BRIGHT BEAM IN FRONT OF A LOCOMOTIVE (End. Beginning in a previous issue of World of Transport and Transportation Journal) Grigoriev, Nickolai D. – Ph.D. (Tech.), associate professor at the department of Electric engineering, metrology and power engineering of Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT), Moscow, Russia. Groups of such lamps could provide a more uniform light ABSTRACT distribution throughout the room than gas lamps and Pavel Yablochkov owns one of the most memorable arc lamp projectors. Moreover, price for it decreased pages in the history of world and domestic electrophys- rapidly. For example, during two years from March 1878 ics. In XIX century he became a holder of inventions and to March 1880 the price of the candle had fallen by 2 patents recognized by the entire civilized world of «Ya- times. blochkov candle» and ways to use the effect of «light French Patent № 120684, issued to inventor on the fragmentation» in the multi-element electric alternating 11th of October 1877 proposed capacitors as a stack current circuits, etc. Thanks to him, «Russian light» (block) of metal plates or strips of foil with insulating provided a vibrant nightlife to major European cities, layers (plates) located between them. They were rolled- gave electric lighting to ships and trains, other public up sheets of tin foil, separated by layers of plaster and infrastructure facilities. And at the same time the author gutta-percha (a natural waterproof insulation material, of the article highlights a dramatic fate of the scientist, the product of condensation or coalescence of colloidal early death, unfinished plans and projects. particles of the latex in the Brownian motion). Even Invitation from Grand Duke metal plates or foil strips were interconnected by a com- On the 17th of June, 1877 Yablochkov candle light- mon conductor, while the odd plate or foil strips were ened West Indian docks in London, and then Waterloo interconnected by another one. The blocks could be bridge, halls of Kensington and British Museums, part mounted in parallel or in series. This packet design of of embankment of the river Thames, the hotel capacitors is widespread today. «Metropol», Hatfield castle, Westgate sea beaches. In addition to that patent on the 12th of October 1878 It seemed that the darkness stepped back, and Yablochkov claimed his rights to the condenser unit from electricity took its course. But competitors did not re- metal sheets coated with an insulating material and im- treat. Nobody wanted to give back anything voluntarily. mersed in a tank with an insulating liquid to improve Shareholders of powerful British gas companies set electric strength and capacity. This invention was a all means in motion, up to obvious deceptions, slander predecessor of a structure of the oxide electrolytic ca- and bribes to discredit an illumination method developed pacitor with record high specific and absolute capacities by Yablochkov. On their insistence, the British Parliament patented soon after the author’s death. In the electro- established a special commission, which included out- lytic capacitor dielectric is an oxide layer formed during standing scientists of the time W. Thomson (Lord Kelvin), electrolysis on the metal surface, which is one armature. J. Tyndall and other persons. They had to consider the The other armature is an electrolyte needed for the admissibility of widespread use of electric lighting in the existence of an oxide layer which thickness is less than British Empire. a micrometer under smaller voltages. All failures, which are inevitable in case of the novelty In magnet dynamoelectric AC machine, on which of the case, were exaggerated and were blown about in Yablochkov took out French patent № 119702 in 1877, numerous articles; imaginary catastrophes were de- there were no moving windings and sliding contacts. scribed, which might result from the use of electric light. Magnetizing winding and winding, in which EMF was Supporters of gas lighting pointed to the danger of induced, remained motionless. Ridged iron disk was electricity for life, the difficulty of light fragmentation, rotating, changing during the rotation a magnetic flux, harmful effects on the eyes, etc. The minutes of the penetrating the winding with EMF. This principle of op- commission stated: «With regard to the electric light, the eration of the machine is used in modern inductor alter- English ladies are very unhappy: they find that it gives nators. some deadness to their face». Long debates and hear- Low-power generators, designed at that time, ing of witnesses revealed many vigorous opponents of geared from transmission shafts via a belt drive, were electric candles among members of the commission, installed in power plants and prevented the spread of considering that in London they were more expensive electric lighting. A powerful alternator, developed by than gas. Supporters turned out to be in the minority. Yablochkov, had rotating electromagnets (rotor), the Almost simultaneously with England Yablochkov poles of which had a helical (spiral helical) form. He candles lighted rooms of trading firm J. Michaelis in believed that a small angular motion will correspond to Berlin, National street, Colon square and the ruins of the significant movement of the magnetic pole, and this will Colosseum in Rome, Folskgarten in Vienna. With excep- provide an opportunity to use a smaller rotation speed. tional speed new electric lighting was installed in Advantages of machines, constructed by Yabloch- squares, streets, in ports, shops, theaters and palaces kov in that period of time, over generators of A. V. Sie- of Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Sweden and other countries mens and Z. T. Gramm were significant. In Siemens’ in Europe and beyond. «Russian Light» flashed up in San machine current was generated in a rotating armature, Francisco and on the 26th of December 1878 in Vine- leading to wear of collector-brush gear and flashover mar’s stores in Philadelphia (USA), in Rio de Janeiro due to relatively high voltage in the circuit. In Gram’s (Brazil) and cities in Mexico. It appeared in New Delhi, machine windings, in which EMF was induced, were Calcutta, Madras. The Shah of Persia and the King of stationary, but they had a ring shape that made a lot of Cambodia let it lighten their palaces. inconvenience for manufacture of machines and repair- None of the inventions in the field of electrical engi- ing of the windings. neering had received such a rapid and widespread Generators of Yablochkov did not prevent an in- 233 occurrence as Yablochkov candles. It was a triumph of crease in their size and power, as the system of Gramm. the Russian engineer. After his work, it became clear It was possible without stopping the machine, to turn off that the electric light is the most convenient, cheapest the damaged coil, remove it and replace it by another and promising way of lighting. The candle had little one. In fact, they were two-phase synchronous ma- power and was suitable for lighting of small spaces. chines with electrically unconnected windings. Yabloch- •МИР ТРАНСПОРТА 06’14 kov did not decide to build a multiphase generator with 234 electrically connected windings immediately. He wanted to combine in one machine several individual generators, in the end he got four. It was the first multi- phase AC generator, applied in practice for the supply of certain groups of candles and allowing fragmentation of light. Location of the poles on the rotor, stationary armature unit (stator), the current supply to the excita- tion winding through the brushes and two rings have been preserved in the synchronous machine till present. At Paris World Exhibition of 1878, Yablochkov’s electric lighting system was presented as completely finished for its practical use and was a huge success. His candles and kaolin lamp attracted all visitors. Works of Russian inventor got the interest of members of Paris Academy of Sciences, where a commission was formed, which included well-known scientists A. Saint- Clair-Deville, E. Becquerel, P. Berthelot et al. It was found that Yablochkov achieved full fragmen- Then the lighting of the Palace and Liteyny bridges tation, constancy, and the possibility of separation of across the Neva, a number of factories (Baltic, Obukhov, electric light in all proportions: small, medium and large. Izhorsk et al.), sorting-out workshop of Okhta primer «Proceedings of Paris Academy of Sciences» reported: plant (thus improving working conditions), rich man- «Yablochkov candle caused in Paris, as well as, indeed, sions, some restaurants and other large objects of the elsewhere, a movement in favor of electric lighting. We Russian capital was carried out successfully. Then eight are obliged to it certainly by the fact that electric lighting ball lights shone on the square in front of Alexandrinsky became a usual way. Equitably in the history of the Theatre in St. Petersburg. electric light it should take a very prominent place, which In the spring of 1879 the association «Yablochkov- it deserves». inventor and Co.» began to install of electric lighting in Inventor’s name was known all over the world. Moscow, Moscow region, Oranienbaum (now Lomono- However, at that exhibition he engaged in persistent and sov in Leningrad region), Kiev, Nizhny Novgorod, Hels- successful controversy with numerous detractors ingfors (now Helsinki, capital of Finland), Odessa, (mostly with representatives of gas companies). He had Kharkiv, Nikolayev, Bryansk, Arkhangelsk, Poltava, to refute their false allegations about the shortcomings Krasnovodsk, Ekaterinodar (now Krasnodar), Saratov of the present invention. and other cities of the Russian Empire. The exhibition was visited by Russian Grand Duke But the greatest number of lamps with electric can- Konstantin Nikolaevich (the second son of Emperor dles was installed on warships and in ports of the Baltic Nicholas I), General-Admiral (the highest naval rank), and Black Seas, in the factories of the military and naval who headed the Naval Department.
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