- Average Daily Net Preaa Rini For^the Week Ikidad The Weather February 4, 1867 Fair, cold ton l^ t, low 20-20; partly cloudy, Bttle tempera- ture< change tomorrow. Ugh 15,069 30-36. Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm (Classified Advertising on Page 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS VOL. LXXXVI, NO. I ll (TW ENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1967 Snow Less Than Expected Huge Supply Buildup N.E. Escapes Seen in North Vietnam New Storm BOSTON (A P)— New England largely escaped today as the second coastal storm in three days sped past the six-state region. Foe Gearing Air/Strikes ^ By noon the snow had ended morning was about 126 miles over all areas but outer Cape south southeast of Nantucket Cod and extreme southern Island and accelerating toward To Fight On, May Resume, Maine and was expected to end the east northeast, there by early afternoon. Winds Advance estimates indicated Rusk’s View diminished along the coast and the storm would be more severe U.S. Reports gale warnings posted from than it proved to be, and the WASHINGTON (AP) — In Eastport, Maine, to Block Is- Weather Bureau had posted Secretary of State Dean Rusk’s SAIGON, South Viefc. land, R.I., were lowered at 11 heavy snow warnings for south- opinion, the Communists are nam (A P )—The U.S. com- a.m. eastern Massachusetts a n d gearing up for more hard mand today reiwrted a The Weather Bureau said Rhode Island. fighting in Vietnam rather fian massive buildup in North snow amounts in New England At Bradley International an extension of the current ranged "from an inch or so in Vietnam during the first Airport, the weather bureau cease-fire for a move to a con- nortlieastem Massachusetts and three days of the lunar said this morning the snow ference table. southwestern Connecticut to as new year truce and the threat for Connecticut was Rusk gave this report .at a much as s ix ' inches over Cape suspension of American over. Snow in all areas of the nationally-televised news con- Cod and the offshore islands.” state ended by mid-moming. ference Thursday midway in the bombing raids. The storm center in late U.S. officials said the four-day The storm' hit Virginia and the ailied-proclalmed F,eb. 8-12 Lu- cease-fire proclaimed by the CaroUnas, tl}en swept north- nar New Year cease-fire. The South Vietnamese government ward into New Jersey, New C3ommunists have called for a York and New England where remains in effect. But they seven-day truce. millions were still digging out of -would not rule out the possibili- New Battle "There have been a disturb- Tuesday's blizzard that dumped ty that air strikes against North ing number of violations of that up to 16 inches of snow, took Vietnam might be ordered be- cease-fire,” Rusk said. Stirs 0 ver lives and cost millions of dollars fore the truce ends Sunday ” We have seen large numbers in business losses and snow re- of boats and other vessels dash- should the Communist buildup reach levels considered “ intol- Billboards moval expenses. ing south along the coast of North Vietnam to resupply their erable” by the U.S. command. (Sea Page Eight) The North Vietnamese move- WASHINGTON (AP) — A new (Communist) forces in the ment of supplies southward is battle is shaping up over high- southern part of North Vietnam “ not technically a -violation of way beauty, a project of Mrs. and in the Demilitarized Zpne. the stand down,” these sources Lyndon B. Johnson which could “ Now this indicates that it is Beer-Drinking said, but it was obviously long result in the dismantling of their intention to continue the planned and “ creates doubts as more than 1 million billboards operations, and the large num- Mark Shattered; ber of incidents indicates that to North Vietnamese sincerity along major highways. (AP Photofax) they are not particularly inter- about the truce.” What triggered the newest No End in Sight Debris litters this street in Bogota after an earth- e ' "ct-ial cease-fire.” U.S. sources said it appeared round of controversy were the quake, described as the worst in 50 years, rocked The U.S. foreign affairs chief ANN ARBOR. Mich. (AP) — unlikely that the four-day trues regulations drafted by the Bu- the area yesterday. Smashed auto was but one of a. - . i.e CO jd not report Twelve University of Michigan would be extended to match the reau of Public Roads and sub- "any tangible forward move- students are revelling in the many such incidents as large cities and small vil- seven-day ceaise-fire proclaimed mitted to Congress last month. ment” toward peace talks by the Viet <3ong. joys of the draft, but the draft lages in a wide area felt the brunt of the tremors. They list the size, spacing and desfMte continuing U.S. diplo- A U.S. spokesman said that in tliey dreamily endorse comes other criteria ol signs which can matic efforts. the first 30 hours of the truce from the barrel, not the Selec- be located along the 261,(X)0 And he rejected Communist that began at 7 a.m. Wednes- tive Service. miles of interstate and primary calls for a halt in the U.S. Several Chinese, wearing dunce caps, ase held up day, U.S. reconnEuissance planes highways. By taking turns at the bar. the Death Toll Rising bombing of North Vietnam un- and destroyers sighted some 900 to public shame on a Peking street. Members of The regulations again made beer-drinking team has been at less Hanoi shows wiliUngness to boats along the North Vietnam- it for 660 hours down at Fraser’s the Red Guard displayed the leaders of “ anti-revo- the bureau unpopular with the scale down its assault on the lutionary groups” from truck as part of their pro-, ese cosLSt — five times the num- outdoor advertiring industry, pub and the end is not in sight. south. In Colombia Quake gram to bring about a cultural revolution in the ber normAUy seen when such which sent its protests to Con- taOSSzyryyrMC 602a 10c “ You cannot stop this war water traffic is a target for U.S. The original goal — to shatter Country. (AP Photofax) ’ gress. BOGOTA, CJolombda (AP) — The interior ministry said two ^mply^by stopping a half of it,” watrplanes. the U.S. record of 820 hours set "We believe that the whole- he said. The toll from Colombia’s most shocks Thursday morning were A shaiQp increase in road traf- sale elimination of an entire in 1966 by the Michigan State Rusk specifically found unac- disastrous earthquake rose to 76 the worst ever felt is O^ombla. fic in North Vietnam also was. industry is far beyond the'ihtent squad — went down the hatch ceptable the North "Vietnamese Onie measured seven to eight on reported. The spokesman, said- of Congress,” one telegram long ago. dead today with more than 300 hints that they “ could” enter a 12-polnt scale. A third tremor China Spy Case Jl2 trucks were spotted by UiS.' It started Jan. 6 when the 12 injured, the Interior Ministry into peace negotiations if only read. Another said, "The high- followed six hours later. warplanes oh Tuesday, the day way beautification bill is a luxu- — nine men and three women —. reported. the U.S.' air attacks erided. He Incidents- of mass terror and before the truce began, but on ry the taxpayers cannot support discovered they all had a taste Hardest hit was Huila State in lectured this as a propaganda individual) bravery were report- Wednesday, after the cease-firs or afford.” for beer. the south, epicenter ol Thurs- drive to atop an important U.S. ed in Bogota, where 13 Colom- took effect, carious sources re- Some conservationists said The rules require a team' day’s quake. The ministry said May Fan Chaos bians were killed, including two (See Page Two) ported seeing 779 trucks. Thurs- the bureau did a good job within member to down 12 ounces of 63 persons were killed there, brew every 30 minutes while in children. A teacher was said to day the number jumped to 804, the context of the 1965 law, including 24 at Neiva, the capi- TOKYO (AP) — The first tigating to determine whether the bar and the total now stands tal. Another 13 were killed in have rescued 40 children from a the spokesmam reported. which they consider weak. But school in which a falling wall atomic spy case in Red China — any of the information had got- If that rate of water and road at least one critic, Mrs. Kenneth at 13,400 ounces. Bogota and 9 elsewhere. ten to a foreign country. The killed his wife and mother-in- 22 Collegians th^ newest and probably least Robb Brown of Des Moines, Bill Fraser, pub owner, has Most buildings at Neiva were foreign country was not named. ^ (See Page Eight) law. Iowa, contends the regulations his bartenders keeping score. severely damaged, including the advanced member of the five- The spy report came amid Thousands of crying, praying represent a surrender to the Why not?” he asked. "Specta- Plaza Hotel, where several Punished After nation nuclear club — was re- continuing dally anti-Soviet persons hurried into the streets industry. tors are coming in' to watch. guests were killed when p ^ of ported today. There was specu- demonstrations in Peking and and plazas after the morning Theft of Exams This is because “ the public And, of course, we encourage the building collapsed, th^min- lation in Tokyo that it would be anti-Chinese demonstrations in Germany Willing them to participate.” istry reported.
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