University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 3-2-1966 Kabul Times (March 2, 1966, vol. 4, no. 281) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (March 2, 1966, vol. 4, no. 281)" (1966). Kabul Times. 1187. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1187 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact unodigitalcommons@unomaha.edu. _~ __., ~._ -·-r _ -" -- • NEWS STAtuI MARCH I, 1966 PAGE 4 WUTBD PO.ECA~] T9••no..•• Tellll'U'.tan~. MaL +12"C. MInImum +4 y 2200StudentsGraduate'From Man Bursts Into IPolitical Unrest In Developing Sun sets today at .5:50 p.m.\ p- ~~~~it Iomorro~ ~ 1~-·.- ··U· L··..·T··' E···· S· Cinema; Kabul Intc:matioAa1 Sun rises 6:22 Io~ M'.. Airport.' Primary Schools 01 Kabul. Church To Shoot Nations Means Danger To Tomorrow'. ODtloo~;~loudJl" i -\1'. (-.. >. 1~ ~ _~. ~ . KABUL, March 1.- Preacher'sDaughter All Investors, Says Scheel ,<lot • .' __,-. --- of students who completed their primary. education Marcb (DPA).- OuT 2200 BAMBURG, I, VOL. 'Y. NO. 281. ~"" ';). KABUL, wEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1966, (HOOT 11, 1344, S.H.) I'IUC& IlL I ,. tbIs year In Kabul, 9S per cent are expected to he:admlUed NUMEGEN. Bolland, . Ii k tb ~ . " to intermediate and btgb schooJs. March 1, (Renter).-A man "I"JIi:: African states mnst make snong etI0rts to gam ac. e I - Applicants seeking admission schools are far moretban these brandJsblng a pistOl bom in· I ~ofIdenee of capital Investors sbaken by.tbe reeent se';les of to Habibia. GIulZi and kJsary schools can accommodate. Ther.. 10 chorch during a Sunday revolts, accordiug to West German MiJJlster for EeonomJe Co· Soviet Spci'ce Ship Lands On Work Oil New Road U.S. House Passes Defence . fore. an .entrance examination mornin; service here and t· Walter Scheel . threatened (0 shoot the pre. Iopera Ion . USSR Space Dogs wjll he given .for admission to Scheel. who 'accompaoies West I he added.. .... Venus After 106.. 0ay Voyage Starts In Shindand Budget; Fulbright Proposes. these schools. acBber'selooseddaug:terlIa' shot at ran- IGerman President Heinrich Luebke The Mmister said ~atAfm. VI~W . Other intermediate and high , on his African tour, made the stale- of the recent events ID . n~, e MOSCOW, Marcb 2, (Reoter).­ FARAH. Much, 2.- Co_on of a road. between Shindand woles­ Complete Sixth'" schools in Ka,bui will admit stu· qom and then mov~ . with ,ment in an interview granted in lack of confidence of capital lOVCS- A USSR space sbJp landed Tuesday on the planet Venas, Neutralisittg Southeast.Asia dents WIthout giving entrance pistol pointed, towards a pew ~ Nairobi and published here Monday 19f5 was UD.derstandable. On the plunging into its scorching surface after a l06-day voyage wall aad. the ftsrem higway began' WASHINGTON;'l\JaJ;c1i 2, (DPA).­ Tuesday with the belp of the local ' y In Orbl"t examinations, . Dr. Nematullah where ~e 21-year--old girl \ bv the inftaential Hamburg Daily other' hand It rep~eseDted a . gr~t througb space. ~e u.s. Bouse cif Representatives TnfSday· gaye overwbelm­ Da Pazhwak, President of Secondary was sitting. "Ole Welt'·. menace to the African economic e-- th~t people. bu~ It was the first time in history curtain constantly shrouds .it, Shiodand is 29 kilometres 01I the ing approval to a 54,800 million delenee for Vietnam. Educa"on Dep·artment in the Her father watched the scene .I ment represen~ MOSCOW. Ma.rch 1, (Reuter).- U fro th ul·l "Political unrest in' a certalD ter- ve op. th that an earth·made object had Venus' surface can never be ob­ western bigbway. The new The sum a Part .of full Coogressiooal support for his' 1bt Soviet Union's two high-flying Education Min~said. ~ ett pi fi ritory means danger to aU investors. Scheel. rejected suggest~ns ~ served.. l actually landed on anotber planet. road will shorien the <limn", by $12,700 million militazy budget I' Vietnam policy. , th· sixth The t.hree-daY examinations en e man was ve A chain of revolts in Africa means West Germany e~counter .. a ~ There is little scientists know reserv~ al~ And it was another triumph­ 19 kilometres inti will conn~ Shin­ requested by U.S. President Lyn- "'. spac::e'-dogs., DOW spending elf . will be conducted by the Il1stitute metres away frOm the girl, a that interested investol;,S are of development competition With ant "first" for Soviet space for certain about the planet. day .,pinning around lhe ~ of Education. member of the congregation ed". ~st Ger~any. m ~uch develoel"r eland .directly to the highway in Ka­ don Johnson in January: ear:th- science. They de. not know how often it Meanwhile, during the House_·IUS••'Will OPpOS"'e being fed through pipes Jea.d.ing di- sprang at him and other "This cannot be overcome by mg countnes. tn whl~h. East G. - lai Rortam area. r~ ;~~le ~irl:d~=C:viet :=~':~U~~~ o:n~~ :::S~I~O~~s The Soviet Venus-3 probe space­ turns on its axis-Qr how long the. vote, the Senate depate on the EG.R t scien- :: II state guarantees and tax priviIl!ges", already boldmg certam ship tore through the cloud that Venusian daY is. They do not issue ·r.ont4>ued with Senator J. " ennan eques constaotly masks the planet and its know whether there is any OxY­ lists 'laid the dogs, Veterok (Breeze) Gh Villa D tes lighting men. He added that lor iostaoce Tan- Tremon Shake William Eulhright proposing Iieu-·· . [0 gen or water vapour in the cloud and pgolyok (BIacky) were being ory ger ona Three more shots '¥Dt alI, zania. whicb toleratel! East German signals earth ceased. trallsation of all Southeast Asia 'To UN Anniversary Perhaps the Venusian atmos­ covering it. But they believe it and ."a gEneral settlement wi~ JOI'n . pr~re-fed with ~-lik.e f~ in melee. Two lilt the I representations in Zanzibar and Land For School Farm the has seasons. Baghlan But No thrqq~ artificiaJ openmgS m thelf CHAGHCHARAN, March I, One ceil.lng bot one hit the sister, (Contd. from page 1 ) Dar-es.Salam would not receive any phere had blacked out its radio .China o~ ~es. in the, area. WASHINGTON, March 2.' mi~ calls from far out in space. Of the planets of the solar sY&-' The Chamaan of the . Senate. (DPA).-The United States last SlOm\chs. -acre of land for setting up a school of the threateoed girl in.the 1 \'ice-chairman of tbe council of iurther West German development tern. Venus is second closest to Meal. potatoes. flour. vitamins farm was donated to the Abangaran I pelvis. She was taken to. the nislers of Uzbekistan, declared aid as soon as running contracts WHh fantastic aCcuracy, Venus­ Damage Reported ForeIgn ~tions COIDmlttee an- night -reiterated its·determination 3 hit ;ts target after 160 million the sun, and its fiery surface at ~e~uctant and water 1s being forced pneuma- village scbool in Gbor province, by I hospital in serious condition. Monday while addressing a meeting had expired. nounced his .support of to oppose East Germ.arly'5 .mem­ miles ~ight. the equator is reckoned. to be BAGHLAN, March 2.-Fafrly ticaUy into them. the article said. Ghulam "Nabi, a resident of the The man was held nnW marking the 45th anniversary of the With reference 10 the tense West the $4.800 million VIetnam de- bership in the United Nations. I It landed the USSR Bag on the 775 degrees fahrenheit. The dogs are wearing special village. ~ police arrived.. trcatv of Friendship betweeQ. the German state bUdget. the Minister strong earth tremors were felt fence budget, but stressed that be As to a letter of application for planet. There was no immediate word co~d appro~e space~suits and are f(ee to move USSR and Afghanistan. said he hoped that stale and private in Baghlan and surrounding areas not a general esca- membership by East German Two days earlier, the probe's from Moscow last night on what at 9:40 a.tIL Tuesday. No damage labon ,)f the Vietnam war. State and party Chief. Walter about: io air-conditioned containers, N R' d T J 0 F ah The meeting held in Tashkent. development aid this year would . traveling companion in space tbe two Yenus probes have re­ fitted ··with appliances for removing the capllal of the repubhc, was at- reach last year's total of 3,000 mil- or casualties hav.e been reported. ~ef?re the.. Senate can vote on Ulbricht to the world organisation ew oa . 0 0'n a, Venlls-2. swept planet Venus, miss­ vealed. But scientists were work­ dirt and giving them medicines, the lended by hundreds of active memo lioIT marks. the billIt will b... to debate .a published TueSday a U.s. state T WHo h B ing it by 24,000 kms. ing hard on details the space clause mtroduced by Democratic department spokesman said the articles added: bers 01 the UZbek. brancb 01 tbe MaiwandwalMeets H.M. 1 0 .estern .g way egun New Ghanan Govt Venus-J had been launched on craft had sent to earth. S~nator Wayn~ .. Morse, who admini5tration has not yet it. Meanwbile Soviet scientist! society for fnendshlp and culhJral 1 " ~ The Suviet Tass News AgencY In Gulkbana PalaCl: seen· ~oDday were still maintaining F ARAB, March 1,- h AIgh .
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