Central Bedfordshire This meeting will Council Priory House be filmed.* Monks Walk Chicksands, Shefford SG17 5TQ please ask for Sandra Hobbs direct line 0300 300 5257 date 25 June 2015 NOTICE OF MEETING EXECUTIVE Date & Time Tuesday, 7 July 2015 at 9.30 a.m. Venue Committee Room 1, Watling House, High Street North, Dunstable Richard Carr Chief Executive To: The Chairman and Members of the EXECUTIVE: Cllrs J Jamieson − Chairman and Leader of the Council M Jones − Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Health M Versallion − Executive Member for Education and Skills C Hegley − Executive Member for Social Care and Housing and Lead Member for Children’s Services N Young − Executive Member for Regeneration B Spurr − Executive Member for Community Services R Wenham − Executive Member for Corporate Resources A Turner − Executive Member for Stronger Communities All other Members of the Council - on request MEMBERS OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND THIS MEETING Please note the change of venue *This meeting may be filmed by the Council for live and/or subsequent broadcast online at http://www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/modgov/ieListMeetings.aspx?CommitteeId=577 . You can view previous meetings there starting from May 2015. At the start of the meeting the Chairman will confirm if all or part of the meeting will be filmed by the Council. The footage will be on the Council’s website for six months. A copy of it will also be retained in accordance with the Council’s data retention policy. The images and sound recording may be used for training purposes within the Council. By entering the Chamber you are deemed to have consented to being filmed by the Council, including during any representation you might make, and to the possible use of the images and sound recordings made by the Council for webcasting and/or training purposes. Phones and other equipment may also be used to film, audio record, tweet or blog from this meeting by an individual Council member or a member of the public. No part of the meeting room is exempt from public filming unless the meeting resolves to go into exempt session. The use of images or recordings arising from this is not under the Council’s control. AGENDA 1. Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence. 2. Minutes To approve as a correct record, the Minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 31 March 2015. 3. Members' Interests To receive from Members any declarations of interest. 4. Chairman's Announce ments To receive any matters of communication from the Chairman. 5. Petitions To consider petitions received in accordance with the Scheme of Public Participation set out in Annex 2 of Part A4 of the Constitution. The Monitoring Officer has been notified of the following petitions:- 1. To request the Council for Superfast Fibre Broadband in Woburn and the neighbouring villages – 405 signatures. 2. To request the Council to install CCTV in the alleyway behind Morrisons, Leighton Buzzard – 325 signatures. 6. Public Participation To respond to general questions and statements from members of the public in accordance with the Scheme of Public Participation set out in Appendix A of Part A4 of the Constitution. 7. Fo rward Plan of Key Decisions To receive the Forward Plan of Key Decisions for the period 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016. Decisions Item Subject Page Nos. 8. Central Bedfordshire's Five Year Plan: 2015 -20 43 - 62 The purpose of this report is to update Executive on progress in developing the plan and to seek approval for the further engagement process planned for the summer. 9. The Future of Caddington Hall Older Persons Home 63 - 152 To report the outcome of the consultation and propose recommendations for the future of Caddington Hall Older Persons Home. 10. Commissioning of New Middle School Places in 153 - 162 Leighton Buzzard To seek support for the proposed consultation to provide new Middle School places in Leighton Buzzard from September 2016. 11. Proposals to Amalgamate Arlesey Nursery School 163 - 180 and Childcare Centre with Gothic Mede Academy and The Lawns Nursery, Biggleswade with Biggleswade Academy Trust To seek approval to commence consultations and to publish statutory notices on the proposals to amalgamate Arlesey Nursery School and Childcare Centre with Gothic Mede Academy and The Lawns Nursery, Biggleswade with Biggleswade Academy Trust. 12. Proposal to Recommission Primary Specialist 181 - 190 Provision for Autistic Spectrum Condition in Dunstable To consider the proposal to recommission Primary Specialist Provision for Autistic Spectrum Condition in Dunstable. 13. Allocation Policy for Independent Living Schemes 191 - 244 To adopt the Allocations Policy for Independent Living Schemes in Central Bedfordshire. 14. Transfer of Children's Public Health (0 -5 years) 245 - 250 Commissioning to Local Authorities To set out the arrangements for the transfer and makes proposals on the way ahead. Monitoring Matters Item Subject Page Nos. 15. March 2015 Provisional Outturn Revenue Budget 251 - 274 Monitoring (subject to audit) The report sets out the provisional financial outturn position (subject to audit) for 2014/15 as at the end of March 2015. It excludes the Housing Revenue Account which is subject to a separate report. 16. March 20 15 – Capital Budget Monitoring Provisional 275 - 296 Outturn Report (Subject to Audit) The report provides information on the provisional capital outturn for 2014/15 as at March 2015 (subject to audit). 17. March 2014/15 Housing Reve nue Account Budget 297 - 308 Monitoring Provisional Outturn Revenue and Capital Report ( Subject to Audit) The report provides information on the 2014/15 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Provisional Outturn Revenue and Capital position as at March 2015 (subject to audit). 18. 2014/15 Quarter 4 Performance Report 309 - 328 To report on Quarter 4 2014/15 performance for Central Bedfordshire Council’s Medium Term Plan (MTP) indicator set. This agenda gives notice of items to be considered in private as required by Regulations (4) and (5) of The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements)(Meetings and Access to Information)(England) Regulations 2012. Details of any representations received by the Executive about why any of the above exempt decisions should be considered in public: none at the time of publication of the agenda. If representations are received they will be published separately, together with the statement given in response This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 2 Page 7 CENTRAL BEDFORDSHIRE COUNCIL At a meeting of the EXECUTIVE held in the Council Chamber, Priory House, Monks Walk, Shefford on Tuesday, 31 March 2015. PRESENT Cllr J G Jamieson (Chairman) Cllr M R Jones (Vice-Chairman) Executive Cllrs C Hegley Cllrs Mrs P E Turner MBE Members: B J Spurr M A G Versallion R C Stay J N Young Deputy Cllrs A D Brown Cllrs A M Turner Executive Mrs S Clark B Wells Members: A L Dodwell R D Wenham D J Hopkin Apologies for Deputy Cllr I Dalgarno Absence: Executive Member Members in Attendance: Cllrs P N Aldis Cllrs Ms A M W Graham Mrs A Barker D Jones A R Bastable K C Matthews R D Berry D McVicar M C Blair J Murray D Bowater Mrs M Mustoe C C Gomm T Nicols Mrs S A Goodc hild Officers in Attendance Mrs D Broadbent- Director of Improvement and Clarke Corporate Services Mr R Carr Chief Executive Mrs M Clay Chief Legal and Democratic Services Officer Mr M Coiffait Director of Community Services Mr R Fox Head of Development Planning and Housing Strategy Mrs S Hobbs Committee Services Officer Mr G Jones Assistant Director Children's Services Operations Mr J Longhurst Director of Regeneration and Business Mrs J Ogley Director of Social Care, Health and Housing Mr R Parsons Head of School Organisation and Capital Planning Mr C Warboys Chief Finance Officer Agenda Item 2 Exec - 31.03.15 Page 8 Page 2 E/14/125. Minutes RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 10 February 2015 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. E/14/126. Members' Interests Councillor Matthews declared a personal interest in item 13 ‘Commissioning of New School Places in Leighton Linslade and Cranfield’ as he was at Governor at Cranfield Church of England Academy. E/14/127. Chairman's Announcements Item 13 ‘Commis sioning of New School Places in Leighton Linslade and Cranfield’ would be considered after item 8 ‘Draft Central Bedfordshire Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Preparing for Adulthood Strategy (14-25)’. Item 20 ‘Quarter 3 Performance Report’ woul d be considered after item 17 ‘Community Safety Partnership Plan 2015 – 2016’. The Chairman welcomed the improvements to the pool and changing rooms at Houghton Regis Leisure Centre. A joint initiative between the Council, Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity and Bigglesade Town Council had created a green corridor for walking and cycling around Biggleswade. The landmark Biggleswade Green Wheel project had been launched at Jordans Mill on 22 March 2015. The second campus ‘Forest End’ at Church End Lo wer School, Marston Moretaine had been officially opened. All pupils transferring to secondary and upper schools across Central Bedfordshire in September 2015 had secured their first choice preference. E/14/128. Petitions Councillor Murray presented a petition on behalf of the lead petitioner, Mr Worley that requested the Council to consider extending traffic calming measures to include Weatherby and Hillcroft in Dunstable. The Leader advised Councillor Murray that the petition would be considered by the Executive Member for Community Services at the next delegated decisions meeting. Agenda Item 2 Exec - 31.03.15 Page 9 Page 3 E/14/129. Public Participation The Chairman had received requests to speak on item 8 ‘Draft Central Bedfordshire Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Preparing for Adulthood Strategy (14-25)’ and item 13 ‘Commissioning of New School Places in Leighton Linslade and Cranfield’.
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