THE UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2019 • VOL. 116, ISSUE 14 NEWS SCENE OPINION SPORTS Wondering what Learn how to Jordan Mall writes on We show you all the 04 happened to the 07 make a Valentine's 09 the history ofValen­ 11 projects changing the Koret Deli? Find out Day-inspired tine's Day and why it face ofWat Memorial inside. charcuterie board! matters. Gym. SENATE PROPOSAL WOULD ADD SECOND DISABILITY SHUTTLE HALEY KEIZUR Senate's Students With Disabilities Rep­ The second shuttle would be funded by Staff Writer resentative Anthony Levaggi decided ro Senate for its first yeat in operation. After work with other members of Senate to pro­ that, they would recommend that rhe Uni­ ASUSF Senate, the student government pose a referendum to utilize an additional versity funds the costs of the extra car. group on campus, saw a problem in the shuttle for daytime disability use. It will require $34,000 to fund an ad­ Loyola Village patking garage: of the four "When you think about how inaccessi­ ditional shuttle. This includes the costs of Public Safety shuttles parked, only one is ble the city is in general, and how students staffing drivers, fuel and vehicle mainte­ used each day to transport students, staff with physical disabilities or limited abil­ nance, according to Public Safety opera­ and faculty with disabilities. ities have just as compacted schedules as tions manager Staci Hoell. This causes an average wait time of other folks, the wait time of30 minutes is The funds would be coming from 30 minutes, and Senate was not the only really bad,"· Senate President Sage Hapke the Senate reserves, not students' tui­ group to see a problem. Last year's results said. tion, Hapke said. Every semester, stu­ from the campus climate survey had many "Those who require the [proposed] dents pay a $113 activity fee, which goes recommendations to make advancements shuttle won't have to build their class towards the ASUSF operating budget. in accessibility for the campus communi­ schedule with gaps to incorporate a long This money funds student organizations, ty. waiting period for the shuttle: and will including the Foghorn. Any leftover After speaking with Student Disabili­ have more options to move around cam­ ty Services (SDS) Director Tom Merrell, pus more freely," Levaggi said. CONTINUED ON PG.3 EST.1903 0 SFFOGHORN.COM c®lFOGPOD @SF FOGHORN SAN FRANCISCO FOGHORN 02 lf':j SAN FRANCISCO ~!2!?,!!~~ Editor in Chief GABRIEL GRESCHLER [email protected] News Editor Managing Editor MARDY HARDING HAYLEY BURCHER One-way news@sffoghom .corn [email protected] ticket to Opinion Editor Copy Editor NYC SARAH HINTON ETHAN TAN [email protected] [email protected] Scene Editor Layout Editor SARAH ARMENDARIZ DOMINIQUE DOLLENMAYER GEORGETOWN COMMONS, GABRIEL GRECHLER/FOGHORN scene@sffoghorn .com [email protected] Sports Editor Layout Editor KALAN K. BIRNIE ZAPPORAH TURNER sporrs@sffoghorn .corn [email protected] TO BAY OR NOT TO BAE Photography Editor Business Manager WIWAMWIN OMAR SHATRAT STAE'F EDITORIAL loved ones have. There is a small minority on the Foghorn phoro@sffoghorn .corn [email protected] One piece of advice that some of us stu­ staff who believe that friends or significant Online Editor Social Media Manager dents hear from parents, teachers and men­ others should not have any impact on your KIERAN GILL HOPE DIWATA tors is to not let friends or a significant other post-graduation plans whatsoever, because what ultimately matters is you and your [email protected] [email protected] decide your life plan. That cautious attitude is sometimes offered at the end of hfgh goals. Advisor school, when we're told to shy away from In general, it's unhealthy to depend en­ TERESA MOORE choosing our college based on where the tirely on other people for your happiness and 415.422.5444 2130 FUUON SlREET, UC #417 majority of our friends are going. future plans. Just as you are making deci­ sffoghorn.com SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117 So, as we start to consider life after USF, sions for your future, so are your friends - does this advice still hold up in a post-col­ it's entirely possible that you could choose to <~> UNIVERSlTYOF SAN FRANCISCO lege· context? stay because your friends live here, but then .... A majority of us at the Foghorn believe it your friends decide to leave. If you let your is necessary to take our relationships into ac­ social network keep you in one location, SUBMISSION POLICY count when making post-graduation plans. you're closing yourself to potentially incred­ Whether these connections are romantic or ible opportunities. 1he San Francisco Foghocn is the printed herein may be reproduced Also, in most cases, this wouldn't be official student newspaper of the without prior perrrussion of the Editor platonic, it is important to consider who and Uruvasity of San Francisco and is in Chie£ what you rely on to help you get by. your first time making this "big life" choice. sponsored by the Associated Students Columns for the Opinion section Most of the Foghorn believes that by Many of us came to USF without knowing of the Univasity of San Francisco and Letters to the Ediror""' gladly moving away after graduation, you may be anyone, but managed to find our footing (ASUSF). accepted from students, faculty, staff preventing your relationships from evolving and form deep and meaningful connections The rhough<S and opinions expressed and alumni. in the future, weakening those once-import­ here. Considering this, there's no reason herein ate those of the individual writ­ All matetWs must be signed and ant connections. A job in another city may why we can't do the same after college. as and do not tdlecr those necessarily include your printed name, university of the Foghorn staff, the administra­ be more rewarding, but maybe your friends' The decision ultimately depends on where status (class standing ot tide), address, tion, the faculty, stalfor the students support is what helped you through your your priorities lies. Some people get bored and tdepbonc number for verification. of the University of San Francisco. Anonymous submissions aft not current job and, when you move, your new with staying in the same place for too long, Conrcnts ofeach issue au the sole published. job may seem that much more difficult. and find more purpose in their work than =ponsibiliric:s of the editon. We rcservc the right to edit materials On top of that, some people feel a stron­ in their social relationships. Other people An All-American submitted. AU submissions become the ger sense of purpose in maintaining loving have a lot more trouble adjusting to a new Publication property of the San Francisco Fogbom. rel~tionships than they do in maintaining a location, and find the prospect of having to tUi mitimmt iki tJm- Columns ofnot more than 900 words flashy career. establish a whole new social network more should be submitted by 5 p.m. on the While it's.risky to put all of your eggs in d~unting than exciting. Wedmsday before publication. one social basket, and it's difficult to move Just because one person you know was 1he San Francisco Fogbom is free of Letters of 500 words or less should clw:ge. one copy per reader. To put­ to a new place and start from zero, it's also able to make the transition and move to the be submitted by 5 p.m. on the Friday chase additional copies fot $1. please important to acknowledge how much of other side of the country doesn't mean it will before publication. visit our office. an impact the presence of your friends and fit you. • Staff editorials ate written by the Advertising matter printed betein is Foghorn edirorial staff and represent a soldy for informational purposes. group consensus. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsonhip The San .Francisco .Fogborn Opinion ot endonement ofsuch co~mercial page is a forum for the free, fair and WHArS YOUR. CRAZIEST UBER OR LYFT enterprises ot v<:ntures by the San civil exchangt: of ideas. Contributors Francisco Foghorn. opinions att not meant to rdlect STORY? the views of the Foghocn stalf or the eMMIV-MMV, San Francisco Fog­ University ofSan Francisco. · WE ASKED THE USF COMMUNITY. THEY DElMRED. USTIN AT born. All rights reserved. No marc:rial SFFOGHORN.COM/FOGPOD. 03 A student uses the SDS shuttle on Lone Mountain. The funding for the second one would come from Senate reserves. MARDY HARDING/FOGHORN vote on Feb. 19, it will be added to the school-wide with the physical strain that comes with having a ballot in April. class in LoMo. I am a math major, so it's unusual SECOND The additional shurtle would follow the same for me to have classes up there, but others aren't so hours as the current one: Monday-Friday from 7 lucky." a.m. to 6 p.m. Passengers must first be approved Davis is proud of Senate for stepping up with by SDS and human resources, Hoell said. this initiative, but thinks it is "ridiculous" that the DISABILITY ASUSF Senator Jordan Davis, a junior math­ money for operating the shuttle is coming from ematics major, fits the criteria for the shuttle, but the student activity feze reserves. has never used it because of the wait time. "That money should be available to promote stu­ SHUTTLE "I would procrastinate leaving my room just dent life and community engagement, but in­ to emotionally prepare myself for the climb [up stead, Senate is left picking up the slack where CONTINUED FROM FRONT Lone Mountain]," Davis said.
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