TRADES DIBIO'l'OBY.J NOTTlNG HAl\:tSHIRE, LtT 1478 LATH RENDERS. LEATHER SELLERS. LIME BURNERS. Hartshorn M. 24A, Canal st. Nottingham Sea Curriers & Leather Sellers. Adlington Richard, High pavement, Sut­ Skerritt Fras. r2A, Canal st. N ottiogham ton-in-Ashfield, N ottmgham LEATHER GOODS DEALER. Ball SI. 174 Quarry rd.Bulwell,~ottngbm LAUNDRIES. Whiles Samuel, go Stodman st. Xewark Barker William, High street, Hucknall Benson Mrs. .A. 58 Crocus st.Nottinghm Torkard, 1\ottingham Carey Mrs. S. r Palmerston st.Nottnghm LEECHES & ENEMAS- Barrowcliffe George & Son, ~ormanton- Caron&Co.Croydon rd.Radfrd.Nttnghm APPLIER OF on-~oar, Loughborough Cbapman Thos. Lowdham, Nottingham · Beardsley John, Crich hme works, Wol- Connor Mrs. Anne, 164 Dame .Agnes st. Peet Mrs. E. 77 Mount st. Nottingham lat~n road, Radrord, ~ottingham Nottingham Booth Joseph, Oldcotes, Rotherham Cowpe William, Warsop rd. Mansfield; LEGGING MANUFACTURERS. BrooksbyH.Musters st.Bulwell,Nottghm & Mansfield Woodhouse India Rubber, Gutta Percha & Telegraph Carlin Miss Kezia, Q.1arry road, Bui- Crosland Frank,27 Park rw.Nottingham W()rks Co. Limited, roo & 106 Cannon well, Nottingham Daybrook Laundry (Robinson Brothers street, London E c. See advert ClarkeJ.269Quarry rd. Bulwell,~ ottg-hm & Co. ), Arnold, Nottingham Fbher Daniel, Grives, Kirkby-in-Ash- Fawkes Mrs. Elizabeth, 88 Robin Hood LEMONADE MANUF ACTRS. field, Nottingham street, Nottingham See Soda Water &c. :Manufacturers. Holmes & Co. 16 G1lead stre"t, Bulwell, Finberg 8-49 St. Ann'sWell rd. N ottinghm Nottingham Fletcher Mrs. Mary, Spital hill, Retford LIBRARIES PUBLIC. JacksonU.Mustersst.Bulweli,Nottnghm Holli~ Mrs.F.33 Glasshouse s~.~ottnghm Arnold Church Free Library (William Jenniso~ Jacob, Linby, Nottingham Nottmgham Laundry Co. Limited (Hy. Grundy,librarian),.Arnold, Nottinghm Lane RIChar_d, Skegby, Mansfield .Alfred Goodyer,. sec.; Mrs. Ly~don, Arnold Free Library (S. Kirk & William M'Carth~ MI.chael, Muster's street, Bul- manageress),6Chnton street; _(Miss_ F. Morris, secs.), Arnold, Nottingham well, Nottmgham Derry, n:anager~ss) Cavendrsh hill, Babbington Colliery Free Library & Club ~1cCulloch ~homas, Crown stre"t, Bul- 419 _Mansfield rd_. Sherwoo~,N ottnghm (Frank Wood head, sec.), .Nut tall road, well, N ot_ti~Jham Plowrrght Mrs. Ehza, 3 Addmgton road, Basford, Nottino-ham Radford Wilham Hy. Skegby, Mansfield _Radford, Nottingham Bromley House Lihrary(John Thompson ~ead G.4oChina st.Bulwell,Nottingbam RJC~ards Alfd.Thos. 4 Beck st.Nottnghm Brewster esq. president; SI. Herrick ~lll~T.285 Quarry rd.~ulwell:No~tnghm Rob m son Bros.~ Co. Daybrook laundry, Sands esq. hon. sec.; John Cnmmings ::imith Geo.Cropwell Bishop, "iS ot~mgham Arnold, Nottmgham Banwell, librarian) Bromley house Taylor Matthew, Skegby, Mansfield Sneath Mrs. M. 8 Sherwin st. Nottinghm Angel row, Nottingham ' Taylor Matthew, Teversal, l\lansfield AW STATIONERS, Children's Free Lending Library 2 2 ToftG.229Quarry rd.Bulwell,Nottnghm . L . Shakespeare street, Nottingham ' ToftH.212Quarry rd.Bulweli,Nottng~m Harr1son A. r6 Fletcher gate,Nott~nghm Co\lingham Rural Library (Miss Jane Ward Isaac, ~to~eyford lane, Sutton-m­ MountencyRichd.T.Byard la.Nottmghm Dobson librarian) open on wednes- Ashfield, Nott.mgham Smith ~iss Mary ~th~ldreda, 2IA, llri- days fr~m 9 to 10 ~.m. & 4 to 8 p.m. W~ss William, Sto~eyford lane, Sutton- dlesmith gate, Nottmgham North Collingham, Newark ~n-.A.shfiel~, Nottmgham . , . Cotgrave Rural Library (John Geeson, Wilkmson Geo:ge, 10 Robmson s hill, LAW WRITER. librarian & sec.) Cotgrave Nottinghm Bulwell, Nottmgham Coles Tho~as Newman, Poste~n Gate Epperstone Lib;ary (Re~. M. H. Wilkinso? S_amuel, Quarry road, Bul- place, J.\hddle pavement, Nottmgham Stanley M.A. librarian), Epperstone well, N?t~mgham . _ Gi!strap I<'ree Library (G. G. Killingley, Young W1lham, Coddmgton, :Newark LAWN TENNIS MATERIAL librarian), Castle gate, Newark LIME MERCHANTS DEALER. Gringley-on-the-Hill Library (W.Smith, . ' l:$arlow Arthr. I Mansfield rd. Nottinghm sec.), Gringley-on-the-Hill, llawtry Bari!ston Blue Lms LI~e Co. (George & Mansfield Town Hall Subscription Walte:r C. Fowler & Thomas _Marshall, LEAD MANUFACTURERS. Library (Isaac Heywood, sec. ; Miss propnet~rs ), B.arnston, N ottmgham Cox Bros. & Co. Poplar st. N'I:Jttingham Susan Harvey, librarian), Market Booth Wilh~~· Southwell . lace M sfield llowmar Wilham,Studfold rarm,Kukby- LEATHER CUTTERS. P • an . in-.Ashfield Nottingham Else W. 274 Alfred st.central,Nottnghm New Basf,ord ~ree Pu_?h~ Le~dmg Llb- Butterley (The) Co. (Wm. Richardson, Nash John, rs Broad Oak st.Nottinghm rary (FranCis Martm,hbraria~), Chel- agent), Mansfield wharf, i\llansfield Pell Frank, Bridge street, Mansfield sea street, New_Basford, Nottmgham Daybrook Coal & Lime Co. D"ybrook Scarliff William Tuxford Ncwark Newark Stock Lib:ary (H. .A. Marsh, t t"10 n Ar ld N tt" h ' ' treasurer; E.F.Mdthorpe,sec.); Harry . sa • no • o mg am LEATHER DRESSERS & Midworth librarian) Market place Fisher Brotb_ers, Albert st. Mansfi~ld MANUFACTURERS. N k ' ' ' Green J. Railway statn. Tuxford,Newrk Bayley Thomas & Co. Lim. Leen gate, Nott~:;~am Free Public Libraries & Morris A. Fackley, T~versal, Ma.nsfield Old Lenton, Nottingham Reading Rooms (J. Potter Briscoe ~::'rker V. Cropwe~l Bishop, ~ott~ngham Bayley Thomas, Gilt brook, N ewthorpe, F .R.H.s. principal librarian), Univer- ~n:~mons John, 5 Sydney st. N ottl~gham Nottingham sit y buildin o-s South Sherwood street . Smith J a~es, North ~everton, Lmcoln BrewerH.Keswick st.Sneintn.Nottingbm branches H~rmit street Sneinton: Steetley Lime Co. Sh1reoaks, Worksop; Jones Thomas & Co. 40 Dunkirk road, Quarry r~ad, llulwell ; so'uthwark st: head office, Steetle~ .. Old Lenton, Nottingham Old Basford; Chelsea street, New Bas- Ste':enson John \\Ilham, Mansfield MasonJ.~~'7llkeston rd.Radfrd.Nttnghm ford. Co,ut street Hyson gre•m. 66 Woodhouse, Mansfield Turner 1 ;hers, Trent Bridge works, Willdughby street New Lenton ·May- LIME CYLINDER MANUFR. London road, Nottingham field grove Mead~ws · Hucknali road M · H H · r h Turney Brothers Lim . remstered office C . ' p h ' D , arriOtt .I03 ung-er Hill rd.Nottg m . •' ~- . ' arrmgton ; op am street ; ame Arm1tage chambers, VICt~ma street; Agnes street & Children's library, 22 LINEN WAREHOUSEMAN. works, Trent bndge, Nottmgham Shakespeare street, Nottingham Griffin Hy.Jsph.2&3Cheapside,~ottghm Turney E~'Y"ard & Co. Nuttall road;~as- NottinghamLawLibrary(ArthurBrowne, , ford&\\ h1temoor lea~her works, Vi h1te- hon. sec.), Low pavement, N ottinghm LINSE_ED CR U~HERS. moor, Basford, Nottmgham Nottingham Operatives' Libraries, No. 1 WalkerJn.&'lbos.Island st.Nottmgham Turrell Joseph ~ Co. 71 Independent st. (Samuel Wilkins, librarian), Ranchff LITERARY & SCIENTIFIC ~adford, Nottmgham Arms P.H. Sussex strret, Nottingham INSTITUTIONS Wild Henry & Sons, 21 Prospect street, Nottingham Subscription Library (S H Alb" M ' I t"t te K t. t t R d • d N tt. h · · IOn ens ns 1 u , mgs on s ree , a <Or , o mg am Sands•. hon :sec ., • John Cummings Ban· s nein· to n, .no.,., tt. 1ng h am LEATHER MERCHANTS, well, hbranan), Bromley house,Angel Bramcote Institute & Readin~ Room Clower E. T. 25 Mount st. Nottingham row,, Nottingham. (HarrySutton,sec.),Bramcte.Xottghm Grant George, 7 Carol gate, Retford People s Hall, Readmg Room & Library Castlegate Literary & Debating Society Gregg Geo.& Son,2IIockley,Nottingham (John_ C. Taylor, sec.; Alf,red. Easom, (C. E. Chapman & J. H. Jackson,hon. GreggThos. r8a,SouLhwell rd.Nottnghm hbranan), Heathcot~ st. ~ ottmgham secs.), Lecture hall Castle st.Nttnghm Mortimore W.& Son,6Fletcher gt.N'ham Dnnkirk Working ~Ien's Club & Insti- Mott W. A.37 Heathcote st. Nottingham LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR tute (Joo Rackham, sec. , 15 & 17 Sheffield Chas.3rHeathcote st.Nottnghm MANUFACTURERS. Alcester street, Dunkirk, Old Lenton, Smith Jn. I3Q Stockwell gate, l\Iansfield Blackburn Joseph, 39 .Arkwright street ~ottingham Tootell.A. & Co. 6 Lower Parliament st. & rrr Waterway street, Xottingham Ea<;twood Mechanics' Insti'ute (George Nottingham Till Josiah, 17 B urton street dl 26.A, VIol- Chattcley, sec.), 1\Ianstield road, East- Tuck wood Chas. 13 Broad st.Nottinghm la ton street, X ottingham wood S. 0 D. L, ~. & R. 95 .
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