GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT O/o Director of Municipal Administration, 640, A.C. Guards, HYderabad CIRCULAR Roc.No.l8 2609 12020 tB3, Dt'07 103 12020 Sub:- MA & UD Dept pattana Pragathi Programme - Regular releases of grants to the - GHMC- Municipalities of Rs.148 Crores per month to 141 Municipalities including regular streamlining of the eleciricity / power usage and Payment of C.C.Charges henceforth-Instructions - Issued - Regarding' Ref:- l.Govt memo No.2076lGenl2020,Dt'19'02'202 vide BRO No.l42 2.Releases of February & March 2020 grants under Pattana Pragathi & 143 Dt.15.02.2020. meeting 3.Instructions of Hon'ble Minister , MA & UD(IT &C) during the review held with Additional Collectors on D1.06.03 .2020 at MCRHRD, Hyderabad. :l'*'f** With reference to the subject cited and in compliance to the instructions vide references alone cited, all the Municipal Commissioners are hereby directed to pay the C'C'Charges is payable in the excluding delayed payment surcharge from the month of February,Z}2}-which updated in the month of March 2020 onwards well within the due date strictly and sam-e shall be C & DMA website with the details of payment in the proforma enclosed' 2. Further, the details of arrears payable upto January 2020 are enclosed herewith.The same may be verified and updated at ULB level in the website' 3. The Collectors / Additional Collectors are requested to review the payment of C.C.Charges and ensure online updation of the details of payment made' This may be treated as top priority. Sd/- N.Satyanarayana Director of Mpl Admn. Encl: As above. To All the Municipal Commissioners in the State (Through RDMAs concerned) The RDMAs of Warangal and Hyderabad. Copy to All the District Collectors & Magistrate in the state. Copy to All the Additional Collectors in the state. Copy to Chairman & Managing Director, TSSPDCL, Hyderabad. Copy to Chairman & Managing Director, TSNPDCL, Warangal. GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTEMNT. Memo.No. 2076 /Gen/2020 Dated: 1 9.02.2020. Sub: Mpt Admn Dept-"Pattana Pragathi" - Commencement - Reg' Ref:FromtheDlM,Hyd.Lr.Roc.No.177544/2020-H1,Dated:19'07'7020' &&& The Director of Municipat Administration, Hyderabad and a[[ the .District cottectors in the state are informed that, in the cottectors conference held on been 11.07.2070 on ',Pattana Pragathi" and new Municipatities Act, 2019, it has decided to taunch "Pattani Pragathi" from 74.7.7020 to 04.03.2020 with the invotvement of att etected representatives SHGs, Ward Committee members and other officiats. foLtowing preparatory activities are taken up: intment of ward wise special officers - 15th & 17th, Feb, 20 on of 04 Ward Committees as per Section 17, 30 & 31 of TM Act, .s esenting (i)Youth (ii) Women (iii) Senior Citizen (iv) Eminent t$" a period of one year. Ensuing proper representation localities in )-9 ds. - i5th to 19th, Feb,2o tations to the Chairpersons / Mayor, Vice Chairperson / Deputy Mayor, Ward members, Speciat Officers, ALFs Presidents and other at District [eve[ by District Cotlectors and Addt District Cotlectors. - 19th , Feb,20 (' d. Launching of "Pattana Pragathi" with invotvement of a[[ etected officials - 24th \)r'--.-"-' 'Vn, reoreseniutiuer, SHGs, Ward Committee members and other t)^N.'{ \nxh" Feb.zo. on tne tirst day, there shatt be a meeting by the councitor / corporator / f' I Soecial Officer with functionaries of the ward and members of Youth, Women, Senior l' Cifiren and eminent persons committee members in the ward and conduct a transect watk in the ward and take up ptanning and activities mentioned in the annexure during ,,pattana Pragathi". The Chairpersons and others to work hard and use the opportunity in the nation buitding process. 4. Accordingly, the Government hereby order to commence the "Pattana eiagathi,, troi iC.OZ.Z020 to 04.03.2020 to achieve the Goals, ptanning and acti-vities to be taken up during the programme as detaited in the annexures-l and 2 appended to this memo. 5. The Director of Municipat Administration, Hyderabad sha[[ take necessary action accordingtY. ARVIND KUMAR PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT To, The Director of Municipat Administration, Hyderabad. AtI District Cottectors. Att the commissioner and other concerned in the state through DMA, Hyderabad. Copv to: - P.S to Chief Secretary to Government. P.S to Prt. Secy to C.M. OSD to Hon'bte M(MA&UD) P.5 to Principal Secretary, MA &, UD Department' Sc/5f. // FORWARDED BY ORDER// B.vdkY'ad"-^Qc" SECTION OFFICER ooyf,Rt lrENI Or THArGA A { ,rEsTRACt t) Birosi Btntebr mt&20. Budg.i Re*rsa &d{r tor R!, to fiiJt ctpAt Aq[fi$STMf,Ofr..gOO f_.lQg.coggf- Ordlrt - hrlled. mt^!(cr ( Dcrll Dtt^m rff? BRO:-:,.: ta2 Oel.dt I SaI.2OI0 Rard tha lollarvtne. t. clr.riir.r$, ,rr.n oao ltrrfi.,ir. ad+art0ol (:.o.t'rr..r( L ttA.r Or;t Dxnndr. &t r4 nti, otpt& In Puou!^co ot tho od6[ lsruld tn re{€rei(3r r!.d ,bo\!. h. MUNICIPA ADM|N|STRATIO{ HOO,r hrr'btr lrrlted t 6ud9!t Ret6as! oder ,or rn rrturt., R!. r+,m,oq,mo1nupc.ffir_94gg11pggg1so,alo PAITAflA PRAGAIHT - tom ure ee provirin rorom-GEEting r c.orcr (R!. 39 c, p.r a$nth) lo GHMC rnd R3.70 Crocs (Ri. p.,,rrodn)b ",;;;;;'i;;s 35 C. o{h€r UA.n Loc.l Sodh! tovrard. MEtcning crdnt h an&rpatDa o, r€learE ol 14th Flnan4 Corrni$bn qanh lDder tho foflorring ldl€ftes ,oa lho rionti! of Folnllty rrld t .r(h.20z) fu sr,a,rrk" .l.e.8l.y ftlad totissu. ol sd inillhlie. .and..r .r !c. hslru.!..s isti.d in Uo tlot6 No. 29!7na\rl28lvAt/EO.lz0o6. rEu.r.. (BG.D ftrsn rlcr( dt25 11.2&6. IOy ORDEII A ND IN nlt S,lrtt OF TItri COVEtu\ok of, TtLitic^:ft) KRrt!rL.irr!. tu! prtr.iprt S.ar.t.ry to Cor..rE.!l To It UNICI fAl. ADill I fi ISTR ITIOIi .{!{ D U Il&{ fi UEYf,LO?.\ lL\Tr Sf,CRITAIAT DEfART}l EliT lrlUlilClPAL .lDlll^-lSTfi,lTlON, ItOl) Ttr. Oir..lor otl r.$Dri.r & A..ounB, ll)d f-ft. Dir.(lor \l ork .od Ac.olrllt TI.Ir, & l..ounb Om..t.lld Tia,\caounl.6tCar.r,lltd Tl. R.i.rl8|ldt.l Coirprl.Ir) Tt. fir' (0C) D.F //I'oRr1ARDED BY OR.t ER,// stcnolt-tJ-- oFt'lctR- Scanned with CamScanner { GOVERNMENT OF TELAI{GANA AES'I}LACT Budget Estimates 2019-20 - Budget Release Order for Rs. 148,0O,OO,OOO| to NIUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, SECRETARIAT DEPARTMENT Orders - lssued. \ FINAIICE ( Tl]SJ1I ) TEPARTMENT oaled: 15-02-2020 BRO No.: 143 Read the following:- l. G.O.Ms.No.59, iiui".c (,;(l.l) !)epirrmeni' dt.l0-03-2001 2. G.O.trts.No.20, Finanee (B(l) Deparhent. dt.l2-03-2019 3. G,O.N{s.No.80, $li1rr( i.}l I !rtprrtment, 01.10-09-2019 4. G.O.Nls.No.82. !inancc (BC) Dcpartment, dt l l-10-2019 OBDER: AND URBAN ln pursuance of the orders issued in references read at,cve, the MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION for an amount of Rs' DEVELOPMENT, SECRETARIAT DEPARTMENT is hereby issued a Budget Release order PRAGATHI - released in anticipation ofGol 148,00,00,0001(Rupees g!e t!!!Ig! JgftIE 9!!9rol9:) Sci'eine PATTNA the expenditure of Rs 78 00 [f"""""-rna", XtV Fir"nIJEl ri."ion Grants from B= ,-.rcvi];c,n 2019-2C towards meeting 'l4th Finance Commission Grants under the Cr for GHMC and Rs.70.OO Cr for other Corporu116p5 6 \,{1nici;ralities under following head of account for the months of February and [lart], 2020 (Rs. in Lilns) Shall take The(MUNICIPALADMINISTRATIONANDURB4t\DEVELOPMENT'SECRETARIATDEPARTMEN'l Finance necessaryactionforissueofadministrativeSanctionasperinstructionsissuedinU.oNoteNo.2gsT5-AJ1283/A1/8G.u2006, (BG.l) Department, dt.25.11.2006. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NA$'IE OF THE GOVERNOR OF TELANGANA) r' K-Ramakrishnr Rao Principal Secretary to Government To DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND URBAN DEVELOP}",IE,T.T. SECRETARIAT SECRETARIAT DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATIoN AND URBAN DEVELoI,|,1IJNT, The Director ofTreasuries & Accounts, Hyd The Director Works and Accounts The Pay & Accounts Officer, HYd The Accountant General, HYd The Reins(Budget ComPuters) The Fiu (BG) DePt ii FORWARDED BY ORDER // H"ffi,kk& ANNEXURE STATEMENT SHOWING THE PARTICULARS OF CC CHARGES PAYBLE TO SPDCLAND NPDCL No. of Service Amount of Payment Details Connections CC charges Old Dues Name of for the month Name of upto the of February, Remarks the ULB January District Street Water 2020 payable Cheque/ 2020 Date Amount Light Supply in March DD No. 2020 1 2 3(1) 3(2) 4 5 6(1) 6(2) 6(3) 7 STATEMNT SHOWING THE DETAILS OF AMOUNT PAYABLE TO S P D C L (Rs. in lakhs) Street Amount to be Payable as on Aug-2019 Amount to be Payable for Sep-19 to Jan-2020 Amount to be Payable as on Jan-2020 Name of the Distict Light/Water Municipality Total Amount Balance Supply CC DPS Total Payable CC DPS CC DPS Total Demand Paid Payable 1 2 3 4 5 6 (4+5) 7 8 9 (7+8) 10 11 (9-10) 12 (4+7) 13 (5+8) 14 (12+13) Street Light 268.93 154.39 423.32 6.01 20.10 26.12 0.00 26.12 274.94 174.50 449.44 ALAMPUR Water Supply 404.09 266.51 670.59 5.24 29.69 34.93 0.00 34.93 409.32 296.20 705.52 Total 673.02 420.90 1093.91 11.25 49.79 61.04 0.00 61.04 684.26 470.69 1154.95 Street Light 923.85 403.94 1327.79 110.26 68.00 178.25 137.36 40.89 896.92 471.76 1368.68 GADWAL Water Supply 106.08 69.86 175.94 8.88 7.69 16.57 10.32 6.25 104.77 77.42 182.19 JOGULAMBA Total 1029.93 473.80 1503.73 119.14 75.68 194.82 147.68 47.14 1001.69 549.18 1550.87 GADWAL Street Light 221.02 117.14 338.16 18.78 16.35 35.13 35.40 -0.27 204.51 133.38 337.89 IEEJA Water Supply 293.78 115.22 409.00 30.88 22.28 53.16 14.60 38.56 310.07 137.49 447.56 Total 514.81 232.35 747.16 49.66 38.63 88.29 50.00 38.29 514.58 270.87 785.45 Street Light 176.93 132.88 309.81 5.91 13.12 19.02 0.00 19.02 182.83 146.00 328.83 WADDEPALLE
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