CONTROVERSIAL, UTTERLY COMPELLING .•• THIS IS THE BOOK * that makes public-for the first time-the hid­ den drama of politics and passions behind papal selection * that was on no fewer than ten bestseller lists­ within days of publication * that no-one today can afford to ignore So monumental are the implications of THE FINAL CONCLAVE that normal publishing procedures could not be followed when it was printed in hardcover. No galley proofs were made. Advance review copies could not be distributed. Arrangements were made to ship all copies of the finished book simultaneously to all parts of America to minimize any opportunity for the book to be surpressed. The reason for all this is simple. THE FINAL CON­ CLAVE discloses secrets previously known to fewer than a dozen people in the world ..• MALACHI MARTIN l~HE FINAL CONCLAVE C0RGIBOOKS A DIVISION OF TRANSWORLD PUBLISHERS LTD THE FINAL CONCLAVE A CORGI BOOK 0 552 10982 7 First published in Great Britain by Melbourne House Ltd. PRINTING HISTORY Melbourne House edition pub'd 1978 Corgi edition published 1978 Copyright © Malachi Martin 1978 Conditions of Sale: 1: This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the pUblisher's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. 2: This book is sold subject to the Standard Conditions of Sale of Net Books and may not be re-sold in the U.K. below the net price fixed by the publishers for the book. Corgi Books are published by Transworld Publishers Ltd., Century House, 61-63 Uxbridge Road, Ealing, London, W.5. Made and printed in the United States of America by Arcata Graphics Buffalo, New York For the deliberations of mortals are timid, and unsure are our plans. • . who ever knew your counsel, except you had given Wisdom and sent your holy spirit from on high? And thus were the paths of those on earth made straight Wisdom 9:14, 17-18 Author's Note The heart of this book, beginning on page 125, is the description of Conclave 82. The participants are fic­ tional. But in every other respect it is a scenario based upon'the factual material preceding it and upon all available accurate knowledge of the issues and factions at work in the choice of Pope Paul's successor. vii Contents Author's Note vii THE BEGINNING 1 THE FIRST OF THE PILGRIM POPES 17 THE TIME BEFORE CONCLAVE: The Pre-Conclave Bulletins, 1970-1977 49 Series One-1970 51 Series Two-1971 54 Series Three-1972 59 Series Four-1973 64 Series Five-1974 67 Series Six-1975 70 Series Seven-1976 81 Series Eight-1977 87 Special Bulletin-How the Votes Fall on the Eve of Conclave 82 107 Special Bulletins-From the Death of Paul 6 to the Opening of Conclave 82 113 THE FINAL CONCLAVE 125 The Opening Evening 127 6:45 p.M.-7:00 P.M. 127 The Preliminary Session 131 Night: 9:00 p.M.-l:00 A.M. 148 The First Day 236 Morning: 5:00 A.M.-I0:00 A.M. 236 ix x Contents The First Session 253 Afternoon: 2:00 P.M.-4:00 P.M. 332 The Second Session 333 Night: 6:00 p.M.-l :00 A.M. 355 The Second Day 378 Morning: 5:00 A.M.-IO:OO A.M. 378 The Third Session 381 Index 417 Index Afranus Burrus, 9 Call to Action, 84, 85, 86, 186 Africa, 100, 184, 185 Cambridge, Mass., 171 Alessandrini, F., 88 Camerlengo, 104,113, 1270. Alinsky, S., 84 Canon Law, 55 Al1ende, S., 56, 1880. Cardinals, 11, 16, 52, 53, 59, American Christians Toward 104, 107, 176, 2700. Socialism, 186 Carillo, S., 168 American democracy, 3180. Carter, Pres., 88 American Initiative, 73, 75, Casaroli, Archbp., 21, 55, 80, 78,84,86 102, 325 American Institute of Public Castel Gandolfo, 43, 92 Opinion, 54 Catholic Church, 2290., 251, Anti-Pope, 146 391 Arroyo, Fr. A., 186 Catholic Left, 44, 158 Arrupe, Fr. P., 55, 9S Catholic Right, 158 Assman, R., 186 Catholicism, 166-67,216 Celestine 5, Pope, 51 Baggio, Card., 101, 102, 109 Celibacy, 54 Baptists, 170 Center for Strategic and Baum, Card., 183 International Studies, 90 Benelli, Card., 84, 90-91, 111, Charismatics, 13, 14, 167·68, 325 171 Bengsch, Bp., 101 Chigi, Prince, 128 Bernardin, Archbp., 93 ~'Chinese Schedule," 160 Bertoli, Card., 109 Chrisltian Marxists, 13, 79, 80, Blessing, The, 4, 10 99-101,139,1550·,161, Bonino, M., 186 2890., 3390. Buddhism, 172 Christians for Socialism, Bueno y Monreal, Card., 103 Report, 365 Bugnini, Archbp., 111 Christian Scientists, 170 417 418 Index Christian Unity, 137 Faenza, 326 Christian World, 260/J. Fazzini, P., 96, 106 Church, The, 4, 5, 6, 170, Felici, Card., 101, 108 199/J. Filipiak, Card., 81 Ciappi, Card., 91, 108/J. "Finlandization," 90, 155, Cippico, E., 29 212/J. Cline, R., 90 France, 87 Coalition Policy, 378 Franco, General, 68 Cody, Card., 32 Franic, Archbp., 98 Colby, W., 90 College of Cardinals, 201/J., Gallup, G., Jr., 54 231 Gantin, Card., 91 Conclave, 11, 15, 16,47,64, General Council, 207 65, 70, 72, 83, 91, 101, General Policy Framework, 103-05, 115-23 132, 146, 154, 166, 168, Conference of Latin American 18~ 198, 21~ 214,221, Bishops, 54 244/J.,255 Connolly, J., 90 Gerety, Archbp., 82, 84 Conservatives, 14, 31, 32, 69, Gethsemane, 8 83, 108, 109 Gouyon, Card., 61 Conway, Card., 81 Graham, Billy, 93 Cooke, Card., 78, 82, 92, 93 Gutierrez, Fr., 167, 186 Curran, Fr., 183 Czestochowa, 92-93 Haynal, G., 57 Hermon, Mt., 3-7, 15 Davies, John 0., 54 Heusing, Fr., 183 Deardon, Card., 61, 85 Hinduism, 172 Democracy, 162/J. Hoffner, Card., 32, 101 Democra,tic Socialism, 141 Holland, 101 Domus Mariae, 105, 123, 236 Hruza, K., 88 Dulles, Fr. A., 183,249 Hurne, Card., 101 Eagan, Mons. J., 84 Institute tor Religious Works, Eastern Orthodoxy, 172 30, 212/J. Ecclesiam Suam, 52n. Integral Humanism, 23 Electronic Surveillance, 72, Intelligence Records, 358 123 Islam, 172 Etchegaray, Archbp., 68, 101, Israel, 214/J. 152 Italian Cardinals, 68-69 Eucharistic Congress (Phi1., Italian Communists, 209 Pa.),82 Italy, 70, 88/J., 95 Eurocommunism, 79 European unity, 91 Jadot, Archbp., 85,99 Exhortation, 116-23 Jesuits, 186 Index 419 Jesus, 3,4,5,6,7,8 Methodists, 170 . John 23, Pope, 22, 23 Miklos, I., 93 Mindzenty, Card., 55 Kadar, 1., 55, 93 MissIonary activity, 168 Kim, Card., 59 Montini, 20-27 Konig, Card., 55, 103 Mormons, 170 Krakow (Pol.), 93 Moscow, 55, 87 Kraszemski, Bp., 93 Mozambique, 56 Krol, Card., 78, 82, 85, 86, 94 Kling, H., 55, 167-68, 183,249 Nero, 9, 10, 235 Latin America, 78, 103, 160, Nervi, 11, 12, 56, 57,58, 96, 185ft.• 190,210, 218ft., 106, 123 222ft· New Theologians, 14, 102, Laurentin, Fr., 167, 183 167, 248 Lefebvre, Archbp., 36-46, 59, Nyerere, J., 88 70,111,138,158 Left, The, 55 Leftists, 102 Oath of Conclave, 115-16 Leger, Card., 103 O'Boyle, Card., 83 Lekai, Card., 81,82, 93 Octogesima Adveniens, 60 Levi, Mons. V., 89 "Open" Church, 300ft., 328 Liberation Report, 363 Osservatore Romano, 43, 88, Linus, Pope, 9-10 89,95 Luce, Clare Boothe, 90 Ostkardillalaat, 73, 75, 163, Lutherans, 170 193, 195 Limited Aggrandizement Ostpolitik, 21 Policy, 181ft. Ottaviani, Card., 21, 31 Macchi, Don P., 21, 32, 33, 325 Pacelli (Pius 12),21,22 Maoism, 188 Panama Canal Treaty, 100 Marcinkus, Bp., 32, 33, 325 Pan-European Candidate, 90, Maritain, J., 23 110, 150, l59fJ., 163, 192fJ., Martin, Amb. J., 64 224ft· Martin 5, Pope, 68 Papabili, 53,74, 76, 83, 94, Marty, Card., 61 101, 133, 152, 195fJ. Marxism, 22,55, 56, 61, 87, Papacy, 67fJ. 89, 153, 249,291, 319fJ., Parente, Card., 51 347 Paul 6, Pope, 10-48, 54-121, Maryknoll, 82 177fJ., 327 McGrath, Archbp., 82 Pauline Chapel, 115 Memory, 4, 5, 6 Pauline Mass, 59-60 Mennini, L., 30 Peking, 200 420 Index Pescara (It.), 92 Secret Reports, 216fj., 351fj. Peter, 3, 4, 10, 13 Segundo, Fr., 186 Pignedoli, Card., 61, 64, 82, Shehan, Card., 82 101, 108, 109 Silva Henriquez, Card., 56 Pilgrim Pope, 20, 23,48, Silvestrini, Archbp., 325 215fj. Simon Peter, 4-8, 15, 114 Pio Laghi, Archbp., 325 Sindona, M., 28, 32-36,71, Poland,92 388 Pope, The, 202fj., 230fj., Siri, Card., 59, 103 320fj. Sistine Chapel, 11, 105, 115, Populorum Progressio, 29-30 130 Position Papers, 129, 130, 135, Societa Generale Immobiliare, 145, 166 28 Prague, 94 South Africa, 100 Prefecture of Economic Spada, M., 30 Afjairs, 31, 211-12fj. Special Administration of Preliminary Session, 123-48 Vatican Property, 30 Presbyterians, 170 Special Constitution (Con­ Priorities for Election, 151fj. claves),115 Progressivists, 13,55, 69, 102, Suenens, Card., 55, 73, 92, 171 110, 136, 231fj., 328fj. Synod of Bishops, 96, 100 Radicals, 14-15,69, 110-11, 145fj. Tanzania, 88 Ratzinger, Card., 91, 101 Thiandoum, Card., 41 Razafimahatratra, Card., 59 Third World, 39, 68, 89, 185, Report on the Soviets, 210 193 Rhine Group, 174 Tito, Marshal, 55 Rightists, 102 Tomasek, Card., 81,94 Roman Curia, 206fj. Torres, Fr., 186 Rome, 266fj. Traditionalists, 14, 61,69, Rossi, Card. A., 55-56 105-10, 134, 338fj. Russian Initiative, 363 Traglia, Card., 59, 104 Ruzzo, E., 154, 355, 356 Trilateralism, 155 Triumph, The, 4, 10 St. Peter's, 10, 115, 128-29 St.
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