Public Document Pack BOROUGH OF CHESTERFIELD You are summoned to attend a Meeting of the Council of the Borough of Chesterfield to be held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield S40 1LP at the Town Hall on Wednesday, 16 October 2013 at 5.00 pm for the purpose of transacting the following business:- 1. To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 24 July, 2013. (Pages 1 - 8) 2. Mayor's Communications. To receive the Mayor’s announcements and any apologies for absence. 3. Declarations of Members' and Officers' Interests relating to items on the Agenda. 4. Public Questions to the Council To receive questions from members of the public in accordance with Standing Order No. 10. 5. Petitions to Council. To receive petitions submitted under Standing Order No. 10A. 6. Treasury Management Annual Report 2012/13 and Monitoring Report 2013/14. (Pages 9 - 26) 7. Discretionary Housing Payments Report (Pages 27 - 48) 8. Introduction of Scrap Metal Act 2013. (Pages 49 - 56) 9. Membership of Committees 2013/14 (Pages 57 - 58) 10. To receive the Minutes of the meetings of the Appeals and Regulatory Committee of 17, 24 and 31 July, 7, 21 and 28 August, 4, 11, 18 and 25 September, 2013. (Pages 59 - 80) 11. To receive the Minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet of 23 July, 10 and 24 September, 2013. (Pages 81 - 106) 12. To receive the Minutes of the Employment and General Committee of 7 August, 2013. (Pages 107 - 120) 13. To receive the Minutes of the meeting of the Joint Cabinet and Employment and General Committee of 23 July, 2013. (Pages 121 - 126) 14. To receive the Records of Decision Licensing Committee of 11, 17, 25 and 26 September, 2013. (Pages 127 - 134) 15. To receive the Minutes of the meetings of the Planning Committee of 15 July, 5 and 27 August, 16 September and 7 October, 2013. (Pages 135 - 218) 16. To receive the Minutes of the meeting of the Standards and Audit Committee of 20 September, 2013. (Pages 219 - 222) 17. To receive and adopt the Minutes of the meeting of the Community, Customer and Organisational Scrutiny Committee of 1 August, 2013. (Pages 223 - 230) 18. To receive and adopt the Minutes of the meeting of the Enterprise and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee of 5 September, 2013. (Pages 231 - 238) 19. To receive and adopt the Minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Performance Scrutiny Forum of 25 July and 26 September, 2013. (Pages 239 - 254) 20. Notice of Motion under Standing Order No. 12:- (1) That the Secretary of State help protect community pubs in England by ensuring that planning permission and community consultation are required before community pubs are allowed to be converted to betting shops, supermarkets and pay-day loan stores or other uses, or are allowed to be demolished. (2) The Council notes that if this power was acquired it would allow the Council to determine if the pubs should be demolished or converted into other uses and could save many valued community pubs. (3) The Council resolves to submit the proposal to the government under the Sustainable Communities Act and to work together with Local Works and the Campaign for Real Ale to gain support for the proposal from other councils in the region and across the country. (Councillor M. A. Higginbottom) 21. Questions under Standing Order No. 20. To receive questions from Councillors in accordance with Standing Order No. 20. By order of the Council, Chief Executive Chief Executive’s Unit, Town Hall, Chesterfield 9 October 2013 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 1 COUNCIL 24.07.13 COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, 24th July, 2013 Present - The Mayor Councillor Allen Councillor Hill Bagley Hollingworth Barr Huckle Bingham Innes Blank Lang Bradford Lowe Brittain Ludlow Brown McManus Burrows Miles Callan Morgan Clarke Avis Murphy Davenport Tom Murphy Diouf Niblock Dyke Mark Rayner Elliott Neil Rayner Fanshawe Russell Flood Serjeant Gibson Simmons Gilby David Stone Hawksworth Martin Stone Higginbottom 0007 MINUTES RESOLVED - That the Minutes of the meetings of Council held on 24th April and 8th May, 2013, be approved as a correct record, and signed by the Chair. 0008 MAYOR’ S COMMUNICATIONS The Mayor referred with sadness to the death of Alderman Michael Caulfield, a previous Councillor and Mayor of Chesterfield Borough Council. Members observed a minute’s silence in memory of Alderman Caulfield. The Mayor announced that he had sent sincere congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the birth of their son, on behalf of the residents of Chesterfield. The Mayor welcomed newly elected Labour Members, Councillors Linda Clarke and Helen Bagley to their first full Council meeting. He also welcomed Page 1 COUNCIL 24.07.13 Councillors Stewart Bradford and Denise Hawksworth back following their recent illnesses. The Mayor went on to highlight the following Mayoral engagements attended since the previous meeting:- - the Service of Dedication at the Crematorium, to mark the opening of the Garden of Remembrance for Stillborn and Neonatal Deaths on 2 nd June. The garden was themed on Peter Pan’s Never Never Land with a “Memories Tree” at its centre. - the presentation of New Colours to the Mercian Regiment on 6 th June. - attendance at the re-opening of Eastwood Park on 9 th June, following its restoration. The Mayor made reference to the truly inspirational ladies who had participated in the Annual Race for Life, which had taken place in the town centre on 16 th June. The Mayor announced that his first charity appeal event had taken place on Sunday 21 st July and been a great success. 0009 DECLARATIONS OF MEMBERS’ AND OFFICERS’ INTERESTS RELATING TO ITEMS ON THE AGENDA There were no declarations. 0010 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC In accordance with Standing Order No. 10, Mrs A Bell, Mr P King and Mr R Fearn submitted questions relating to the Council’s plans to replace the Queen’s Park Sports Centre. Councillor Serjeant replied to the questions. 0011 PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS TO COUNCIL In accordance with Standing Order No. 10A, Council debated the following petition received from Mr Alan Maris on 3rd May 2013 in respect of the planned Queen’s Park Sports Centre replacement project “No to the dual usage scheme with Chesterfield College. No to building on Queen’s Park Annexe at £9 million. Yes to renovating the existing Queen’s Park at £3.76 million. Page 2 COUNCIL 24.07.13 Yes to holding onto the Queen’s Park Annexe as an Athletics arena and multi use facility for the future.” Mr. Alan Maris, the Lead Petitioner, attended Council to present the petition, answer questions and respond to the debate. RESOLVED - (1) That the Council receives and notes Mr Maris’ petition against the Council’s plans to construct a new leisure centre at the Queen’s Park Annexe to replace the existing Queen’s Park Sports Centre and to operate the new centre through a dual- use agreement with Chesterfield College. (2) That the petition and tonight’s debate at full Council be taken into account by the Executive as part of its ongoing commitment to consult with the public, the sports national governing bodies and other stakeholders before coming to a final view on the format of the Queen’s Park Sports Centre replacement project. No other petitions were presented to Council. 0012 ELECTION TO THE BOROUGH COUNCIL - 2ND MAY, 2013 The Head of Governance reported that Councillor Helen Bagley had been elected as Councillor for St. Helen’s Ward and Councillor Linda Clarke had been elected as Councillor for St Leonard’s Ward at the by-elections held on the 2nd May, 2013. RESOLVED - That it be noted that Councillor Bagley has been elected as Councillor for St. Helen’s Ward and that Councillor Linda Clarke has been elected as Councillor for St Leonard’s Ward. 0013 MEMBERSHIP OF COMMITTEES - 2013/14 The Head of Governance reported on a number of proposed changes to Committee memberships. RESOLVED - (1) That the following changes to Committee memberships be approved: - Appointment of Councillor Lowe to Planning Committee in place of Councillor Bagley. - Appointment of Councillor Flood to Appeals and Regulatory Committee in place of Councillor Bellamy. - Appointment of Councillor Ludlow to Licensing Committee to replace Councillor Lowe. Page 3 COUNCIL 24.07.13 (2) That Councillor Flood be appointed as Chair of Appeals and Regulatory Committee and Licensing Committee for the remainder of the Council Year. (3) That Councillor Miles be appointed as Vice-Chair of Appeals and Regulatory Committee and Licensing Committee for the remainder of the Council Year. 0014 CHESTERFIELD LOCAL PLAN: CORE STRATEGY ADOPTION Pursuant to Minute No. 0052 of Cabinet, the Head of Regeneration submitted a report seeking Council approval to adopt the Local Plan Core Strategy, incorporating the recommended modifications and to agree to the recommended actions for the set of Supplementary Planning Documents. RESOLVED - (1) That the Inspector’s report, attached at Appendix A to the report, be noted. (2) That the Local Plan: Core Strategy, attached at Appendix B to the report, incorporating the recommended modifications be adopted. (3) That the Head of Regeneration and Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Planning be given delegated authority to make any minor changes (including formatting and images) necessary to make the Local Plan: Core Strategy ready for printing and uploading to the Council’s website. (4) That the recommended actions for the set of Supplementary Planning Documents be approved. 0015 RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AND ANNUAL REPORT The Head of Finance reported on Risk Management developments at the Council during 2012/13 and sought Council approval for a number of recommended updates to the Risk Management Policy, Strategy and Corporate Risk Register.
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