September 7, 1972 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 29773 row, the distinguished Senator from New elusion of the remarks of the distinguish- ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9 A.M. ed majority leader tomorrow, there be a York (Mr. JAVITS) be recognized for 15 M r. RO BERT C. BYRD. M r. Presi- minutes, and that following the remarks period for the transaction of routine dent, if there be no further business to of the distinguished Senator from New morning business of not to exceed 15 come before the Senate, I move, in ac- York the other orders for the recognition minutes, with statements therein limited to 3 minutes, at the conclusion of which cordance with the previous order, that of Senators previously entered into then the Senate stand in adjournment until take effect. the Chair lay before the S enate H.R . 9 a.m. tomorrow. 14370. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The motion was agreed to; and at 7:44 objection, it is so ordered. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. p.m. the Senate adjourned until tomor- row, Friday, September 8, 1972, at 9 a.m. ORDER, FOR ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9 A.M. TOMORROW ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT FROM FRIDAY UNTIL 10 A.M. ON MON- NOMINATIONS Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, DAY Executive nominations received by the I ask unanimous consent that when the Senate September 7, 1972: Senate completes its business today, it Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, stand in adjournm ent until 9 a.m . to- I ask unanimous consent that when the FEDERAL METAL AND NONMETALLIC MINE SAFETY morrow. Senate completes its business tomorrow, BOARD OF REVIEW it stand in adjournment until 10 o'clock P e te r J . B e n so n i, o f M in n e so ta , to b e a The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without member of the Federal M etal and N onmetal- objection, it is so ordered. a.m. on Monday, September 11. lic M ine Safety Board of R eview for the term The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without expiring September 15, 1977; reappointment. objection, it is so ordered. ORDER FOR RECOGNITION OF SEN- BOARD OF PAROLE ATOR MANSFIELD TOMORROW T hom as R . Holsclaw , of K entucky, to be a m e m b e r o f th e B o a rd o f P a ro le fo r th e Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, PROGRAM term expiring September 30 , 1978, vice Wil- I ask unanimous consent that at the con- Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, liam F. Howland, retired. clusion of the orders for the recognition the program for tomorrow is as follows: IN THE ARMY of Senators previously entered into, the The Senate will convene at 9 a.m. Fol- The following-named officer under the pro- d istin g u ish ed m ajo rity lead er (M r. lowing the recognition of the two leaders visions of title 10 , U nited S tates Code, sec- MANSFIELD) be recognized for not to ex- under the standing order, the distin- tion 30 66, to be assigned to a position of im- ceed 15 minutes. guished Senator from N ew York (M r. portance and responsibility designated by the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without P re sid e n t u n d e r su b se ctio n (a ) o f se ctio n JAviTs) will be recognized for not to ex- 3066, in grade as follows: objection, it is so ordered. ceed 15 minutes. He will be followed by the distinguished Senator from Texas To be lieutenant general (Mr. BENTSEN) for not to exceed 15 min- M aj. G en . Ph illip B u fo rd D avid so n , J r., QUORUM CALL xxx-xx-xxxx , U.S. Army. utes. He will be followed by the distin- Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, g u ish e d S e n a to r fro m I d a h o (M r. I suggest the absence of a quorum. CHURCH) for not to exceed 15 minutes, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk after which the Senate will resume the CONFIRMATIONS will call the roll. consideration of H.R . 14 370 , the so- Executive nominations confirmed by The legislative clerk proceeded to call called revenue-sharing bill, the un- the Senate September 7, 1972: the roll. finished business being temporarily laid NATIONAL SCIENCE Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, BOARD aside throughout the day of tomorrow. T he follow ing-nam ed persons to be M em - I ask unanimous consent that the order A mendments to the revenue-sharing bers of the N ational Science Board, N ational for the quorum call be rescinded. bill will be voted on throughout the day. S cience F oundation, for term s expiring M ay The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Yea-and-nay votes will occur. 10, 1978: objection, it is so ordered. In view of the fact that there will be Wesley G. Campbell, of California. no Saturday session this week, it is nec- T . M arshall Hahn, Jr., of V irginia. essary that the S enate m ake as m uch A nna J. Harrison, of M assachusetts. TRANSACTION OF ROUTINE MORN- progress as possible tomorrow on the rev- Hubert Heffner, of California. ING BUSINESS TOMORROW W illiam H. M eckling, of N ew York. enue-sharing bill. W illiam A . N ierenberg, of California. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Senators will therefore please be pre- R ussell D. O 'N eal, of M ichigan. I ask unanimous consent that at the con- pared for a full day of work tomorrow. Joseph M . R eynolds, of Louisiana. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS POSTAL SERVICE STANDARDS n ext d ay d elivery w ith 9 5 percen t m a tte rs , d o e s n 't ta k e m u c h s to c k in th e reliability. knocking. This is most encouraging, and I hope F allis, a 4 4 -year-old career em ploye, w ho HON. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. to see m ore standards like this in the beg an as a railw ay po stal clerk in C in cin - OF VIRGINIA nati 19 years ago, is a relaxed, low -keyed, near future for all types of mail. pleasant-spoken executive, whose mild man- IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES I ask unanimous consent that the text ner has to be deceptive. Thursday, September 7, 1972 of the article, "Postal Service Attaining Deceptive, for one reason, because his job Goals, District Chief Says," be printed is bigger than it sounds. Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Mr. Presi- in the Extensions of Remarks. He is responsible for 50 9 post offices from dent, I frequently hear unfavorable com- There being no objection, the article A ppomattox on the east to Princeton, W. V a., ments about the Postal Service. Not all was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, on the w est, and from a point betw een Har- such criticism is fair. as follows: risonburg and S taunton on the north to the In this regard, I cite an article pub- N o rth C aro lin a lin e o n th e so u th . T h e d is- lished in the Roanoke Times of July 5 PO S T A L S E R V ICE A T T A IN IN G GO A LS , DIS T R ICT trict includes all of S outhwest V irginia clear C HIE F S A Y S to Lee County and the K entucky line. which shows that this new organization (B y R obert B . S ears) F allis believes the Postal S ervice is doing is trying to give us better mail service. K nocking the m ail service is still a popu- a good job, and here are some of the reasons: One of the most encouraging develop- lar pastim e a year after a governm ent cor- L a st N o v e m b e r, th e P o sta l S e rv ice in - ments in the Postal Service is the estab- poration, the U .S . Postal S ervice, took over stitu te d a n a tio n -w id e lo ca l a re a se rv ice lishm ent of service standards. I am the venerable U .S . Post O ffice Departm ent. improvement program for first-class mail. pleased to note that the R oanoke Dis- B u t C h a rle s L . F a llis , m a n a g e r o f th e "O ur goal," F allis said, "w as to give next. trict of thq Postal Service is meeting the R o a n o ke D istrict o f th e P o sta l S e rvice , a d a y d e liv e ry se rv ice w ith 9 5 p e r ce n t re . national standard for local delivery— m an n o t w ith o u t a certain bias abo u t m ail liability." 29774 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 7, 1972 A letter mailed anywhere in the Roanoke Fallis explains the saving this way: the House acted on many bills aimed at curb­ District would be delivered to an addressee The carrier delivers both parcels and let­ ing pollution. Some of this legislation is listed within the district the next day-95 per cent ters, so you don't have a separate parcel post on page 4 of this newsletter under "Legisla­ of the time.
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