20090209-NEWS--0001-NAT-CCI-CD_-- 2/6/2009 6:15 PM Page 1 ® www.crainsdetroit.com Vol. 25, No. 6 FEBRUARY 9 – 15, 2009 $2 a copy; $59 a year ©Entire contents copyright 2009 by Crain Communications Inc. All rights reserved Inside Aerospace group aims Delray business owners for supplier pipeline await news on bridge plan, Page 3 MAMA wants to help companies transition Art on the road? DIA might BY RYAN BEENE which is anticipating growth of 8- companies as they transition to loan part of collection, AND MARK LEWIS 10 percent over the next 10 years. the aerospace market. CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS Based in Grand Rapids, the as- MAMA works with suppliers to Page 3 sociation has a statewide reach, identify areas where they can MARK LEWIS/CDB A fledgling trade group for is working with 45 companies in- translate their expertise to serve Alice Sauro and other local musicians state aerospace parts manufac- terested in supplying aerospace the aerospace industry. They supplement their income with work turers wants to become a pipeline This Just In from touring theater companies. manufacturers and so far has only admit companies as mem- that in three years will source generated more than $13 million bers if they are financially sound Supplier files Chapter 11 $100 million in aerospace indus- in multi-year supply contracts for and make products that can be try purchase orders to Michigan 340 different part types made by translated to aerospace. The The automotive industry manufacturers that have tradi- its member companies. trade group also connects Michi- downturn claimed another Musicians tionally served the auto industry. In late January, Comerica gan suppliers with aerospace victim Friday as Rochester Gavin Brown, executive direc- Bank signed an agreement to companies like Boeing, known as Hills-based auto supplier Flu- tor of the Michigan Aerospace Man- partner with MAMA to advise “primes,” to earn purchase or- id Routing Solutions Inc. filed ufacturers Association, or MAMA, MAMA member companies on ders. for Chapter 11 protection in a tune in cash says the organization is focused the nuances of the global aero- But the auto industry’s woes Delaware bankruptcy court. primarily on assisting auto sup- space supply chain and, depend- can make the primes nervous The company’s board of di- pliers in transition to supply the ing on the economic case, poten- See Aerospace, Page 25 rectors approved a sale of the $209 billion aerospace industry, tially provide financing to company’s fuel-related busi- with touring ness and liquidation of the company’s remaining U.S. assets, according to a motion filed by Fluid Routing Solu- productions tions’ parent company, Fluid Routing Solutions Intermediate BY JULIE YOLLES Holding Corp. The bankruptcy SPECIAL TO CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS case also includes affiliates Invasion for Fluid Routing Solutions Automo- “Spamalot” is music to Alice tive L.L.C. and Detroit Fuel Inc. Sauro’s ears. Fluid Routing Solutions While audiences are treated to supplies power steering com- the glitz, glamour and Holy Grail ponents, fuel-handling com- of the Monty Python Tony Award- ponents, fuel fillers and ex- winning musical spoof, she and truded hoses. It employs four other local musicians are animation about 1,700 at five locations in treated to a steady paycheck, North America, including its thanks to the touring production. headquarters in Rochester Typically, when big productions Job seekers drawn to prospect of working in cartoon, video design Hills and a site in Big Rapids. come through Detroit, like “A Cho- The company also has loca- rus Line,” “Avenue Q” and BY BILL SHEA college on an tions in Tennessee, South “Grease,” they bring their touring CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS FILM TRAINING art scholar- Carolina and Florida. The This seems like a ship at East- orchestra, which normally con- Visteon Corp. design engi- company posted $211.5 mil- “ Local programs ern Michigan sists of a conductor, a keyboardist, neer Nick McGuire, who lion in 2008 revenue. great in action, University be- a drummer and, sometimes, a calls himself “a bit of a Significant drops in pro- Page 14. fore switch- trumpet player. “Spamalot” came computer geek,” is ready to duction volume and changes opportunity ing to CAD. with five musicians and looked to abandon instrument pan- in vehicle segment mix in This seems Sauro, the Fisher Theatre’s musi- els, center consoles and the U.S. dragged down Fluid to bring (my) like a great opportunity to bring cal director, to supplement and doors panels for cartoons Routing Solutions’ revenue these two interests together.” complement. and computer graphics. interests as the company saw raw-ma- The work is especially welcome He’s hopeful his mechanical He’s the sort of career terial costs increase. Those because overall demand for perfor- engineering background trans- changer that Michele together. factors, combined with weak mance orchestras is shrinking as lates into animation because they Richards said she wants — ” credit markets, caused the productions save money by using follow the same principles of automotive engineers with CAD Nick McGuire, physics, but get a lot of room to company to seek court pro- synthesizers instead of musicians. design engineer tection, CFO John Curson said “When “Spamalot” came two experience — to train to become play. in an affidavit. years ago, the orchestra was twice animators at the $86 million De- has opened a floodgate of interest. “In fact, that is part of the at- troit Center Studios she and part- “The phone’s ringing off the traction of graphic design and an- See This Just In, Page 2 imation — the CAD models don’t See Musicians, Page 27 ners are creating in the vacant hook,” Richards said, with calls MGM Grand temporary casino site coming from animators and film have to be feasible in the real in Detroit. infrastructure providers. world,” he said. “No tooling con- The announcement last week McGuire is eager to grow his siderations, no manufacturing that movie industry veteran interest into a new career, de- tolerances, no material proper- Richards and a group of Los An- spite not having animation expe- ties to consider.” geles investors will convert the rience. The state is providing the stu- casino into a full-service anima- “What I do have is a solid un- dio with training grants of up to tion, film and game studio and of- derstanding of 3D modeling,” he $2,000 per job for up to 106 new po- fer training as they hire up to 413 said. “I also have some back- NEWSPAPER positions over the next five years ground in the arts, having started See Animation, Page 28 20090209-NEWS--0002-NAT-CCI-CD_-- 2/6/2009 6:11 PM Page 1 Page 2 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS February 9, 2009 Suppliers are in discussions cording to Fred Solomon, vice presi- DEGC hires Duistermars Granholm creates wind energy with the Treasury Department and dent of communications for Pitts- THIS JUST IN Congress about the urgent need for burgh-based PNC Financial Services The Detroit Economic Growth Corp. advisory council to study sites has named a new business-attrac- ■ aid but have not made a formal re- Group Inc. From Page 1 tion manager, Eric “Dusty” Duister- Gov. Jennifer Granholm has cre- quest, said Ann Wilson, senior vice PNC bought Cleveland-based Na- ated an advisory body to look at president for governmental affairs tional City Corp., for almost $5.6 bil- mars, to court new businesses to Detroit from the suburbs. how and where wind turbines The company is asking the for the Motor & Equipment Manufac- lion in stock and cash shortly after could be placed in the Great Lakes. court to approve $12 million in turers Association. it received an infusion of $7.7 bil- Formerly a senior transaction adviser with UGL Equis Corp. spe- The Great Lakes Wind Council, debtor-in-possession financing Neil De Koker, CEO of the Original lion in cash from the Troubled As- made up of members representing funded by Sun Fluid Routing Fi- Equipment Suppliers’ Association, set Relief Program. cializing in Detroit office broker- age, Duistermars will be recruiting environmental, shipping, fishing nance L.L.C. said the $18.5 billion figure was Last week, PNC announced that, electric utilities, wind energy, gov- The entities’ parent holding part of an informal presentation unlike many of its competitors, it new businesses from the suburbs and the rest of the country. ernment and other interests, will company, Delaware-based Fluid made to the Treasury Department. made money in 2008, $882 million, identify criteria that can be used to Routing Solutions Group L.L.C., He called it a “discussion figure.” compared with net income of $1.5 Duistermars was also the founder of Detroit Office Inc., a non- review applications for offshore did not file for bankruptcy. Suppliers have suggested three billion in 2007. wind development. It will develop — Ryan Beene ways for the government to help. PNC also said it would reduce its profit devoted to bringing busi- nesses to Detroit. criteria to determine areas that are One is to provide General Motors workforce by 5,800. Solomon said favorable for turbine development. Corp. and Chrysler L.L.C. extra feder- the company will not disclose the He was a Crain’s “20 in their Granholm staffer goes to MEDC 20s” honoree for 2008. A report is due by Sept. 1. al loan money so they can pay sup- number of job cuts in Michigan. — Amy Lane A member of Gov. Jennifer pliers earlier. A second is to guar- — Tom Henderson — Daniel Duggan Granholm’s executive office has antee payments due suppliers moved to the Michigan Economic from the Detroit 3 so that the parts Development Corp.
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