=-iff:\.~ UNITED NATIONS --tN:s -.......... -....... - .." GENERAL Dietr. ASSEMBLY GmlBAL A/2691 16 August 1954 ORIG~: ENGLISH -~-~ Ninth session QUESTION OF ORGANIZING AN INT.mBNA'rlOl.W. PROFESSIONAL· CONriBSNCB 'rO l'BEPARlll 'rBE FXNAL. 'l'Ji:XrJ1 OF AN INTERNATIONAL CODE OF miCS FOR THE USl!l ~ INFORMA?:ION P.SBSOISL Report of tbe Secretarz-General 1. On 28 Novembe:r 1953, the General Assembly adopted resolution 736 B (VIII) under tba terms of which it invited the Secretary-General to address a further communication to tba enterprises and associations which had not yet replied to hie earlier communication,·Y requesting them to do so. within a reasonable period, ana. p;rovided that a :rePresentative group of enterprises and associations expressed a desire to ·do so, to co-operate with the group in organiz1118 an international professional conference for the purpose of preparing tba final text of an International Code of Ethics and ueasures for its impleuentation. 'fhe Secreta - General was also requested (a) to bring tbe text of tba resolution to the n ce of the information enterprises and nstional and international aSBocietio . to which he bad communicated tba draft Code; and (b) to report to tba General A sembly at its ninth session on any progress achieved. 2. 'fhe Secretary-General has the honour ort thet1 in accor with aforesaid resolution, be addressed a bu• c ation, on February 1954. to en"terpr-lses and associations ·whi had not yet repl:Le to hi ·previous communication on this subject, questing them to do so at ir earliest convenience. He also brought tait of resolution 736 B (VIII) to tbl!l nO'tice of au tile information ante s and natiollal and international aasociat1ons to which he had commun:Lc d tbe draft Code. V Sent in acco~nce Vith General Asaell!bly :resolution 635 (VII) of·. 16 December 19,2, • · A/2691 English Page 2 3. It will be recalled that, at the request of the Third Committee durlng the eighth session of the General Assembly, the Secretary-General, on 5 November 1953, submitted a memorandum (A/C.3/L.381) con'l:;aining data on the replies regarding the proposed conference received from informtion enterprises and national and international professional associations as at ·that date. In the memorandum, the Secretary-General reported that. fifty-four replies had been received from non­ governmental enterprises and associations, twenty-eight of which expressed themselves in more or less specific terms in favour of holding an international .professional conference for the purpose of completing work on the draft Code. Twelve organizations expressed an opinion against the holding of a conference, ' and fourteen organizations deferred action or were non-committal on the subject. 4. As stated above, the Secretary-General sought opinions on the proposed conference from enterprises and associations which had not replied to his previous communication, As at 15 August 1954, a total of sixty-four of the·se enterprise.s and associations had forwarded substantive replies to the Secretary-General's letter. A number of organizations which had deferred their reply to the previous consultation, have now indicated their position regarding the conference, In addition, certain organizations which bad replied to the previous consultation sent a further communication, in response to the letter by which the Secretary­ General brought the text of General Assembly resolution 736 B (VIII) to their attention. 5,. Summing up the present position and taking into account all the comments received to date on the subject of the proposed conference, the following fifty­ one enterprises and associations have stated that they are in favour of holding an international professional conference to complete work on the draft International Code of Ethics: INTERNATIONAL Federation internationals des associations de producteurs de films Federation internationals de la presse periodique International Federation of Free Journalists International Organisation of Journalists Office catholique international du cinema Journees · internationales de la pre sse d 'Evian A/2691 English Page 3 NATIONAL Australia Australian Newspaper .Proprietors' Association Australian United Press, Ltd. · Nelr South Wales Country Press Association Austria Verband demokratischer Schriftsteller·und Journalisten Osterreichs Belgium Association ~nerale. des reporters photographes de la presse quotidienne belge Entente des directeurs de journaux bruxellois Federation des journaux belges Canada Association des hebdomadaires de langue fran9aise du Canada Canadian Association of Broadcasters Chile Asociaci6n de Radiodifusoras de Chile Czechoslovakia Union of Czechoslovak Journalists France Association' des journalistes parisiens Syndicat des journalistes de la presse periodique Syndicat des publications periodiques fran9aiees Syndicat national des agences de presse Union syndicale de la presse periodique Greece Syndicat des journalistes des quotidians de Patriae Union des redacteurs des journaux quotidians d 1Atl!Snes India Indian Federation of Working Journalists United Press of India, Ltd, Ireland Guild of Irish Journalists A/2691 English Page 4 Netherlands Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau Nederlandse organisatie van tijdschrifter uit vera Norway Htlires Pressekontor Pakistan Pakistan Newspaper Society Panama Aaociaci6n Panamens de Radiodifusion Centro de Periodistas. Cuzco Philippines Far East Broadcasting Co., Inc. Romania Comite central du Syndicat des travailleurs de la polygraphie, de la presse et de la culture Sweden RadiotjS:nst United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Critics 1 Circle Newsreel Association of Great Britain and Ireland, Ltd. United States of America American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers Associated Negro Press, Inc. Authors League of Amsrica, Inc. Columbia Broadcasting, Inc, Overseas ·Press Club of Ansrica Pathe News Press and Radio Club, Inc. Radio Writers .Guild Religious Films Association, Inc, Theta Sigma Phi (The National Fraternity for Women in Journalism) A/2691 English Page 5 Uruguay Cinesur S.A. Emelco Uruguaya Venezuela Ofipren S .A., The following points should be noted in connexion with the replies received from the above organizations: The Association des ,journs.listes parisiens (France) expressed the opinion that ·it would be preferable to establish codes of ethics on the national level and then, in the light of the results obtained in each country, bring them together in an international code. The Syndicat national des agences de pre sse (France) stated that it was disposed to participate in the proposed conference "provided its work will be of a preparatory character and that the delegation who would eventually be representing our organization would subscribe to any decision involving the responsibility of SNAP only after consulting our membership", The Syndicat des journalistes des quotidians de Patriae (Greece) stated that ita agreement was conditional ~:~pon measures being taken to ensure that implementation of the draft Code "will be confirmed by the Government of each country in order that the Code is given the force of law". I . , The Guild of Irish Journalists (Ireland) submitted detailed comments on the draft Code the tenor of which indicates a favourable attitude toward a conference. The Critics' Cirole (United Kingdom) stated that if the proposed conference were not held in London there might be some difficulty in the matter of the expenses of its delegate. The Columbia Broadcasting System (United States of America) reserved ita position concerning the desirability or undeairab~lity of adoption of a final text "until such time as- its content may be further crystallized", The Overseas Press Club of America (United State.s of America) stated that it would be represented by observers at any professional conference, but expressed doubts as to the utility of the draft Code, A/2691 English Page 6 6, The following twenty-five enterprises and associations have expressed an opinion ageinst the holding of a conference: INTERNATIONAL Commonwealth Press Union Fedelration internationals des editeurs de journaux et publications (FIEJ) International Federation of Journalists NATIONAL • Australia Australian Newspaper Council Australian Provincial Daily Press, Ltd, Canada Canadian Press Peribdical Press Association Denmerk Deneke Dagblades Faellesreprae.sentation Finland . 0 Suomen Tietotoimisto, 0 Y (Finska Notisbryan AB,) Germany Gesamtverband der deutschen Zeitungsverleger e.v. Netherlands De Nederlandsche Dagbladpers 1945 Federatie van Nederlandse Journalisten Nor1vay A/S Norsk Telegrambyraa Norske Avisutgiveres Landsforbund United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northerp Ireland Exchange Telegraph Company Limited Guild of British Newspapers National Union of Journalists Newspaper Proprietors' Association, Ltd. Newspaper Society A/2691 English Page 7 United States of America American Newspaper Publishers Association Associated Press International News Service Motion Picture Association Mutual Broadcasting System, Inc, Sigma Delta Chi The following points should be noted in connexion with the replies received from the above organizations: The Federation internationals des editeurs de ,journaux expressed the opinion that "present conditions do not render convocation of a conference desirable" but was in favour of any effort to raise ethical levels; it hoped to take part in a conference if one could be arranged, A report has been received from the United Nations Observer at the second Congress of the International
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