Rockland Gazette The Largest Rockland Tribune Circulation Union Times In Eastern Maine Consolidated March 17, 1897 T he Courier-Gazette. — ---------------------------------—--------------------— TW/CE-A-WEJEK . TUESDAY AND SATURDAY. Rockland Maine Saturday June 26 Two Dollars a Year ’897 Vol. 5 2 .. N o . 40 EXPECTING SOMETHING FROM NOTHING WORD FROM WASHINGTON POINTS ON POLITICS C00LI06E DIED THERE OLD TIMERS IN A CORNER OF THE LIBRARY A Florida Correspondent I’ooli-pooha the Home Recollect Iona of the First Hail Team Power and Transmission, a very able trade A Master Granger's Views On the Business This has been a sad week for the few Onida's latest book Is said to deal with the SOMETHING T h e o r y o f S u ic id e . Itocklnml Ever Hail—The Llmernetta. Democratic fossils who still cling to the free- monthly published at Mishawaka, Ind., gives Situation—Improvements. problem of social equality. It ia entitled “The editorial utterance to the following sensible W ashington, June 25. trade Democratic theory. One-third of the 1’bnhacola, Fla., June 19. The subject was baseball at the Central Altruist.” Southern votes in Congress have either sup­ article, for which we are indebted to an N o man in public life it nearer to the Editor The Courier-Gazette:— I see that Club the othfcr night and after the position up Dr. Jsmes Martinrsu is the dean of authors FOR ported the high protective features of the esteemed Camden contributor: American farmer to-day than Hon. J. H. the man who believed the moon was made of to date had been thoroughly discussed, the for the Victorian jubilee, l i e is 91, and pub­ pending tariff bill or refused to be recorded Extracting sunbeams from cucumbers is not Brigham, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, green cheese has invaded your columns and old-timers took a turn nt the hat. lished his first book in 1837. against it. wants us to believe that D r. V . P. Coolidge likely to commend itself as a business idea to whose valuable service as Master of the N a ­ “ I used to play on the first regular team The sequel to the "Prisoner of Zenda" ia anyone who knows the difference between the tional Grange has brought him in close touch With one member of the Democratic team was not dead when Drs. Buxton and Rose cut Rockland ever had,” remarked Sam Burpee, to he published in McClure’s Magazine be­ NOTHING one and the other. It is not easy to find a with that great class of citizens. H is views pulling in the direction of free trade, another him up. “ hut I can just tell you that we played (lifter- ginning in the -September number. It la en­ man who looks for sap in a knitting needle, upon conditions and prospects are interesting towards protection, still a third in favor of I well remember (being a native o f W a r­ ent in those days than they do now. I titled "A Constalde of Zenda.” soap in a walnut nr feathers on an oyster, but free silver, and a fourth headed resolutely ren) how excited people were when the re­ remember that once Henry Wise was playing to all, hut especially so to that body of men Vernon l.ee, the very critical and somewhat the gentleman is by no means a curiosity who toward the gold standard, the Jeffersonian- port esme from California that “Coolidge” second base and I was covering first. A base and women to whose interests he has devoted aflected writer on them e, relating to the Ita l­ This is what you can­ is expecting what he never gets, and from Jacksonian band wagon is not making much was living and the crowd at Brackett’s store runner was between us and we were that ig­ so much time and thought. ian Renaissance, it soon to publish a new sources as inconsistent and unreasonable as progress. li»t ned with intense interest, until the name norant of the rules that we didn’t know how not get from everybody Talking with your correspondent yesterday book entitled "Lim bo and Other Essays.” looking for a solar ray in the skin of a cucum­ about the progress of tbe work being done Disappointment follows disappointment of the informant was given, when it broke we were going to get him out. I looked at ber. W e make a mistake of this kind when among the Popocratic leaders. Not only are into a loud gufiaw: “ W hy,” was the chorused Henry and Henry looked at me, and the base Marion ('rawford.who has before this given and it may seem strange by the Republicans here, he said: we expect a five dollar biil to blow in at a “ The Administration has been earnestly a d ­ they disappointed in tbe fact that the Repub­ comment, “ no man in town would believe runner enjoying his unexpected safety coolly public readings from his novels, is next w in­ ter to branch nut into a new field, lie it to back door, or some unknown persun to do for vocating the early passage of a measure that licans have presented a solid front on the — —on oath!” sat down between the bases. W e then looked to y o u how we c an d o it. ' deliver a series of leclures upon Italian art, al us what we will not do for ourselves As a will correct the evil resuls of the Wilson low tariff question and failed to quarrel among Just then D r. Buxton came in and was met up the rules and found that all we had to do by the query: “ How’sthis,Doctor?”— rehears­ was to touch the runner with the ball and Ihe aame lime reading from hia novels. We will tell you how general thing dollars are not as familiar as tariff free-raw-material law,— a measure which themselves upon currency, or any other flies, or are our boots paid for, our rent hills is expected to give adequate protection to the question, but they are even more distressed ing the rumor. this he finally did. Mlsa Grace Denio Litchfield, who left a settled or the coal sheds filled by freaks of agricultural interests and with a tendency to to find their own party falling to pieces on “All I have to say,” retorted Dr. Buxton, “ Gus Ulmer was a substitute on the team very pleasant impression tome years ago with we do it. You buy “is that if Coolidge is in California he went fortune. remove the present existing depression. the question o f protection as well as silver, and finally, one day, it came tis turn to play. her "K night of the Black Forest,” has written The rule with most of us is tf.at we must There has been less delay than in any since their vote against the protective feat­ there with a clean heart, for I had it out and Everything went well until Charles Cobb a novel ol life in Washington. It is called catch (o r buy) fish before we fiy them, and previous legislation of the kind. The wool- ures of tbe tariff bill is growing weaker daily, washed i t !” started to steal second. Gua forgot that he ‘In the Crucible," ami will be published thii pay (or promise to pay) for potatoes or her- growers and wool-buyers are waiting with while their arguments in behalf of free silver Coolidge’s heart weighed 3 3-4 ounces less wasn’t playing round ball and threw the hall Summer by the Putnams. $ 5 WORTH s GOODS than any human heart on record and by the ring before we can peel the one or pick the some impatience the passage of the bill regu­ are being disproven by every week's develop­ with might and main at Cobh, It struck the Short stories by Conan Doyle, Anthony bones of the other. Yet there are men to be lating the duties upon imported wools and ments since tbe election. diagram drawn by Dr. Buxton (which I often latter fairly in the stomach and floored him Hope and Robert Barr w ill appear in the July raw ) was the smallest in size. I saw Coolidge completely. found here, there, and everywhere, who claim woolens. Wool is now ready for market, and A currency commission which shall frame number o f McClure's Magazine. Add to these At our store and by several times and on one occasion was with “Instead of throwing a swift curve ball the this exceptional privilege. They spend more this suspense is very detrimental to both a plan for the general revision of the currency an instalment of the interesting Stevenson two persons from Kennebec county who same as they do now they used to toss the than they earn and they loaf as often and as seller and buyer, as they do not know just system of the United States seems likely to novel, "St. Ives," and in the m atter of fiction your paying S3.95 extra knew him well. My brother W arren was one ball, the pitcher not being allowed to crook long as they please, sleeping soundly on the what rates of duty will be fixed. The farmers be the next step of the new administration, it would he hard to frame a more attractive of the guards of the prison at the time and his elbow.” Sam Farwell, by the way, used delusion that in some way or other the cucum­ are very earnest in demanding adequate pro­ after the passage of the tariff bill, which will announcement.
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