hio “For“F GGodd & Country” LEGION NEWS Official Publication of The American Legion, Department of Ohio VOLUME 84, NO. 3 July | August | September 2018 2018 Centennial Department Convention The 2018 Centennial Conven- Charities Inc., hosted a success- forward to seeing you all next tion for the American Legion De- ful Bingo School Training session, year, at the 101st Department partment of Ohio was held at the and Legionnaires enjoyed time Convention. The 2019 Depart- Hyatt Regency Columbus in Co- with their comrades by attending ment of Ohio Convention will be lumbus, OH. From June 28th to The Columbus Clippers baseball held in Toledo, OH. Thank you all the 1st of July 2018, Legionnaires game at Huntington Park, and the for your time and your service. from around the state gathered to Patriotic Pops with the Columbus celebrate the Legionʼs 100th year Symphony. anniversary, and to handle the of- The American Legion Depart- fi cial business of the American ment of Ohio would like to thank Legion Department of Ohio. This Legionnaires who attended, in ad- yearʼs convention featured a Cen- dition to the guest speakers whom tennial Street Sign dedication, the so graciously dedicated their time. election of the state organizationʼs A special thank you to Past De- fi rst female 2nd Vice Commander, partment Commander Stanley Jean Wilson (4), the induction of Pleasant, for his service and for Department Commander Robert his tenure during the 2017-2018 E. Schmitt, a variety of resolu- membership year. We hope that tions and many Department/Post everyone enjoyed and we look awards. VETERANS’ TREATMENT COURTS t fi Commander Schmitt’s Initiative for 2018 - 2019 PAID Non-Pro Commander Schmitt has taken only seventeen have Veteransʼ wording Veteransʼ Court or Com- Organization Permit No. 124 U.S. POSTAGE U.S. POSTAGE on a new type of program for his Treatment Courts, four of the sev- manderʼs Project. Mailed From 53818 term as Commander. Bob had enteen counties have two courts for heard about a program called Vet- a total of twenty-one courts. Part Q: What is a veteransʼ court? eransʼ Treatment Court that helps 2) Every court needs Mentors to A: The fi rst veteransʼ treatment our many veterans with their legal work with the veteran as they tran- court was established in 2008 in issues that they encounter upon sition back to a more stable life. Buffalo, New York, in order to their return to civilian life. Most of You can learn more about being respond to the unique needs of these issues are caused from mul- a mentor from the State Attorney veterans whose combat-triggered tiple deployments as well as the Generalʼs website. Part 3) Fund- problems, such as mental illness or conditions that our troops experi- raising – The monies raised will be substance abuse, have led to crimi- ence while being deployed. The used to help provide incentives as nal behavior. The veteransʼ court is following questions and answers the veteran progresses through the a hybrid between a drug court and a will help you understand what the three-year program they will also mental health court. It uses a treat- Veteransʼ Treatment Court is all help the mentors with expenses ment problem-solving model rath- about. When Bob learned about that they may incur while assisting er than a traditional court model how successful these type of courts the veteran. to assist veterans whose problems are and how few there are, he just So, how can you help? Make can be clearly traced to military knew that The American Legion contact with your local Common service. Ohio, whose population needed to get involved to give Pleas or Municipal Court Judges of veterans is sixth among the 50 more of our brothers and sisters and express the need to help our states, now uses veteransʼ courts to the help that they need to return to veterans that end up in the system. help deserving war veterans who PO Box 8007 • 60 Big Run Rd Delaware, OH 43015 a more stable and productive life. Tell them that you are willing to have become criminal defendants. LEGION NEWS LEGION L hio There are three parts to a suc- be a mentor for a veteran or two. cess Veteransʼ Treatment Court; If you are unable to help in these Q: How does a veteransʼ court 1) Increase the number of Veter- manners then help with a contribu- work? cial Publication of The American Legion, Department of Ohio ansʼ Treatment Courts in Ohio. We tion to The American Legion De- A: Veterans in the criminal jus- Offi have eighty-eight counties in Ohio, partment of Ohio and include the (Continued on page 3) PAGE 2 OHIO LEGION NEWS July | August | September 2018 Ohio Legion News The American Legion, Department of Ohio 60 Big Run Road Delaware, Ohio 43015 740.362.7478 [email protected] www.ohiolegion.com The OLN is published 4 times a year; non-member subscription price is $2.00; member subscription is $1.20 per year and is in- Buffet Style Dinner Entertainment by cluded in annual dues. ZŽĂƐƚĞĞĨĂŶĚŚŝĐŬĞŶ :ĂŵĞƐKůŝǀĞƌDĂƌƟŶ/// CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Submit Member ID with change of ad- ^ĂůĂĚƐZĞůŝƐŚdƌĂLJ͕ZŽůůƐĂŶĚƵƩĞƌ >ŝƩůĞ Rock, Arkansas dress to Department Headquarters via mail, email, or phone. Mail To: The American Legion of Ohio, 60 Big Run Road, Delaware, OH sĞŐĞƚĂďůĞƐĂŶĚWŽƚĂƚŽĞƐ 43015; Email To: [email protected]; Phone: 740.362.7478. ŽƐƚĨŽƌƚŚĞĞǀĞŶŝŶŐŝƐΨϯϱ.ϬϬƉĞƌƉĞƌƐŽŶ For an ĞǀĞŶŝŶŐŽĨĨƵŶ, ŶƚĞƌƚĂŝŶŵĞŶƚĂŶĚŐŽŽĚĨŽŽĚ ADVERTISING: Published by Vision Printing & Graphics, LLC for ŵĂŬĞLJŽƵƌ ZĞƐĞƌǀĂƟŽŶƐĞĂƌůLJ The American Legion, Department of Ohio. Rates available upon CASH BAR request. The Ohio Legion News reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. Advertising published on behalf of any individual & Holiday Inn French Quarters or organization does not necessarily constitute endorsement nor sŽŝĐĞƐŽĨ,ĂƌŵŽŶLJ 10630 Fremont Pike Road (U.S. 20) reflect the policy of the Ohio Legion News. Send requests to: le- BŽǁůŝŶŐ'ƌĞĞŶ, Ohio Perrysburg Ohio 43551 [email protected]. 419-874-3111 Room Rate $109.00 plus 9.75 % Tax SUBMIT AN ARTICLE: Mail articles with photos to: 60 Big Run Please make your Room reservations by September 6th Road, Delaware, OH 43015; or email to [email protected]. to lock in this rate If you need assistance or have questions, please call Department Headquarters at 740.362.7478. Please submit all articles in accor- dance with the following schedule: Reservations Name _______________________________________ Dist.____ Post _____ Title _____________________ 2018 Fall Edition (October - November - December) Due to Department Headquarters: October 23 Spouse/Significant Other ____________________________________________ Title __________________ Press Date: November 19th • Mail Date: Last Week in November Number of Additional Guest ______ (send additional Guest Names and Titles on Separate sheet) 2019 Winter Edition (TBD) Please RSVP by Phone or Mail to Barbara Schmitt BY SEPT 19, 2018 Home Address 4009 Secluded Ravine Court Home Phone 419-867-9275 Maumee, OH 43537 2019 MID-WINTER CONFERENCE DEPARTMENT CONVENTION You are cordially invited SWEEPSTAKES WINNERS to attend the 2019 Gary Ackerman .................................Toledo Zanis Morgan ....................................Gahanna Frank Adley .......................................Ashtabula Gerald Moser ....................................Celina Mid-Winter Conference Ned Berlet .........................................Wapakoneta E E Moyers ........................................Ravenna Guy Bertram ......................................Canton Richard Pachell Sr ............................Youngstown The 2019 Mid-Winter Conference will be held at Philip Bertrand ...................................Columbus James Reaman .................................Lima the Crowne Plaza Hotel North, 6500 Doubletree William Britton ...................................Utica Carl Reddish .....................................Parma Avenue, Columbus, OH on the weekend of John Colopy ......................................Hebron Lewis Reinhart ..................................Fostoria James Dull ........................................Wadsworth Ronald Ridenour ...............................Lima January 25-27th. The Legion, SAL and the Jerry Elmer ........................................Shadyside Terry Roan ........................................Massillon Auxiliary are all housed and have meetings in Carl Evans .........................................Westerville George Rodgers ...............................Medina the same hotel. The Conference is focused on Robert Fodor .....................................Twinsburg Rhonda Ross ....................................Hamilton training and education of the American Legion Bill Gibbons .......................................Rossburg Theodore Russell ..............................Olmsted Falls Albert Golden ....................................Lima George Schauer ................................Dayton and its programs. Anyone is welcome to attend Russ Green .......................................Medina Carmen Scott ....................................Bellefontaine the Conference or any of the meetings and Gwynn Griffi s .....................................Warsaw Butch Shelley ....................................Norwalk classes offered. Closer to the event a schedule William Groger ..................................Walton (KY) Michael Slominski .............................Litchfi eld H H Harcha Jr ...................................Portsmouth Robert Smith .....................................Dayton will be available online. Robert Hatem ....................................Columbus
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