The Gift of PRECIOUS JEWELS Is the Gift She Will Cherish Your gift of a sweetheart pm et with preciou jewels will be her most cherished possession, a con- rant reminder of your love and affection and a beautiful piece of fi ne jewelry. Write for yo ur complete insignia price li t for list of jeweled combinations ava il able or design yo ur own pin. Prices will be submitted upon request. 1 NS IG IA PRICE LIST CROWN SET j EWELED BADGES: 0. 0 No.2 No. 2\h A II pearl ---------------------------------------- ___ . 15.50 s 19.50 23 .25 l'earl, ruby or sapph ire points ________ 17 .5 0 2 1.50 25.25 Pearl, emerald point ------------------------ 18.50 24.50 28.25 P earl, d iamond poi nts ---------------------- 29.50 46.50 60.25 All ruby or sa pphire -------------------------- 23.50 27.50 31.25 All eme rald -------------------------------- ________ 27 .50 39.50 43.25 Emerald , dia mo nd points ---------------- 3 .50 61.50 75.25 All diamond ---------------------------------------- 71.50 127 .50 171.25 Diamond, emerald points ---------------- 60.50 105.50 139.25 OPAL SETTI NGS- Add 1.00 to prices q uoted for pearl set­ tings, for a lterna ting or opal points and . 2.00 for all opal border. T he Balfour Blue Book WHITE GOLD - Add 3.00 to price of jeweled badges or 2.00 to price of plain badges. 13 cauti(ul fra ternity jewelry bearing yo ur Pi I appa TAXES: Add 10% Federal Tax and any State Tax in effect. Alpha crest - rings, jewel tascs, bracelets, pendants, cuff links, tie bars and gifLs for all occasions are featured REGULATIONS: All orders for badges must be sent on an in this ca talog. W rite for free ropy. officia l o rder blank signed by an officer of the Chapter. TRADITIONAL CERAMIC M G Traditional ceramic mugs in white or black display yo ur coat of arms in its full colors fired into the glaze for permanence. Your school name, year and nickname may be included on the m ug. Other Da te. _______________________ _ L. G. B ALFOUR Co. c ram1c are available for gifts and favors. ATTLEBORO, MASS. W1·ite fo r flyer Plea e send: Samples: 0 1957 Blue Book 0 Stationery 0 Badge Price L i t 0 Invitations Official j eweler to Pi Kappa A lpha 0 Knitwear Flye r 0 Place Cards 0 eramic Flyer 0 P rograms Name__________________________________________ ___ IIKA Addre 5..---------------------------------- ice for a deceased brother are all trea - ured memories of the Ia t five momhs. \ Vh ere time made any per onal a ocia­ tion out of the que tion, a few ca ual que tion concerning the r putation of Pi I appa lpha on the campu afforded ru~ AND ome knowledge of what was happening. ~HI~lll DIAM~ND That which I learned per onall y and OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY through conve rsa ti on encourages me! Pi Founded at the University of Virginia, March I, 1868, by Julian Edward Kappa Alpha is a brotherhood. The Wood, Littleton Waller Tazewell, James Benjamin Sclater, Jr., Frederick warmth and co rdiali ty extended to me Southgate Taylor, Robertson Howard, and William Alexander. simply becau e I wa a fellow Pike dem­ This magazine is printed by onstrated thi a fact. Furthermore, Pi Democrat Printing & Litho Co., 114 East Second St., Little Rock, Arkansas Kappa Alpha is a re pon ible brother­ Life subscriptions are $10.00 for members initiated before September I, hood. Time after time I found that mem­ 1927. Subscription rate per year for these alumni is $1.00, for non­ ber of the fraternity held out tanding members, $2.00. All members initiated since September I, 1927, have life po t of leadership in campu activitie ; subscriptions. Please promptly report changes of address-include both but, more important, the facu lty mem­ old and new addresses. Articles and photographs (black and white glossy ber to whom I talked, almo t without prints) are cordially invited. exception, ranked the fraternity high in Address aU communicatiorus to: Robert D. Lynn, Editor, terms of its re pon ible participation in The Shield and Diamond Magazine, 577 University, Memphis 12, TennessPP the academic community. To say that thi is .encouraging by no mea n implies Volume LXVI, No. 3 MARCH, 1957 it to be surprising. After all , no le hould be expected from any chapter. THE SHIELD AND DIAMOND is published four times a year at 114 East Second St., Little Rock, Ark., in September, December, March and June by the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Entered or does it affirm that Pi Kappa Alpha as second class matter, Oct. 14, 1937, at the Post Office at Little Rock, Ark., under Act of i the be t fraternity- there i alway " the March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section fraternity that we can be" that tand as 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized June 16, 191 8. a challenge to what we are and that trikes me a the be t criterion [or judg­ Page ing ourselve anyhow. 1956 All IIKA Football T eam --------------------------------------------------- 2 The finest expression of fraternal Epsilon-Theta Chapter Chartered at Colorado A. & M. College --------------- 6 brotherhood 1 have experienced came as Kraft Appointed Field Secretary ------------------- ---------------------------- 10 the result of spending a morning with Washington, Oregon Hold District Convention - ------------------------------------ 10 "Preach er" Gordon at the University of State ITKA Directory- Illinois, Indiana, Iowa -------------------------------- 15 Florida. It was not the enjoyment of Pi Kappa Alpha Son on Antarctic Expedition ---------------------------------- 31 "Preacher' " genuinely outhern ho pi­ Honor to the 1957 Golden Members ---- -------- -------------------------- 34 tality, deli ghtful a that proved to be; Democracy Protects Fraternity Social Privileges -------------------------------- 41 nor was it the result of Dr. Gordon's tak­ Chapter E temal ----------------------------------- ---------------------- 38 ing me to vi it the pre ident of the ni­ Permanently Pinned ---------------------- ------------------------ 11 versity, appreciative as I wa of that. Precious Packages ------- - ------------- ------------------------------------------- 11 Oddly enough it wa a visit to the po t CHAPTER NEWS office that enabl ed me to see why thi Zeta 13, Theta 14, 40; Xi 36, Omicron 5, Pi 37, Sigma 9, Omega 9, man, who for year was ational Chap­ Alpha-Alpha 12, Alpha-Delta 36, Alpha-Iota 12, Alpha-Lambda 39, Alpha­ lain of the fraternity and who now is on Xi 12, Alpha-Omicron 36, Alpha-Rho 37, Alpha-Phi 4, Alpha-Chi 35, Alpha­ the Supreme Council, so epitomizes the Psi 7, Alpha-Omega 8, Beta-Alpha 8, Beta-Delta 37, Beta-Zeta 5, Beta-Theta spirit of brotherhood of Pi I appa Alpha. 9, Beta-Kappa 13, Beta-Omicron 14, 40; Beta-Sigma 35, Beta-Phi 13, Gamma­ ctuall y nothing unu ual or exciting oc­ Theta 35, Gamma-Kappa 8, Delta-Eta 7, Delta-Lambda 36, Delta- u 4, curred on that trip downtown. It was Delta-Upsilon 36, Delta-Chi 33. just a routine vi it; one imilar to the others that Dr. Gordon makes every other day in the year. And therein lies its true significance. In the five minutes it takes Cover C~aplain ~ Corner to walk in the post offi ce "everybody and his brother" had call ed out to Dr. Gor­ This fall ther.e were many gridiron he­ March, 1957 don; and he had re ponded with a jest, roes among the membership of Pi Kappa Dear Fellows, a word of encouragement, a bit of sym­ Alpha. Our cover honors those named On leave of absence the p as t semester, pathy, or whatever the occasion demand­ to the fir t team by Dillon Graham who I visited colleges and universiti e ed. H ere wa displayed the full outreach has been chairman of the· selection com­ throughout the South in behalf of the of that spirit of brotherhood which must mittee for twenty-five years. Many addi­ Faculty Christian Movement; and I had characterize our fraternity. It can be lea rned in depth in the close-knit fellow- tional members have brought glory to hoped while doing this to drop in on our hip of a local chapter; but when it is their alma mater and our fraternity. local chapters, get acquainted with the brother and feel the pulse of Pi Kappa genuine, it must reach out beyo nd the An accolade is also due University of Alpha. The pressure of an extremely chapter to the fraternity and beyond the Utah Coach J ack Curtice, K (Transylva­ tight schedule blasted the possibility of fraternity to the community and beyond the community to the world. Then Pi nia), for his selection as head coach of the realizing so ambitious a hope; still, the few opportunities of visiting in the Kappa Alpha will be a brotherhood in western team for the East-West All Star houses, eating supper with a group of the fullest sense. Shrine Game in San Francisco, December brother , talking with Pikes in the dor­ Your Chaplain, 28, 1957. mitory, participating in a memorial serv- Dr. W . Taylor R eveley. 1 A nnouncing the 1956- All IIKA Football Team By DILLON GRAHAM, AH Washington Associated P ress Correspondent Chairm an, All ITKA Selection Committee since 1931 Penn S tate Coach Rip Engle­ Pike Coach of the Year. + The 1956 Pi Kappa Alpha TACKLE : Ed Rutsch, George Washing­ ev.e1ybody here for your selection of All-A merica football team has a dis­ ton, and Eddie Moore, Wake Forest. Keyser as Lineman of the Week.
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