Operator Perfromance Report Operator Performance Report-1 (OPPR-1) Checked Count of Regis Agenc Packets Demo S. No. Operator ID Operator Name Agency Name trar Registrar Name y ID (in last Errors 30 or ID month) More 1 DOC_RJ_UD_N0091391 Navneet Kumar Bansal 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 64 63 2 DOC_RJ_Ud_NS495790 Arshad Ahmed 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 151 150 3 GLXMJL352356 Rahul Panging 2779 Deputy Commissioner Majuli 118 General Admn. Department 1011 50 4 MOR_BHN320533 Md Usman Ali 2782 Deputy Commissioner Morigaon 118 General Admn. Department 1079 140 5 DCBAR352450 Jakirul Hussain 2786 Office of the Deputy Commissioner 118 General Admn. Department 793 42 6 GAD_BAR_400122 Iliyas Ahmed 2786 Office of the Deputy Commissioner 118 General Admn. Department 258 49 7 DCSSM253083 Mohammed Aminul Islam 2792 Deputy Commissioner South Salmara Mankachar118 General Admn. Department 1706 51 8 SSM_CSPL_03 Moynal Hoque 2792 Deputy Commissioner South Salmara Mankachar118 General Admn. Department 1573 43 9 SSM_CSPL_08 Muzahid Alom Ansari 2792 Deputy Commissioner South Salmara Mankachar118 General Admn. Department 1376 36 10 SSM_CSPL_18 Md Koran Ali 2792 Deputy Commissioner South Salmara Mankachar118 General Admn. Department 1924 72 11 SSM_CSPL_20 Moniruzzaman Sk 2792 Deputy Commissioner South Salmara Mankachar118 General Admn. Department 1121 46 12 SSM_GAD_010 Mohibul Islam 2792 Deputy Commissioner South Salmara Mankachar118 General Admn. Department 1333 51 13 SSM_GAD_021 Afzol Sk 2792 Deputy Commissioner South Salmara Mankachar118 General Admn. Department 659 33 14 BISGLX_328745 Sahjahan Alam 2797 Deputy Commissioner Biswanath 118 General Admn. Department 1264 37 15 GLXLAK_465340 Amin Uddin Ahmed 2798 Deputy commissioner 118 General Admn. Department 1516 43 16 KXJ_PE335998 Prasenajit Ray 2801 Deputy Commissioner Karimganj 118 General Admn. Department 938 35 17 AS_DOP491936 Bhola Shankar Dube 2711 THE CHIEF POSTMASTER GENERAL 804 Indiapost 1295 67 Operator Performance Report-2 (OPPR-2) Checked Regis Agenc Packets Count of BE S. No. Operator ID Operator Name Agency Name trar Registrar Name y ID (in last I Errors 1 <5 ID month) 1 GJASK_ST_NS502854 Bhayani Bansari 0012 UID02 001 UID ASK 1308 1 2 DITCHP_NS293432 Sunil Kumar 0102 Department of IT 102 Govt of Himachal Pradesh 500 1 3 GJ_GOG_MHS_NS117380 Damor Pratapbhai Bhemabhai 0124 Gujarat Social Infrastructure Development124 Society Govt of Gujarat 928 2 4 MH_MOL_Beed_NS026939 Garje Rahul Ajinath 2006 Mahaonline Limited 127 Govt of Maharashtra 944 1 5 OCSA4266 DILIP MAHANANDA 0143 Odisha Computer Appliation Centre 143 Odisha Computer Application Center 281 1 6 OCSR5382 Ranjit Kumar Pradhan 0143 Odisha Computer Appliation Centre 143 Odisha Computer Application Center 968 1 7 OCSR5481 Srikanta Mahakhud 0143 Odisha Computer Appliation Centre 143 Odisha Computer Application Center 443 1 8 NTPL_SUP_NS239188 Dharmendra Kumar Sah 0169 Rural Development Department 169 Rural Development Department Bihar-1 1880 1 9 DCASup034 Rodingliani 2206 Deputy Commissioner 214 Govt. of Mizoram 82 1 10 DOPTN_ER_NS280246 Narayanamoorthy Nasiyanur Muthusamy2726 Department of Posts 804 Indiapost 939 1 11 UP.DOP_NS370403 Sunil Chaudhary 2728 UP Circle Department of Post 804 Indiapost 1185 1 12 MP_820_SJ_NS412595 Pawan Patidar 0820 Madhya Pradesh State Electronics Development820 CorporationMadhya Pradesh Ltd. State Electronics Development Corporation3 Ltd. 1 13 MP_852_GU_NS505200 Sapna Patva 0852 WCD Govt. of MP 852 WCD Govt. of MP 401 1 14 MP_852_RG_NS512001 Devsingh Varma 0852 WCD Govt. of MP 852 WCD Govt. of MP 543 1 15 2084_S_DINESH Dinesh Kumar Kurrey 2084 CHIPS 986 Electronics & Information Technology E&IT Department259 Government of Chhattisgarh1 GoCG Opertor Performance Report-3 (OPPR-3) Regis Count of BE Agenc Checked S. No. Operator ID Operator Name Agency Name trar Registrar Name I Errors 5 or y ID Packets ID more Opertor Performance Report -4 (OPPR-4) Regis Count of BE Agenc Checked S. No. Operator ID Operator Name Agency Name trar Registrar Name II Errors 30 y ID Packets ID or More Operator Performane Report -5 (OPPR-5) Regis Count of BE Agenc Checked S. No. Operator ID Operator Name Agency Name trar Registrar Name III Errors 30 y ID Packets ID or More Operator Performance Report-6 (OPPR-6) POP and Regis Agenc Checked Non-Human S. No. Operator ID Operator Name Agency Name trar Registrar Name y ID Packets Photo ID Errors = 1<5 1 2094CS_NO071930 Vikas Kumar 2094 District IT Society Faridabad 106 FCR Govt of Haryana 2 1 2 2094CS_NS460189 Mahender Kumar 2094 District IT Society Faridabad 106 FCR Govt of Haryana 273 1 3 2099CS_NS113709 Amit Kumar 2099 District IT Society Jind 106 FCR Govt of Haryana 297 1 4 17013ATIRJ Naval Kishor Yadav 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 5 2021ATIBKN Madan Lal Maghawal 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 4 1 6 ACH_NS159013_10_16 Dharmendra Kumar 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 7 cmsrj21_JK Jugal Kishor 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 5 1 8 cmsrj27NS_lokg Lokesh Gakhreja 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 2 1 9 cmsrj27NS_nkkl Naresh Kuamr Kalal 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 4 4 10 CSCRJ_NS132902 Sandeep Kumar Parashar 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 11 dcs-tc8sp018 Waseem Akaram 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 2 2 12 DOC_RJ_BA_NC018414 Anwar Ali 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 13 DOC_RJ_BA_NC034903 Suresh Kumar 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 2 1 14 DOC_RJ_Ba_NC035214 Kuldeep Kumar 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 2 1 15 DOC_RJ_Ba_NC035626 Doula Ram 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 2 2 16 DOC_RJ_Ba_NO079096 Hira Ram 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 17 DOC_RJ_BA_NO101538 Kheta Ram 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 18 DOC_RJ_BA_NS231991 Pramod Tamboli 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 19 DOC_RJ_Bh_NC035216 Kalu Lal Kharol 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 2 1 20 DOC_RJ_Bh_NC035932 Pankaj Kumar Mali 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 21 DOC_RJ_Bh_NO077854 Salman Mohammed Rangrej 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 22 DOC_RJ_BH_NO106903 Banshi Lal Meghvanshi 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 2 1 23 DOC_RJ_BH_NS236766 Lokesh Meena 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 24 DOC_RJ_Bi_NC035522 Sohan Ram 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 25 DOC_RJ_Bu_NC035790 Manish Kumar Nagar 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 2 1 26 DOC_RJ_BU_NS191716 Kiran Kumar Gorwal 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 27 DOC_RJ_Ch_NO111519 Raj Kumar Dhaker 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 28 DOC_RJ_Da_NC036333 Rakesh Kumar Saini 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 2 2 29 DOC_RJ_DH_NO083169 Kanhaiya Lal 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 3 1 30 DOC_RJ_DH_NS295678 Gaurav Singh 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 3 3 31 DOC_RJ_Ha_NC034811 Santosh Kumar 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 32 DOC_RJ_HA_NS028539 Vinod Kumar Bijarnia 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 2 1 33 DOC_RJ_Ja_NC036351 Krishan Kumawat 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 34 DOC_RJ_JA_NO078677 Jitendra Saini 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 35 DOC_RJ_JA_NO079607 Madan Dan 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 36 DOC_RJ_JA_NO101443 Rambabu Sharma 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 37 DOC_RJ_JA_NO107130 Giriraj Kumar Mahawar 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 38 DOC_RJ_Jh_NC036436 Rajesh Kumar 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 39 DOC_RJ_JH_NO079477 Somendra Singh 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 9 1 40 DOC_RJ_JH_NS222442 Madan Lal 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 41 DOC_RJ_Jh_NS473389 Anjali Sharma 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 42 DOC_RJ_JO_NC034851 Bheeya Ram Patel 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 43 DOC_RJ_Jo_NS471302 Mahendra Patel 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 2 1 44 DOC_RJ_KA_NC034765 Omprakash Jatav 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 45 DOC_RJ_KA_NS220320 Dinesh Singh 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 46 DOC_RJ_KO_NS470816 Digpal Singh 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 5 1 47 DOC_RJ_NA_NC034822 Pappu Ram Jat 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 48 DOC_RJ_Na_NC036452 Satya Narayan 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 49 DOC_RJ_Na_NO072923 Balveer Gora 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 50 DOC_RJ_NA_NO092339 Om Prakash 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 51 DOC_RJ_NA_NS266238 Harendra Raliya 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 2 1 52 DOC_RJ_PA_NC034927 Mohammad Rafeeque 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 53 DOC_RJ_PA_NO063193 Jhala Ram Meghwal 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 54 DOC_RJ_RA_NS268555 Roop Narayan Vaishnav 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 55 DOC_RJ_Sa_NS503654 Hemant Kumar Meena 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 56 DOC_RJ_SR_NS318094 Ved Prakash 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 3 2 57 DOC_RJ_To_NC035128 Birdhi Chand Jain 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 58 DOC_RJ_To_NC035549 Vijendra Kumar Bairwa 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 59 DOC_RJ_TO_NS232968 Shabnam 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 2 2 60 DOC_RJ_TO_NS368475 Abdul Wahid 2898 RISL 108 Dept of ITC Govt of Rajasthan 1 1 61 DOC_RJ_Ud_NC035749 Bhopal Singh 2898
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