47 YEARS A GOOD NEWSPAPER THE PLYMOUTH MAIL IZW VOL. 47, No. 45 PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1933 $1.56 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Shaw Family Now Freedom of the Press Saves Appointed To Place HOME TALENT Located In Tulsa REV. NORTON IS COMPLIANCE By Reconstruction SCHOOLS OPEN, The many friends of Mr. and Finance Officials Mrs. Robert D. Shaw will lie in­ America From Dictatorship! terested in knowing that they are now living in Tulsa. Oklahoma and PLAY WILL BE that they an* thoroughly enjoying RETURNED EOR Dean Carl W. Ackerman, of the Columbia University school of BOARD FORMED tin* southwestern country. Mr. Shaw journalism, states in his annual report just issued that it was indis­ who lieeaiue associated with the pensable to tlie public welfare that the news and editorial columns of Dow Chemical company when he tlie press in* free to record and interpret or comment on the facts as left here, is now in charge of the well as to print what is inspired or requested by "earnest and devot- Dowell Incorporated office at Tul­ ANOTHER YEAR ed public officials."’ HERE FOR NR A IS MAINTAINED STAGED HERE The report was submitted to President Nicholas Murray Butler, sa. which handles sales to the major oil companies in the mid- of Columbia. Final Steps For Perman­ Enrollment Remains As American Legion Backs eontiueiit oil fields. His territory Newburg Methodists Get "At no time in llle history of the Vuitcd States has the education Show To Be Presented embraces the states of Louisiana. I A New Pastor — LenJ- of the public in national and international affairs been so essential ent Organization Have Year Ago—Keep All I Arkansas. Texas. New Mexico.' as during file recent period of depression and the present cycle of re- Been Taken Departments Sept. 27th and 28th J Oklahoma ami Kansas. The com-' rum To Farmington constrncfion." Dean Ackerman stated. 1 panv he is with is a branch of the "As the press is the chief impartial and uncontrolled agency for Pl.vnioutli's public schools open­ Under the auspices of the l’lym-|j>ow company. Members of the First Methodist the distribution of information its responsibilities are evident." Wiili tlie formal organization of the Plynmutli NR A Compliance ed Monday. September 18. and tin* outh American I^egiou. a *home ‘tai ‘ Riibcrt D. Shaw. Jr., has enter­ •hureh of Plymouth are greatly The public, said the dean, continued to buy and read newspapers entire school program is moving on ent play sponsored by the Univers­ pleased over the action of the an­ during rile depression "although deprived of many necessities." hoard, final steps have been taken ed the Junior College department in this city to conform to tlie or­ schedule just as Slip!. George al Producing company, of Fairfield. of Oklahoma Military Academy, en­ nual conference of the M. E. church "With tilt* Roosevelt Administration in a iiosition to control 1 lit* Smith had planned. Iowa, will be presented at the held during the past few days at radio: with an almost equal power over the motion pictures, and with ganization set-up as required by the listing in the cavalry corps. This national government. The attendance this year is ap­ Plymouth high school auditorium school is located at Claremore and Ypsilanti in returning to the public emotion stimulated 10 such a tense state that public meetings proximately the same as last year, next Wednesday and Thursday. church here for another year Rev. must of necessity reflect the spirit.'as well as tlie letter of inspired This hoard, states tlie federal is one of the 21 honor schools of act. must be truly representative the first enrollment last year lwing September 27 and 28. the U. S. war department. P. Ray Norton. Only one change government propaganda, the only possibility of the United States es- 1340 and the first enrollment this Miss Martha Haas, who is here was made in the Methodist church­ ■apiug a dictatorship was inherent in the fight of the profession of of six different group* of tin* com­ Tulsa is a very beautiful city, munity. In compliance with this year l»eing 133S. eight less than directing the preparation for the but, Mr. Shaw writes old Plymouth es in this locality, Rev. Pryor of journalism for public recognition of the freedom of the press • • * wen* enrolled last year. Tlie fact production, states that a cast of the Newburg M. E. church having "If the newspapers of the world were free to report and interpret demand. the following have been friends that that part of the coun­ named : *>f tin* school opening two w<*eks 125 Plymouth people will take part try has been experiencing some been transferred to the Whitfield affairs in their respective countries there would be less cause for con- later may or may not account for in the production.. Profits from the M. E. church in Detroit. Rev. F. 1 over recent developments in the United States. But. the history Fred Millard, an employe of the very hot weather. Lee Foundry & Machine company, the slight variation. shows after the costs of production M. Townsend of Dexter comes to of Russia and Italy and. the recent course* of affairs iu Germany and All teachers hired for tlie open­ will go towards the obligations fill the Newburg pulpit. Japan establish the fact that once the press is controlled, all institu- representing the employees of this vicinity. ing of school are Iwck doing work arising from the organization of a Plymouth friends of Rev. Fred toins which function in the fields of liberty lose their rights and their with the exception of Hawley Cobh Junior American Legion baseball A. Lendrum, former pastor of the heritage and individual lilwrty of thought and action disapiiear en­ Maxwell Moon, of tin* Conner Hardwmn* store, representative of who resigned to attend schmil at team here last summer. If there M. E. church here who was trans­ tirely * » * FRANK COWARD Harvard University. 4'amhridgQ should be a larger amount than1 GRAIN GROWERS ferred to Adrian two years ago, "Public education in national and International affairs cannot he the retail trade employees of the Massachusetts. The work iu civics, necessary to pay these debts, the will be interested to know that he advanced solely by securing or recognizing the freedom of. the press. c^?,' .. n 1 > .1,1.. .. Announcement lias been made of Cass S. Howl, Ml™ ,l Hl Hirer-, .......... ............ taught by Mr. <"ohb. was transfer­ money will go into the general lias been sent to the M. E. church Editorial courage is needed. Knowledge and understanding must he red to Mr. kitturowlio taught pub­ fund of the I.pgion treasury, accord-• at Farmington and will immediately included. Responsibility for tlie public effit-t of the printed word is using malinger „f the lliiis, „f pi,-,,,,,,,!), r„jtl,l factnring compaii, •nlativ* lic speaking and English last year. ing to Lyle Alexander. assume his new duties in that near­ imperative, but above all—courage.” Savings hank, to the staff of the Mr. Latlure will mtitituic witli the The play, entitled “Henry's Wed-I MUST SIGN NOW by community. Rev. William Rich­ of the employers group. Reconstruct ion Finance Corisiratioii. Edward Ga.vde. of the Gayde debating team, ami in die iiosition ding*'uiii„ is a farcial tvu.cu,.comedy “and'“'‘I,. , T , TA m „ ards, formerly of Northville, is*to He pluiis to assume .his new duties for public speaking and English Lyle Alexander will he the star of Monday Last Day 1 O l»e retained at Belleville for an­ Bros.. representative of ill relail October first. His resignation was trade. was hired Miss Irene Walldorf of the cast. other year and Rev. Minor remains presenled to the hoard of directors Trenton. Michigan. Mr. Alexander, as Uncle Henry File Application Blanks at the Northville church for another Miss Alice Safford, repre* •ntative RIVER ROUGE G.0.P.10 STAGE i*f the consumers group. of the Plymouth United Savings Macey is an old bachelor of 5o To Reduce Crop hank Tuesday evening. •csignation of Mr. years who has decided to get mar­ The complete list of M. E. As­ John S. Dayton, an attor ■ who Mr. Onward will in* assin-iaied ommunii.v ried. He chooses for his bride signments for tlie Ann Arbor con­ member of the State Bar As- Tlie deadline for signing all with th<* Detroit office of this im- insi iu ■s ami v<H-atioual Semantha Greene. (Mrs. Ida wheat application blanks .lias been ference follow: nortant governmental departmeiit. Thomas) who has already been This hoard as it is now organiz­ counselor, he made many iinitorf- announced as Sept. 25 and-all wheat District superintendent. J. A. NNEWCBURSE A RALLY SOON ed is the representative ill Plym­ It was a little over a year ago anl coiitaols with student problems twice widowed. Jack Macey.’ (Max control contracts must lie in Wash­ Halmhuber. Adrian. H. W. Young; outh ol' the National Recovery Ad­ when Mr. Coward resigned a posi­ and ln-I|M-d many Io do lictter work Todd) Henry's nephew has heeu ington by December 1. This an­ Ann Arbor. First, F. B. Fisher and Again the rampant River Rouge I Western Wayne county Republic- tion with one of the larger hanks left an inheritance of $100,900 pro­ ministrator and no other group in limn they otherwise could have nouncement has just been received Peter F. Stair; Anu Arbor, West lias heeu taken from another por-1 sum are planning a big rally Sai- Plymouth or outside, will have any­ Iu Port Huron io conn* to Plymouth done without the solution of prob­ viding he Is married by the time by Ralph Carr.
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