PITTWATER WATERWAY REVIEW Stage 1 - Discussion Paper 2 Pittwater Waterway Review Discussion Paper 3 Table of Contents What is the Pittwater Waterway Review? .............................................................................................4 What is the purpose of this Discussion Paper? .....................................................................................6 Study area ..............................................................................................................................................6 How to use the Discussion Paper? ........................................................................................................8 Setting the scene ...................................................................................................................................9 Ownership, management and controls: who owns and manages what? ........................................10 Existing Strategic Planning Framework .............................................................................................10 Supporting background reports .........................................................................................................12 Consultation – Our conversation so far ..............................................................................................13 A commitment to sustainability .........................................................................................................14 How can we achieve a sustainable Pittwater waterway future? .......................................................14 Emerging Trends: Population, boating use and seasonal demand ..................................................15 Issues and Challenges: What you have told us ...................................................................................16 Theme 1: The economics of the waterway ........................................................................................................18 Theme 2: Natural environment ............................................................................................................................22 Theme 3: Natural reserves and recreation ........................................................................................................28 Theme 4: Development of the waterway ...........................................................................................................30 Theme 5: Activating the waterway ......................................................................................................................46 Theme 6 Waterway regulation .............................................................................................................................50 Conclusion ...........................................................................................................................................56 Northern Beaches Council 4 These diverse and competing pressures high- What is the Pittwater light the need to manage Pittwater sustainably now and into the future. Waterway Review? The Pittwater waterway is iconic and one of the To achieve this, Council has embarked on a Northern Beaches most significant natural as- holistic review of the waterway to ensure it is sets. It fundamentally embodies the spirit and sustainably managed. character of the Northern Beaches and makes the area such a beautiful place to live, work The Pittwater Waterway Review (the Review) and visit. will seek to identify and assess all issues im- pacting the waterway and potential opportuni- The Pittwater waterway (referred to as Pittwa- ties to address and balance the array of com- ter or the Waterway in this paper) is highly peting interests. The Review will then form the valued, locally and regionally, for its varied basis for the development and implementation marine biodiversity, delicate estuarine habi- of strategies and specific actions to guide the tats, unique environmental setting, recreation management of the waterway over the next value, natural picturesque setting, contribu- 10-15 years. tion to the local economy and community and means of access for offshore communities. The Pittwater Waterway Review PITTWATER WATERWAY REVIEW STAGE TWO STAGE ONE PITTWATER WATERWAY PITTWATER WATERWAY STRATEGY DISCUSSION PAPER ACTIONS Pittwater Waterway Review Discussion Paper 5 The Pittwater Waterway Review Process • Community consultation of draft • Review Commences July 2015 PLEP 2014 • Existing studies identified • Submissions received relating to the • Community and Stakeholder engagement Pittwater waterway • Independent Demographic & Economic • Council recommends commencement Study commisioned of Pittwater Waterway Review (the • Review information / data received and Review) in July 2015 feed into discussion paper • Draft Discussion Paper reported to Council • Public Exhibition of Discussion Paper for six weeks 1. PITTWATER WATERWAY REVIEW 2. DISCUSSION PAPER 4. OUTCOMES OF REVIEW 3. STRATEGY • Report to Council the outcome of the • Review of submissions received for Public Exhibition of the Strategy Discussion Paper • Recommend to Council that the adopted • Commence the Strategy based on recommendations of the Strategy be outcome of Discussion Paper implemented • Present draft Strategy and outcome of • Commence a comprehensive planning Public Exhibition to Council process to implement any amendments • Public Exhibition of the Strategy to planning policy and controls within the LEP and DCP (if recommended) • Commence negotiations with relevant authorities where recommendations fall outside of Council's remit • Monitor the implemention of the Strategy As set out, stage 1 of the Review (the Discus- At its meeting on 5 August 2013 Council re- sion Paper), provides information and an solved to undertake a strategic review of the overview of key issues impacting Pittwater, land use planning provisions relating to the with possible strategies suggested. Council Pittwater waterway. The primary driver for the will work with the community and relevant review was the large number of submissions stakeholders to develop appropriate responses received during the preparation of the Pittwa- to the diverse range of competing demands ter Local Environmental Plan 2014. impacting Pittwater and deliver a Pittwater Waterway Strategy (the Strategy) which will set These submissions were the catalyst for the the framework for future planning and decision development of the Pittwater Waterway Re- making. The Strategy (stage 2 of the Review) view and cover many of the key issues that this will provide the strategic framework to guide discussion paper explores. and inform future direction, decisions and actions associated with the Pittwater water- The Review has also been recognised in the way, including allocation of specific actions to Draft North District Plan, November 2016 as, relevant stakeholders, such as state agencies ‘….a useful template for the planning and man- and Council. agement of major waterways’. Northern Beaches Council 6 What is the purpose of This review is: this Discussion Paper? • NOT a coastal zone management plan or Coastal Management Plan. The discussion paper (the paper), which repre- • NOT a document that can require sents stage 1 of the Review, provides informa- specified state government actions. tion and an overview of key issues impacting • NOT an amendment to Pittwater Local the Pittwater waterway, with possible strate- Environmental Plan 2014 that makes zon- gies suggested. The information outlined in ing or planning control changes. the paper has been gathered from existing studies, online community surveys and target- • NOT a document that incorporates the ed community and stakeholder consultation coastal fringe, Middle Harbour, Narra- undertaken in 2015 and 2016. been or Dee Why Lagoon. • NOT an environmental assessment or au- Council invites your comments on the identi- dit of the health and condition of Pittwa- fied issues and possible strategies set out in ter waterway. the discussion paper to guide the sustainable • NOT a Plan of Management as mandated management of Pittwater waterway. under the Crown Lands Act 1989 or the Lo- cal Government Act 1997. This review is: • A review promoted by the community, written with the community, and devel- Study area oped for the community. Initial community consultation and stake- • A strategic review of planning controls as- holder engagement has been undertaken sociated with Pittwater waterway, includ- within the former Pittwater Local Government ing land and water based. Area (LGA). However, the Review and associ- • A strategic document encompassing the ated supporting report (Hill PDA Consulting, sustainability pillars of environment, 2016), have been revised post amalgamation to economic, social and governance. incorporate the Northern Beaches Council LGA, • A strategic document guiding the man- excluding the Manly locality due to recognition agement of Pittwater waterway over the that Sydney and Middle Harbour play a pivotal next 10-15 years. role in meeting the boating and recreational pursuits of this area. This discussion paper • A document that will make recommen- seeks the views and opinions of the Northern dations for zoning, zone objectives and Beaches community and will form an essential development control. consultation tool for the Review. • A non-legislative document which estab- lishes a framework for future planning The study area for the purpose of this discus- and decision making associated with sion paper is the Pittwater
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