The Tennessee Genealogical Magazing "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS --­ 41 .... ~~-- ......----- . < ... -_... - ,,'' ~ ... 0 ..- .......-._' _-------- , _",.fI#...~. ...... ,_"' ....... _-' ",' •.... , . .".fII' _.",. ...... _ ......- __,."'_, ~-- -~-~ , , " .......... , ...... ... ,'. '. ... , ...-......... , -"''''-,--. ..--- - " .',....".-- ... - ", :- ..... -_ ..... --- ~ , ",.'.... , _ - - ---- , "","', -,- , -' --- ----- i' , --: , ::-::::: --- , ' ,_.' " __ ,__ ,,'.-" ~.,... : - , , ' .', ----------------- ... ~::~~~----------------- Since 1954 ... For all of Tennessee The Tennessee Genealogical Society P. O. Box 12124 Memphis, Tn 38182-'0124 VoL 33, No.1 1986 THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. O. BOX 12124 Memphis, Tennessee 38182-0124 OFFICERS AND STAFF FOR 1985 President Sarah Anderson Hull Vice-President Marilyn Johnson Baugus Recording Secretary Mary Louise Graham Nazor Correspondence Secretary Beverly Smith Crone Librarian Amelia Pike Eddlemon Assistant Librarian Lincoln Johnson Surname Index Secretary Elizabeth Davidson Chancellor Treasurer Jane Cook Hollis Editor Gerry Byers Spence Managing Editor Harry Milton Cleveland, Jr. Director Lucile Hendren Cox Director William Lesueur Holstun LI BRARY STAFF EDITORIAL STAFF BUSINESS STAFF Wilma Sutton Cogdell Betsy Foster West, Judy Chambless Cleveland Rita Thornton Duckworth Associate Editor Cleo G. Hogan, C.G.R.S. Sherida K. Eddlemon Betty Cline Miller Newell Sterling Garrett Lola Kelly Davenport Clarence W. Spence Johnnie o. Hollis Dorothy Carter Greiner Martha Everett Weatherford Vyrah Mann Geraldine Blanton Holstun Ruth Hensley O'Donnell Wanda Clayton James Emma Fisher O'Neal Elizabeth Riggins Nichols Bess Caraway Twaddle Joan Berry Piercy Margaret Norvell Sinclair Jessie Taylor Webb The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine, "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS, is the official publication of THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. All subscriptions begin with the first issue of the year. Non-delivery of any issue should be reported to the Society within two months of the date of usual delivery. A charge of $2.50 will be made for redeeming and re-mailing copies which are returned to us, and which must be forwarded. Sub­ scribers may submit ONE free query per year of fifty words or less, which must be re­ ceived by this office by September first of that year. Contributions of all types of genealogical material will be accepted. We publish previously unpublished, Tennessee connected data, preferably that with pre-Civil War dates, all of which is subject to editing to save space. Every effort will be made to print accurate material; however neither THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, "ANSEARCHIN"' NEWS, nor the Editor can assume responsibility for errors on the part of contributors. Corrections of proven errors will be published. Publishable and unpublishable contributions are filed in our library for the use of members. Books donated to our library will be reviewed in the earliest possible issue of the quarterly. II ANSEARCHI NI II NEWS VOL. 33, NO.1, SPRI NG 1986 The Tennessee Geneal~gical Magazine, "Ansearchin"' News, ISSN 110003-5246, is published quarterly in March, June, September &,December for $15.00 per yearby The Tennessee Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 12124, Memphis, TN 38182-0124. Second Class postage paid at Memphis, TN. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to "Ansearchin'" News, P.O. Box 12124, Memphis, TN 38182-0124. Copyright 1986 by The Tennessee Genealogical Society I • wht WtnUtlultt ~tutaln!ltral 1Illtagaidnt, "i\u!lrnrrQin·' NrW5 • I VOLUME 33 SPRING 1986 NUMBER 1 - CONTENTS - OVER THE EDITOR'S DESK ..... 2 NEWS AND NOTES FROM OTHER PUBLICATIONS 2 FAMILY GATHERINGS .... 3 Talbot, Barnes, Garner, Wallace, Knott, Bunch, Bearden MEMPHIS/SHELBY COUNTY ARCHIVES - PROBATE RECORDS .. 8 James Kimbrough Estate BRADLEY COUNTY, TENNESSEE TAX LISTS, 1837, 1838, 1839 9 HENRY CEMETERY, TROUSDALE COUNTY, TENNESSEE 15 PETITIONS TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF TENNESSEE .. 17 NOTICES FROM MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE NEWSPAPERS .. 21 "ANCESTRAL ROUTES TO TENNESSEE ....AND BEYOND" 22 MARK YOUR CALENDAR . 22 INDEX TO 1840 CENSUS, MORGAN COUNTY, TENNESSEE 23 1840 MORGAN COUNTY, TENNESSEE REVOLUTIONARY & MILITARY PENSIONERS 25 MINUTES OF EGYPT BAPTIST CHURCH, SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE . 26 HENRY COUNTY, TENNESSEE WILLS, 1822-1844 31 BOOK REVIEWS . 38 QUERIES .•• 42 2 "Ansearchin'" News OVER THE EDITOR'S DESK Since last we went to press, "Ansearchin'" News has lost two very dear friends and former staff members. Thomas Proctor Hughes, Jr. died 14 Dec 1985, and Jewel Burton Standefer Mooney died 8 Jan 1986. Each had made outstanding contributions to this magazine and The Tennessee Genealogical Society. Tommy was a consistent contributor of census records and was particu­ larly interested in abstracting biographies of Tennesseans who had moved to Texas. Having returned to his native Texas home, he enlisted the aid of others who have assisted in that pursuit. While he lived in Memphis, he was a familiar figure at the Memphis Public Library, helping beginning genealogists with his vast knowledge of the books to be found there and encouraging experienced researchers who had reached a stone wall. He is remembered here as a true gentleman of the Victorian mold. Jewel had served TGS as president in 1962 before she became editor of this magazine. She set her goal to increase circulation, and with her boundless energy and dedication, she achieved that goal. She organized frequent trips to court houses within the state, gathering information from old records to be passed on in this magazine. The Sesquicentennial Edition on Shelby County, Tennessee in 1969 is one of her finest achieve­ ments in this area. Tommy and Jewel collaborated in compiling, indexing and publishing re­ cords from Virginia and Mississippi. The Hughes and Standefer team published six volumes, and Tommy published four alone. The back stock of these books was contributed to this Society in 1978, and is still listed with our publications for sale. They will continue to remind us all of two true and faithful friends. * * ** * * ** ** * *** * NEWS AND NOTES FROM OTHER PUBLICATIONS Prepared by Sherida Eddlemon VAUGHAN, ETC. NEWSLETTER, Verna Baker Banes, 5302 Marsh Creed Dr., Austin, TX 78759. $7. This 28 pp. publication contains queries, cemetery listings, baptismal certifi­ cates, family group sheets, Texas land grants, index, etc. on surname Vaughan. TUSSEY NEWSLETTER, Judith Allison Walters, P.O. Box 129, Bothell, WA 98041. $5 per yr. The 13 pp. in this issue included land records, tombstone records, family rec­ ords, NJ rateables 1773-4, wills, Bible records, census information, etc. NEWSLETTER OF THE PARKE SOCIETY, Theodore E. Parks, P.O. Box 590, Milwaukee, WI 53201. $5 application fee, $10 annual dues. Pub. 3 times per year. Vol. 22, No.3 has 14 pp. of photos, news, queries, ancestor charts, biographical sketches, etc. (continued on page 25) Spring 1986 3 FAMILY GATHERINGS Prepared for publication by Jessie Taylor Webb and }~ry Louise Nazor TALBOT AND BARNES FAMILIES - Contributed by Vyrah Mann, 72 N. Belvedere #2 Memphis, TN 38104 Matthew TALBOT, the second son of immigrant Matthew Talbot and Mary WILLISTON, was born 1729 in Bedford Co VA. In June 1753 he married Mary Haile DAY (1733-1785), widow of Thomas Day and daughte~ or Nicholas HAILE. In 1778 Matthew took his family to the new territory of Tennessee and settled on the Watauga River where he estab­ lished Fort Watauga. John SEVIER's men camped at this fort the night before the Battle of King's Mountain. Matthew and his four oldest sons, Haile, Matthew, Thomas and William, fought side-by-side in that battle. After the death of his wife, Mary, Matthew and his family moved to Wilkes Co GA and then Morgan Co GA where he died in 1812. Their fourth son, William, born in Bedford Co VA 1761, married Mary BAYLEY, daughter of Walter Bayley of Washington Co TN. They had twelve children before he died in 1816. Greenberry Talbot, the eldest son of William and Mary, was born 25 Nov 1791 Wilkes Co GA and died 17 Dec 1875 Calhoun Co AR. He was married first to }1ary HUGHES and second to Mary Tate ANTHONY (1795­ 1885). Greenberry and his family lived in Morgan Co GA, Meriwether Co GA and in 1835 moved to Chambers Co AL and then to Ta11apossa Co AL before moving to Calhoun Co AR in 1870. He brought with him two orphaned grandsons, two widowed daughters and their children, one of whom was Sarah Anderson Talbot, born 1825 GA and died 1884 AR. Sarah married Moses Trimble BARNES who was born 1832 GA and was killed during the Civil War in 1862 at Memphis, TN. His last letter to Sarah from Wa~enton, Ft. Baranacas dated 4 Mar 1862 follows. "Dear Sarah: I have to write a few lines to let you know of my whereabouts. I have to say that we have to leave this place for some parts of Tennessee. We will leave this morning for Mobile and from there we will go to Tennessee. The ~ole regiment is to go. Let this not make you uneasy for me as our time is nearly out and I shant reenlist unless I am ordered to do so. It may be that they will try to press us in to service, if so I can't tell what I shall do, but I shall come home if I can. My health is very good. We are throwing things off the fort tonight. There is a large light in the direction of Mobile tonite, and it is said that it is on fire as they are expecting a fight at that place. There is but one or two regiments here. We have moved everything that is worth anything. I shall have to leave all my clothes here but two suits that I can tote. I have directed them to you in care of John Williamson. You can tell him to look for them. Most have not gone as yet. The news has come that we are ordered to Memphis, Tennessee, so I will close as I have a great deal to do. Goodby my dear until I see you. M.T. Barnes" The Barnes family Bible has no date but was published in Philadelphia by John H.
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