THE BLACKHAWK TRADITION We have been in the business of selecting and offering the very best in filmed entertainment for over sixty years, and through that time, Blackhawk has established a reputation as having the foremost and most comprehensive selec­ tion of classic movies and contemporary hits available. We take pride in being "The Video Col­ lector's Choice" and we take that respon­ sibility seriously. For six decades we have maintained a close relationship with our customers by striving to present the most definitive selection of films you should SANDS DF IWO JIMA THE QUIET MAN own and the best examples of our cine­ Stemng Starnng matic heritage. JOHN WAYN E JOHN WAYNE 4 Acedemy Award Nomlnet,ons and Some films are great the day they are tneluding lles1 Actor MAUREEN O'HARA made, others attain greatness over time. Black end Whne/109 Minutes Winner ol 2 Academy Awards RP355'-S 1ncludo<9 Best Director Some films are great examples of excep­ Color/1 29 Minutes tional performances, others are directing RPJ313.S masterpieces, still others are great for their technical achievement. Each month we review the film libraries of every stu­ dio, looking for those select few pictures that deserve to be presented as among the best. They may not all be blockbuster HIGH NOON FATHER GOOSE movies, in fact many will be small, quality Starring Starring pictures we believe deserve your attention. GARY COOPER CARYGRANT and and Most films entertain, some inform, GRACE KELLY LESLIE CARON Winner of 4 Academy -ds Academy Awanl-w,nmng some impact you for life. But only the very includirg lles1 Actor Story aid Screenplay best films become landmarks in enter­ Black aid Whlte/84 Minutes ColD<ll 16 Minutes tainment and these films are worth own­ RP1 - S RP1215-S ing. We are in the business of finding those pictures for you and providing you the highest quality available at the best price. Most all of the films offered in our catalog are mastered from the original 35mm print elements, giving you the best quality possible.You should expect noth­ OPERATION PETTICOAT THERED PONY ing less. Starring Sta rring CARYGR ANT ROBERT MITCHUM From early masterpieces, like "Intoler­ and and ance" and "Birth of a Nation" (page 20) TONY CURTIS MYRNA LOY to all-time classics like "Gone With the Aademy Award Nomonee COI0</89 Minutes tor Stt ry end Screenplay RP340&.s Wind" and "Citizen Kane" (page 28) to the Color/120 Minutes recent blockbusters "Platoon" and "Fatal Rl'JN2-S Attraction" (page 1) there is no more com­ plete source for motion pictures on video­ cassette. We have a six-decade tradition to uphold and we do so by promising you quality, value and service. We always welcome your comments. If our viewing staff has not yet selected THE BELLS OF ,rs A WONDERFUL LIFE one of your favorites, please write and let ST.MARY'S Stemng Starr·ng JAMES STEWART us know. Also, if you encounter problems BING CROSBY and with delivery, service or value, we wel­ and DONNA REED INGRID BERGMAN Frank Capra's come your comments so that we can Nom,nated tor 8 Original Uncut Class,c rectify the situation.We value you as a Acldtffl\' Awards Bleck end Wl>ite/132 Minutes Black and WMe/126 Minutes RP20IO-S customer and will do what we can to RPIZ52.S satisfy you. e Blackhawk Catalog" - Copyright© 1989 e Blackhawk Catalog, Inc. _Judy Garland stars in the greatest movie musical of all time. A perennial favorite of both the young THE WIZ ARD OF Oz and the young at heart. 60lJt.J Cl!,~ _The ev.ocative tale of fantasy and romance, revolving around the impossible love of BEAUTY AND T HE BEAST Catherine fo· a compassionate, articulate beast from the netherworld. P 4 S Cl 15 _Oisney's animated extravaganza about a pedigree spaniel who angers two Siamese cats en LADY AND THE T R AMP route to falling in love with the likeable mongrel who champions her cause. J-R 95 _Disney's animated version of this classic tale of romance, magic and fantasy of a young girl's rise from rags CIND ERELL A to riches. n04 s s25 g5 -TERRESTRIAL -The poignant and enduring tale of the lonely boy who befriends the stranded E • I • THE EXTRA space creature aching to return to his home planet. virno 2 s s2 95 'A'J,AL AJTRACTION -MichaelDouglas stars in this tension-packed thriller of a love triangle, with Glenn Close as the Ft\ vengeful "other woman." 1 ~ ~ 95 U2 - RATTLE AND HUM -This live concert film follows U2 through their spectacular U.S. tour. 'A 22R.S s24 95 BEN HUR-Academy Award-winning Charlton Heston carves his nation's destiny against the wrath of the conquering Romans. MG90000 4 S S?J 9~ "AGO-Based on Boris Pasternak's Nobel Prize-winning novel, Omar Sharif stars as the Russian suroeon and DOCTOR ZHl V, poet swept up ,n !lie upheaval of the Russian Revolution . MG90000" s S29.95 TH E QUI ET MAN -John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara star in this romantic landmark. Winner of two Academy Awards. liP3363-S $ 19.95 _An all-star cast,. headed by Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly, tell a suspenseful tale that is regarded as one of the best HIGH NOON westerns of all time! RP180C u s g % GOOD MORNING VIETNAM -Robin Williams stars in this off-beat comedy set during the Vietnam War. VO!i60· S S? QS _ This wonde.rtul classic about a nightclub owner in war-torn Casablanca won Oscars for Best Picture, Best Screenplay CASABLANCA and Best Director. L .0126 .,, , u .95 _Oscar-winning Oliver Stone examines Vietnam from the ground-zero perspective of G.I. Charlie Sheen. This awesome PLAJOON military-drama was 1987's Best Picture. VE6Cl12 s S24.95 SPORTS ILLUSTRATED 25th-Thefirst beh ind-the-scenes look at the maki ng of the multi- million-selling ANNIVERSARY SWIMSUIT VIDEO swimsuit issue. TH234-S S19.95 DIRTY DANCING-Jenn iferG rey and Patrick Swayze find love and self-discovery during the magic summer of 1963. Editor's Note: Please note that all selections m this catalog are available in VHS format only Vt6013-S $24.95 Buy a Collection of your favorites and save up to 25% ! The next few pages will feature specially selected collectors sets. These are Cary Grant Special The Uncommon Wayne complete sets of tapes Collectors Set #2 John Wayne gives an Oscar caliber performance in The Quiet Man, just selected specifically Ginger Rogers, Leslie Caron and one of the three tapes in this pot­ Grace Kelly are three very good pourri of Wayne films. for our Blackhawk reasons why you should purchase this The Quiet Man special collectors set Three Faces West Catalog customers. Once Upon A Honeymoon Wake Of The Red Witch Father Goose We have removed the To Catch A Thief 3 Cassettes Individ_u~y ~ hassle of searching for 3 Cassettes Indiv:dually ~ RPJ3-S ................... Now $49.95 the last cassette in a RP22-S .................... Now $49.95 hard-to-find series. In order to make a multiple-tape purchase affordable, we've passed along the savings of a bulk product purchase to you. Cary Grant Special Wayne At War Collectors Set #3 See the Duke in action from the South Pacific to China. a triple­ More fun with Cary Grant, this Ifs time with a grown up Shirley Temple, feature worth fighting for. Cary Grant Special Sands of lwo Jima Ingrid Bergman and Myrna Loy. Flying Tigers Collectors Sets The Bachelor and the Bohby Soxer The Fighting Seabees When they were introduced almost Indiscreet a year a~o, the Cary Grant Special Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream 3 Cassettes Individually ~ Collector s sets sold like crazy. You House RP7303-S ................ Now $49.95 can still save 17% per collection, but 3 Cassettes Individually ~ time is running out. Order yours today. RP23-S .................... Now $49.95 Cary Grant Special Cary Grant Special <'\t-€r.,, Wayne In The West Collectors Set #4 Here's a round-up of three of the Collectors Set #1 Duke's best westerns. Save 23% off Enjoy Cary Grant with co-stars like Three all-time Cary Grant classics for the individual purchase prices! Tony Curtis, Jimmy Stewart, one low price. Add these treasures to Dark Command Katharine Hepburn and Irene Dunne. your collection today. Rio Grande OJ>eration Petticoat Father Goose The Fighting Kentuckian My Favorite Wife Indiscreet The Philadelphia Story Operation Petticoat 3 Cassettes Individually $6+.Sa 3 Cassettes Individually ~ 3 Cassettes Individually ~ RPJ2-S .................... Now $49.95 RP21-S ........ ,. .......... Now $49.95 RP0540-S ................ Now $49.95 .~ John Wayne Matinee Charlie Chaplin - "The The Little Rascals Two Double Features (Vol. 1-4) Early Years" (Vol. 1-4) Reelers Collectors Set A round-up of some early westerns Enjoy this complete collection of Six volumes, each cassette has two starring John Wayne. Two classic .. The Early Y cars.. a compilation shorts and comes with a photo auto­ " B" Movies on each cassette. offered of earl\' comedic work from the graphed by Spanky McFarland. master: Each ,·olume ha~ three \'ol. I I.a,) DR)S Spook) Hook) through The Blackhawk Catalog. Vol JI Be-dtimt Worries Glo, e Tap~ Vol. I Fruntier Horizon Lawless ~ineiies hilarious shorts. \'ol 111 S<rond C'hildhuodiltide ond Shriek Vol II The Lon,ly TraiLThrte Texas ~, .., s Vol. I The lmmigrnnt'Tht founl F.a>i) S1reet \"ol I\ Whrn Tht Wind Hlo~i..lltatlb Art Vol. 111 Pals ur the Saddle Th, :S:i~ht Ridm \°ul 11 Tht Ptl'n!ihupiht Ad,enturtr Onr A.
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