16196 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 159, Pt. 11 October 23, 2013 the debt ceiling was raised he would be willing Corps Program in 1979. He began his career a fifth time as the Commander of Air Force to negotiate ‘‘on anything.’’ This includes the as a personnel officer at Williams Air Force District of Washington and Commander of the budget, economic reforms, entitlement pro- Base, Arizona in the Consolidated Base Per- Air Force Forces for Joint Forces Head- grams, and even the health care law. In the sonnel Office. He excelled in a variety of jobs quarters-National Capital Region at Andrews next few months the American public should as the Chief of Customer Assistance, Chief of Air Force Base, Maryland. He was again ex- be keenly aware whether he does what he Quality Force, and Chief of Personnel Utiliza- tremely successful in this position which ulti- said he would do. Finally Congress can hold tion. Immediately after this assignment, then- mately led to his most recent assignment as the President accountable for his pledge to Lieutenant Jones reported to Randolph Air the Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower, Per- negotiate with Congress over these impedi- Force Base, Texas where he was the Chief of sonnel and Services, Headquarters United ments to economic recovery. the Assignment Analysis Branch and later the States Air Force where he and his team were Over the past several weeks, conservatives Executive Officer to the Deputy Chief of Staff responsible for comprehensive plans and poli- put up a strong fight to stop President for Personnel at Headquarters Air Training cies covering all life cycles of military and civil- Obama’s health care law from being fully im- Command. Then-Captain Jones reported to ian personnel management, and the delivery plemented. After trying to defund the law, Washington, District of Columbia as part of the of fully-qualified, ready Airmen for the Joint delay it for a year, and ensure fairness so that very elite Air Staff Training Program as a per- warfighter while also meeting all the needs of members of Congress don’t get special treat- sonnel adviser and board member of the Sec- our Airmen and their families. He planned, di- ment, it became clear that our tactics weren’t retary of the Air Force Personnel Council. rected and evaluated programs, ensuring a working and we needed to regroup. Then Captain-Jones and later Major-Jones qualified, productive and well-maintained work held the first of his many assignments as a Given that Republicans are a minority in force of over 180,000 civilian employees. Ad- leader in our Air Force, becoming the Consoli- Washington we need to be realistic about ditionally, he oversaw the execution and pro- dated Base Personnel Office Chief and Direc- what we can achieve. That does not mean we gramming of the Manpower, Personnel and tor of Personnel, and Commanding the Mis- will give up the fight. We just need to be smart Services portfolio with an annual $40.9 billion sion Support Squadron at McConnell Air Force about where and when we choose to fight and personnel budget for 660,000 military and ci- Base. As a testament of his skills and abilities, pick battles we can win. vilian total force Airmen. he was chosen to attend in-residence profes- As we move forward with negotiations over Under General Jones’ leadership, the Air sional military education at Air Command and the budget and other issues, we need to focus Force implemented sweeping policy changes Staff College at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala- on ways we can achieve our objectives. We to enlisted developmental special duty assign- bama. Upon graduation, he showcased his tal- need to seek true reforms that don’t just put ments and the Air Force fitness program. He ent in a variety of joint positions at Head- off hard decisions to the next crisis. The chal- quarters United States European Command, led the Secretary of the Air Force-directed lenges we face—a weak economy, a growing Stuttgart, Germany. He was the Chief of Enti- Personnel Readiness Review task force, en- debt, a health care law that isn’t working—are tlements, Compensation and Education, fol- suring our current population is ready to meet too important to just push off into the future. lowed by Chief of the World War II Com- the needs of current and future war time re- The next step to overcome these challenges memoration Branch and later Deputy Chief of quirements. Additionally, he led the Air Force is for the President and Senator REID to open the World War II Commemoration Division. Personnel Center in a historic consolidation the negotiations we were promised. Now-Lieutenant Colonel Jones was selected with the former Air Force Manpower Agency f to return to Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama and Air Force Services Agency, integrating as an Air War College Student with a follow- three unique functional areas designed to re- TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT duce overhead, achieve efficiencies and maxi- GENERAL DARRELL D. JONES on assignment to Headquarters United States Air Force as the Chief of Force Structure mize customer service. Finally, he guided Air Plans and Policies in the Military Personnel Force senior leadership through the impacts of HON. GREGG HARPER Policy Directorate. Later, he was selected by the Secretary of Defense’s General Officer Ef- OF MISSISSIPPI the Deputy Chief of Staff, Personnel as the ficiency Study. He provided critical Congres- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chief of the Personnel Issues Team. sional interaction to ensure all timelines of the Wednesday, October 23, 2013 Based on his successes and ready for in- reductions were met. In every instance, Gen- creased responsibilities, now-Colonel Jones eral Jones was a steadfast advocate pro- Mr. HARPER. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to took command of the 62nd Support Group at moting the Air Force’s mission, and its over pay tribute to Lieutenant General Darrell D. McChord Air Force Base, Washington. He 660,000 Total Force Airmen and their families. Jones, Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower, Per- then became the Director of Personnel at Today, I wish Lieutenant General Darrell sonnel, and Services, Headquarters United Headquarters Pacific Air Forces at Hickam Air ‘‘DJ’’ Jones good luck and Godspeed as he States Air Force, for his 34 years of faithful Force Base, Hawaii followed by Commanding retires and enters this next phase of his life. service to our country. The Air Force’s senior the 66th Air Base Wing at Hanscom Air Force On behalf of the Congress and the United personnel officer, General Jones is respon- Base, Massachusetts. Later, he was selected States of America, I thank General Jones, his sible for comprehensive plans and policies as the Director of Manpower and Personnel at wife Holly, their sons, Taylor and Stewart, and covering all life cycles of military and civilian Headquarters United States Central Command daughter-in-law Lindsay for their commitment, personnel management, including military and at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida. sacrifice, and contribution to this great Nation civilian end strength management, education Then-Brigadier General Jones took com- in protecting it and our way of life. and training, compensation, resource alloca- mand of his second wing, the 37th Training f tion, and the worldwide United States Air Wing at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, the Force services program. Over the course of largest wing in the Air Force at 21,000 people HONORING MARCUS D. WOODS Lieutenant General Jones’ distinguished ca- and graduating 60,000 Airmen from basic, reer, he commanded a squadron, group, two technical, international and joint training annu- HON. SAM GRAVES wings and a direct reporting unit. As previous ally. He followed command to Washington, OF MISSOURI Commander, Air Force District of Washington, District of Columbia, where he became the Di- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and Commander of the Air Force Forces for rector of Force Management Policy, Head- Wednesday, October 23, 2013 Joint Forces Headquarters-National Capital quarters United States Air Force. In this posi- Region, he organized, trained and equipped tion, he established force management poli- Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I combat forces for aerospace expeditionary cies guiding accessions, assignments, evalua- proudly pause to recognize Marcus D. Woods. forces, homeland operations, civil support, na- tions, skills analysis, promotions, readiness, Marcus is a very special young man who has tional special security events and ceremonial retraining, separations and retirements of the exemplified the finest qualities of citizenship events. He also provided major command- Air Force’s human capital. He also oversaw and leadership by taking an active part in the level support for 60,000 worldwide military and aspects of total force management to include Boy Scouts of America, Troop 395, and earn- civilian personnel and was the Uniform Code contingency, mobilization, training manage- ing the most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. of Military Justice authority for 40,000 Airmen. ment, and rated force policy. Marcus has been very active with his troop, General Jones graduated from Mississippi Now-Major General Jones with his vast participating in many scout activities. Over the State University’s Reserve Officers’ Training knowledge and experience took command for many years Marcus has been involved with VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:13 Feb 15, 2018 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR13\E23OC3.000 E23OC3 jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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