1005 THIEÄN PHUÙC PHAÄT HOÏC TÖØ ÑIEÅN BUDDHIST DICTIONARY VIEÄT-ANH VIETNAMESE-ENGLISH VOLUME TWO (I-NH) TOÅ ÑÌNH MINH ÑAÊNG QUANG 3010 W. HARVARD STREET SANTA ANA, CA 92704 USA TEL & FAX: (714) 437-9511 1006 1007 vuõ truï roài seõ gioáng nhö caùi gì trong töông lai? Taïi sao loaøi ngöôøi soáng vaø caùi gì xaõy ra sau khi chuùng ta cheát? Vaân vaân vaø vaân I vaân. Neáu ngöôøi aáy hoûi ñeå vaán nan Phaät thì Ngaøi chæ im laëng. Ví baèng Ngaøi thaáy raèng ngöôøi aáy hoûi ñeå hoïc thì Ngaøi seõ traû lôøi nhö Ích Kyû: Selfishness—Self-cherishing— theá naày: “Giaû söû baïn bò truùng moät muõi teân Selfish motive. taåm thuoác ñoäc, coù moät y só ñeán ñeå nhoå Ích Lôïi: Useful—Serviceable. muõi teân aáy ra khoûi thaân theå cuûa baïn vaø trò veát thöông cho laønh, tröôùc tieân baïn coù hoûi Ích Quoác Lôïi Daân: Useful to the country oâng ta nhöõng vaán ñeà nhö muõi teân ñöôïc and the people laøm baèng thöù gì, thuoác ñoäc ñöôïc cheá baèng Im Baët: Completely silent. thöù gì, ai baén muõi teân ñoù, vaø neáu y só Im Æm: Very silent. khoâng trò veát thöông, caùi gì seõ phaûi xaõy ra, Im Laëng: vaân vaân vaø vaân vaân; vaø töø choái chöõa trò tröø • Giöõ im laëng: Vacamyama (skt)—To keep phi y só traû lôøi taát caû nhöõng vaán ñeà ñoù ñeå still, calm, or silent. thoûa maõn baïn? Baïn seõ cheát tröôùc khi nhaän • Khoâng noùi: Restraining speech or voice— ñöôïc nhöõng giaûi ñaùp.” Trong thí duï naày, Without speaking. Phaät khuyeán caùo caùc ngöôøi hoûi neáu laø ñeä • Söï im laëng: Vacamtva (skt)—Silence. töû cuûa Ngaøi thì ñöøng neân phí maát thôøi gian Im Laëng Cao Quí: Noble Silence. veà nhöõng vaán ñeà quaù saâu xa ngoaøi taàm • Chæ noùi khi caàn thieát. Ñöùc Phaät khoâng traû laõnh hoäi cuûa moät ngöôøi thöôøng, coù theå sau lôøi nhöõng caâu hoûi veà töï toàn, khoâng töï toàn, thôøi gian daøi tu taäp theo nhaø Phaät thì töï theá giôùi vónh cöûu, vaân vaân. Theo Ñöùc nhieân seõ thaáu hieåu: One day a certain man Phaät, ngöôøi giöõ im laëng laø ngöôøi khoân said to the Buddha that he would join the ngoan vì traùnh ñöôïc hao hôi toån töôùng band of his disciples if the Buddha would cuõng nhö nhöõng lôøi noùi tieâu cöïc voâ boå— give clear answer to the questions: Would Speak only when necessary—Buddha the Buddha ever die, and, if so, what Sakyamuni refrained from giving a would become of him after death? What definitive answer to many metaphysical was the first cause of the universe, and questions of his time (questions of self- what was the universe going to be like in exists, not self-exists, if the world is the future? Why do men live and what eternal, or unending or no, etc)— becomes of them after death? If the According to the Buddha, a silent person is person asks because he wants to cause very often a wise person because he or troubles for the Buddha, the Buddha will she avoids wasting energy or negative remain silent. If the person asks because verbiage. he wants to study, the Buddha’s answer • Moät hoâm coù ngöôøi noùi vôùi Phaät y seõ nhaäp was to the following effect: “Suppose you boïn caùc ñeä töû cuûa Ngaøi neáu Ngaøi ñöa ra were shot by a poison arrow and a ñöôïc nhöõng giaûi ñaùp saùng toû veà caùc vaán physician came to draw the arrow from ñeà nhö Phaät soáng maõi hay khoâng, neáu theá your body and to dress the wound, would thì caùi gì seõ xaõy ra sau khi Ngaøi cheát? you first ask him questions as to what the Nguyeân nhaân ñaàu tieân cuûa vuõ truï laø gì vaø arrow was made of, what the composition 1008 of the poison was., and who shot the or the answers to which were arrow, and, if the physician did not dress inexpressible, Cadrakirti enumerates them the wound, what was going to happen, and in his commentary on the Madhyamaka such blissful questions, and refuse the Sastra that the Buddha announced treatment until the physician answered all fourteen things to be inexpressible: the questions to your satisfaction? You a) Theá giôùi phaûi chaêng laø—Whether the would be dead before you obtained the world is… answers.” In this parable the Buddha 1) Vónh haèng: Eternal. advised the questioner to become his 2) Khoâng vónh haèng: Not eternal. disciple without wasting his time on 3) Hoaêc vöøa vónh haèng vöøa khoâng vónh problems which were too profound to be haèng: Both eternal and not eternal. understood by an ordinary man, probably a 4) Hoaëc chaúng phaûi vónh haèng maø cuõng long cultivation as a disciple of the chaúng phaûi khoâng vónh haèng: Neither Buddha he might come to understand. eternal nor not eternal. • Theo Trieát Hoïc Trung Quaùn, söï im laëng bí b) Phaûi chaêng theá giôùi laø—Whether the aån cuûa Ñöùc Phaät ñoái vôùi nhöõng caâu hoûi coù world is… tính caùch sieâu hình caên baûn nhaát ñaõ thuùc 5) Höõu bieân: Finite. ñaåy Boà Taùt Long Thoï nghieân cöùu tìm hieåu 6) Voâ bieân: Infinite. lyù do taïi sao Ñöùc Phaät laïi giöõ im laëng. Coù 7) Hoaëc vöøa höõu bieân vöøa voâ bieân: Both phaûi Ñöùc Phaät chuû tröông “Baát khaû tri” finite and infinite. nhö moät soá ngöôøi Taây phöông nghieân cöùu 8) Hoaëc chaúng phaûi höõu bieân maø cuõng chaúng Phaät Giaùo ñaõ nghó? Neáu khoâng thì vì lyù do phaûi voâ bieân: Neither finite nor infinite. gì maø Ngaøi giöõ thaùi ñoä im laëng? Qua moät c) Phaûi chaêng sau khi Nhö Lai nhaäp dieät— cuoäc nghieân cöùu ñoái vôùi söï im laëng naày, Whether the Tathagata… Long Thoï ñaõ ñaët ra bieän chöùng phaùp. Coù 9) Ngaøi vaãn toàn taïi: Exists after death. moät soá caâu hoûi tröù danh maø Ñöùc Phaät cho 10) Ngaøi khoâng coøn toàn taïi: Does not exist laø “Voâ kyù,” töùc laø nhöõng giaûi ñaùp maø Ngaøi after death. cho raèng khoâng theå dieãn ñaït. Trong nhöõng 11) Hoaëc Ngaøi vöøa toàn taïi vöøa khoâng toàn taïi: chuù giaûi cuûa Nguyeät Xöùng veà Trung Luaän, Either exists or does not exist after death. Ngaøi ñaõ töøng noùi veà chuyeän Ñöùc Theá Toân 12) Hoaëc Ngaøi chaúng toàn taïi maø cuõng chaúng ñaõ tuyeân boá veà möôøi boán söï vieäc khoâng khoâng toàn taïi: Neither exists nor does not theå thuyeát minh ñöôïc nhö sau—According exist after death. to the Madhyamaka Philosophy, the d) Phaûi chaêng linh hoàn vaø theå xaùc—Whether mysterious silence of the Buddha on most the soul is. fundamental questions of Metaphysics led 13) Ñoàng nhaát: Identical with the body. him to probe into the reason of that 14) Khoâng ñoàng nhaát: Different with the silence. Was the Buddha agnostic as some body. of the European writers on Buddhism Im Phaêng Phaéc: Dead silence—Unbroken believe him to be? If not, what was the silence. reason of his silence? Through a searching Im Thin Thít: To keep silent. inquiry into this silence was the dialectic Inh OÛi: Noisy—Loud. born. There are well-known questions Inh Tai: Deafening. which the Buddha declared to be avyakrta 1009 Ít Khi: Seldom—Rarely. Traàn Quang Töï Temple, a famous ancient Ít Nhaát: At least. temple, located in Duõng Nhueä hamlet, Duy Nhaát village, Vuõ Thö district, Thaùi Bình Ít Noùi: Telling little. province. It was built in 1608 by the bank of the Red River, so it has gradually been eroded. In 1930, Duke Nguyeãn Quyeân donated his own land for rebuilding the temple. The great bell of the temple cast during the Leâ dynasty. Keo Kieät: Stingy—Misery. Keâ: 1) Con gaø: Kukkuta (skt)—A cock—A fowl—Chicken—Hen. K 2) Keâ cöùu: To investigate. 3) Keâ ñaàu kænh leã: To prostrate oneself. Keû AÊn Maøy: Beggar. Keâ Caåu Giôùi: Ngoaïi ñaïo vuøng Baéc AÁn, coù Keû Caàu Nguyeän: Those who pray by loaïi trí thuû keâ giôùi, caåu giôùi, keâ thì suoát ngaøy dedicating of merit or by merit transference, or ñöùng moät chaân, caåu thì aên phaân nhô baån— sharing one’s own merits and virtues with Heterodox sects in northern India follow cock others. or dog discipline, e.g. standing on a leg all day, Keû Cöôùp: Robber . or eating ordure, like certain ascetics. Keû Ñaøo Thoaùt: An escapist. Keâ Daãn Boä: Gokulikas, Kukkulikas, Kukkutikas, or Kaukkutikas (skt)—Moät trong Keû Löøa Ñaûo: Swindler. 20 boä cuûa Tieåu Thöøa, coøn goïi laø Khoâi Sôn Truï Keû Thuø: Adversary—Enemy. Boä, Quaät Cöï Boä, Cao Caâu Leâ Ca Boä, moät Keû Troäm: Burglar—Thief trong 20 boä cuûa Tieåu Thöøa, thaønh laäp khoaûng Keû Vaïch: To get someone into trouble 200 naêm sau ngaøy Phaät nhaäp dieät vaø bieán maát Keû Xaáu Xa: Demon—Devil—Mara. ngay sau ñoù—One of the twenty Hinayana Keû Yeáu Heøn: The weak. branches, a branch of the Mahasanghikas Keõ Toùc Chaân Tô: In detail. which established around 200 years after the Keùm: Less. Buddha’s nirvana and early disappeared. Keâ Ñoäc: Thaân Ñoäc—India—Hindu. Keùm Quan Troïng: Of less importance. Keâ Khai: To enumerate—To make a list. Keùn AÊn: To be fastidious about one’s food. Keâ Khöông Na: Kikana (skt)—Theo Eitel Keùn Choïn: To choose—To select. trong Trung Anh Phaät Hoïc Töø Ñieån, Keâ Keo: Teân khaùc cuûa chuøa laø Traàn Quang Töï, Khöông Na laø moät daân toäc ôû A Phuù Haõn, truù toïa laïc taïi thoân Duõng Nhueä, xaõ Duy Nhaát, nguï khoaûng giöõa mieàn ñoâng Kandhar vaø mieàn huyeän Vuõ Thö, tænh Thaùi Bình.
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