University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 3-2-1966 Kabul Times (March 2, 1966, vol. 4, no. 281) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (March 2, 1966, vol. 4, no. 281)" (1966). Kabul Times. 1187. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. _~ __., ~._ -·-r _ -" -- • NEWS STAtuI MARCH I, 1966 PAGE 4 WUTBD PO.ECA~] T9••no..•• Tellll'U'.tan~. MaL +12"C. MInImum +4 y 2200StudentsGraduate'From Man Bursts Into IPolitical Unrest In Developing Sun sets today at .5:50 p.m.\ p- ~~~~it Iomorro~ ~ 1~-·.- ··U· L··..·T··' E···· S· Cinema; Kabul Intc:matioAa1 Sun rises 6:22 Io~ M'.. Airport.' Primary Schools 01 Kabul. Church To Shoot Nations Means Danger To Tomorrow'. ODtloo~;~loudJl" i -\1'. (-.. >. 1~ ~ _~. ~ . KABUL, March 1.- Preacher'sDaughter All Investors, Says Scheel ,<lot • .' __,-. --- of students who completed their primary. education Marcb (DPA).- OuT 2200 BAMBURG, I, VOL. 'Y. NO. 281. ~"" ';). KABUL, wEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1966, (HOOT 11, 1344, S.H.) I'IUC& IlL I ,. tbIs year In Kabul, 9S per cent are expected to he:admlUed NUMEGEN. Bolland, . Ii k tb ~ . " to intermediate and btgb schooJs. March 1, (Renter).-A man "I"JIi:: African states mnst make snong etI0rts to gam ac. e I - Applicants seeking admission schools are far moretban these brandJsblng a pistOl bom in· I ~ofIdenee of capital Investors sbaken by.tbe reeent se';les of to Habibia. GIulZi and kJsary schools can accommodate. Ther.. 10 chorch during a Sunday revolts, accordiug to West German MiJJlster for EeonomJe Co· Soviet Spci'ce Ship Lands On Work Oil New Road U.S. House Passes Defence . fore. an .entrance examination mornin; service here and t· Walter Scheel . threatened (0 shoot the pre. Iopera Ion . USSR Space Dogs wjll he given .for admission to Scheel. who 'accompaoies West I he added.. .... Venus After 106.. 0ay Voyage Starts In Shindand Budget; Fulbright Proposes. these schools. acBber'selooseddaug:terlIa' shot at ran- IGerman President Heinrich Luebke The Mmister said ~atAfm. VI~W . Other intermediate and high , on his African tour, made the stale- of the recent events ID . n~, e MOSCOW, Marcb 2, (Reoter).­ FARAH. Much, 2.- Co_on of a road. between Shindand woles­ Complete Sixth'" schools in Ka,bui will admit stu· qom and then mov~ . with ,ment in an interview granted in lack of confidence of capital lOVCS- A USSR space sbJp landed Tuesday on the planet Venas, Neutralisittg Southeast.Asia dents WIthout giving entrance pistol pointed, towards a pew ~ Nairobi and published here Monday 19f5 was UD.derstandable. On the plunging into its scorching surface after a l06-day voyage wall aad. the ftsrem higway began' WASHINGTON;'l\JaJ;c1i 2, (DPA).­ Tuesday with the belp of the local ' y In Orbl"t examinations, . Dr. Nematullah where ~e 21-year--old girl \ bv the inftaential Hamburg Daily other' hand It rep~eseDted a . gr~t througb space. ~e u.s. Bouse cif Representatives TnfSday· gaye overwbelm­ Da Pazhwak, President of Secondary was sitting. "Ole Welt'·. menace to the African economic e-- th~t people. bu~ It was the first time in history curtain constantly shrouds .it, Shiodand is 29 kilometres 01I the ing approval to a 54,800 million delenee for Vietnam. Educa"on Dep·artment in the Her father watched the scene .I ment represen~ MOSCOW. Ma.rch 1, (Reuter).- U fro th ul·l "Political unrest in' a certalD ter- ve op. th that an earth·made object had Venus' surface can never be ob­ western bigbway. The new The sum a Part .of full Coogressiooal support for his' 1bt Soviet Union's two high-flying Education Min~said. ~ ett pi fi ritory means danger to aU investors. Scheel. rejected suggest~ns ~ served.. l actually landed on anotber planet. road will shorien the <limn", by $12,700 million militazy budget I' Vietnam policy. , th· sixth The t.hree-daY examinations en e man was ve A chain of revolts in Africa means West Germany e~counter .. a ~ There is little scientists know reserv~ al~ And it was another triumph­ 19 kilometres inti will conn~ Shin­ requested by U.S. President Lyn- "'. spac::e'-dogs., DOW spending elf . will be conducted by the Il1stitute metres away frOm the girl, a that interested investol;,S are of development competition With ant "first" for Soviet space for certain about the planet. day .,pinning around lhe ~ of Education. member of the congregation ed". ~st Ger~any. m ~uch develoel"r eland .directly to the highway in Ka­ don Johnson in January: ear:th- science. They de. not know how often it Meanwhile, during the House_·IUS••'Will OPpOS"'e being fed through pipes di- sprang at him and other "This cannot be overcome by mg countnes. tn whl~h. East G. - lai Rortam area. r~ ;~~le ~irl:d~=C:viet :=~':~U~~~ o:n~~ :::S~I~O~~s The Soviet Venus-3 probe space­ turns on its axis-Qr how long the. vote, the Senate depate on the EG.R t scien- :: II state guarantees and tax priviIl!ges", already boldmg certam ship tore through the cloud that Venusian daY is. They do not issue ·r.ont4>ued with Senator J. " ennan eques constaotly masks the planet and its know whether there is any OxY­ lists 'laid the dogs, Veterok (Breeze) Gh Villa D tes lighting men. He added that lor iostaoce Tan- Tremon Shake William Eulhright proposing Iieu-·· . [0 gen or water vapour in the cloud and pgolyok (BIacky) were being ory ger ona Three more shots '¥Dt alI, zania. whicb toleratel! East German signals earth ceased. trallsation of all Southeast Asia 'To UN Anniversary Perhaps the Venusian atmos­ covering it. But they believe it and ."a gEneral settlement wi~ JOI'n . pr~re-fed with ~-lik.e f~ in melee. Two lilt the I representations in Zanzibar and Land For School Farm the has seasons. Baghlan But No thrqq~ artificiaJ openmgS m thelf CHAGHCHARAN, March I, One ceil.lng bot one hit the sister, (Contd. from page 1 ) Dar-es.Salam would not receive any phere had blacked out its radio .China o~ ~es. in the, area. WASHINGTON, March 2.' mi~ calls from far out in space. Of the planets of the solar sY&-' The Chamaan of the . Senate. (DPA).-The United States last SlOm\chs. -acre of land for setting up a school of the threateoed girl in.the 1 \'ice-chairman of tbe council of iurther West German development tern. Venus is second closest to Meal. potatoes. flour. vitamins farm was donated to the Abangaran I pelvis. She was taken to. the nislers of Uzbekistan, declared aid as soon as running contracts WHh fantastic aCcuracy, Venus­ Damage Reported ForeIgn ~tions COIDmlttee an- night -reiterated its·determination 3 hit ;ts target after 160 million the sun, and its fiery surface at ~e~uctant and water 1s being forced pneuma- village scbool in Gbor province, by I hospital in serious condition. Monday while addressing a meeting had expired. nounced his .support of to oppose East Germ.arly'5 .mem­ miles ~ight. the equator is reckoned. to be BAGHLAN, March 2.-Fafrly ticaUy into them. the article said. Ghulam "Nabi, a resident of the The man was held nnW marking the 45th anniversary of the With reference 10 the tense West the $4.800 million VIetnam de- bership in the United Nations. I It landed the USSR Bag on the 775 degrees fahrenheit. The dogs are wearing special village. ~ police arrived.. trcatv of Friendship betweeQ. the German state bUdget. the Minister strong earth tremors were felt fence budget, but stressed that be As to a letter of application for planet. There was no immediate word co~d appro~e space~suits and are f(ee to move USSR and Afghanistan. said he hoped that stale and private in Baghlan and surrounding areas not a general esca- membership by East German Two days earlier, the probe's from Moscow last night on what at 9:40 a.tIL Tuesday. No damage labon ,)f the Vietnam war. State and party Chief. Walter about: io air-conditioned containers, N R' d T J 0 F ah The meeting held in Tashkent. development aid this year would . traveling companion in space tbe two Yenus probes have re­ fitted ··with appliances for removing the capllal of the repubhc, was at- reach last year's total of 3,000 mil- or casualties hav.e been reported. ~ef?re the.. Senate can vote on Ulbricht to the world organisation ew oa . 0 0'n a, Venlls-2. swept planet Venus, miss­ vealed. But scientists were work­ dirt and giving them medicines, the lended by hundreds of active memo lioIT marks. the billIt will b... to debate .a published TueSday a U.s. state T WHo h B ing it by 24,000 kms. ing hard on details the space clause mtroduced by Democratic department spokesman said the articles added: bers 01 the UZbek. brancb 01 tbe MaiwandwalMeets H.M. 1 0 .estern .g way egun New Ghanan Govt Venus-J had been launched on craft had sent to earth. S~nator Wayn~ .. Morse, who admini5tration has not yet it. Meanwbile Soviet scientist! society for fnendshlp and culhJral 1 " ~ The Suviet Tass News AgencY In Gulkbana PalaCl: seen· ~oDday were still maintaining F ARAB, March 1,- h AIgh .
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