©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 18 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juni 2005 SHORT NOTE 69 Ophiophagy and egg-eating in Predator specimens of the egg-eating case Mannophryne cf. trinitatis were deposited in the herpetological collec- tion of the "Laboratorio de Biogeografìa, (GARMAN, 1888) Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezu- Amphibians are considered to be feed- ela (ULABG). Digital photos were taken ing opportunists with their diets reflecting with a Sony Mavica® camera. Poor resolu- the availability of food of appropriate size tion pictures for printing were used to make which seems to be a basic constraint in ink-draw pictures at scale, and original pho- amphibian diet (DUELLMAN & TRUEB 1986). tographic documentation was deposited in As to cases of snake-eating (ophiophagy), the "Museo del Intituto de Zoologia Agrico- Leptodactylus pentadactylus (LAURENTI, la" (MIZA), "Universidad Central de Vene- 1768) has been reported to predate on adult zuela". Technical equipment for measure- Imantodes cenchoa (LINNAEUS, 1758), Rana ments: GPS Garmin® 12, Texas Instruments® catesbeiana SHAW, 1802 on Micrurus, Pyxi- digital thermohygrometer, Casio® digital alti- cephalus adspersus TSCHUDI, 1838 on He- meter, Mitutoyo® digital caliper for lengths machatus and some Malaysian toads of the < 30 mm, and a calibrated ruler for lengths genus Bufo commonly feed on Flowerpot > 30 mm. Blind Snakes, Rhamphotyphlops braminus On May 7th, 2002, between 10:15 and (DAUDIN, 1803) (GREEN 1997). Dendro- 12:35 after heavy rainfall, we watched M. batid diet has been studied for some species cf. trinitatis at a stream located at 10°43'N; (e.g., PRADERIO 1985; PINERO & DURANT 62°48'W, at an elevation of 186 m a.s.l., 1993; PINERO & LA MARCA 1995), however, approximately 4.2 km airline from San Juan to our knowledge, no case of ophiophagy de Las Galdonas (Muncipio Arismendi) on has been reported for members of the fami- the road to Aroa, in Sucre State, Venezuela. ly Dendrobatidae. During a 23 minutes period (11:22 to Amphibian eggs prédation by anurans 11:45) we observed and photographed one has also been documented, however egg- adult male and six adult females of M cf. eating may not be related exclusively to trinitatis on a rock trying to devour a juve- feeding. WELLS (1978) noticed that captive nile blind snake (fig. 1, only four frogs are females of Dendrobates auratus (GIRARD, represented). The rock was roughly 150 cm 1855) destroyed and ate eggs deposited by in diameter. Two frogs competed in fighting conspecific females. ZIMMERMANN (1976) for prey, and actively pursued a juvenile and WEYGOLDT (1980) commented that individual of Leptotyphlops goudotti male Dendrobates pumilio SCHMIDT, 1857 (DuMÉRiL & BIBRON, 1844). The stressful tended to eat conspecific eggs fertilized by movements of this serpent on the rock other males. Gut dissections of Nepheloba- attracted the frogs. Eventually some of the tes alboguttatus (BOULENGER, 1903) showed frogs captured the snake (fig. 2). Although frog eggs and larvae remains (PINERO & LA up to 40% of the body length of the prey MARCA 1995); these authors concluded that was ingested by the frog, head first, the egg-eating behavior probably is more fre- snake managed to escape. Two frogs were quent than currently known. According to seen trying to ingest the prey simultaneous- WELLS (1978), eggs-eating is a potential ly, each frog from one end of the snake's form of female-female competition. body. The snake finally escaped and drop- Here we report on two conspicuous ped into the stream pond. Three of the frogs instances of alimentation (ophiophagy and swimming in the pond found it quickly, egg-eating) in Mannophryne cf. trinitatis chased the snake to the other side and man- (GARMAN, 1888) which were noticed when aged to capture it once again. collecting frogs of the genus Mannophryne At the time of observation there was a for a molecular phylogenetics study. high density of frogs at the site and more Predators and prey specimens of the than 20 calling males were present in an ophiophagy case were deposited in the area of about 28 m2. The environmental amphibian and reptiles collection of the conditions were as follows: water tempera- "Museo de la Estación Biològica de Rancho ture, 25°C; air temperature, 32°C, relative Grande" (EBRG), at Maracay, Venezuela. humidity, 81%. The voucher predator, M. ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 70 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 18(1/2) Wien, 30. Juni 2005 SHORT NOTE Fig. 1: Four out of seven individuals of Fig. 2: Mannophryne cf. trinitatis (GARMAN, 1888) Mannophryne cf. trinitatis (GARMAN, 1888) trying to swallow a juvenile chasing and trying to devour a juvenile Leptotyphlops goudotti (DuMÉRiL & BIBRON, 1844). Leptotyphlops goudottì (DUMÉRII. & BIBRON, 1844). Sketch drawn from a photograph. Sketch drawn from a photograph. Fig. 3: Predator and prey: the specimens of Mannophryne cf. trinitatis (GARMAN, 1888) and Leptotyphlops goudotti (DUMÉRIL & BIBRON, 1844) involved in the ophiophagy case. Length of bar represents 2 cm. cf trinitatis (EBRG 4620) was 23.7 mm in weather the frogs actually could have swal- snout-vent-length, while the prey, L. gou- lowed the prey, but it is highly likely that dotti (EBRG 4216) had a total length of 80.5 small-sized blind snake individuals could mm (fig. 3). It was, however, not verified eventually be eaten. We think that L. gou- ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 18 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juni 2005 SHORT NOTE 71 dotti is not a frequent but rather an occa- M. (1985): Aspectos ecológicos de una población de sional prey of M cf trinitatis. Blind snakes, Colostethus trinitatis (Dendrobatidae) en la quebrada de La Guairita, Estado Miranda. Undergraduate The- Leptotyphlops macrolepis PETERS, 1857 and sis, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela, Liotyphlops sp., have been observed to 151 pp. WELLS, K. (1978): Courtship and parental be- abandon their burrows in urban areas after havior in a Panamanian poison-arrow frog {Dendro- bates auratus).- Herpetologica, Lawrence; 34 (2): heavy rains, when the soil is saturated with 148-155. WEYGOLDT, P. (1980): Complex brood care water, thus being an easy prey to their pred- and reproductive behavior in captive poison-arrow ators (Jesus MANZANILLA, unpublished data frogs (Dendrobates auratus).- Herpetologica, Law- for Aragua State, Venezuela). Perhaps this rence; 34: 148-155. ZIMMERMANN, H. (1976): Frosch- aufzuchten.- Aquarien-Magazin, Stuttgart; 10 (2): 50- could also apply to the case described in the 58. present paper. A few minutes after the ophiophagy KEY WORDS: Amphibia: Anura: Dendrobati- dae, Mannophryne cf. trinitatis, feeding habits, ophio- observations, and only a few meters up- phagy; Reptilia: Squamata: Leptotyphlopidae, Lepto- stream, we came upon another particular typhlops goudotti as potential prey of Mannophryne, case of feeding behavior. During the cap- Venezuela. ture and identification of a female M. cf. SUBMITTED: January 27, 2004 trinitatis (ULABG 5007) found on the leaf AUTHORS: Jesus MANZANILLA, Institute de litter nearby the stream (about 3.5 meters Zoologìa Agricola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, from the water course), she regurgitated Maracay, Venezuela and Museo Nacional de Ciencias two unidentifiable gelatinous eggs, maybe Naturales, CSIC, Madrid, Espana < manzanillaxxi@ of her own species. The environmental hotmail.com >; Enrique LA MARCA, Laboratorio de Biogeografia, Escuela de Geografìa, Universidad de conditions were the same as previously Los Andes, Mérida Venezuela; Leonardo DE SOUSA, mentioned. Eggs ingestion by the female Grupo de Biomedicina Aplicada (GBA), Centro de M. cf. trinitatis could be interpreted as a Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad non-alimentary behavior, some kind of de Oriente, Anzoâtegui, Venezuela. reproductive competition (see WELLS 1978) rather than prédation. However, more in- formation is needed to understand this be- On the distribution havior. and natural history of Hyla miyatai AKNOWLEDGMENTS: We are thankful to VlGLE & GOBERDHAN-VlGLE, 1990 the following institutions for the support of the research that collaterally led to this note: Consejo de in Amazonian Ecuador Desarrollo Cientifico y Humanistico, Universidad Central de Venezuela (CDCH-UCV), Caracas; Con- sejo de Investigación, Universidad de Oriente (CI- Several species of tree-frogs inhabit UDO), Anzoâtegui, Venezuela; Consejo de Desarrollo the western Amazonian lowlands (eg. 45 Cientifico, Humanîstico y Tecnològico, Universidad de Los Andes (CDCHT-ULA), Mérida, Venezuela, and hylids sympatric at the Tiputini Bio- Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, diversity Station, Ecuador; CISNEROS- Espana. Thanks to Mario GARCÌA-PARÌS, David HEREDIA 2003); but our knowledge on this BUCKLEY, Michael JOWERS for their comments, to the Labotatory of Photography (MNCN, Madrid) for diverse hylid fauna is still limited. Hyla release of figue 3. miyatai VIGLE & GOBERDHAN-VIGLE, 1990 was described from the Garzacocha area in REFERENCES: DUELLMAN, W. & TRUEB, L. (1986): Biology of amphibians. New York (Me Graw Amazonian Ecuador and has been subse- Hill Book Co.), 615 pp. GREEN, H. (1997): Snakes, the quently reported from few additional local- evolution of mystery in nature. Berkeley (Univ. of ities, all widely-separated: Iquitos, Peru California
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