THXJRSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1940 Tha WMthtr tIGHTEEJI iHatvI?r8trr £iintiu9.1llnraUi MMt of U. •. WMIIMT ■■III! The committee In charge of the The Junior department of the LIglit rola, rJeariag taoigiit; church achool Christmas tree par­ Concordia Lutheran church achool Satorday fair, Httla elauiga In tem* About Town ty and entertainment tomorrow will have Us Christmas party Sat­ poraturo. PINEHURST evening at 7:30 at the North urday afternoon at two o'clock'. W ALNUT ME.\T S.\LE Miss Doris Stevenson of thla Methodist church Includes Mrs. SUCH A 0009 9UY I'M Manche§ter— A CUy of Village Charm Fresh Hhipmenl! I town, a student at the Itnlverslty Ruth Field, Miss May Hanna and Uaht Hnivea and Pieces >Mrs. Beatrice Wallace. There will of Connecticut, Is one of the group W A L T E R ’ S KUePlHO OHS MVSUin VOL. LX.. NO. 69 (ClaaalRad AdvortMag aa Pag* !■ ) of 10 boy and girl singers from be singing, recitations and a visit MANCHE.STER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1940 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE THREE CENl'ftl ^^alnut Meats the college, known as the Uni­ from Santa Claus. Parents and BARBER SHOP versity Carollers, who will give a friends will be welcome to attend. i lb. 35e I half hour program of Christmas 517 Main St. Manchester Pound 6.V. ! music Saturday from 12;30 to 1:00 Despite Price Increases I over the radio. Ml.ss Stevenson Is Alic e co fran In Some Barber Shops . Selected Halves of a contralto. Two of the sopranos (Known As t)ueeB AUce) are from Rockville. Ml.ss Vera SPIRITUAL MEDIUM O U R P R I C E Walnut Meats Cobh and Ml.sa F.mlly Kupfer- Seventh Ooagbter of a Seventh Son •Teii Mam — You Sura For Haircuts Remains I schmId. llo n i With a Veil. Thf Same . Can i lb. 3 9 c Readings iM Iy • A. M. to • P. M. Damage Caused by Earthquake; 1 Store Hours: 9 M. to 9 P. M. ,Pound 72c. Mrs. Ivar Johnson of til Strlck- Or Bv AppohttoenL In the Service i SHOP BY ’PHONE” I land street, the former Ml.ss Grace of the People for SO Venra. Thurs., Fri., Sat., Mon., Tues. iMPfiRTF.n riiF.r.sr, i Nlchol.son of Kingston. Pa., was n i Church Strehl, Hartfonl, Conn. Darina th« bu»y holiday aaa- fienulne Swiss, machine sliced. : honored with a nu.seellaneoua Phone ^22S7 win when you’re Rift *hop- I j lb. .19c Pound SI. 10 i .shower at her home Friday evc- ptna>. rime on your Swiss (iru yere..............box 49c ' ning by 12 of her neighbors and houi^hnlri duties — »hop by naby (loiida (F.dam), averaae friends. She received gifts of linen, ’phone. D.\IL 41.11. about 4.1c ca< h. _________ I pyrex, aluminum and other wares. RADIO British Fleet Lower Ctiapman Court, Order of Ama- OIU PINEHURST FRESH FISH i ranth. will hold It.s annual meeting Ilonie, a Haven! FKF.SH o y s t e r s ...............pint 29c with election of oiTicers toniorr9w TABLE MODELS Pollock /or Home is a haven from Pod fhowder flams— evening in the .Masonic Temple. A THAT SUIT THE Italians Retreating in Libya, Says R. A. F. ■Swonlflsh Opened ................... I’'"* t:3iristmns party will follow in Renter di.scomforts. when ’ charge of Mrs. Dorothy Dittle, Mrs. Heatintf Halibut S h ell................................... ‘I**- S'*’ full-burn Fuel Oil pro- ( m ( HP (hn u --------- 1 Haddock Fillets B l’TTERFISII ........................lb. 19c i Eva Wood and Mrs. William Bray. videSe the heat, it is a^ ^ arships- Throw Tons Thousands in Panic; Flounder Fillets St4'anilnK Members are remlnd»(d to bring an S H E E T S ...................................lb. 29c inexpen.slve gift for exchange. _ healthfulness,'' MILES Sole Fillets also. NVith clean-burning BIRDS EYE^SPECIALS the ii doors 6 Cu. Ft, MCDITEIUIANEAN S£A Cut Corn .................21c £XPEKD Of Shells into Valona; Lake Ossippee Area I.ima.s...................... 23c ION Siz» FnOSTEO' ^FOODS Strawlierrics .......... 2.ic Just in . Crisp, Fresh GREEN BirANS. new crop Sum­ FUEL RANGE^IL WiM old Santa knowi a tiargaia whra ha .95 tcca one! Thii year’a General Electric mer Squash. 17c lb.; Radishes. Tender Pascal Celery. In Any Quantity— Any Time Chriilmst SftciJ Refrigerator it a belter buy Bardia Pounded Again Shock Is Strongest 18c; Fresh Peas . a new type of Hubbard Squa.sh. call­ Wholesale ami Retail 119 than avar before. More ttyling, more fealurea, BARDIA ed delicious. These Squa.sh are small, weighing about I mort ttoraga apace, for leai money than 1 SIDI any G-E Refrigerator aver offered. See it BARRANI Alu m pounds each. Sweet Potatoes. _ , NOW—aitd Ul't Itik'il ortr! rr CAFU2ZO • c.*- - Plea.se remember that Pinehursl i.s Headquarters for Gift BANTLY OIL COMPAN Raid Italiann Trapped in Be­ Tremor Is Kell from Vichy Putsch ' Stale Feels Food and Fruit Baskets. Center Street Phone 529.3 Otranto.r ZNot " Ghalleng- .tne»;! British Need leaguered Libyan Port LIBYA .Southern New Jersey Finest Yellow Tag and Northern Turkeys. Serving the Piihlic for 23^ Years. GENERAL 0 ELECTRIC ed Ity Italian Navy; Rattling Fiercely to To Montreal, (Canada; For Vessels Taught Nazis Temblor; No S|>ark-L’|» Tilings I Seen Indieation Dom­ Break Through Line Y P T Heavy Buildings Shak* DIXIE . CANDIED m Here’* nonirlhlng to give, ChrUt- SEI.ECT THOSE I,.VST FRUIT ( AKF. CHEKRIE.S ination of Mediterra­ Seen Great .O f Retreat; Airman R. A. F. ob.ierver* reported that, the Ualiane were retreating en; Atirihiited to'Slow CITRON ma* — to yourself; Nwded Igni­ Great LesscJii i/)a/wa^e Told MIX tion Serxlee on the Fur!. It’s rlglil Toyland— .MINI TE TOYS NOW'. nean Extended to — RIaM Goant West­ (Shaded arrow) toward Derna (1 1 and Tobruk (2), The British army, Rising of Griist of MIXED FRUITS and fine, to der-iilo on (lifts to having claimed the capture of .Salum, Fort (Tapuzio and Sidi Omar, .S.-inta'* Toyland i» the biggest event of the yr.ir to the children — struck (White'arrow) at Fascist communication line* west of Bardia TEA (’.ARDEN LEMON others. But! — don’t let Christ­ Adriatic Although On- C ro»» C oMlM 'Covetous ward to Derna; Fascist Aver Influential Group p„//cp Stations, Fire Earth in Region De­ ORANGE mas mine and go and still Bnd yon ■so bring them down, now. while there I* still th.it selerlion they 13). Other land forces attacked Bardia Itself. Tite British claim to MINCE ME.\T Fruit Cake plagiierl bV faiiltv Ignition, (live want. .Santa will lie in Tnylaml tonight (ami every night until ly l ower Part Hit. Eye' on 'Certain Nitm- Gamp in Flames. have driven the Italians back into Libya from their previous positions At Work Within 1‘etain Houses. Newspaper pressed During lee Age Christmas I from 7 to 9 He will be in his tHiolh afternoons, as a* f*r ea.st ax Sidi BarranI i4) in Egypt. Yourself -rhls (lift! Government to Sriiltle a IMIL ...so* - -- -- - - usual, from 2 to .1. Liinilim, Deo. 20.—(TF)— her of Enemy Ships' Cairo, Dec. 20.— (TP)— By Offices Swamped hy Bn.ston. D(‘c. 20.— (/P)— An Made with all quality injrredients. Hosles.s V ruit 1 akes, SCOOTERS ....................... .S1.9H to $1.98 British sea power con.sisting In American Ports. land, sea and air the British ' Rapproehnieiit I’laiis. (.alls on Tp/Fp/i«nr'S. ' ''^‘•■thquake centering in New 3/2-pound size $1.00. N. H. C. Fruit Cakes. 2-pound NORION . .$7.9.-> to $n..'»o of battleships, a cruiser and reported their forces kept up i — ... j England and felt from south- A I TOS AND T ill C K S ---- Berlin. Dec. 20 P The French •izt, $2..‘I9 . ,5-pound size. .S4.39 In this N. B. C. cake destroyers has swept the low- Ivondon. Dec. 20 (/P, Britain’s a remorseless pounding of New Haven, Dec. .p Con-! eP" •fer.sev to Montreal, ELECTRICAL ROCKING ANIM.M.S....... ___ $1.98 to $.3.98 Defense Commission cabinet shakeiip of last Saturday, 20 you may have dark or golden. I’ lea.se order 1 ruit Cakes • Adriatic and the battle­ minister of shipping today cast Bardia today with Italians ^ necticut. in company with the rest j Canada, earl.v today shook INSTRUMENT CO. , . ..SI.98 to $6.98 known here a.* "the putsch «rf Friday. ________________________________ BOWI.INt; AI.LEYS ships poured nearly 100 Cons what he called a "covetous eye ' on trapped in that beleaguered Vichy.” has taught the f'.erman of New England, was shaken by an ; heavv building.*, cau.sed slight Hilliard St. Phone UKiO ..........................$ 1.00 OOI) Bl'KNINf; SETS of high explosive shells into "a certain number of enemy ships Libyan port battling fiercely Revision Not Decided government one great lesson, men *■>'' thr..- ,h„u„„d. I’ .\iNT SETS— .$ 1.00 fiAMES— $t.00 the Albanian port of Valona, in the United .States" and declared to break through their block­ in the know here .say. di.sturber. but no property dAmagc i persons into panic. Prof. L» ..........................$ 1.00 that assignment of these and t!nit- ' That lesson, they assert. Is that 0’(^ \ K KITCHEN SETS the, Admirafty announced to­ ed line of retreat to the west. there is an influential group at was reported. ' I.I^on l.,eet of the Harvard Unie ^ 302 MAIN STREET ed Ships to the British service "are R«..,evrii I)„e.n Know Police station*. Are house* «nd!vcrsitv oh.servatorv at Har- / DIAL 4151 T lN K ^ T a V S ...............
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