CHAÎNE ALPHABETICAL Asian (avoid using Oriental– biscotti STYLE SHEET and don’t use ref. to people) bite-size for Gastronome magazine Asiago cheese bittersweet (revised 11/2007) au gratin black-eyed peas au jus black-tie Note: au naturel blancs (wines) Put foreign words in italics. auf Wiedersehen (set rom) blini (always plural) If word is listed in autopilot blintz (pl. blintzes) Webster's, however, avant-garde bloc do not italicize. avruga caviar Bloody Marys blue cheese A B bluegrass bluepoint oysters a cappella baba au rhum bocconcini à la carte baccalà (fritters) bok choy à la king back-up bombe à la mode baguette(s) bon appétit! à la niçoise bailli (l.c. when used alone) bon vivant à point bailliage (l.c. when used bon voyage ackee alone) Bordeaux (also pl.) agnolotti baked Alaska bordelaise sauce ahi tuna baklava borscht aiguillette(s) ballottine bouchée aïoli Balthazar (16 bottles) boudin al dente bananas Foster bouillabaisse Alba truffles barigoule bouillon al fresco barquette(s) bourbon whiskey amaretto (unless specific) Bartlett pear bourguignon(ne) ambiance basmati rice Boursin amid; in the midst of bâton bowfin caviar among bâtonnet brainchild Amontillado (sherry) Bavarian cream brandade amuse-bouche(s) Bavarois bratwurst amuse-gueule(s) Bay Area brazil nut andouille béarnaise sauce bread crumbs angel-hair pasta Beaujolais breadmaking anglaise béchamel breadstick Anna potatoes bed-and-breakfast Brie cheese Angus beef beggar’s purses Brillat-Savarin antipasto, antipasti beignet (fritter) brioche (bread) anytime Bel Paese cheese but en brioche apéritif Belon oyster brochette (skewer), en à point, etc. beluga caviar brochette arctic char Bénédictine Bronze Star of Excellence Armagnac best seafood restaurant brown betty arroz con pollo beurre blanc brûlée art déco beurre noisette brunoise artisanal Bibb lettuce bruschetta artwork biergarten Brussels sprouts arugula billy bi bûche de Noël biplane Bucheron cheese bullfights, -ting charlotte russe corned beef Burgundy Charolais beef cornichon Chartreuse corn on the cob C château(x) côte de veau, boeuf, etc. chateaubriand coulibiac Cabernet Sauvignon Châteauneuf-du-Pape, coulis cabrilla (n) Château d'Yquem, etc. coupe Caesars chaud-froid couscous cachet chaudron court bouillon café au lait Cheddar cheese crab cake café noir cheesecake crab apple café sol chef de cuisine crabmeat calamari cherrystone clams crayfish calf's liver chervil cream puff Calvados sauce chèvre crema catalana Cambozola chevreuil crème anglaise camaraderie chickpea crème brûlée Camembert cheese chiffonade crème de menthe, crème Campari chili (pl: chilies) d'ananas, etc. canapé Chincoteague oysters crème fraîche cancan Chinois = Chinese crème profiterole, but candelabrum, pl. candelabra chipotle profiterole(s) candlepower chock-full Creole (cuisine) cannellini (bean) chopsticks crêpe cannelloni (pasta) chorizo crêpe(s) suzette(s) cannoli choucroute flambée(s) cantaloupe cilantro crépinette cappuccino cioppino crespelle Carême cipollini criss-cross carpaccio clafouti croquant carpetbag steak clubhouse croquembouche cassis coffee cake crostini cassolette (ramekin) cognac (except region) croustade cassoulet (bean & meat dish) cognoscente, cognoscenti croûte, but en croûte catsup (not ketchup) cold water (adj.) crudité(s) caviar coleslaw cucina celery root commis saucier cuisine cellar master compote centerstage concassé D cèpe(s) concierge cervelat (n) confit dacquoise ceviche (n) confiture daikon (radish) Chablis confrère D’Alta challah bread consommé dauphine potatoes, but champagne (lowercase Continental fare, but pommes dauphines before “reception”) continental breakfast décor champignon convive Deep South chanterelle(s) co-proprietor deep-fried chantilly coquilles St. Jacques dégustation charcuterie Cordon Bleu deluxe Chardonnay corn bread demiglace demi-sec F French pastry demitasse French toast deviled façade friandise(s) dim sum fairy tale fricassee, -eed, -eeing DiRoNA Distinguished faraway frijoles (pl) Restaurants of North America farce (stuffing), farci (stuffed) frisée (generally don’t use) farfalle frite(s) dolce (pl. dolci) feste (Ital.) frittata dolcelatte cheese feta cheese fritto misto Dom Perignon, etc. fête(s) champêtre(s) Friuli Dubonnet fettuccine Alfredo, etc. frogs' legs duchess potatoes feuilleté (m.) fruitcake duck liver, ducks’ livers ficelle fruits de mer Dungeness crab filet(s) mignon(s), but fish fund-raiser, fund-raising duxelles fillet filet de boeuf G E fillet (Eng. spelling of filet) filo dough (don't use, galantine(s) East, West use phyllo) galette, but galette de East Coast, West Coast financière caviar, etc. eau-de-vie (pl. eaux-de-vie) fin de siècle ganache éclair fines herbes, but aux fines garbanzo éclat herbes Gastronome magazine écrivisse(s) firsthand gâteau edamame five-potato terrine gaufrette potatoes eggnog flageolets gazpacho egg roll(s) flambé, flambéed, gelato (pl. gelati) eggs Benedict, etc. flambéing gelée elevation flan Genoese élève, élèves (noun, masc.) fleur(s)-de-lis génoise (cake) Émilion floor-length Gewürztraminer en brioche flying-fish roe gingerbread en brochette focaccia glaçage (glaze) en croûte foie gras, but foie de veau, glacé, glacéed en magnum etc. gnocchi ensured Folies-Bergère good-bye entrecôte fondant Gorgonzola cheese entrée Fontina cheese gougère epicurean food service Gouda cheese équipe de cuisine forcemeat goût de terroir escabèche Four Seasons Grand Camérier escargot(s), but petits fra diavolo grand(s) cru(s) gris escargots fraîche granité or granità espresso framboise Granny Smith apples étouffée Frangelico grape grower ever versatile frangipane grapeleaf everchanging freewheeling grapevines extra-virgin free-flowing gratinée (not gratinéed) extraordinaire free-range gravlax eye-opener French dressing Gruyère cheese french fries guinea hen Gypsy Loxahatchee K lyonnaise potatoes H Lyons kabocha habañero kaffeeklatsch M hackelback caviar kaisiki ryori (Japanese haute half shell cuisine) macadamia nut halfway kasha macédoine handmade katafi mâche (lettuce) hand-painted kebab Madeira hard-boiled kickoff magnum hard-pressed kir, kir royal magret hard-shell crab Kobe beef mahimahi hard-working kuchen maître(s) d'hôtel, haricot(s) vert(s), etc. Key lime maître d' (pl. d's) harissa kudos Malmsey haute ambiance kugel Malpeque oyster haute cuisine Kumamoto oysters Manchego cheese herb-infused cream man-made high rollers L marinade (sauce) hoisin marinara hollandaise sauce labeled marinate homemade, homemaker Lady apples marinière hors d'oeuvre(s) langouste, langoustine(s) marrons glacés house-made la nouvelle cuisine Marsala huître lapereau(x) mascarpone lasagna (pl. lasagne) matchup I Latin-American matzo(s) latté mecca ice cream lavosh medallions but médaillons Ice Wine (use caps if used légumes Médaille Présidentielle with proper name, lemongrass mélange even if N.V.) lifelong melba toast innumerable lifestyle menu, menu dégustation intronisation lightbulb meringue lighter-style mesclun J limoncello méthode champenoise lingonberry Methuselah (6-liter, 8 bottles) jalapeño linguini Mettwurst jambalaya Linzer torte meunière jardinière liqueur Messrs. (abbrev. for Jazz Age liter Messieurs) jellyfish littleneck clam microbrewed jerk-style chicken litchi(s) (not lychee,etc.) micromanage Jeroboam (4 bottles) lobster tail microgreens jícama lollo rosa midday joie de vivre (Rom) lollipop lamb chops Middle Eastern Jolly Ole England (or Old) long-awaited mignardise(s) julienne (noun, adj, verb) longtime mignonettes jus, au lookout mille(s)-feuille(s) jus lié low country millennium, the mincemeat New Year parfait minestrone New York–style (n-dash) Paris’s mini- (BUT minivan) niçoise parklike minipumpkin Noël Parmesan cheese mirepoix noisette parmigiana mirabelle pears nondeserving Parmigiano-Reggiano mirin non-member, non-vintage, pass-arounds mission figs etc. passion fruit Mlle. (abbrev. for nonprofit pastillage Mademoiselle) nonstop pastis Mme. (abbrev. for Madame) Northwest pâté, pâté de foie gras Moët notwithstanding Patissier (= Pastry, change to mojo nougat, nougatine (n) Pastry Chef in title) mole (sauce) nouvelle cuisine Pauillac monkfish nuovo-flamenco paupiette(s) Montrachet N.V. pavé morel Pear (or Poire) William Moselle O Pedro Ximenez mother-of-pearl pepper pot Moulard duck objet d'art (set rom) peppercorn aison moules marinières oenological, oenophile percent moussaka Oktoberfest périgourdine mousse old-fashioneds persillé mousseline Old South petit(s) four(s) mouthwatering omelette petit-gris (snail) mozzarella cheese onaga phyllo (not filo) mulligan stew orégano pièce de résistance (set rom) mulligatawny Oriental (avoid using, and pignoli (pine nut) multicolored don't for people) pilaf multicourse Orthodox Pinot (grape), Pinot Noir multicultural orzo pipérade multistation osetra caviar piroshki multitalented osso buco pistou Muscadet ouzo place card Muscovy duck (Peking duck, oven-dried, oven-smoked place mat Long Island duck) overripe poissonier myriad (use: a myriad of) oysters Rockefeller poivrade sauce polenta N P pommes frites pomodoro naan (bread) paella ponzu nage paillard porcini (mushrooms; porcine naïve, naïveté paintbrush is the singular) Napa cabbage panaché port wine (but Porto) Napoleon, but Napoléon pancetta portobello mushrooms cognac panfried posole, pozole navarin pan-seared pot-au-feu Neapolitan panisse pot stickers Nebbiolo panna cotta poussin Nebuchadnezzar (20 bottles) papillote premier cru(s) New American Cuisine pappardelle primo (course), etc. prix fixe Romano cheese Señor profiterole(s) romescu
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