IRELAND Ireland 1587 Feb 25 1587 BESSIE Nisbet sometime spouse to THOMAS PATOUN in CASTELHILL, parish of KILMARNOCK –BESSIE Nisbet 25 February 1586 (Note: Thomas Patoun’s surname also appears as Pantoun) Testament testamentar and inventory of BESSIE Nisbet, spouse of THOMAS PATOUN in CASTLEHILL in the parish of Kilmarnock who died in October 1585, made on the 9 October before Andro Bordland in Steppis, Johne Adame in Wrayis and JOHNE Nisbet in ARRANE alias IRISH JON Inventory She and her husband had: 4 horses @ £8 - £32 8 cows, 4 tidy and 4 forrow @ 10 merks – 80 merks 2 two year old quoys @ 4 merks – 8 merks 2 one year old stirks @ 40/ - £4 Sowing in the ground 24 bolls of oats estimated to the third corn, amounting to 72 bolls at 4 merks the boll with the fodder - £192 2 bolls of barley estimated to the fourth corn, amounting to 8 bolls @ £4 the boll with the fodder - £32 16 sheep @ 20/- £26 Contents of the houses etc. estimated to £20 Total - £354/13/4d Debts owed to them by The deceased BESSIE NISBET spouse to JOHNE ROSS, merchant in Galstoun for small cloth – 40/- The deceased JAMES BORDLAND her son paid by her and her spouse to the Laird of Bar for his interest ’to the rowme’ - £60 Total - £62 Total of inventory and debts - £416/13/4d Debts owed by them to The laird of Bar for rent remaining for 1584 – 3 bolls meal @ £4 - £12 and for 1585 15 ½ bolls @ £4 - £62 JONET PATOUN, sister of THOMAS PATOUN – 14 merks Jon Adame in Hietrie – 5 merks for a tubit of a horse Lord Boyd for two year’s teind – 10 merks George Smyth in Rawis mure – 30/- KATRENE NISBET and Katreine Wryght servants for their fees – 50/- Johne Bordland for his fee – 30/- Johne Adame, wobster – 8/- Andro Bordland for ale – 30/- Total - £100/4/8d Free gear - £316/8/8d To be divided in three parts, dead’s part is £105/9/5d Quot – 5 merks Legacy and latter will 9 October 1585 – BESSIE Nisbet named her spouse, THOMAS PANTOUN and ISSOBELL BORDLAND, her daughter as her executors. She left the kindness of the 2 ½ merkland of Castlehill which she and her spouse presently occupied to Issobell Bordland, her daughter, whom failing to KATRENE BORDLAND, her other daughter, procreated between her and the deceased James Bordland, her first husband. Provided Issobell married and has children, she was to satisfy Katrene at the sight of friends, reserving the remaining years of the tack to her husband, Thomas which had been set to him by Lord Bar. She left the property which was in CASTLEHILL at the time of her first husband’s death to her two 1 Jean Skar Oct 30 2010 daughters. It amounted to 80 merks. She left her daughters all her woollen and linen clothes – kirtles, cloaks, skirts, parlettes, collars. ruffs, aprons and sleeves. She left her part of her goods and gear to her daughter, JONET PANTOUN, born to her and THOMAS PANTOUN and to thir other child who was an UNBAPTISED BABY. She left Andro Bordland in Third Part a boll of corn and half a stone of cheese. She asked Thomas Pantoun to pay MURDOCH Nisbet, her brother with any things he craved. Murdoch had brought an action against them for debts he claimed they owed him. She appointed JAMES Nisbet in TROCHIRSYD, her brother and ANDRO BORDLAND in THIRD PART to be overseers. Her will was made in the house at Castlehill at one o’clock in the afternoon and was written by Erasmus Baillie, notary. Edinburgh Commissary Court Testament Testamentar and Inventory CC8/8/17 Scotland Ireland 1617 28 Nov JAMES Nesbit TULLAUGHDONNELL RAPHOE -The Scots in Ulster Ireland 1630 Barony de BOYLAGH and BANNAGH IRELAND The Earle of Annandall, undertaker of 10,000 acres, the names of his men and armes. mentioned is ANDREW Nesbit -The Muster Roll of the County of Donnagall 1630 Ireland 1630 Barony de RAPHO IRELAND Sr John Willson Barronet, undertaker of 2550 acres, his men and names mentioned is Sword and Musket JAMES Nesbit -The Muster Roll of the County of Donnagall 1630 Ireland 1633 26 Mar JEAN Hamilton spouse of JAMES Nisbet LADYTOUN sometime in FEOCHE afterwards in IRELAND Instrument of Sasine in favour of JAMES Neisbit and JEANE HAMILTOUN registered at Edinburgh on the 26 March 1633 (in Latin) On the 20 March 1633, Michaell Mair, writer to HM Chancellery presented a charter under the Great Seal in favour of James Neisbit, sometime in FEOCHE and now residing in IRELAND and his wife, JEANE HAMILTOUN. He and his wife’s attorney, GEORGE Neisbit in (obscured by binding) of LOWDOUN were also present. The Charter had been granted by Charles 1, as father and administrator for his son, Prince Charles who was then a minor and who held the title of Lord of Kyle, Carrick and Cunningham. Also party to the charter were members of his Council. The Charter contained a precept of sasine in which Andrew Lockhart, burgess of Newmilne was appointed as baillie to give sasine to JAMES Neisbit and his wife and their heirs of the lands of LADYTOUN, OVIRMURE and CARLINGCRAIGS, all lying in the barony of Lowdoun, bailliary of Cunningham and Sheriffdom of Ayr. They were to be given conjunct liferent and their heirs the fee, whom failing the nearest heirs of JAMES Neisbit. The Charter had been granted at HALYRUDE HOUSE on the 2 February 1633. Giving of sasine took place on the lands of LADYTOUN, OVIRMURE and CARLINGCRAIGS respectively on the 20 March between 10 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon in presence of ALEXANDER Nisbet (in?) NEVOKLAW, John Broun, officer in Newmilne, James Ross in Greines, Patrick Donald servitor to the said JAMES Nisbet, GEORGE Nisbet in RIDDING and ROBERT Nisbit, his son. The Instrument of Sasine was written by Charles Hall, notary, clerk of the diocese of Glasgow.- Extract Ayr Date is registration date General Sasines NAS RS 1 / 36 / 188 Ireland 1653 The deposition of ROBERT Nisbitt now Liweing at CORNEGILLAGH within the barony of RAPHO and County of DOWNEGALL takne at Sligo the 16o of Junij 1653 ROBERT Nisbitt being of the age of twentie years or thaireabouts being duely sworne vpon the holy Ewangelists and examined, sayth that he Liwed with his father ROBERT Nisbitt in Ardneglas within the barony of Tireragh and County of Sligo att the begineing of the rebellion, And that the said ROBERT with his wyff and fywe small children wer constrained to continue in the said place for a year and a half or thaireabouts efter the said rebellion began, till about the moneth of may in the yeare 1643: Att which tyme this deponent sayth that thair cam a company of Vlster men to the said towne of Ardneglas commanded by on 2 Jean Skar Oct 30 2010 Captan mcSwyne, who / dureing the tyme of thair abod this deponent sayth that wer hyred by the mcSwyns of Ardneglas to murder his father his mother and thair children, whervpon vpon a saturday at night thes murderers cam to this deponents fathers hous, and quartered thair all night and did dress a beeff for thair supper, which Roger mcSwyn of Ardneglas had giwen tham as a part of thair hyre, And on the sonday morneing the forsaid murderers bound the deponents father ROBERT Nesbitt elder, and in the mean tyme this deponents mother EWELIN Nisbitt went to the said Roger McSwyn his hous, and told him that they had bound her husband and that they intended to murder tham all, and prayed him for god his sake to sawe tham, wherevnto thise said Roger replyed that what was to be done was done by his command for hee had giwen orders vnto tham, and withall commanded her to depart, adding withall that if they did not kill thes theewes (as he named thame) that he wold doe it himself, notwithstanding of which answer, as this deponent sayth, this deponents mother cam back againe to the hous wher her husband was bound and imediately they cam tyed the said deponents mother Ewelin with ropes of hair, and drew tham all to witt the father the mother and the fywe children to the place wher they intended to act the murder, and befor they cam to the place this deponent with his two sisters HELEIN and MARIE shrunck back out of the way and hid thamselwes, The rest wer led on to the slaughter, wher they murdered the father, and the mother by cutting vp of her belly being than great with chyld and throweing a yong chyld newly weaned into the river, Whervpon thair eldest sone whoes name was JOHN being than of sixten yeares or thaireabouts fled away and run away a great way till he mett with on Owen o Dowd now Liveing in Ardneglas vnto whom hee addressed himselff and told him that the vlster men had kild his father and mother and prayed him to sawe his lyff, vnto whom this owen replyed that he wold, and yet [ ] he brought him back to the murderers and delywered him into thair hands who kild him, And this deponent being further examined deposeth that Roger mcSwyn Edmund mcSwyn Alexander mcSwyn Roger mcSwyn fitz Alexander, Hugh mcSwyn, and diwers others wer all of tham contrywers and asisters of the murderers in the fact, and further, he, this deponent sayth, that they the said mcSwyns wer alwayes jelous that the said persons should escap into the English quarters and discower thair actions, which was the caus they murdered thame after so long a tyme And further this deponent sayth not.
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