If County of San Diego Sample Ballot &Voter Information Pamphlet GENERAL ELECTION, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2000 CHECK BACK COVER FOR YOUR POLLING PLACE ./ Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m . ./ Don't wait! Call before Election Day if directions are needed or check www.sdvote.com ./ Mark and take this pamphlet with you to the polls An information pamphlet concerning state propositions will be mailed to you by the Secretary of State. Election njght results available at www.sdvote.com ./ A Spanish-language Sample Baliot & Voter Information Pamphlet is available upon request. Cali (858) 565-5800 . ./ Una Balota de Muestra y un Folieto de Informacion en Espanol esta disponible si 10 solicita. Llame al (858) 565-5800. Mikel Haas, Registrar of Voters. 5201 Ruffin Road, Suite I San Diego, CA 92123 Phone: (858) 565-5800 or 1-800-696-0136 / 156 GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 - SAN DIEGO COUNTY OFFICIAL BALLOT . STATE (CONTINUED) SCHOOL VOUCHERS. STATE·FUNOEO PRIVATE AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. PUBLIC SCHOOL FUNDING. PR 0 P38 INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Autho· rizes annual state payments of at least $4000 per pupil for private/religious schools. Permits replacement of current constitutional public school funding formula. Fiscal Impact: Near·term state costs from zero to $1.1 billion annually. Long.term state 212 YES.O impact from $2 billion in annual costs to $3 billion in annual savings, depending on how many public school students shift to priva\e schools. 213 NO.O ' SCHOOL FACILITIES. 55% LOCAL VOTE. BONDS, TAXES. ACCOUNTABILITY REQUIREMENTS. INITIA· PR 0. P39 TIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT AND STATUTE. Authorizes bonds for repair, construction or repiacement· of school facilities, class· rooms, if approved by 55% local vote. Fiscal Impact: Increased bond debt for many school districts. Long·term costs statewide could total in the hundreds of millions of 216 dollars annually. Potential longer·term state savings to the extent school districts assume greater responsibility for funding school facilities . 217 . COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY CHARTER ENTITLED "FULL DISCLOSURE IN COUNTY PRO. P- A CONTRACTING CHARTER AMENDMENT" Shall the San Diego County Charter be amended to require contractors and their lobbyists to pub- 221 YES. o licly disclose gifts and campaign contributions made to members of the Board of Supervisors prior to the Board's approval of service contracts? 222 NO. o . INITIATIVE MEASURE: "THE CLEAN CONTRACTING 223 YES., o PRO P B. CHARTER AMENDMENT" Shall "The Clean Contracting . Charter Amendment" be adopted? 224 NO. o ,- CITY OF SAN DIEGO MEASURE. Shall Ordinance 0-18837 (New Series) be' adopted amending People's Ordinance 0-10960 (New PRO P C Series) to: Modify existing height limitation for structures on approximately 66 acres located in San' Ysidro for the International Gateway of the Americas Project, subject to City and Coastal Commission approval, provided that: No more than five acres may Include structures up to 150 feet; No more than five 230 acres may include structures up to 80 feet; On the remaining acreage, structures shall not exceed 50 feet? . ., 231 N-09-5 N SD 132-007 : .~ .. CIl)",OF SAN DIEGO " , Propo~itioh' C (This proposition will appear 6rifhe ball~t in the following form,) : ' rA C' ,MEASURE. Shall Ordi(lance 0:181337 (New Series) be . ," f"" . adopted amending people's.Or.dinance 0"10960 (New '.PRO ......., . Series) to: Modify existing height limitation for structures on approxirilately66 acres located in San Ysidro for t~e International Gateway of the Amer.icas'project, subject to City and Coastal Commissioriapproval, provided that: No more than five acres may inClude structures up to 150 feet; No more than five acres may includestriictures up to 80 feet; On the remaining acreage, structures ,shall not exceed 5.0,feet? . ·f" . .' .' '. Fuji te.xt of this proposition follows the arguments; CITY. MANAG'ER'S FISCAL ANALYSIS , ,. ..' 'T~e International GateiNay of the Aillericasprojectisarilixeduse .project consisting of 1 A .•.. ··miliiOn square feet of retail, ,officeand·hoteluses to be built on a 66,17 acre site in t~eSan Ysidro RedElVelopmentProject Areaadjacenf to th~. internation'l-!.border with. th'e Republic of Mexico west of Interstate 5, The project inciudes the "construCti6nof a p'edestrian hridge,linking the development with Avenida deHevoluciori in Tijuana, The first phase cif the project consists of approximately}OO,OOO square feet ofretajlspace ?-ndisantidpa~ed to,begirj construction this .,winter; The second and subsequent phases (pede~tfj~ribrjdge,Jederal inspeCtion facilities,-hotel, . office and:cultural center) require awaiv~r to the-City's h~ight ordinanCe, and are, therefore, contingent on the passage of this measure', . ". '... • '. ". , ~ If, this nieasu;e i;, approved, the annual revenues generCitedby the pr()ject are anticipated to include:$89t,7?2 in tax increment to the Redevelopi'nent Agericy;$297,000 inhou,sing,set aside funds ,to the Redevelopment Agency;$1;581WOO in: sales tax to the City; $1 ;012,000 in Transient . 'OccupancyT1lX (TOT) to the City; $1 ,364,000 in Pedestrian Bridge Revenue to the City; and $297,ObOin property tax to. other public agencies (all expressed i~1998dcillarsr ,. ".. , , .I,n addition, the project will generate 3,400 conSttuction j6bs;'2,200c'permar:1enf' jobs with an' '; ..aprfual "salc~"rY and "~be~efit. valu"e of $~ .00,0'00,000 . ~ \ ':: 'If this measure is ' notapprovedby ihe voters,only the first phase of the project could be developed, reducingt~ea'rihual revenues to: $388,000 in tax incrementtci the Redevelopnient , Agency; $12,9,300 inhousingsetasidet6the RedevelopmentAgency; no change ($1,581,obO)lri' • salestcix,to ,th,e City; arid' $129,300 property tax to other public agencies, No TOT gr, Bridge Re.venues wi;>uld begen'erated if the second phase is not developed, . , '. The construction jobs generated by the first phase of the project would be limit~d to 1 >OQ,and 'permarientjob~ would be t,1 00 with an annual salary'and benefitvalueof $50,000,000,' . " . PR-09LO'1 N so 132-040' CIiYAiTOR~lE"'S/!W'PARTiAL.ANAtYSIS· I~ 1972,thevoters ofthe C;ity of San Diego passed' Proposition'P.Prqposition D ';\las aniilitiative . ,'·;i which adoptedan'ordiiian-ce limiting the height of buildings in the COastal Zone. to riot more than 30/eel. '. ,. ..•... " .,' . ..' ....,'.. " '.' i TherCoastal Zone, as defined inPropositionD, includes the. land and water area of the City ()f., !, -pan Diegq from the northern City limits, south to the border of MeXICO, extemding seawaid to tile . outeYlimitof the City'sj~risdiction and extending inland to thelocatiori of Interstate 5. .... ' ...... r, .,. ," " . --, . ,', -'. .' ,.' ',. i . , This Proposition would amend'Proposition D to ~lIow the construction of buildings or structures. that. exceed the .30-foot height limitation for the purpose 'of fulfilling the design proposed for tile . International Gateway of the Americas Pwject: This Propositionwould apply onlY,to approximately 66 acres of property in San Ysidro which is'located aboutfive milesinland .from the Mean ~igh Tide. Line,' ." .... .... .Ifpassedby.a majority.of the electorate, this Proposition would allow: 1) the constructionaf', buildings or structures or additions to buildings or.structures measuring up to 1501eet in height' on nomorethan a total of five acres of the property; 2) the construction.ofbuildings or structures or additions to bUildingSbrstructures measuringup to,eightyfee~ in height onnolTlQrethal) a total ,of five additional acres of. the remaining portion oftheproperty; and 3) the constructiqnof buildil)gs· or structures or additiolls to buildings or structures measuring up to fifty feet in height on the ' remaining acreage', For the purpose of measuring the acreage available for each heightcatego,y;' the Proposition provides ,th;:itthe foomrint of the entire building,orstructur~ ,will be usea to r calculatethefiv~ acres, Therefore, even'if only a portion of the buildirig or strt,Jcture exceeds 150 I' feet in heightthe,?ntireacreage of ,the focitprintof the building or structurewil!'countagaTnstthe f fiv~'acrelil'11i~bnbuildingsorstructures which are allowed to exceed 150,feet or eiQhtyfeet in . helght. .... · ~;" . {. PR:09LO-2 N SO 132-041 ARGUMENT"_ - • - .; '._ INFAV()R,OFPROPOSrnON,','. '., ~ , •••• 0,.. " '. -_ _ • - C • . Pa~~age ofPropositiorlC would allgw the redevelopment of .66 acres just wes~ of the Irriemational BciiCier crossing in San Ysidro. Theproject is' called the International Gateway of ~l;1eAniericas anq conforms to the goals of theSar Ysidro COmmunity Plan and the City of San Diego General PICin, The proposed project is located five miles inland: No ocean views woul(j be blocke(j or affectedin.CiIlYway.No wetlands would be~ffected. No City fundsoi' tilli:payer dollars will be used in the development or const(lJctionofthe project. The project will have to be approved by the CityC6unciiand the Coastal Commission. ". .... ,. Propositioncwouid ailo\lvlnte'rnationalGateway of the Americas to: • CI~anup,andrevitalize a.blighted area.··. o .Develop a cultural center and shoppingdistrictori the U:S. side of the·border. • Build an arched ped~strian sus'pension bridge and state:of-the-art border control facilities between the U.S. and Mexico, with a 150-foot high bridge support in the. middle: The bddge , qesign willb~ coordinated by the University of California, SanDiego Schobl of Engineering and ""ill be a civic. landmark .. ' '. ' . To see' proposed bridgedesigris and plans of the proposed project, visi~ our website at www.lnternatioriClIGatewayoftheAmericas:com. '.' The project would generate: • 3,400 construction jobs. 02,200 permanent jobs.. ..... '.' '.' ". ·~$100 milfion in anriual worker salaries and benefits . TheCi~y:()fSanDiegO andthe'SanYsidroSch~~llJistrictwould receive re~enues froll1:the project to pay for needed services such as police, fire, sewE)rsand schools. Annual sales from the.project areestimatE)dto be $150,000,000. The tax and fee revenues are estLmated to be: . ..... • $33.7 lTliliioll in sales taX revenue: . • . $14:8 million in property tax. , •. $~9. 7miilionintransient occup~ncy taxes.' • $55:4 Iilillion in other revenues.
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