1 turn, tcapentu* tf. Partly dndy W^jr, Ufh la te Sfe, T*. BED BANK TODAY •ttt, ctatfy, dunw cf rfwwm, 23,600 tow M. Twawrsw, tetr, Ugh it *• Mt. ThaUty, Itii md CML tioaotmnitin-vn.mt Urn VMtfaer, ***• t DIAL 741-0010 Utatd «tu;. Ibn4u> Ihnash Fittir. SMOB« CUM Pwitp PAGE ONE VOL. 86, NO. 200 P«M tt tUd B4nk ul U Mdllloaai M*Uln» Otflet*. RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1964 7c PER COPY GOP Maps Mac Arthur•« Go-It-Alone Fiscal Study Body Lies In TRENTON (AP) - The Republican majority of tha New Jersey Legislature has decided on a go-it-alone policy in setting up an economy study of state government. Republican leaders of the Senate and Assembly met yester- day and decided to reject Gov. Richard J. Hughes' suggestions about the study, made in a conditional veto last month. The N.Y. Armory decision also eliminates chances of a $50,000 appropriation (or the study commission, since the Democratic governor's ap- NEW YORK (AP)-A shriveled Washington after three major op- conflicts as World War I and II. proval ^s required for such spending. yet somehow majestic figure in erations. Yesterday the body lay at the Senate Majority Leader William E. Ozzard, R-Somerset, simple sun tan uniform lay in a Clergymen expected to pray at Universal Funeral Chapel, Lex- laid the commission would operate on funds scraped up from history-laden armory today, a the casket in the armory on Park ngton '.ve. and 52nd St., not far the Legislature's regular budget. He said a resolution setting magnet for Americans conscious Ave. at 67th St. were: Francis from the hotel apartment where I up the study would be passed soon and it would get under of their heritage. Cardinal Spellman, Roman Cath- MacArthur had lived the past way in a few weeks, starting with agencies of the executive de- New Yorkers and visitors to ilic archbishop of New York, 13 years. Only members of tha [ partment. the metropolis had an opportu- Rev. Terence J. Finaly, rector family and intimate friends were nity to view the body of General if St. Bartholomew's Episcopal permitted to view the body. | END RECESS of the Army Douglas MacArthur, Church here and minister to the Widow, Son Visit f The decision on the economy study came at the Leglsla- and meditate on his 60 years of MacArthur family, and Rabbi | hire's first session In two weeks. MEN FRIDAY — Andrew, 6, left, And Steven Poulrer, II, of 25 Cedar Ave., Rumson, service to the republic. Max Schenk, president of the The widow, Mrs. Jean Mac- Arthur, and son, Arthur, 26, made j Highlights of other action at the session: talk over their adventures with their mother, Mrs. Philip Poulter after being stranded From 10 a.m., EST, until as Mew York Board of Rabbis. a visit of about five minutes to —The Senate passed its perennial measure to set up ethics on a sandbar in the South Shrewsbury River for more than 11 hours Sunday night. The far into the night as any mourn- Presidential Tribute ers are in line, the 7th Regiment the funeral home. ! committees to police conflicts of interest on the part of legisla- In Washington, President John- boys, with their father and Walter Manheim of 15 Rosalie Ave., owner of the «hip- Armory, home of "The Silk Stock- tors and state officials. The measure is given no chance of son appointed Lt. Gen. Garrison The general was clad in the ing Regiment," will remain open. H. Davidson, commander of the tropical uniform he wore in the passage in the assembly, which passes a bill every year which wrecked sailboat Nellie III, were rescued at 3:15 a.m. yesterday by Rumson police 1st Army, as his personal rep- Pacific war and during the Ko- would make conflicts of interest a crime. after their flashlight signals were seen by Sgt. John Shea and Patrolman Walter But first there were to be re- ligious services, and a presiden- resentative to lay a wreath on rean summers. In accordance —The Senate drew up an amendment requiring continuation Pomphrey. A flare they set off at midnight failed to attract attention. Mr. Poulter, tial tribute to the 84-year-old the casket. with his custom, he wore none of of milk dating assart of a bill modernizing health standards undaunted by the experience, went to work as usual yesterday. warrior who died Sunday in Yesterday, Army, Navy, Air his many medals, just the five ; for the milk industry. The amendment is in response to public Force and Coast Guard enlisted stars of his rank. ' demand. The bill Is to be passed next week and sent back to men were drilled so they would As the body lay in repose, 19- the Assembly, which passed the measure two weeks- ago. be perfect in today's funeral gun salutes roared out at many —The Assembly passed a bill requiring adult prosecution of Zoijers Agreed; Set 3 Conditions events. For example, a man from places — at West Point where he Juveniles 16 years old and older. Present law requires adult each service was to stand exactly made the most brilliant scholas- prosecution at 18. The law would allow prosecution at any age two paces from the casket's cor- tic record of all times, and later in » murder case. The measure goes to the Senate. ner, frozen at attention. was superintendent; in New York, as well as other Army areas on MILK CONTROL The regimental armory, where he simple casket of cold rolled the continent, and at selected —The Senate passed a bill revamping the administration of Board OKs High Rise Plan points r the Pacific. steel, standard Army issue, was milk price controls. It was opposed by urban area senators, placed during the night on a In Washington, leaders of Con- seven acres) can't be utilized for 4—The land is one of very few who said it short-changes the consumer. The measure goes to HIGHLANDS — In a session —That plans and specifications black-draped catafalque, dates gress made arrangements for the its present zone use (single parcels in the immediate area Hughes. lasting less than 10 minutes, the for erection of the structures be back to 1880. It is a red brick body to lie in state in tJie Capitol dwellings) in a commercial or owned by someone other than a Zoning Board of Adjustment last submitted to the governing* body. building topped by parapets. rotunda tomorrow and Thursday. (See LEGISLATURE, Page 3) night unanimously recommended —That Borough/'Council seek economical manner. governmental or school agency The 7th Regiment, which drills The general is to be buried in to Borough Council that a vari- the advice of the borough engi- 2—The topography and slope and the only tract of its size and there, is 158 years old, an out- the MacArthur Memorial Building ance be granted to M.C.C. Realty neer in regard to water and sew- of the tract precludes proper or condition In the area privately growth of colonial militia. Its at Norfolk, Va., Saturday, after Co., Paramus, to build a 10-story, er aspects of the proposal. feasible development for single owned. men, who must be "gentlemen," funeral services at St. Paul's $5 million high rise apartment on dwellings since it starts at 140 In a resolution, the zoning body 5—The proposed luxury type have won honors in such modern Episcopal Church in that city. Doctors' Strike the slope of Highland Hills. stated that a variance could be feet above sea level on the east buildings would not only resu't The following conditions were granted without substantial detri- and attains a maximum height in a substantial new tax ratable set down by the board: ment to public good and would of 220 feet above sea level on but would also increase water and —That each, of the twin build- not substantially impair the in- the west. sewer revenues to the borough, ings contain not more than 75 tent and purpose of the local 3—To compel strict compliance in addition to attracting a class Hearing's Tonight Jams Hospitals zoning ordinance. one-bedroom apartments, 40 two- with the zoning ordinance would of tenants whose presence would bedroom apartments and four It listed the following findings: impose undue hardship on the favorably affect the per capita gium's national health scheme, BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - penthouses. 1—The land (approximately owner. income of the entire area and have arranged to treat pressing Belgium'! hospitals were crowded the purchasing power of the mu- cases. But their opponents claim to th» bursting point today as the nicipality. On Harbor Rates this is not meeting the needs, of doctors' strike rounded out Its ~ Expect Decision the country's nine million people. 1 HIGHLANDS - meeting of the Harbor Commis- first week with no solution in It is expected that council wil ATLANTIC fight Interior Minister Arthur Gilson Propose Code to Control Boatmen who are dissatisfied sion tonight at Borough Hall. take action on the variance at its said the emergency setup was Weary nurses struggled to keep meeting tonight. with the 10 to 12 per cent average The second crack at voicing 'not sufficient because there is up with the flood of patients. Mayor Cornelius-J. Guiney, Jr. increase in harbor berthing and their objections was offered har- no treatment for sick people at Beds were set up in the corri- who was instrumental in luring mooring rates will be given the bor customers last month by Bor- dors and some civilian patients home and because the physicians Apartments Construction chance to air their gripes at a ough Council.
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