NORTHAMPTO~SHIRE. J TRADES. COA 403 Bushden Town & Institute (Edward Clubs-Ri:fle. ·Northampton St. James' Working Austin, sec.), 3 Manton road, Brackley (G. Mead, sec.), Brackley Men's. Club &; Institute (Edward Rushden Daventry & District Miniature (J. Pinfold, hon. sec.), 1 Abbey street, Wollaston Excelsior & Institute Lim . Scott Alien, hon. sec.), 75 War- St. James's, Northampton .(George Lucy, sec.), W ollaston, wick street, Daventry Northampton Working Men's Onh & Welling borough Miniature (Welford) (George William Institute (E.W.Gardner, sec.; Geo. Bird, sec.), Welford, Rugby Devonshire, steward), 25 St. Giles' Clubs-Bowling. Northampton Town & County Minia- street, Northampton Oundle (Robert Knight, president ; ture (W. H. Hollis, soo.), 59 Vie- Oundle Club & Institute (Ernes1 Tyson Baker, soo.), Oundle toria road, Northampton Streather, sec.), West st. Oundle Wellingborough Limited, Church st. Club-Rowing. Pitsford Village Institute· (W. T. Welling borough Hastilow, sec.), PitE>ford, Nthmpto Oundle (C. A. Pulley, hon. sec.), Q , p k (E t w Ch t West street, Oundle ueen s ar rnes m. a er, Club-Chess. sec.), 27 Cranbrook road, Queen's Northampton (W. T. Church, hon. Clubs-Working Men's. park, Northampton sec.), Abington st. Northampton Alien Road (Ernest E. Knight, sec.), Ruth well Working- Men's C'lub & In- Finedon, W ellingborough stitute Lim. (William Parker, sec. ; Clubs-Cricket. Bozeat (George Dobbs, manager; Alburn Ginns, steward), Bridge st. Bad by (William Bull, hon. sec.), Charles Bell Drage, sec.), Bozeat, Rothwell, Kettering Badby, Daventry Wellingborough Rushden (John Carrington, sec.), Grif· Biakegley Hall (John Franklin, sec.), Brnfield (Roland Jones, sec.), Bra- fi.th street, Rushden ~lakesley, Towcester field, Northampton St. Crispin's (George Clarke, sec.), 47 Brackley (J. Smart, sec.), Brackley Britannia. (John Knight, sec.), Burton Craven street, Northampton Daventry Early Closing (S. Collett, Latimer, Ketteriiig St. James's Church Institute (J. A. sec.), 76 Warwick street, Daventry Broughton & Cransley (C. Lyles, Harris, hon. sec.), Spencer Bridge Flare (Rev. A. J. Beedle M . .A.. capt.; sec.), Broughton, Kettering road, St. James's, Northampton Fdk. .A.mos. hon. sec.).. Flore,Weedn Burton Latimer (T. Janes, sec.), Bur- Semilong District (F. Bailey, sec.)~ King's Sutton (Wm. Gregory, hon. ton Latimer, Kettering Leslie road & St. .A.ndrew's road,... sec.), King's Sutton, Banbury Chelveston (Harry Mitchell, se<:.), Northampton Long Buckby Town (Wm. Robinson, Cheiveston, Higham Ferrers Stanwick (Charles Neal, sec.), Stan--. hon. sec.), Station road, Long Cogenhoe (.A.. Bedford, sec.), Cogen- wick, Wellingborough Bnckby, Rugby hoe, Northampton Thorpe Malsor Village (Charles Stur-.. Northamptonshire County (A. Joseph Conservative & Unionist (John E. man, manager), Thorpe Malsor,.. Darnell, hon. sec.; L. ~- Tebbutt Walker, sec.), Low. Weedon,Weedn Kettering F.C.I.I. hon. organising sec.); Daventry (W. 0. Howell, sec.; Saml. Towcester Conservative (S. C. Sim--· office, 1 Wood hill; ground, .A.bing- Franklin, steward), 14 High street, monds, hon. sec. ),High st. TowcesteJt · ton av. & Wantage rd.Northampton Daventry . , Upper Field Street (John Harper,.. Oundle (E. Streather, hon. sec.), De,;bo~ough Workmg Mens Club & sec.; Robin Keech, steward), 54 Benefield road, Oundle Inst1tu_te Ltd. (George Luck, sec.), Upper Field street, Kettering Preston Capes (Albert King Cooper, Desborough, Market Harborough Vocal & Instrumental Working Men'w hon. sec.), Preston Capes, Byfield Earls Barton Unit:ed (William Lord, Club & Institute (The) (George · Spratton (Albert Welch, sec.), Sprat- sec.; John .A.ustm, treasurer), Earla Perldns,sec.),26 Bailiff st.Nrthmptn ton Northampton Barton, Northampton Welling-borough Working Men's Club ' . Far Cotton Working Men's Club & Co. Limited (H. Hemming, sec. ; Club-?y~hng. Institute (.A.. A.. Labrum, sec.), .A.rt.hur Keech, manager), Church, Thrapston & D1stnct Cycling & Main rd. Far Cotton, Northampton street, Wellingborough Athletic (Waiter Dellar, hon. sec.), Finedon (Andrew Wood, sec.), :Fine- West End Club & Institute (William., Thrapston don, Wellingborough Rowthorn, sec.), West st. Rush den Cl b F tb Geddington (John Patrick, sec.), Wollaston Working Men's Club Ltd'.... u s- oo a 11 • Geddington, Kettering (John Green, sec.), Wollaston,._ Daventry United (.A.lbert Jeffery, Irchester (George Bowen, sec.), Wellingborough sec.), 19 North street, Daventry Irchester, Wellingborongh Woodbine (William Lawrence, sec.) •.. King's Sutton (Oliver Wm. Compton, Irthlingborough Working Men's Club Raunds, Wellingborough hon. sec.), King's Sutton, Banbury & Institute Society Limited (Edwd. Northampton (.A.. E. Orton, hon. Butler, sec.), Irthlingborough, COACH & CARRIAGE BLDRS... sec.), Plough hotel, Bridge street, 'W ellingborough See Carriage & Motor Car Body Bldrs. Northampton · Kettering Argyle Club & Institute Oundle (Lord Lilford, president; J. Limited .(William S. Townley, sec.; COACH IRONMONGERS. W. Brown, hon. sec.), Rock road, James. Langley, steward), 8 Argyll Boswell Peter & Sons, 31, 32, 35, 36 & Oundle street, Kettering 36a, Borough rd S E ; 69 Lancaster Peterborough (G. A. Stedham, sec.), Kettering Socialist Club (Charles st S E & 52 Earl st S E, London; Peterborough Martin, sec.}, Dalkeith pl.Kettering all kinds of coach, van, cart & Clubs Girls'. Kettering Church Institute & Working motor ironwork kept in stock or Men's Club (Charles W. Smith, made to order; orders for break• Municipal (Mrs. 'Poper, supt.), Park sec.; David Warren, caretaker), down or urgent work executed road, Peterborough Newland street, Kettering Northampton Working (Miss Downs, Kettering (Ernest Rice, pres.; Harry same day as received. Telegrams, hon. sec.), 49 College st. Nrthmptn Shepherd, treas. ; Frank Sturgess, "Wheelband, London;" Telephone No. 81 Hop Clubs-Golf. sec.; Herbert Vicary, steward),Wel­ lington street, Kettering COACH PAINTER. Daventry & District (Herbert J. Vick, Kettering Village (Charles Sturman, hon .. sec.), High street, Daventry mgr.), Thorpe Malsor, Kettering !.bbott Charles Herbert, Wellington Kettermg (Alfred Henry B_ryan, hon. Kingsley Park (Wm. Lilford, sec.), street, Kettering __ sec.), Headlands, Kettermg Kingsley Park ter. Northampton · Northampton (Her~rert Norman, sec.), 'Kingsthorpe Church Institute, Kings- COAL AGENTS. Kettermg roa;c~, :Northampton well rd. Kingsthorpe, Northampton See Agents-Coal & Colliery. Northamptonshire (L. H. Gay, sec.), Long Buckby (John Hill,sec.),Church Church Brampton, Northampton street. Long Buckby, Rugby COAL DEALERS. Club-Ladies' Men's Own Institute (George Robin- Barrett J ames, 49 Junction rd.Kings­ . son, hon.sec. ), Dalkeith pl.Ketterng ley park, Northampton Northampton (C . .A.. Markham, sec.), Mill Road (William Orme, sec.), 254 Berridge William Ambler, ro Com- 33 Marefair, Northampton Mill road, Wellingborough mercial street, Northampton Clubs-Lawn Tennis. Monk's Park Working Men's Club & Botterill E.A. Rothersthorpe,Nthmptn Brackley (N. B. Avery, l!!ec.),Brackley InstitutP (George Whit worth, sec.), Boyall Hy. Ailsworth, Peterborough Wellingborough (H. W. .A.shdown, 268 Wellingborough rd. Northmptn Bnrge .A.lbert, Yardley Hastings, sec.), Outlaw 'lane, We1lingborougb Moulton (Samuel Tebbutt, sec.), Northampton Moulton, Northampton Canvin W. T. & Son, Denshanger, Clubs-Quoit. North Park (Waiter Goosey, sec.), Stony Stratford City (C . .A.. Wragg, sec.), 36 East- Wood street, Kettering Canvin A.E.Denshanger,StonvStratfrd gate, Peterborough Northampton Conservative (Harry "'""'rl"ll Wm. ':19 Ethel st. Northmptn Oundle (Robert Knight, president; Packer, sec.; Wm. Walker, mgr.), Clark Isaac, Raunds, Wellingborough Tyson Baker, hon. sec.), Oundle Whit worth road, Northampton Clarke .A.lfred, Roade, Northampton NORTHANTS. 26* .
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