BookExpress Catalogue Sorted by subject ( ARCHITECTURE, INTERIOR DESIGN ) File generated 09/26/21 Title Author ISBN Pub Subj Price Bd Date Cabin Porn Klein, Zach 9780316417532 HBG Arch $ 24.99 PB Oct-21 Cabin Porn: Inside Klein, Zach 9780316423083 HBG Arch $ 24.99 PB Oct-21 Frontlist titles in Bold Page: 1 of 110 BookExpress Catalogue Sorted by subject ( FINE ARTS ) File generated 09/26/21 Title Author ISBN Pub Subj Price Bd Date Art of the Northwest Coast Jonaitis, Aldona 9781771623063 DGL Arts $ 38.95 PB Aug-21 Banksy: Completed Diehl, Carol 9780262046244 RAN Arts $ 53.95 CL Oct-21 Christi Belcourt Racette, Sherry Farrel 9781773102436 UTP Arts $ 45.00 PB Sep-21 E.J. Hughes Book of Boats, The Amos, Robert 9781771513364 HHP Arts $ 22.00 CL E.J. Hughes Paints British Columbia Amos, Robert 9781771513104 HHP Arts $ 35.00 CL E.J. 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