Vol.XCIII No. 6 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 OCTOBER 25, 1994 Gerety Inaugurated As Amherst President BYJIMBAKR A series of speakers fol- Amherst Corporation, handed Editor-in-Chief lowed, each describing their ex- Gerety the charter of the col- periences of working with Gerety lege. Tom Gerety, Trinity's as colleagues of his in the past, or Gerety stepped up to the former President was inaugu- in their recent experiences at podium and gave an inaugural rated as President of Amherst Amherst. The speakers included speech. He talked about the College on Sunday, October 23. the Superintendent of the re- importance of a liberal arts edu- The ceremony was held on gional schools, the Chair of the cation and the role of such insti- the front steps of Amherst's Amherst Select Board (similar to tutions. "We in the liberal arts Robert Frost Library on the a board of supervisors), and the colleges believe that teacher and main quad. On a cloudy day Presidents of Smith, Williams, student must stand face to face which eventually led to rain, Wesleyan, and Yale. in the many conversations that approximately 1,000 were in The President of Yale Uni- are the work of both: we believe attendance for the inaugura- versity, Richard Levin spoke of in teaching as conversation be- tion and following reception. Gerety's years there. President cause the best teaching is con- As the ceremony began, a Levin quoted Gerety's former versation; exceptby dialogue we brass ensemble played while a professors, describing him as "a cannot do our work," said procession of Amherst faculty, fire breathing speaker" and "a Gerety. representatives from other col- very morally serious young He added, "Our scale and leges, and student groups made man." Levin himself, said that our intimacy, our flexibility in their way to the stage. The "Yale is proud of Tom. We salute moving across and among our procession was led by the Amherst in their inspired choice fields, our openness to one an- County Sheriff, Robert Garvey, of a leader." other and to our students— these who started the ceremony with Following the guest speak- are the strengths of a commu- a call to order. The sheriff, clad ers, leaders from Amherst spoke nity built on dialogue." in a top hat and vest, pounded of their experiences with Gerety The event was mostly at- a scepter on the stage and de- in the few months that he has tended by the over-40 crowd: clared the ceremonies under Tom Gerety delivered his inaugural address to the been at the college. Then, Charles trustees, alumni, parents, mem- way. Amherst College Community last Sunday. R. Longsworth, Chairman of the please turn to page 6 Marriott Labor Problems Trinity Trustees Visit Campus BY LISSA SMITH five includes two members se- committee addressed issues that Evaluated In The Courant News Editor lected from the Alumni Society, were up for discussion. major contributors to Trinity, and The student life committee BY ANNEMARIE PEIL This weekend the Trust- one Funston Trustee. The discussed the issues surround- Opinion Editor ees of Trinity Coilege met for Funston trustee is a newly ap- ing the keg ban, Greek life, ad- their quarterly meeting. Thirty- pointed member three to eight missions and campus safety. The A letter to the editor con- five members of the commit- years out of Trinity, chosen to institution advancement com- cerning Marriott Food Services tee, including a newly elected represent the youth perspective. mittee addressed the quality and at Trinity College was pub- Funston Trustee, spent all day On Friday, the members of number of applicants, young lished in the October 18,1994 smooth until [217] came in, Friday in meetings, attended a the Trustee committee went to alumni participation, and the issue of The Hartford Courant. confusing people," said President's Circle dinner that meetings with committees from capital campaign that begins this The letter was composed by Meucchi. LTp until this point, evening, and met again on Sat- student life, finance and audit, spring. The Physical Plant Com- Laura Moye of Local 217, Hotel Local 919 was able to proceed urday morning to vote on the investment, minority faculty re- mittee took the trustees on a and Restaurant Employees and without much interference issues at hand. , cruitment, institution advance- walking tour which included an Bartenders Union. In order to from Marriott management. The committee of thirty- ment, and physical plant. Each please turn to page 5 understand the letter entirely, However, at the point when the context of the events of May 217 added itself to the ballot, 12 and prior must be reconsid- Meucchi said, "Now they ered. (Marriott management) saw Several Marriott employ- [that they could] divide and ees approached Lisa Meucchi conquer." of Local 919, United Food and At this point, Marriott Commercial Workers, inter- management began an anti- ested in collective bargaining union campaign. Points which with Marriott Food Services at were emphasized included the Trinity Coilege last February. cost of union dues, the possi- "I had within two weeks signed bility of scab workers taking up over half of the people," striking union jobs, penaliza- said Meucchi. "This ensured tion by the union of an em- us that there would be a vote." ployee for not participating in Since there was already a a union strike and so forth. A vote scheduled. Local 217 only letter from Jon Small "con- needed the endorsement of one gratula ting" each employee on Marriott worker to include it receipt of their fu II wages was on the ballot, which it easily in eluded with each employee's secured. Moye, who directed paycheck in either Spanish or the 217 campaign at Trinity said English. According to several in regard to her intervention: workers, Marriott flew in "People should at least know people from as far away as that there's another option out California to discourage there." people from voting for a union. At a Student Life Committee Meeting held Friday, trustees discussed issues ALICE YAMADA "Everything was fairly please turn to page 6 surrounding the keg ban, Greek life, and campus safety. INSIDE THIS WEEK'S TRIPOD.... Akis: Fi A II.-KI-S: NFWS: Osaka Review • Richard the Tfiird • Skydiving •Two Student Tom Scott \ • Universal Mother • Reading Week s A Arrests Pulp Fiction !>) Zion Gallery • Knitting Society » Future Of Greek • Sally Gross and Responds Life Company Page 2 OPINION THE TRINITY TRIPOD • October 25, 1994 Chalk Prompts Dialogue Understanding 'Representation' About Sexual Orientation ime and time again, the Student Government Association (SGA) To the Editor: reinforced my opinion. Though most has asked itself how it can best represent the students of Trinity people I talked to supported our action, College. Last semester, in particular, an organization called the I am writing in response to the vari- the mystery chalking in response to ours, Student Sovereign Affairs Council questioned the ability of the SGA to ous questions and opinions I've heard/ conversations with people who dis- represent the entire student body. overheard concerning the chalking of agreed, and a prank phone call to an- The inherent distinction between the two forms of government was the campus on Tuesday, October 4th. other person involved showed that there that of direct or actual representation versus virtual representation; that First, I would like to stress that I am are many would just like me to keep is, the distinction between Senators being elected to represent the inter- speaking for myself and not necessarily quiet. Don't ask, don't tell. It is this ests of their constituency versus Senators voting "with a conscience." for the rest of the group involved. invisibility which is the oppression I feel at Trinity as a lesbian, and the chalking If we understand the word "represent" to mean that the SGA consider I realize, after talking to countless people after the chalking, that many felt helped me to have a voice at my own the whims of every single member of the community, then let it be reading "Gay and Proud" or "Someone college. recommended that the mass of one hundred-something injarvismightbe you know may be gay" was an accusa- I wrote "Gay and Proud." I am more "representative" than the current student government. However, tion. Many people have asked why we proud. I did not chalk anonymously. I if it is understood that representation in the Student Government Asso- felt it necessary to chalk in the first place. signed my name, with many others, out- ciation is not actual, but virtual, then the Senators must consider what Others asked that if we were proud, why side the President's office. The reason they understand to be prudent or in the interest of the student body. chalk in the dead of night? And most felt we chalked late at night is for the prag- Therefore, the Senators have a moral obligation to act and vote according that writing on the walls of buildings matic fact that no one is around at 1:00 to what they understand to be the general welfare of the student body set was immature and gave the chalking a AM to get in the way. But also, there is fear involved. Not everyone is willing to in the context of the Trinity Community. graffiti quality, which subverted our purpose to some degree. come out at Trinity, because they are not What role do the rest of us (the non-Senators) play in a political I would like to start by saying that ready to deal with the homophobia they process founded upon virtual representation? First, on a very primary all of these opinions are valid, and that I would face day to day.
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