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October 11 II ..... By Henry Ford, ~ Year Ending Sept. 30 AUTO OUTPUT TO BE CUT u 13 per cent beginning January 1 I by order of the Defense Produc- Throngs Attend Rally on High School Grounds as Boy 1 In view of increasingly se-, tion Administration. A 30 per Scouts Race for Honor of Lighting Huge I vere government restrictions cent cut for the first quarter of Torch for Annual Drive I and material shortages, Grosse D52 had been considered. De- Pointe Woods shows an amaz~ fense 'officials ruled out the At a mass turn 'out of Grosse P?inte men, w.omen and ing volume of all types of con~ higher percentage because of the threat of serious unemployment children Tuesday evening at a Umted FoundatlOn torch- struction, despite the decline in the auto industry. lighting rally on t~e Hi~h School ground;S,. Henry Ford II from a prior period. .. .. • called pefsonal sacnfices m home commumtle~ t~e b~st way According to a recently LARGEST HELICOPTER AlR. ,,)?::~::,j;,i:<, to guarantee survival of freedom and personal hbertles. compiled report o£ building LIFT in history completed today Mr. Ford !eminde,~ hundreds of<!) ,3.ctivities in the City of Grosse by the U. S. 1st Marine Division. Grosse Pomte. nelghbo:-s th~t Pointe Woods, there has been A battle-equipped battalion, com. ~;:;,::::~:{f;~::":;~;~~'.,.," D 't Fence ..~',...., when a comm.umty or a CIty can ton . a decline of 200 in the number prised of about 1,000 troops, was take care of Its own local needs, f b 'ld' 't. d f transported from a rest area to a a governme~t agency steps in to U 0 t SOUl mg pert:ll S Issue '. or spot behind the front lines in take over the job for once and I S U, ay new houses durmg the perIod Korea. Twelve helicopters began for all. • from October 1, 1950, through the shuttle service when the fog "Measuring ,Stick" Septemb.er 30, 1:51, as co.m~ lifted. Landings were in full view ,N elY" hbors Mr, Ford called the United pare? WIth the currespondmg of Communist hill positions. The I Foundation ddve a "measuring preVIOUS 12 months. Reds did hot interfere. .. .. " stick" of community loyalty and Farms Council Hemmed In A t{)tal of 457 permits for new NEW ANTI-BRITISH DEMON- pride wHich is "simple to read By Long Arguments Ovur _ hor:nes were. isst;'ed in Grosse STRATIONS break out in Alex- and easy to understand." He pre- 'I' Pomte Wooas thIS year, as op- andria and Cairo. Two British dicted achievement of the U.F. Fellow Solon s Barner posed to 657 in the correspond- warships set out today for Egypt. goal, based' on the 100% civic ing period last year. Sixty-seven The new troops will arrive in spirit which he l1elieves exists, ~ A fence dispute threw the permits were' issued ciuring the - Egyptian waters by the week- The rally got off to a resound- I F '1 . t h month of September and 49 dur- . I arms counCl In 0 sue a ing April f'nd. according to a British mili- ing start when Grosse Pomte \.J.th Md' ht th t t ' tary spokesman. He emphasized High School. band leader; D. D. :.11 er on on ay mg a a More During March that these troops would replace "',,', Kalembe:" raised ?is ?aton at I the fen~ of a~ hou.r and a half. According to the report for '/ national servicemen. Riots began 7:15. Spmted musIc stirred the con.USIon s~LI rel~e~. the previous year. more build-' with decrees abrogating the 1936 crowd's enthusiasm, while relay The fence m question IS OW-lied ing 'permits for homes 84 were treaty with Britain. runners were warming up at their jointly by Daniel W. Goodenough, issued during May tha~ for any .. .. posts, up to two miles away. of 234 ~othrop road, a Farms other month. Seventy-one were HOUSE VOTES 4 BILLION Winner Lights Torch c 0 u n ell man, and G e 0 r g e issued during August of that 200 million dollars for U. S. mili- . 1 h d . Rieveschl, of 232 Lothrop road. year SIX re ay teams, eac ma e up i Alon the Charlevoix side of the '. , tary defense bases to be built of 12 Boy Scouts, raced to the g t th:Ei t d 15 feet PermIts for the construction of around the world. House pre' giant torch at the corner of Grosse IprbopertYh ~d encelks.an s la e seven commercial buildings were pared to approve appropriation of , b 1 d d F' 1 d a ove e SI ewa m one pc.. d d' th Pomte ou evaI' an IS1e~ ro~ . It is erected on a stone retaining Issu:e ur~ng e mc;re recent seven and one-half billion for The anchor runner of the wmnmg, , II f .' h' ht penod, whIle 21 permIts for com- foreign aiel. The military con- team used the small torch.baton 1 \\,a o. varymg elg . mercial :buildings had been is- struction bill was approved 299 his team had carried to light the Probe Ordered "ued during the' previous period. to 19. The bill has been refel'fed giant torch. Mr. Ford personally \ A group of Mt. Vernon and During' the month of' Ma'rch to the Senate. .. This abandoned baby was found on the rear door step of the William B. Cudlip horne at 900 Lake Shore road on congratulated the winning scouts, I Charlevoix residents,. entered ~ 1950, the Woods issued.a perrmt all oi, W:~Ojn wer:e qn_,h.and at. tPli!i cQmplaint at a. prevIous councIl for the .erecttbn:'of'th'e""Pt1rtestaJjr'" Thursgay, Oq1<;>!Jg,r_JJ."Mi~:,?Mar~..Lo.u..c;udlip found ~he baby at 9;~5 a. m. a?d notified Police Chief Or:vill~C. Ingalsb~ ...,. Frld~~J. Octob~r }2. finish line. ,'- I meeting. It was decided t~at 'Children's Home in Cook road. OUTPUT OF CONSUMER OffIcers Victor Hallberg and Earl Wakely rushed the mfant to CotJage HospItal, where he posed for"thls pIcture on Fri- Master of ceremorlies Joseph Farms. Engineer Murray Smlth This building. ~as valued ,'at GOODS requiring the use of metal day, with NURSE DOROTHY ELBELL. The box she is holding is the one in which little Jo~n Doe was found: Dr: A. Z. Hainline, WJR News Commenta., and CIty Attorney Henry Maurer $500,000, <icc~rdmg to the re- to be cut 111h percent starting Rogers said the infant had suffered no ill effects from the chilly weather. The baby was estlmated to be about.4 to 6 tor, announced the progress of i would take :neasurem~~ts I of the port. January 1, the Defense Produc- hours old. Mrs. Martha Klingenstein, an employe at 888 Lake Shore, said she saw a light tan or gray car pull away the relay race from police car ra-I fence and gwe an oplm~n as. to 250 Garage Pennits tion Administration announced from the Cudlip home just before the baby was found. Miss Cud lip found the baby wrapped in a piece of thin cotton dio reports. He also introduced I whether, the fence cOI~plIed ~Ith Two-hundred and fifty permits today. Non-essential products sheeting in a cardboard box. the mayors of the five Grosse I the- ordmance governmg heIght. were issued for the building of using critically scarce copper and Pointe communities; the Grosse At Monday's meeting, James 'garages this past year. Last iYear aluminum to be curtailed drasti- , Pointe Torch Drive Co-chairmen, Bloink, of 242 Merriweat~er road, 196 permits were issued for the cally. This may affect such items Mum ~how 1 .. Mrs. J. J. O'Brien and Mrs. J. A.I ~cting as spokesman f?r the ob- erection of garages. During this as venetian blinds and othel" I-J i.Program for Civil Defense 1 O-Year Olds Mullen; Business Chairman ~ll Jectors, told ~he coun~11 that the pas', May, 44 permits were is- articles for which plastics and S h d l d Meyer, and the Residential ChaIr- ; fence dep~'ecl~ted theIr prope~ty I sued for garages, with 36 ter- other substitL;tes. co..uld be used. C e .u e Confess to man, Mrs. Richard Jackson. II and ~hat It, dId not comply WIth mits issued during April. The Of Pointe Shows Progress Searchlights and Sirens the CIty ordmance. largest number of garage per- TAX INCREASE OF $5,750,000.1 F C t A huge searchlight, loaned by I Maurer Against It ~its issued last year was 35 dur- 000 approved by a Senate-House or en er School Th.
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