
• ~ht Vol ume Lll HARTFORD, CONN., OCTOBER 6, 1954 No. 2 Academic Cup ROTC Students at UConn College Provides Scene Won Again By :Alpha Chi Rho Must Sign Loyalty Oath For ''Halls of Ivy'' Show A signed loyalty oath denying Alpha Chi Rho captured the any affiliation with Communist In the next f ' weeks Trinity fratemity Scholarship Cup for organizations will in ffect b a will be placed in the spotlight of the third straight year, it was requir ment for g;·aduation' from an B radio program and a announced by lhe D an's office the niver ity of onnecticut B t I vi ion how. Ronald last week. The group compiled for mo l male students enroll ing ol man ( picture), screen an average of 80.5 over the past in the future, it was announced lar and president of mythical year to edge out Pi Kappa Alpha in the onnecticut Ca mpus r cently. Ivy olleg , U.S.A., will app ar by scv n-tenths of a point. Theta The document was distributed there in th t levision premier of "The Xi was third with 76.7. two weeks ago to tud nt in th basic Ha ll s of lvy" October 19 on the BS Of the various other groups of the units of th Army Reserve Officers n twork at :30 p.m. Colleg , married m n were the high- orps a part of a new national poli­ Form l'!y a radio program, the est with 79, followed by non-residents cy. The Air Force ROTC will distrib­ 'Halls" switched lo TV this y ar and with 78.4. Fraternity men were next ute th oaths within a few w eks. will us the Trinity campus as a back­ with a 76.1 a erage, followed closely According to unofficial reports, fail­ ground for all it sc n s of college life. by th upperclassmen with 76. ingl ure to sign would all gedly con titute Many of th scenes w r filmed her students posted a 75.8 average while a student ineligible to continue or com­ last spl'ing during final exams. Ronald non-fraternity men achieved a 75.7 plete the ba ic ROTC ourse, which is oleman (in private life Dr. William mark. Th fre hman class was at the a gt·aduate requirement at the niv r­ T. Hall) was rec ntly appointed to an­ bottom with 73.1. sity for phy ically fit mal . tudcnts oth r fivc-y ar term as presi lent of Th Fraternity averages are as fol- without previous military s rvice. hy oil g. lows: It was announced in the ROTC class- Th show will be sc n locally ove1· Alpha Chi Rho 80.5 cs that the oath wa I li\'ered to the tation WKNB-TV, hann I 30. Phi Kappa Alpha 79.8 units in compliance with a congrcs- oleman after receiving the contract that mad him Anoth r f atur in which Trinity Theta Xi 76.7 sional directive stipulating that all head of "Ivy Colleg-e," .A. for the coming fi ve y ars. The Holl ywood tar will again participat is th Coli ge Alpha Delta Phi 75.9 basic students must be examined for will be featured in a televi ion tHemiere of the former r·adio show "Th Halls Quiz Bowl. A pan 1 of four with one alt rnat will b chosen within the Delta Phi 75.4 Communistic or oth r subversive affili- of Ivy." Sigma u 74.9 ations. next t n days and a r cording will be Psi psilon 74. Dean W. Harrison Carter of the made in cabury 34 at 7:30 p.m. on Delta Psi University's colleg of Arts and Montgomery, Bass, Shephard Octob r 21 which the public is in­ Alpha Theta cienc , und r whose jurisdiction the vit d to all nd. Delta Kappa Epsilon ROTC program comes, declined to Th first meet is with Syracuse The Brownell lub, although not in comment on the effect that failure to Win Executive Council Posts niv rsity on Oct. 23. Good Hou. - Ray Montgomery was el cl d pres i­ comp tition for the cholarship cup, ign the document would have on a k cping has off r d scholarship awards posted the highest college average of student's standing in the niv rsity. dent of th Fr shman Executive Coun­ Testing Unit Given to th und f ated col! ge or university "81.9. All advanced Army ROT units are cil at a m ting last Wednesday. H in th Bowl. Allen Ludden will b th r equired to sign such an oath and un­ is from Hamden, Connecticut and is a To Engineering Lab moderator·. d rgo security investigation befor member of the glee club. Tom Bas Five Frosh Guilty, being tendered a commission. of Ardmor , P nnsylvania was lecled The Engine l'ing D partmcnt has The document is identical to one vic -president. H plays fr shman recently acquired a giant t sting ma­ Annual Report Tells Says Soph Tribunal that all regular Army personnel are football and is a m mber of the ad t chine for its laboratory. Council. Ray hcphard, also from The Sophomore Court, organized to required to sign as a matter of policy. The machin was pt· s nt d by th Of College Progress dis ipline fr shmen guilty of violating It lists a number of pecific known Ardmore, was elected s cretary-treas­ Halld n Machin ompany of Thomas­ ur r and is manag r of the fr shman "Tt is a pi asurc to r port on them," the traditions of the College, held its ubver iv organizations as well as ton whose p1· ident, Karl W. Halld n, football team. stat d Dr. Jacobs in his rec nt annual first session last Thursday. ·ontaining general clause stating that is a Tt·ust of th oil g . The frosh plan to hold a dance with r port on th 131st y ar of the oi­ Five frosh appeared before the the signee has never condoned or The 200,000 pound capacity of the the Hartford Hospital nurse · on Fri­ l g . Ref rring to th stud nt body, court, which con ists of a sophomore abetted any "violent" ocial, conomic quipm nt will b us d for testing such day, October 8th at the ho. pita!. Only p,. sid nt Ja bs said, "Th y ar a representative from each fraternity, and political refo ·m. materials as ste I, wood, and concr t the first one hundred men to sign up fin e gr·oup of whom th olleg is just­ one neutral, and one member appoint­ will be able to attend. under tension and compr ssion, as well ly proud-intcllig nt, loyal, fin young ed by the president of the sophomore Eastburn Wins Head Finally the council mad t mporary as to d monstrate various cl ign fac­ men ft ·om this country and abroad, class. plans for Homecom ing W k nd on tors to stud nts in the mat rial and who in th s days of t nsion and hys­ The court is set up so that any Political Club Post ovember 6th. They expect to follow str ngth mat rial cour·ses. teria have in a way that is particular­ sophomore who discovers a frosh guil­ Though th machine may be chssi­ ly praiseworthy fac d their college r - ty of an offense against tradition, such Bill Eastburn, a m mber of Delta th football gam with a buff t sup­ sponsibilities normally and rationally. as not wearing a beanie or not know- Kappa Ep ilon, wa lected pre ident per and dance with onn cticut Col­ fi d as "m dium-sized," it i. larg r Th ir spirit has been spl endid; th ir ing the Trinity songs and cheers may of the Young Republicans lub last lege. than most of thos used for industrial testing in plants in this at· a . attitude superb." subpoena that particular student be- Monday night. He was th former The Fr shman lnt rdormilory oun­ Th pr sid nt continu d by saying fore the court. vice-president of the club. Earl Isen- cil met that am • vening and el ct d A spokesman on the nginc ring that thC' av rage class at Trinity num­ A somber attitude prevailed in the see, former ccrctary of the club and a George Baxter of W slbury, Long Is- staff stated that the departm nt will b r d seventeen and that th College courtroom while the defendants testi- member of th same fraternity, was land as pr sidenl. Hobert outur do some expcrim nt work for th llall­ will rendC'r lh most ffectiv ervice fied. Each of the five case was tried chosen as vice-prcsid nt. Tom Alloc­ from Agawam, Ma sachuselts was d n ompany and other private con­ by r maining at its pr sent size and separately. The attitude of the court co of Alpha Chi Rho was lected sec­ chosen vice-pr sid nt and Dunstan e rns. slr ngth ning the fundam ntal train­ was not primarily punishment, but retary and Sam Thorpe, DKE, was McDonald from The apparatus WC'ighs 15 tons and named treasurer. secretary. stands 15 f t high, nearly touching ing in the liberal arts. of boosting the defending frosh's The Executiv Committee i com­ Th ouncil d cid d that they would the laboratot·y ceiling.
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