Allerdale Local Development Framework Annual Monitoring Report 06/07 December 2007 Allerdale Local Development Framework Contents 1.0 Executive Summary 2 1.1 Introduction 2 2.0 Allerdale: A Portrait 10 3.0 Allerdale Local Plan 18 3.1 Objectives 18 3.2 Allerdale Local Plan First Alteration 21 3.3 Allerdale Local Plan: Saved Policies 22 4.0 Local Development Framework 23 4.1 Local Development Scheme 23 4.2 Sustainability Framework 28 4.3 Interim Housing Policy 28 5.0 Thematic Monitoring Results 31 5.1 Development Control Checklist 31 5.2 Population and Housing 32 5.3 Regeneration and Economy 38 5.4 Town Centres and Retail 41 5.5 The Built Environment and Heritage 42 5.6 Natural Environment and Biodiversity 44 5.7 Community and Cultural Facilities 49 5.8 Transport 52 6.0 Conclusion and Further Action 55 Glossary 56 Appendix 1 66 Appendix 2 71 Appendix 3 76 Appendix 4 83 Annual Monitoring Report 2006/7 Allerdale Local Development Framework 1.0 Executive Summary This is the third Annual Monitoring Report objectives have been met. prepared by Allerdale Borough Council. The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 • Local Development Framework; this requires every local planning authority to pre- assesses progress in preparing Local pare an Annual Monitoring Report for the Development Documents (LDD) against Secretary of State. It must include informa- the milestones in the Local Development tion on the implementation of the authority’s Scheme (LDS). It assesses the imple- Local Development Scheme plus an assess- mentation of the local Sustainable Ap- ment of the extent to which policies in the praisal Framework, the indicators for Saved Local Plan and emerging Local Devel- which are also included in the Thematic opment Framework, are being implemented. Section below as “local” indicators. The only fully adopted Local Development This AMR covers the period 1 April 2006 to Document is the Interim Housing Policy 31 March 2007. SPD, the implementation of which is as- sessed. Adoption of the Wind Energy Development plan making is in transition be- SPD is underway. tween old style local plans and new Local De- velopment Frameworks (LDF). Therefore, this • Thematic Monitoring Results; indica- AMR includes monitoring of both the current tors organised under themes, e.g. hous- adopted local plan and the emerging LDF, ing. Included are contextual indicators although preparation of the LDF is still in its which are broad statistics illustrating the early stages. character of the borough, Core Output Indicators prescribed by the Secretary of 1.1 Introduction State and local indicators included at the discretion of the local planning authority This AMR is structured as follows: to illustrate particular local issues. • Allerdale : A portrait; this sets down • Conclusion and Further Action the key relevant characteristics of the borough. Key Findings • Allerdale Local Plan; this outlines the Allerdale Local Plan objectives of the adopted Local Plan, The main objectives of the adopted local plan including the Local Plan First Alteration have been met. and assesses the extent to which the 2 Annual Monitoring Report 2006/7 Allerdale Local Development Framework The housing completion targets in the local priate Assessment of Development Plans. plan have been substantially achieved. There is a shortfall but this is probably the result of A new LDS has been submitted to Govern- over optimistic population assumptions in the ment Office North West. It was approved in Joint Structure Plan (JSP). September 2007. The Allerdale Local Plan First Alteration has The county’s Sustainability Framework is now been prepared and adopted substantially on in place and being monitored although there time. The objectives of the First Alteration are a number of indicators, mainly concerned have been generally met by delivering more with biodiversity, for which data is not yet brownfield development and encouraging re- available, these gaps are being addressed. tail development in Workington. The Altera- tion is “saved” until June 2009. The sustainability objectives in the Frame- work are generally being met. For some indi- A substantial number of policies in the cators this year will be the baseline for future adopted local plan have been, and are being, assessment and future AMRs will be able to successfully implemented. In September make a fuller assessment of sustainability in- 2007, the Secretary of State for Communities dicators. The Interim Housing Policy SPD is and Local Government approved the list of being successfully implemented. “saved” policies from the local plan and these are included in Appendix 1. Thematic Monitoring Local Development Framework A Housing Trajectory has been prepared which meets the requirements of the Joint Allerdale’s LDS of March 2005 has proven to Structure Plan and the Draft RSS. have been unrealistic in its projected timelines for most Local Development Documents. Housing approvals are moderately higher Milestones for certain documents have been than current requirements in JSP and met e.g. SCI, Interim Housing Policy SPD, adopted Regional Spatial Strategy. Local Plan First Alteration, but the milestones for most LDD’s have not been met. This is be- Percentage of housing development on previ- cause of evolving experience of the new LDF ously developed land (PDL) is disappointing process which has proved far more time con- but is probably the unfortunate result of the suming than envisaged, and by the new pro- rush of planning applications submitted to visions for Sustainability Appraisal and Appro- beat the deadline for the implementation of Annual Monitoring Report 2006/7 3 Allerdale Local Development Framework Executive Summary the Interim Housing Policy in September 2004. Future performance should improve significantly. The local economy has improved significantly in recent years. There remains an oversupply of employment land. Data for the natural environment/biodiversity is not yet comprehensive but data that is available is positive. Targets for Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans are being met. The retail role and vitality of Workington town centre has been substantially improved by the completion of a substantial town centre rede- velopment. Most new housing has good accessibility to services but the rural nature of the borough means that some residents are highly car de- pendant and accessibility to facilities in rural areas is patchy. 4 Annual Monitoring Report 2006/7 Allerdale Local Development Framework The different types of indicator within the Annual Monitoring Report Purpose/ Indicator Number Updating Description Contextual Small set of highly Wider social, Every 5 years relevant indicators environmental and economic indicators Output Core Output As listed in ODPM To measure Reviewed by DCLG ‘LDF Core Output quantifiable physical on regular basis. Up- Indicators’ Update activities that are date annually and 1/2005 related to, and are a report in AMR for 1st consequence of, the April—31st March implementation of Local Out- 3-4 per policy objec- Review on a regular planning policies. put tive basis. Report on each year in AMR 1st April—31st March Housing See core indicator 2a Establish through Trajectories of ODPM ‘LDF Core evidence base for Output Indicators LDD production. Up- Update 1/2005 date annually and report in AMR Significant Effects Identified through Report annually in sustainability AMR where possible, appraisal and whenever an SA is done for LDD Progress Tar- Monitor LDS delivery Report annually in gets AMR Contextual Indicators are limited to the key characteristics and is- sues of the locality. Indicators are drawn from These indicators describe the wider social, existing related policy area indicator sets environmental and economic background (Sustainability Appraisal, Community Strate- against which policy operates. They aim to gies, Best Value Performance indicators, Al- enhance understanding of the wider context lerdale Corporate Improvement Plan etc.) for the development of spatial policies. These Annual Monitoring Report 2006/7 5 Allerdale Local Development Framework Executive Summary Core Output Indicators not covered by regional or (national) core out- put indicators. Local indicators look closely at The main purpose of output indicators is to issues that are related and relevant to Allerdale measure quantifiable physical activities that Borough, and we aim in the future to develop are directly related to, and are a consequence further indicators to implement over time. of, the implementation of planning policies. The selection of output indicators should be guided Significant effects indicators by the key spatial and sustainability objectives of the local development framework. These indicators assess the significant social, environmental and economic effects of poli- These indicators have to be collected on a cies. They inform monitoring of the impacts of consistent timeframe using a clearly identified policies on sustainability. They will be linked to set of definitions to allow meaningful analysis. the sustainability appraisal objectives and indi- (ODPM Local Development Framework Core cators. Monitoring will enable a comparison Output Indicators 1-9 Update 1/2005 ) between predicted effects and actual effects in implementing policy. In identifying the relation- Local Indicators ship between the LDD Sustainability Appraisal process and the AMR, the AMR is expected to We have developed a range of additional local form the basis for monitoring the indicators in output indicators
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