Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-28-1983 The BG News October 28, 1983 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News October 28, 1983" (1983). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4182. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4182 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. vol. 66. issue 34 friday, October 28,1983 new/bowling green state university Americans overrun Cuban forces in Grenada U.S. takes over strongholds Numbers underestimated BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (AP) - There was no immediate word on U.S. military operation. WASHINGTON (AP) - The invasion bean occupation forces have almost twice what had been an- American forces on Grenada crushed the status of Grenadian Marxist The Pentagon said the casualty toll of Grenada has revealed a Cuban uncovered what one official, asking nounced by the Castro governmen- the final strongholds of Grenadian leader Gen. Hudson Austin, believed among the almost 3,000 U.S. troops presence that was almost double ear- not to be identified, described as a t... upwards of 1,000. troops and armed Cubans, and went to have been at Fort Frederick. stood at eight dead, eight missing and lier American estimates and which major Cuban military presence with to work yesterday tracking down the Reagan administration officials 39 wounded. included large numbers of military warehouses "stacked to the ceiling "In reality, it was a combat engi- Caribbean island's last diehard de- said, meanwhile, that American Various reports indicated a Cuban personnel who virtually controlled the with weapons." neer batallion there, commanded by a fenders, VS. and Barbadian reports forces discovered "upwards of 1,000" death toll of at least 42, although U.S. island's southwest portion, State De- Cuban colonel," Speakes said. "There said. Cubans on the island, some 400 more officials as of Wednesday mentioned partment officials said yesterday. "The Cuban presence there is a lot have been suggestions this was the The United States, meanwhile, con- than claimed by the Cuban govern- only 20 wounded Cubans and said 600 less benign than we had thought," the beginning of a buildup, as far as the tinned to pour hundreds of fresh par- ment, and said they were more heav- had been captured. The number of At the White House, deputy press official said, adding that Cuba ap- Castro government intended to make atroopers into the fight for the tiny ily armed than expected. Grenadian casualties could not be secretary Larry Speakes said it also pears to have established a "base a major installation on the island." nation. "IT WAS a combat engineer battal- determined. appeared that Cuba had been plan- complex" in southwest Grenada near The Cubans holding out at Rich- ion in there, commanded by a Cuban ning the construction of a major mili- the airport construction site. Both Speakes and State Depart mond Hill prison, in the steep green colonel," White House spokesman In London, Secretary-General Shri- tary installation on Grenada. ment deputy spokesman Alan Rom- hills east ofthe harborside capital, St. Larry Speakes said. The Cuban gov- dath Ramphal of the Commonwealth THE ADMINISTRATION has been berg said that, although the Cuban George's, were overrun by attacking ernment says almost all the 600 to 700 - the Britain-linked group of nations Beforehand. U.S. officials believed concerned that the runway might be presence was a source of concern, it troops 2tt days after the U.S. invasion Cubans on Grenada were airport con- of which Grenada is a member -de- there were about 600 Cubans on the used by Cuban jet fighters, thus en- did not precipitate the American-led began. Pentagon sources said in struction workers who had been is- nounced the U.S. operation and called island, about half serving as military abling Cuba to project its military invasion. Washington. sued light arms. for U.S. troops to be replaced swiftly advisers and the remainder working power into South America for the first A second St. George's strongpoint, In the third day of the Grenada by a Commonwealth or purely Carib- as technicians or building a new lime. Grenada has insisted the fa- THE INTERVENTION, they In- the Grenadian army headquarters at invasion, the officially reported U.S. bean force. 10,000-foot runway. cility would be used only for commer- sisted, was prompted by fears for the Port Frederick, was captured death toll rose to eight, international cial purposes. safety of Americans living on Gre- Wednesday, the sources said, con- anger deepened over the American Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher nada and by an invitation from the firming earlier reports by a Barba- action, and a U.S. congressional com- said Britain might consider such a Those estimates have been dis- Speakes said, "When we arrived Organization of Eastern Caribbean dian radio station. mittee pushed for a time limit on the request. carded as the American and Carib- there, we found their numbers to be States. Darrow man threatened Troops in Beirut with knife An attempted armed robbery oc- shown support curred Wednesday shortly before 8 p.m. when a male Kreischer/Darrow resident was held at knifepoint and BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Pro-gov- Hundreds of demonstrators, sup- ordered to relinquish his wallet and ernment Lebanese carrying U.S. and porters of President Amin Gemayel, Jacket, according to police reports. French flags rallied yesterday to marched to the residences of the U.S. The victim was confronted by possi- show support for the multinational and French ambassadors led by Gem- bly two people at the northeast corner force in Lebanon. The Marine com- ayel's 15-year-old daughter, Nicole. of DM Industrial Educational Technol- mander said new security measures They carried UJ5. and French flags ogy Building, according to Associa te had been enforced to prevent a repeat and banners such as one proclaiming, Director of Public Safety. Dean Ger- of the suicide bombings that killed "U.S. Marines - Heroes Of Peace." kens. more than 270 Americans and French Steve Engelken, a U.S. Embassy soldiers. political officer, told the crowd, "I'm When the victim threw down his The death toll from the attacks at certain the people of the United States wallet, the suspect readied down to the French and U.S. bases continued will be deeply touched by this ex- pick it up at which point the victim to rise: 221 U.S. servicemen were pression of gratitude... and sor- grabbed at the knife and the two lulled, according to the Pentagon, and row. from your people." wrestled to the ground, until the vic- 56 French soldiers died, according to Ambassador Fernand Wibaux of tim was knocked unconscious from French military officials in Beirut. France said he was "deeply touched" behind. The suspect, or suspects, fled The search for missing bodies, in- by the demonstration. the scene. cluding two Frenchmen presumed Marine commander Col. Timothy The victim could not give a descrip- dead, went on at both camps. Geraghty said the attacks by suicide tion of the person he thinks struck him Marines formed long lines at their terrorists in explosives-laden trucks from behind. However, the victim base at Beirut's international airport were "very sobering, obviously. Ap- described his knifepoint attacker as to telephone assurances to relatives in propriate new base security mea- black and wearing a peacoat and a the United States. Up to 50 Marines at sures have been taken, essentially stocking cap. a time lined up to use two interna- sealing off our location." tional telephone circuits to the United Geraghty blamed security prob- "When the victim regained conc- States. lems in part on the fact that "we're stousness, he had a gash on the back Set. David Lawson, 23, said he was not here tactically deployed" but on a of his neck. His wallet was on the waiting to call his mother, Shirley peacekeeping mission. However, he ground and nothing was taken from it, Lenartowiz, in Philadelphia, and tell added without elaboration: "We're and he still had his jacket. But next to bg news staff/Can Lee Cifam her "I'm still kicking and alive and reviewing our whole position here in him was also a board which police BG Autumn Freshmen Donna Rupe, zoology major, and Jim Hagemeyer, pre med major, enjoy each other's I'll be home soon." relation to providing better defensive officers surmise to be the weapon company and the autumn weather. The couple passed the time between classes on the lawn in provisions. used to strike him," Gerkens said. front of the University Union yesterday afternoon. MARINE SPOKESMAN Mai. Rob- He declined to specify the new secu- ert Jordan said about 750 calls had rity measures, but reporters saw new been placed by midday. He said the barbed wire strung over the com- phone lines would be kept open until pound. Two bright yellow Lebanese every Marine and Navy man on toe buses were parked near the main Trick-or-treat back by demand base at the time of the blast had a entrance, blocking the narrow access chance to place a call. road. by Janet Pavotko with the idea of soliciting residents for children is frightening. partments such as Bowling Green reporter a Halloween party for the children "Big cities such as Cleveland and offer services to X-ray Halloween instead of the usual trick-or-treat Detroit do not take the poisoning or treats as an added safety precaution.
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