north­ pected to spend the night and Sat­ nounced that Russian forces, ad­ Mrs.
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