

' TBADBS DIBEOTOBY .] NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. TAI '76lJ Leigh George, 566 Upper \Voodborough Parnham Thomas, 241 Denman street, Solomon l\laurice, 95A, Upper Parlia- road, Nottingham Radford, Nottingham ment street, Nottingham tLeon H. J. 28 King st. Nottingham Parnill William, Stoneyford road, Sut- Spencer Ernest, 13 Castle gate, Ntnghm Levy Bros. 47 Curzon st. Nottingham ton-in-Ashfield, Nottingham Spencer Henry, 63 Quarry road, Bul­ Levy Philip, 1 Lord's chambers, 84 Up. Parr George, 375 Alfreton road, Rad- well, Nottingham Parliament street, Nottingham ford, Nottingham Sperrey George, 77 Union rd. Nottinghrn Levy Sam, 49 Wollaton st. Nottingham Parrish A. E. 321 Alfred st. nth.Nttghm Starbuck Thomas, Victoria road, Nether• Lewis J. & W. 11A, Broad st. Nottnghm Pearson George, Everton, Bawtry field, Nottingham Lewis Alfred, 9 Woodland pl. Nttnghm Pearson Henry, 1 & 3 Kirkgate, Newark Staton John, 150 Denman street, Lillirnan Benj. 139 Wollaton st. Nttghm tPedder J. Annesley rd. Hucknall Torkrd Radford, Nottingham Littlefair Thomas T. Town Club cham- Peet Chas. W. 15 Wellington st. Nttghm Stevens Alfred, 58 Long row west,Ntngm bers, Wheeler gate, Nottingham Pepper Elijah, Mansfield road, Sutton- Stevens John Wm. 30 Victoriast.Newark tLongdon Joseph, 6 Beaumond cross, in-Ashfield, Nottingham Stevens Thomas, 31 Lord st. Mansfield Newark Perkins George, 25 Park st. Nottingham Stimpson Abel, 71 Portland rd. Nttnghm Lovell Saml. W. 136 London rd.Nttghm Phillips Wm. 165 Sherwood st.nth.Ntgm Stimpson W. 225 Arkwright st.Nttnghm Lyon John, Harby, Lincoln Pidd Charles, 13 Burton st. Nottingham Stokes Edward, Trinity chambers, l\fcKennell Morris, 88 Upper Parlia- Plowright Richard, Easthorpe street, North street, Nottingham ment street, Nottingham Ruddington, Nottingham Stone Henry Benjamin, 37 Milton ~Iagson Thomas, Orston,· Nottingham Plumtree Henry, 18 Burton st. Nttnghm street, Nottingham. See advert tMakemaorn Thos. 7 Severn et. Plunkett Saml. 103 Wilford rd. Nttnghm tStorey George, 14 Park street, Worksop & Carlin street, Bulwell, Not• tPollard John, Woodboro', Nottingham Stubbings & Son, 2 Ryton st.reet,Worksp tingham Pollard Joseph, 50 Coalpit la. Nttnghm Sully Waiter, 66 Birkin av. Nottingham l1alkinson Wm. 15 Woodland pl.Nttghm 1 Poole John, 6 Dilk's yd. Long row.Ntgm Summersfield H. 6 Milton st. Nttnghm 1 Mallender Jn. 24 Bridge st. Worksop '! Porter &; Co. 47 Clumber street, Not- Tacey Wm.Jas.122 Sneinton rd.Ntnghm Maltby E. N. 29 Bentinck rd. Nttnghm. tingham Tailors Alliance, 37 Bridge st. Worksop .Maltby Saml. 26 Broad st. Nottingham I Porter Jn. H. 64 Randolph st. Nttnghrn tTaylor Arthur James, Cemetery road, .Malt by W. Singleton, Park st. Southwellll Poyzer Frederick, 138 Derby road, East Kirk by, N ot.tingham Manley Charles William, 51 ford, Nottingham Taylor G.J.Newcastle st.Tuxford,~ewrk Loscoe road, Carrington, NottinghamlPritchard J. C. & Co. 18 Thurland st. Thompson Chas. Farnsfield, Southwell Mansfield Hy. 8 Crocus st.Nottingham Nottingham Thompson Reuben, 3 Church street, Marchant & Sons, 18 Leeming st.Mansfld 1 Proctor Frederick William, 149 Peas .Mansfield W oodhouse, Mansfield l\farfleet Frederick, 50 Independent st.l Hill road, Nottingham Thompson Wm. 43 Barker gte.Nttnghm Radford, Nottingham [Prosser & Co. 37 St. Ann's Well road; Thomas William George, 156 Alfreton Markham Jn. 18 Pym st. Nottingham 23 Hockley & 36 & 38 Main street, road, Radford, Nottingham Marks Wm.l95 .Mansfield rd. Nottinghm Hulwell, Nottingham Thornhill W.l5 High rd. Beeston,Ntngm tMarsh Arthur, King street, Sutton- Pyzer Wm. Guest, West gate, Southwell Tilley George S. 57 Main street, Bul- in-Ashfield, Nottingham Randall Waiter William (court & mili- well, Nottingham .llarshall & Marriott, Outram street, tary), 15 King street, Nottingham Timson William, 208 St. Ann's Well Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottingham Read Albt. 124 .Main st. Bulwell,Ntnghm road, Nottingham Marshall Charles, King st. Southwell Reddall Wm. E. 229 Alfreton rd.Ntnghm Tomlin5on Hy. 80A, Union rd. Nttnghm l\Iarshall Edwin, 38 City road, Old Renshaw John, Warsop, Mansfield Towers Edwin, 215 Sherwood street Lenton, Nottingham tRichrnond G. W. Radcliffe-on-T.Ntghm north, Nottingham tMarson Sheldon, Bingham, Nottingham Richmond R.C. Nth.Collingham,Newark Tunnicliff J. East Leake, LougnbOrough Martin Thomas, North Leverton, Lincoln Riley Hy. 40 Boden st. Radford,Ntnghrn tTurnbull Craham, 17 North street, Marvin Geo. 211 llk.estonrd. Nottingham Rimes Ernest, 4 Birkin avenue,Ntnghm Nottingham Mason Chas. 94 Woodbaro' rd. Nttnghm Roberts Geo.239Alfred st.central,Ntngm Turner Ernest, 114 Waterway st.Ntngm Mason Joseph, M.isterton, Gainsborough Roberts George, 43 Coalpit la.Ntnghm Turner George, 77 John street,Werksop Mason Wm. East Bridgford, Nttnghm Roberts R.69Up.Parliament st.Nttnghrn Turner Henry, Outram street, Sut­ Matthews & Co. 16 Angel row, Market Roberts Wm. 4'7 Coalpit la. Nottingham ton-in-Ashfield, Nottingham place & 42-4 Derby road, Nottingham Robinson Geo. L. 87 Carol gate, Retford Turner Wm. 16 Exchange wlk.Nttnghrn "tMatthews & Son, 2 Bridge st. Newark Robinson Henry, 116 Hartley road, Twigg Wm.3Market pl.Carringtn.Ntngm Maxwell Henry, 5 Victoria st. Nttnghm Radford, Nottingham Urry Thos. 21 Cooper street, Nottnghm tMerriman & Turner (sporting), Peachey Robirison T. North Carlton, Worksop Vickers Joseph, 49 Pym st. Nottingham street, Nottingham Robinson Thomas, jun. Hucknall tVowles Wm.F. 17 Market st. Nttnghm Merrin Jn. 23 West st. Sneinton,Nttghm Huthwait.e, Mansfi11ld Wakefield Samuel, 46 Agnes st. Ntnghm tMerryweather C. J. 15 Bridge gt.Rtfrd Rodgers James, jun. Laneham, Lincoln Walker Edward, 19 Dowson st.Nttnghm Messent & Co. Old Queen street, Rogers P. & F. 65 Mansfield rd.Nttnghrn Walker E.5 Church st.Lenton, Nttnghm Nottingham Rose Charles, East Markham, Newark Wallis J.&Son,3&5 Peck lane, Nttnghm t.l\filler & Co. Market place, Sutton-in- Rouse E. T. High street, Mansfield Waiters G. T. Kimberley, Nottingham Ashfield, Nottingham Woodhouse, Mansfield Warburton J. 93 Moorgate, Retford Miller Edwd. 58 St. Ann's Well rd.Ntghm, Ryde Harry, 15 Collin street, Nttnghm Ward & Co. 39 Mansfield road, Ntnghrn Miller Fredk. 14 Pepper st. Nottingham Ryley Edwin (jobbing), 58 Northum- Ward Joseph, Bilsthorpe, Southwell Millington L. H. Langar, Nottingham berland street, Nottingham Wardle William, 23 Drury hill,Ntn!;'hm Milrood Louis, 101 Alfreton rd. Nttnghrn Sellars Wm. H. 27 Victoria st. Nttngl.un Warner Jas. 8 Birkin avenue, Nottnghm tMitchell & Marsh, 14 Market st.Ntghm Sharley William Henry, 62 Mansfield tWarnette & Co. City chambers, 8 MonkS. & J. 13 Derby road&; 99 Front road, Nottingham South parade, Nottingham street, Arnold, Nottingham Sharp Thomas, 4 Thurland st. Nttnghrn Warsop Samuel,6 Albert street, Mansfld Morley Hy. 108 Hungerhill rd. Nttnghm Shaw William, 11 Broad st. Nottingham Wass Joseph, Norwell, Newark t:\:lorris Herbert, Portland road, Ruck- Shelton George, Hickling, Meltn.Mwbry Watson George, 66 Ralei~h st. Nttnghm nall Torkard Sheppard William H. 158 Kirke White Watson Jarnes, 40 Manvers street, Morton Edwd. 51 Boden street, Rad- street west, Nottingham Sneinton, Nottingham ford, Nottingham Sherwin J. E. 137 Arkwright st.Nttnghm Watson Wm. 62 Sneinton rd. Nottnghm Moses Isaac, 34A, Milton st. Nottingham Shrimpton A.J.38Burford rd.Nottnghm Webb .Tn. 118 Alfred st.sth. Nottingham Moses R. 179 Alfred st. central, Nttghm Sibley W. & Son, 12 Clumber st.Nttnghm Webster Jn. W. 8 Middle pvmnt.Ntnghm Mountney G. Fiskerton, Rolleston R.S.O Silverberg Joseph, Postern place & Wetton Chas. 35 Clumber st. Mansficld Mountney Wm. Bleasby, Nottingham 5 Pepper street, Nottingham Wetton Thomas, 59 Stockwell gt.Mansfld Mountney William, Easthorpe, Southwll Simpson Henry, 10 Church gate, Retford Wheat Samuel, Rampton, Lincoln Musson George, Cotgrave, Nottingham tSims A. W. & Co. Stapleford, Nttnghm tWhitehead George, Chapel street. Neale Thor;nas, 112 Birkin avenue, Singleton J. H. & Son, 22 Raglan Stapleford, Nottingham Nottingham street, Nottingham Whiten Edward R. 185 Denman street, Niese Rudolph, 2 King's walk, Nttnghm Slater A. H. 53 Sherwin st. Nottingham Radford, Nottingham tNorfolk John Tom, 25, & workroomsltSlatters Limited, 1 Pelham street & 2 Whitworth Richard, Weston, Newark 21A, Market street, Nottingham · Clumber street, Nottingham Whyler Elijah, Thurgarton, Nottnghm .North Henry & Co. Low street, Sutton- Smalley Thomas, Kneesall, Newark Wibberley Tho.3. 6 Matlock st.Nttnghm in-Ashfield, Nottingham Smith & Co. 15 Derby road, Nottinghm Widdowson Jn.234Arkwrightst.Ntnghrn tNorth William, Portland square, Sut- Smith Frederick, 116 Hucknall road. Widdowson Thomas, 159 Quarry road, ton-in-Ashfield, Nottingham Carrington, Nottingham l Bulwell, Nottingham Dliver Wm. H. 7 Senor hill, Manstield tSmith GeorgeB. Calverton, Nottingham Wightrrmn 51 Derby rd.Nttnghm Owen Alfred, 50 Forster st. Radfd.Ntgrn tSmith Thos. 23 London rd. Nottnghm Williams Wm. 2 Mount Pleasant, Ntngm Page Alex. 3 Friar lane, Nottingham Smith William, 37 Beckenham road, Willia.mson Arthur, 153 Waterway tPaling Samuel, Lowdham, Nottingham Radford, Nottingham street, Nottingham tParkinsonA.17 &19 Bridgest. Newark Smyth T. 135 Front street, ArnoJd, Wilson Arthur T. Torworth, Bawtry Parlby Samuel, North Muskham, Newrk Nottingham R.S.O. (Yorks) • .

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